chapter 3book

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新教材课件,增城市职业技术学校课题组,2007,年,7,月,CHAPTER,3,Identify sections of the department store,Number 1,Number 3,Number 4,Lesson 1 Where Can I Find The Pots and Pans,Pair practice:,Practice the conversation with your partner,A: Excuse me. where can I find the pots and pans, please!,B: They are in the,housewares,department.,A: Where is that?,B: The,housewares,department is on the first floor, in the back,near the shoe department .,A: Thank you.,Enjoy the flash and,finish the following exercises,Location,1,2,3,4,There are 2 fish _ the fish bowl.,The bowl is _ the tea table.,She is _ the door.,She is _ the flower.,in,on,behind,near,Game time:,Finding someone,find someone around the class and fill the blanks,Will you buy,name,buy Men,s t-shirt in the shop in this year,buy Jewelry for mother in this year,buy Sporting goods in NIKE in this year,buy furniture in B&J in this year,buy books in the entertainment shop,Assignment -Group work,Work in the group of three or four to write a future story,about what will happen to these two people in the future.,Use “ will” in your sentences.,Lesson 2,I Might Buy Earrings,Grammar,Might /may / will,Use might or may for future possibility,Use will for future certainty,.,She s going on vacation in December.,_,Theyre going to rent a movie tonight.,_,Hes going to buy a new book tomorrow.,_,She might go to Florida or she may go to Las Vegas.,They might rent “The Lion King” or they may rent “Forrest Gump”,He might buy the newest crazy English book or .,Listening,Answer the question.Use contraction and probably in your answer then listen and check your answers,When will Arnold be back?( soon),_,When will Jennifer get a job?(next summer),_,When will you go to the supermarket?(tomorrow),_,Hell probably beck soon.,Shell probably get a job next summer,.,Ill probably go to the supermarket tomorrow.,I am tall.,Marry is taller than me.,Lisa is the tallest in my class,.,Use the pictures below to say sentences,love,delicious,cheap,romantic,Work in the group of six,Ask each other following questions and fill the blanks,How high are you?,When do you wake up in the morning ?,Do you live close to/far from school?,shortest,tallest,early,late,close,far,name,Lesson 3 Customer Service,CUSTOMER SERVICE,REFUNDS,EXCHANGES,COMPLAINTS,CREDIT,APPLICATIONS,Tell a story about this picture,Which frame is the largest?,Which one is the smallest?,Which one is the cheaper?,Which one is the most expensive,?,Iis the wrong size.,I cant close it.,I cant turn it on.,It looks ugly?,I cant walk in them,.,The zipper is broken.,There s stain on the sleeve.,I doesnt fit.,The heels are loose.,It doesnt work.,c,a,e,b,d,Write the names of departments,in the pictures below,Childrens cloth store,Furniture,Toy store,Cosmetic,Electronics,Jewelry,Assignment,Visit a big store after the class,and draw a map about it to,tell us names of sections in the store,.,Lets go shopping!,Bye Bye!,


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