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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,*,Chapter 8,PLANT ASSETS,固定资产,2024/9/15,1,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,INTRODUCTION,Noncurrent,tangible assets.,非流动性的有形资产,Acquired for use in the operation of the business.,企业的经营活动获得的使用中的资产,The accounts that make up plant assets appear on the balance sheet after current assets,(,流动资产,),and long-term investments.,在资产负债表中,固定资产列示在流动资产、长期投资之后。,Other titles for plant assets are fixed assets;property and equipment; and property,plant,and equipment.,明细科目包括具体的固定资产,;,产权和设备、财产,厂房和设备,。,Plant assets should be expected to last for more than one accounting period.,固定资产应将持续超过一个会计期间。,Plant assets are usually depreciable property except for land.,除了土地之外,固定资产通常应计折旧。,Examples: buildings, office machines,比如:建筑物、办公用机器设备,2024/9/15,2,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Accounting for plant assets,固定资产的会计处理,Acquisition,获得时处理,Disposal(discard,sell,exchange,),清理时处理(放弃、出售和交换),Depreciation,折旧,2024/9/15,3,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Valuation of plant assets at acquisition,固定资产取得时入账价值,For,one piece,: reasonable and necessary expenditure,单一购买:合理且必要的开支。,For,lump-sum,purchase,:allocating to the various assets purchased according their fair market value.,一揽子购买:,根据其购买,时,公平市场价值分配到不同的资产,。,Plant assets can be acquired with long-term,notes payable.,(In such case,a,ssets are recorded at the present value of the consideration exchanged,),可以用长期应付票据取得固定资产(,在这种情况下,资产,以合理,交换的现值,来,记录,),2024/9/15,4,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Asset Acquisition:one piece,Asset price,for getting the asset to the desired location,.,为获得资产达到理想状态的支出,for getting the asset ready for use.,为获得资产达可供使用状态的支出,Cost,=,Reasonable and necessary costs . . .,合理的且必要的支出,+,2024/9/15,5,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Determining Cost,成本的确定,On May 4, Heat Co., an Ohio,(,俄亥俄州),maker of stoves,(,炉灶,), buys a new machine from a Texas,(,德克萨斯州,德州,),company. The new machine has a price of $52,000. Sales tax was computed at 8%.,Heat Co. pays $500 shipping cost to get the machine to Ohio. After the machine arrives, set-up costs of $1,300 are incurred, along with $4,000 in testing costs.,Compute the cost of Heat Co.s new machine.,2024/9/15,6,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Determining Cost,2024/9/15,7,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Lump-Sum (or Basket,篮子,)Purchases of Assets,Basket Purchase,一,揽子购买,The purchase of two or more assets acquired together at a,single price,.,以单一收购价格购买两种或两种以上的资产,Relative Market Valuation,相关市场价值,A way of allocating a basket purchase price to the individual assets acquired based on,their respective market,values.(example:page 166),一种基于各自的市场价值来分配一个揽子购买时的个别资产的收购价格,2024/9/15,8,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Acquisition of plant assets with note payable,以应付票据获得固定资产,In such situation, in order to be in accordance with the,cost principle, the recorded cost of an asset purchased on credit is based on one of the following, whichever is,more objective and reliable,:,在这种情况下,为了按照历史成本原则,一项赊购资产的购置成本是基于下列条件之一的,哪个更客观、可信来确定:,the cash equivalent price,现金等价物价值,(market value) and,the,present value,of the future cash payments required by the debt agreement discounted at the prevailing (market) interest rate for that type of debt,未来支付现金的现值:基于以现行利率或市场利率为贴现率的债券的贴现值,2024/9/15,9,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Acquisition of plant assets with note payable,以应付票据获得固定资产,Example: on May 1,2003,Fesler, Inc. purchased equipment,paying $3000 down,and issuing a note payable. The note required,four annual payments,of,$2500,with the first payment due on May 1, 2004. The note is,noninterest,-bearing. The prevailing market rate of interest on notes of this kind is,12%,. The useful life of the equipment was estimated,10 years,and no salvage value.,Prepare the required journal entries on May 1, 2003 and (year-end).,2003.5.1,,,Fesler, Inc.,以首付款和应付票据方式购买一台设备。