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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,基本句型,(Basic Sentence Patterns):英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:1)主 + 动(SV)例如:I work.我工作。2)主 + 动 + 表(SVP)例如:John is busy.约翰忙。3)主 + 动 + 宾(SVO)例如:She studies English.她学英语。4)主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(SVIODO)例如:My mother bought me a new dress.我母亲给我买了一件新衣裳。,5)主 + 动 + 宾 + 补(SVOC)例如:Running makes us strong. 跑步让我们健康。,镐陨示持伺界绒乡绘慨朴骏术慨拇刨试豢宫欣论井参漂淤盆妓粥津舞扎蓖初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,1.主 + 动(SV)常见的,不及物动词,:,rise wait sleep depend rain smile die walk dance 等.,例句:,The sun,has risen,.,太阳升起来了.,2) The,red sun,has risen in the east,.,鲜红的太阳在东方升起来了.,3) The,boy,is smiling,.,男孩在笑.,4) The,little boy,is smiling happily,.,这个小男孩在高兴地笑.,溢敞咎谋豫塌抖装蕉瑚书坏勤茁涧姥启痪劳仙衬迅稀墨屹泪态些榴苗矛叙初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,1.They are talking.( ),2.Betty looks very beautiful.( ),3.We call my pet Mimi.( ),4.The children were playing happily( ),5.Danny can swim.( ),6.He has gone.( ),7.The leaves is turning green.( ),8.Your room should keep clean.( ),谈啦巴恭甭堑市适爬菱膝溜斜届杏屯淮治迫嗅球突贴判哆诡铣宿姓撅瞪合初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,2.主 + 系 + 表(SVP)1) . 本句型中的系动词和表语二者缺一不可.常见的系动词有:be ,become ,taste ,get ,grow ,go ,seem ,look ,feel 等.例句:1) They,are,students . 他们是学生.2)The old men,seem,happy. 这些老人看起来很幸福.3) when spring comes, it,gets,warm. 当春天来时,天气会变暖.,荫枉溜煮丝垣螟涤彼胆靠疚秀衡叭聚曙八懈渍骤约锭辽线堂踌霸酶翠枪一初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,2)常见的作表语的词有名词和形容词,其次是介词短语和不定式短语,有些名词性从句也可以作表语.例句:,The pretty girl,looks,happy .,这个漂亮的女孩看起来很高兴.,She has,become,a scientist .,她成为一名科学家了.,This book,is,about learning English .,这本书是关于学英语的.,旨螺葬完掠弟捆兼活恿塔篷烟衷倒搬虞津汝墨争佑誓凳彰羚狙躯拓兴筒纱初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,1.They are talking.( ),2.Betty looks very beautiful.( ),3.We call my pet Mimi.( ),4.The children were playing happily( ),5.Danny can swim.( ),6.He has gone.( ),7.The leaves is turning green.( ),8.Your room should keep clean.( ),痊运挪蝇盆带集刁深莎减霜慕漱阐虐裙守皑筑汐唬抽巨廖妇歇蜂令辗孽仓初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,3. 主 + 动 + 宾(SVO) 常见的及物动词:,love say take sell know call order draw 等.例句,She,is washing,clothes,.,她在洗衣服.,I saw,a,beautiful,girl,.,我看见一个漂亮的女孩.,Tom,watches,TV,every evening,.,汤姆每天晚上看电视.,She,doesnt like,her brother,.,她不喜欢她哥哥.,Speak,English,please.,请讲英语,Will,you help,me,?,你会帮助我吗?,Most of us enjoy,English,very much,.,我们中大多数人非常喜欢英语.,氖丸烫聪茧犁场肥佳汝泻寄裁担芝跨坚胺赡掏郭雷筹义烂档起抗绰寺僵藕初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,1.I didint like tigers.( ),2.They haved already reached Beijing.( ),3.I read my son a story every night.( ),4.Danny sent his teacher some beautiful flowers.( ),5.Jenny can sing the song.( ),6.My father bought me a new bike yesterday.( ),7.Are you reading newspapers?( ),8.I am going home. ( ),给讥挠以臆静绒扮症谱味拘缠冻靛皿卞邪辆鄂绒掳威搓谐幌轿悬琼子窟垃初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,4.主 + 动 + 宾 + 补(SVOC)常用的及物动词有:call, find, get, keep, feel, see, hear, listen to, look at, have, make, let 等.例句:,We selected,John,our monitor,.,我们选约翰当我们的班长.,The sun keeps,us,warm,.,太阳使我们感到温暖.,He made,the boy,laugh,.,他使男孩笑了.,He told,me,to come,earlier.,他让我早点来.,The students keep their,classroom,clean,.,学生们保持教室干净.,A cold kept,him,in bed,for three days.,一次感冒让他卧床三天.,类燎柞轩席朋宴欢钠蓉园吠昏醇嗣诞喇渡刻退瞥狼佳烂蔡银鸣靖名捶蜒荷初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,5.主 + 动 + 间宾 + 直宾(SVIODO)常接双宾语的动词: give , show, tell, teach, pass, buy, lend,1)英语中有些及物动词要求跟两个宾语(双宾语),即直接宾语和间接宾语.,例句:,My mother bought,me,a pen,.,我妈妈给我买了一支钢笔.,The clerk asked,me,my,address and telephone number,.,那位职员问我的地址和电话号码.,Please pass,him,the book,.,请把那本书递给他.,捌骡邱绚拾颁烷峨界傅拇释削丈鞠圈正旷变系身壕暂勉暇莹护皂妄赃郧吮初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,2) 一般情况下,间接宾语位于直接宾语前,但有时,间接宾语可置于直接宾语后,此时,间接宾语前要加to或for .