仁爱八年级英语Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C

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The train leaves at 10:00 p. m. and _ _ Mount Huang Railway Station at 11:00 a. m.,B:,All right. What about the _?,A:,We have tickets _ 360 for the soft sleeper and 240 for the hard sleeper. _ _ do you want?,B:,Id like 8 tickets _ the hard sleeper.,A:,Eight hard sleeper tickets. OK. Please _ _ the tickets before 18:00. And _ _ _ your name, please?,B:,Sure. My name is Cheng Tao.,A:,And your _ _?,B:,Its 13563856358. Thanks.,A:,Its my pleasure.,What can I do for you?,book some tickets,arrives at,price,at,Which kind,for,pay for,may I have,Complete and act out the dialog.,phone number,6,Ask and answer:,train tickets:,1452,+,room:,502,tickets to Mount Tai:,60,food, drink & photos:, 100,=,550,+,+,Whats the price of the hard sleeper to Mount Tai?,What does a standard room with two single beds cost?,How long are they going to stay in the hotel?,How much does the trip to Mount Tai cost?,145,100,2 nights,7,Talk,Each of the students needs at least 550 for the trip. Thats a lot of money.,What should you do if you need so much money for your trip?,Ask parents for it?,Use your pocket money or lucky money?,Borrow it from somebody?,Make money by yourself? But how?,How will,Kangkang,and his friends deal with the problem?,The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.,Why dont we put on a show to raise money?,Lets sell old books.,I think we can sell flowers to raise money at the weekend.,Match the following ideas about how to raise money with the pictures.,3a,1,2,3,4,_,_,Work in groups and discuss which idea above is the best. And why? Write down the key points,and,your ideas.,3b,Key points:,Your ideas:,The best way to raise money is to .,10,Read 1a and match the words with their meanings.,1b,common,raise,special,order,serve,to collect money,to ask for food or drinks in a restaurant or hotel,happening often,different from what is normal,to give somebody food or drinks during the meal,You can guess the meaning of a new word by looking at the words around it.,11,New words,Canadian,adj.,dollar,draw,n. & v.,king,Canada,n.,queen,12,Read and understand.,1a,13,Read 1a again and put the sentences in the correct order.,1c,1,4,3,2,Each student spends one dollar buying a ticket.,The student has a special lunch.,The headmaster greets the student in the morning.,One students ticket is drawn and he or she will be the king or queen.,14,Answer the,questions,.,What are the special rights for the “king” or “queen”?,Sit in the headmasters chair for the day and can use the headmasters mobile phone to call home.,Get a special lunch.,“,特权”,The headmaster greets him and carries his/her books.,How much does each student pay for the draw?,One dollar.,15,Retell 1a according to the key words.,common, think of, King or Queen, cost one dollar, draw, winning ticket, arrive, greet, carry, sit, mobile phone, special lunch,16,Key & difficult points in 1a.,It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.,It is very popular for students in Canada and the USA to raise money. (They often / usually do these kinds of things. ),It,cost,s each student one dollar,to buy,a ticket for the draw.,Each student,spend,s one dollar,buying,a ticket for the draw.,Each student,pay,s one dollar,for,the draw.,After all the tickets are sold, one ticket is drawn.,After the students sell out all the tickets, they draw one ticket.,Read and complete the letter with the correct forms of the given words.,2,Dear Li,Wei, Sunday, April 7th,How are you?,I have some great news _ (tell) you. Next week, were going on a spring field trip. You know, spring is the best time _ (climb) Mount Tai. There are many interesting places _ (visit) there. Mount Tai is in,Taian, Shandong. So we decided _ (take) the train.,Kangkang,helped us _ (book) the train tickets. I also called _ (book) some rooms.,Many of us didnt have enough money, so Michael advised us _ (raise) money, such as putting on a show, and _ (sell) flowers and old books. Its so exciting!,Im,looking forward to hearing from you,.,Yours,Maria,to tell,to climb,to visit,to take,(to) book,to book,to raise,selling,Find out and learn the sentences with the infinitive.,I hope to get letters from you very much.,1.,我有一些令人兴奋的事告诉你。,I have_ _ _ _ _ you.,2.,你们的任务就是查明旅行费用。,Your task is _ _ _the cost of the trip.,3.,在卖完票后,他们开始抽奖。,After they sold out tickets, they_ _ _.,4.,我期待着去泰山的旅行。,Im _ _ _ the trip to Mount Tai.,some exciting news to tell,to find out,began to draw,looking forward to,Exercise,We learn:,New words and phrases:,raise (money), king, queen, common, Canadian, dollar, forward, look forward to,The infinitive:,The best way,to raise money,is,to sell newspapers,.,Why dont we put on a show,to raise money,?,Summary,We can:,Talk about money raising activities and choose the best one.,Use the infinitive:,登泰山的最好时间,the best time to climb Mount Tai,决定乘火车,decide to take the train,建议我们去筹钱,advise us to raise money,Summary,Discuss with your classmates and think about more ways of raising money and write them down.,Project,Review the key points in Section A - C.,Collect more verbs with the structure “v. + to do,sth,. ” and “v. +,sb,. + to do,sth,. ”,Preview Section D.,Homework,23,The end.,Thanks!,


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