第一次支付在,2004.5.1,,分四年支付,每年支付,2005,美元。此应付票据是无息票据,此票据的当前市场利率是,12%,设备的有效期,10,年,并假定无残值。,2024/9/15,10,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Acquisition of plant assets with note payable,Annuity payment $2500,PVA$1 ,n=4, I=12%,3.03735,PV of note(rounded) $7593,Down payment,3000,(分期付款中的)头期款,Cost of equipment,$10593,5/1,Equipment 10593,Discount on Note payable 2407,Cash 3000,Notes payable 10000,12/31 Interest expense 607,Discount on Note payable 607,($7593*12%*8/12=$607),Depreciation exp. 706,Accu,.,Depr,. 706,($10593*1/10*8/12=706),2024/9/15,11,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Discard,放弃,Sell for monetary,(货币的、财政的),consideration,出售,Exchange for,noncash,assets,非现金资产交换,Disposal of Plant Assets,固定资产清理,$,2024/9/15,12,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Accounting for Disposalof Plant Assets,:,discard,固定资产的会计处理:放弃,Fixtures cost:,固定资产成本,$4,000,Accumulated depreciation:,累计折旧,$3,000,Book value,:,账面价值,$1,000,Accumulated Depreciation3,000,Loss on Disposal,清理损失,1,000,Store Fixtures4,000,To dispose of store fixtures,2024/9/15,13,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Selling,a Plant Asset,教材,167-168,页,For book value: no gain or loss,(example 1),Above book value: a gain is recorded,(example 2),Below book value:a loss is recorded,(example 3),2024/9/15,14,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,For students,On September 30, 2005, Evans Map Company sells a machine that,originally cost,(原始成本),$100,000 for $60,000 cash. The machine was,placed in service,(投入运行),on January 1, 2000.,It has been depreciated using the straight-line method with an estimated salvage value of $20,000 and an estimated useful life of 10 years.,使用直线法折旧,预计残值,20000,美元,预计使用,10,年,Lets answer the following questions.,2024/9/15,15,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,The amount of depreciation recorded on 2005,to bring depreciation up to date is:,a.$8,000.,b.$6,000.,c.$4,000.,d.$2,000.,Annual Depreciation:,($100,000- $20,000) 10 Yrs = $8,000,Depreciation to Sept. 30:,9/12 $8,000 = $6,000,2024/9/15,16,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,After updating the depreciation, the machines book value on September 30, 2005, is:,a.$54,000.,b.$46,000.,c.$40,000.,d.$60,000.,2024/9/15,17,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,The machines sale resulted in:,a.a gain of $6,000.,b.a gain of $4,000.,c.a loss of $6,000.,d.a loss of $4,000.,2024/9/15,18,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Prepare the journal entry to record the sale.,2024/9/15,19,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Exchanges of Plant Assets,Types of Accounting Rationale,基本,原理,Exchange Guidance,会计处理原则,Dissimilar,Recognize gain,Earnings process,assets and losses is complete,收入,已完成,确认收入和损失,Similar Recognize loss; Earnings process,assets (,cash,is partially,received,partial gain,部分收入,complete,Similar Recognize loss;,Earnings process,assets (,No,Defer gain,延期,确认收入,is not complete,cash received,),2024/9/15,20,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Exchanges,of,similar,Assets,Example : Land for land, truck for truck, etc. In this case but,on-going,(持续的,正在进行的),.,Losses should always be recorded,according to Conservatism principle,。,这种情况是经常发生的,应根据稳健性原则确认交易损失。,2024/9/15,21,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Exchanges,of,similar,Assets,Businesses often trade in their old plant assets for similar assets that are newer and more efficient.,公司经常以旧固定资产换取更新、更有效率的相似的资产。,2024/9/15,22,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Exchanges,of,similar,Assets,Assume that an old asset is exchanged for a similar new asset with a,list price,(,标价,),of $400 000. The old assets fair market value is $140 000. (,Trade in allowance,贸易补贴,),$400 000 List price,-140 000,Trade in allowance,$260 000 Amount paid,2024/9/15,23,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets, Gain, Cash Paid,(Deferred gain,延期确认收益,),Gains are not recognized.