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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit3 Topic1 Does he speak Chinese?,复习课,学习目标,1,)人称代词的主、宾格及其用法。,2,)含有实意动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句及答语。,3,)表喜好的句子及表述自己对物体的喜好。,4,)表请求的功能用语。,Do,you,come,from the U.S.A.?,Yes, I,do,./No, I,dont,.,Does,he,speak,Chinese ?,Yes, he,does,./No, he,doesnt,.,Does,Jane,like,China?,Yes, she,does,. /No, she,doesnt,.,do,/,does,开头的一般疑问句,:,1,)你经常帮你的朋友吗?,2,)你有好朋友吗?,3,)你的朋友喜欢英语吗?,4,)她讲英语吗?,5,)他帮助你学汉语吗?,Do you often help your friends?,Do you have any good friends,?,Does your friend like English?,Does she speak English?,Does he help you study Chinese,?,Does he help you with your Chinese?,用法口诀:,人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说;,主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。,人,称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,主 格,宾 格,I,we,me,us,you,you,you,you,he,she,it,him,her,it,them,they,补充:动词和介词后的人称代词用宾格。,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. _ want to visit the Great Wall. Do you want to go with _?,Yes, I do. (they/them),2. Excuse _, are you from Beijing?,Yes, _ am. (I/me),3. Is Mr. Zhang your Chinese teacher?,Yes, _ is. We like _ very much. (he/him),4. Whos the woman over there (,在那边,)?,Sorry. I dont know _. _ is a new teacher. (she/her).,5. _ are your teachers. Could you tell _ your name?,Sure. (we/us),They,them,me,I,he,him,her,She,We,us,like(s),. very much /a lot,like(s) . a little,(not )like . very much,dont/doesnt like . at all,非常喜欢,有点喜欢,/,不是很喜欢,一点不喜欢,dont/doesnt like,不喜欢,like(s),喜欢,.,用上表示喜好的句子,来写一篇小作文,表述一下自己对物体的喜好吧!,独自完成下面各题,看谁做得又对又快!,( ) 1,、,He doesnt like apples_.,A.very B. much C. at all D.little,( ) 2,、,I like the little cat a lot but she likes it _.,A. a lot B. a little C. lot D.much,( ) 3. Zhang Ling _ like English at all.,A. dont B. does C.doesnt D. not,( ) 4. Do you _ Chinese ?,-No,I _. But I want to study it now.,A. say ; dont B. speak ; do,C. speak ; dont D. say ; do,( ) 5. She has a pet. She likes it_.,A.a lot B. lots of C.very D.much,C,B,C,C,A,巩固提升,基础题,单项选择,(,)1.Whos the girl in red?,Sorry, I dont know _.,_ is a new student.,A. she; She B. her; She,C. her; Her,D. she; Her,(,)2.,Where does he live?,He _ in Shanghai.,A. lives B. live,C. is live,D. to live,(,)3.Li Lei often _ Lin Tao _ his English.,A. help; to B.helps; with C.helps; to D.help; with,(,)4.He _ to visit China.,A.want B. to want C. dont wantD. wants,( ),5.Does she _ English?,A.speak,B.speaks C.speaking,D. to speak,B,A,B,D,A,能力题,词汇。,A.,根据句意及首字母提示填词。,1. He seldom(,极少,) studies English, so his English is p_.,2. I have a p_ at home, and its a cat.,3. Mr. Li is our English teacher. He s_,_,_ English very well.,4. Mr. Black comes from Canada. Now he l_ in Beijing.,5. I like English very much. Please h_ me with my English.,B.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,6. I have many(,很多,) _,_,_ _,_,_ (pen pal).,7. Could you please tell _ (I) your name?,8. Do you speak _ (China)?,9. He wants _ (visit) the Great Wall.,10. I help her _ (study) Chinese.,oor,et,peaks,ives,elp,pen,pals,me,Chinese,to visit,(to) study,填单词补全短文。,I have a_ _(,笔友,). She_(,说,)English. She_(,喜欢,) China very much. She wants_(,参观,) the Great Wall.Her Chinese is_(,差,). I help_(,她,)with Chinese and she helps me_(,学习,)Enlish. We help_ _(,互相,). _you like English? Please tell(,告诉,) me.,pen,pal,speaks,likes,to visit,poor,her,study,each,other,Do,


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