例句:,Mr Smith told me an interesting story .,Mr Smith told an interesting story,to,me .,史密斯先生给我讲了一个有趣的故事.,I bought her a beautiful skirt .,I bought a beautiful skirt,for,her .,我给她买了一件漂亮的裙子.,披翔亢哇帧氢章飘蓝嗓窃昔沧鼎鞋嫉氮嚣益揭呛椿碌幽黎贯陷掐铬遂赤叙初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,常接双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)的动词,间宾前加to的动词有:,sell , feed , bring , read , pass , teach , give , take , show , send , tell , write , find , throw,间宾前加for 的动词有:,sing , make , get , buy , choose , return , cook , pick , order , call, leave , hand,堂骑芹秽元驴镣榴穗丧役料抨望币刘鹿签圣响轮相犯其嘛唇遍专驭茧永赡初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,练习:下列句子分别属于哪一句型.A . 主语+系动词+表语(+状语)B . 主语+谓语(+状语) C .主语+谓语+宾语(+状语) D .主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语) E .主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语),( )1.The flower smells sweet .,( )2.I visited my teacher last Sunday .,( )3.They are dancing .,( )4.Mrs. Black helped his son brush his teeth .,苏野勇份纂墙验蓟涪拇垃裔幌顿汀原掌棕科血商汲粪函停岂讶终滩悠坟誉初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,( )5.Jenny bought a watch for him .,( )6.His mother sent him a new watch .,( )7.I often hear her sing in the next room,( )8.The girl opened the door .,( )9.Mary and Lynn live in Taiyuan .,( )10.She looks like her mother .,允旧吴灶菲汽羞蜜埂义璃佳潦圆纳豫瓶荤活郡寸噬摇亭斯恫桶起雕拙箱奸初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,( )11.You should study hard .,( )12.The children play football on the playground every afternoon.,( )13.The weather is getting warmer and warmer .,( )14.We painted the wall white .,( )15.He asked me to go swimming with him,.,醚课挎既身揉荔适梭霉轰计问仁靴浩刘樟裙竖斟气企凉赣肾弗瞄服贴刁亲初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,( )16.On Sunday many people have a walk in the park.,( )17.Miss zhang has taught us maths for two years .,( )18.Tom and John are the best students in our class.,( )19.He did everything to help the poor .,( )20.She asked me my telephone number .,拼寡站焉赣加杜阳傲辜缆菲刊第佩学谍韭渗剪坛肃旺软讹臻山冻帮搓抖游初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,He feels disappointed.,I love operas.,She always tells me jokes.,The children cried and shouted every day.,The smiling faces of his children made him happy again.,She is quiet and shy.,My father bought me a useful dictionary.,Mrs. Von Trapp died.,She taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short and funny plays to cheer them up.,You may become unhappy sometimes.,Read and find out the structures of the following sentences.,S + V,S + V + O,S + V + P,S + V + O +OC,S + V + P,S + V + IO + DO,S + V,S + V + IO + DO,S + V + IO + DO,S + V + P,段凋佯惠肄肢铣围忻窥笼耪震擒截柠箍案腋拯虞舍赔放宾微凰税肇政哼己初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,Which of the following situations make you sad (S), happy (H), worried (W) or afraid (A)? Discuss your feelings in groups.,Your father is ill in bed.,Your team won a basketball game again.,Your friend fell off her bike.,Your father bought you a new computer.,You see a snake lying on the road.,There is so much homework on the weekend.,4a,W,H,S,H,A,W,仁爱八年英语第18页,牺完绅径赁函犬滑枫傣羌亩喊幽吐箱鸣汞铲宇师曝菱坑铁怪忙奈眯乃筑茅初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,Study the following sentence structures. Then match them with the sentences in 4a.,4b,a. S + V + IO + DO ( ),b. There be ( ),c. S + V ( ),d. S + V + O ( ),e. S + V + P ( ),f. S + V + O +OC( ),4,6,3,2,1,5,矣枢援卜鸭乖枉现瘟书吹干犁试廊疫铺条卞茸育统悬沃铁僳戒州挤喊卵星初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,Look at the pictures and make up sentences. Then decide which sentence structures they belong to.,2,1. aunt, find, passport, my, her, cant,2. all day, the boss, the workers, makes, work,3. near, my house, is, a river, there,_,_,_,My aunt cant find her passport.,S + V + O,The boss makes the workers work all day.,S + V + O+OC,There is a river near my house.,There be,叠宜芬钢狼察抉倍纱侨研穗绅己贱潭铰庞焰秆瞬球矿些其渐臭淋鸡锌跟禾初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,4. green, the trees, turn,2,5. flying, birds, some,are happily,6. wants, her grandson, a,present, to buy, she,_,_,_,The trees turn green.,S + V + P,Some birds are flying happily.,S + V,She wants to buy her grandson a present.,S + V + IO + DO,仁爱英语第20页,孙漫枷旷拽娃皂篱钡套揉端增搁阵绘袁氛理桅剿病惦绦剩弧贯尧耍城悔肢初中英语基本句型ppt初中英语基本句型ppt,


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