(because the earning process is not complete.),收益未实现。(因为获得过程没有完成),The,new assets cost=the book value of the old asset + the amount paid,(=the fair value of the new asset-deferred gain),新资产的成本,=,旧资产账面价值,+,支付的数额,=,新资产的公允价值,-,延期确认收益,Example 4(page 169),2024/9/15,24,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets, Gain, Cash Paid,(Deferred gain),Example 4,Old truck,Cost $300 000,Acc.,Drepr,. 180 000,List price 400 000,Fair market value 140 000,2024/9/15,25,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets, Gain, Cash Paid,(Deferred gain),The entry would be,;,Truck (new) 380 000,Acc.,Drepr,180 000,Truck (old) 300 000,Cash 260 000,Note:,Fair market value =,Trade-in allowance,Cash paid: $400 000 (cost) ,140 000,= $260 000,The gain $20 000 is not recorded. (140 000-120 000),2024/9/15,26,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets,(Deferred gain),Davis company exchanges Ford cars for GM cars from,Nertz,company.,Fair value of Ford cars: $ 160,000.,Book value of Ford cars: $ 135,000(Cost, $150,000;,Accu,.,Depr, $ 15,000),Cash paid to,Nertz,: $ 10,000,Fair value of GM cars:,($160,000 + $ 10,000) =$ 170,000,Record the purchase in Davis books,.,2024/9/15,27,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets,(Deferred gain),GM Cars,Acc.,Depr,. (Ford) 15,000,Ford cars (old) 150,000,Cash 10,000,( BV+cash paid=135000+10000=145000),145,000,2024/9/15,28,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets: loss,Losses are recognized.,The new asset is recorded at the fair market value of the assets exchanged.,2024/9/15,29,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets: loss,Example 5,Suppose in Ex.4,Fair market value (old): $90 000,The loss is $30 000. ($90 000-120 000),No fair market value (new truck); nor trade in allowance; and no cash involved.,2024/9/15,30,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets: loss,Example 5,The entry would be,;,Truck (new) 90 000,Acc.,Drepr,180 000,Loss on Exchange of Plant Assets 30 000,Truck (old) 300 000,2024/9/15,31,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets: loss,Truck #1 (You) Truck #2,Cost $35,000 FMV $20,000,A/D,10,000,BV 25,000,FMV 15,000,Loss = $10,000,To,record:,A/D10,000,Loss10,000,Truck #2,Truck #1 35,000,15,000,2024/9/15,32,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets:loss;cash paid,Losses are recognized,确认损失,The new asset is recorded at the,fair market value,of the asset exchanged plus,cash paid,.,以交换资产的公平市场价值加现金支付来记录新资产的成本。,2024/9/15,33,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets:loss;cash paid,Truck #1 (You)Truck #2,Cost$12,000 FMV $13,000,A/D,4,000,BV 8,000,FMV (#1) 6,000,Loss = $2,000,FMV (#1) 6,000,+ cash paid,7,000,Total,13,000,2024/9/15,34,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Similar Assets: loss; cash paid,To record:,Truck #2,A/D,(,Accu,.,Dep,),4,000,Loss 2,000,Truck #112,000,Cash 7,000,13,000,2024/9/15,35,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Dissimilar Assets,For example: Sold a truck with a cost of $34,000, A/D of $23,000 for cash of $6,000 and a piece of land with a FMV of $9,000.,To record:,A/D 23,000,Cash 6,000,Land,Truck34,000,Gain 4,000,9,000,2024/9/15,36,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Dissimilar Assets,Your truck for Land,Cost $80,000 FMV$60,000,A/D,(10,000),BV 70,000,To record:,A/D10,000,Loss10,000,Land,Truck 80,000,60,000,2024/9/15,37,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Does the expenditure increase capacity,or efficiency or extend useful life?,支出是否增加能力和效率或延长寿命?,Capital Expenditures:,Record an asset,Expenses:,Record an expense,Capital Expenditures versusRevenue Expenditures,资本性支出与收益性支出,Yes,No,2024/9/15,38,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Capital Expenditures versusRevenue Expenditures,Capital Expenditures,-,Major additions,主要附加物(补充资产),-Betterments,修缮经费,-Extraordinary repairs,重大维修,Revenue expenditures,Ordinary repairs,普通维修,2024/9/15,39,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Major additions,Major additions to assets include such things as adding a new wing,(,翅膀,),to a factory building or a new floor to an office building.,主要的补充资产包括诸如添加一个新的工厂建筑物或办公大楼新的一层。,Such expenditures should be debited to the appropriate asset accounts.,此类支出应记入适当的资产帐户。,2024/9/15,40,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Betterments,Betterments are capital expenditures that improve the quality or utility of the asset.,修缮经费是资本性支出,能提高产品质量和资产的实用性。,For example, replacing narrow doors with wider,automatic doors to allow access by,the handicapped,(,残疾人,),.,例如,以较宽的自动门取代较窄的门,以便残疾人进出。,The cost and accumulated depreciation of the old doors, if available, should be removed from the accounts and the cost of the new doors should be added to the asset account.,如果资料齐全,旧门的成本及折旧将被注销,新门的成本将在其基础上增加新增的部分价值。,2024/9/15,41,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Extraordinary repairs,Extraordinary repairs are capital expenditures that,extend the useful life of the asset or increase its estimated salvage value,.,重大维修是资本支出,延长资产的使用寿命或增加其估计残值。,Journal entry of Extraordinary repairs is:,accumulated depreciation-equipment *,cash *,Example: page 172,2024/9/15,42,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Depreciation,折旧,The allocation of the cost of a plant asset to expense in the periods in which services are received from the asset.,折旧是指固定资产的价值随着其服务的期限逐步转移的过程,Adjusting entry for depreciation:,Depreciation expense,折旧费用,Accumulated depreciation,累计折旧,2024/9/15,43,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Depreciation,IncomeStatement,DepreciationExpense,折旧费用,Depreciation forthe current year,BalanceSheet,AccumulatedDepreciation,累计折旧,Total depreciation todate of balance sheet,2024/9/15,44,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Factors In Computing Depreciation,影响折旧的因素,1,.,Cost,原始价值,2.,Useful life,使用寿命,3,.Salvage value,残值,2024/9/15,45,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Annual depreciation expense =,Cost - estimated salvage value,Estimated useful life,Straight-Line Method,直线法,2024/9/15,46,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Step 1,Depreciation expense per unit of output =,Cost - estimated salvage value,Estimated total production,Step 2,Depreciation expense for current year =,Depreciation per Actual output,unit of output for current year,x,Units-of-Production Method,单位产品折旧法,2024/9/15,47,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Larger amounts charged early in the assets life,在资产使用的早期折旧计提的数额比较大,Lesser amounts as asset,ages,(逐步老化),在资产使用的后期折旧计提的数额比较少,Including,Double-Declining-Balance Method and,Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method,包括:双倍余额递减法和年数总和法,Accelerated Methods,加速折旧法,2024/9/15,48,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Double-Declining-Balance Method,The double-declining balance depreciation rate is 200% of the straight-line depreciation rate of 1/Useful Life.,2024/9/15,49,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method,Annual DepreciationExpense,=,(,Cost Estimated Savage Value),Remaining Life in Years,Sum-of-the-Years Digits,2024/9/15,50,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,Revision of Depreciation Rates,修正折旧率,Determination of depreciation involves initial estimates (life, salvage value.),折旧的确定包括一些初始估计(比如:使用寿命、估计残值),When these estimates are revised, we re-compute depreciation.,当这些估计值发生变化时,就必须重新计算折旧。,These revised depreciation expenses apply prospectively to the remaining life of asset,。,这种修正的折旧费用取决于资产的预期剩余使用年限。,These changes do not affect,prior periods,(前期),.,这种变化不会影响前期折旧额。,2024/9/15,51,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,2024/9/15,52,湖南工程学院国际教育学院,


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