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What B. when C. that D. where E. which,考点一,:,如何判定用关系代词还是用关系副词,?,1.Ill never forget the days_ we,worked,together.,2.Ill never forget the days _ we,spent,together.,3.I went to the place,I,worked,ten years ago.,4.I went to the place _ I,visited,ten years ago.,5.This is the reason _ he was late.,6.This is the reason _ he,gave,.,when /in which,Which/that /,省略,where/ in which,why/ for which,that/which,Vt.,Vt.,Vt.,Which/that /,省略,当先行词为,all, much, little, few, none, something, anything, everything, nothing,等不定代词时,a.,All,that,can be done,has been done.,b. I am sure she has,something,(that) you can borrow.,考点二:只用,that,不用,which,先行词被,all, every, no, some, any, little, much,修饰时:,Ive read,all,the books (that) you gave me.,先行词是,序数词,或,形容词最高级,修饰时。,1. This is,the best,book,(that),Ive ever read.,2. This is,the first,composition,(that),he has,written in English.,先行词被,the only, the very, the last,修饰时。,That white flower is,the only,one (that),I really like.,This is,the,very,book (that),I want to find.,当有,两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词,时,这个定语从句要用,that,而不用,who (whom),和,which,引导。如:,He talked about the,teachers and schools,(,that,),he had visited.,用,which,不用,that,1.,非限定性地语从句,2.,在介词加关系代词中,1) Do you have anything _ you don,t understand?,2) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some advice.,3) Who is the man _ is standing there?,4) She heard a terrible noise,,,_ brought her heart into her mouth.,that,that,that,which,练一练,:,that,与,which,填上合适的关系词并分析原因,:,1.The way _he explained the,sentence to us was not difficult to understand. 2.The way _he explained to us,was quite simple.,that/ which/,不填,that/in which/,不填,缺宾语,考点,三,:,the way用做先行词,缺少主语或宾语,:,引导词用,that / which /,不填,(,缺宾语时,),主语宾语都不缺,:,引导词用,that / in which /,不填,3. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it.,(湖北),A. the way B. in the way that,C. in the way D. the way which,高考题链接:,试一试 介词加关系代词,1. Do you know the boy _ _ your mother,is talking?,2. I still remember the day _ _ I first got,to Paris.,3. He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar.,to whom,with which,on which,考点,四,:,介词,+,关系词,定语从句句首为介词时,后可接的关系词为,:,介词,+whom / which / whose,e.g. I recognized the boss in,company my,sister was working.,总结,whose,介词的选用原则,根据定语从句中,谓语动词,的,习惯搭,配,来决定。如:,This is the camera,_,I,spent,6,yuan,.,This is the camera,_,I,paid,6,yuan,.,spend money on,sth,.,为固定搭配,pay money for,sth,.,为固定搭配,on which,for which,2),根据,先行词,的,搭配习惯,来决定。,如:,I remember the day,_,I came to my tower of ivory.,I remember the days,_,I visited Paris.,强调在具体某一天要用介词,on,强调在某几天时间内要用介词,during,on which,during which,3),根据从句中,动词与先行词,的,逻辑关系,。,Is that the newspaper,_,you,often write articles?,for which,3. _ is known to all, he is the best student.,As,难点一:,as,的用法,asthatwhich,1. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift.,2. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lift it.,as,that,归纳:,as,引导限制性定语从句先行词前常被,such, the same, so, as,修饰,,即构成,such,as , the same,as, so,as,结构,,as,在定语从句中应充当成分如:主语、宾语或表语。,注意,as,与,which,引导,非限制性定语从句,都能指代整句内容,,,The earth is round,_ is known to all.,_,is known to all, the earth is round.,which/ as,As,1. Ive come to,the point where,I cant stand him.,我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。,where,引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是,表示地点的名词,但也有特殊情况。,难点二:一些特殊词之后的,where,解析:,如果定语从句分别修饰,point, situation, condition,和,case,等表示抽象意义的词,常用,where,引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。,1.We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.,(山东),A. which B. that C. where D. when,2. -Do you have anything to say for yourself?,-Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on .,(江西),A. why B. where C. how D. /,比较一下:,不缺成分用,where,缺宾语用,that/which/,不填,1. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _ he grew up as a child.,(NMET),A. which B. that,C. where D. when,2. The film brought the hours back to me_ I was taken good care of in that faraway village.,(NMET),A. until B. that,C. when D. where,3.,_ is reported, the storm will last for a long time.,_is reported is that the storm will last for a long time.,_is reported that the storm will last for a long time.,A. That B. What,C. It D. As,D,B,C,4. The car _ owner is a musician is in good condition.,(,湖北,),A. whom B. whose,C. that D. which,5. I dont like the,way_tourists,were treated in,Sanya,.,on which B. in which,C. in that D. where,例析:定语从句易错点,易错点一:关系代词和关系副词的混用,e.g.,1. Ill never forget the days,when,I spent in New York with you.,2. Ill never forget the days,which,I visited New York with you.,易错点二:固定句式出错,e.g.,1. Mary is so lovely a girl,as,everybody loves her.,2. Mary is so lovely a girl,that,everybody loves.,易错点三:主语和谓语不一致的现象,e.g.,1.Tom is one of the students,who,likes,swimming.,2. Tom is the only one of the students,who,like,swimming.,易错点四:与强调句及其他句型的混合,e.g.,1. Was it in the shop,that,you bought the recorder,that,you lost your pen?,易错点五:对先行词概念不明确,e.g.,1. Is this library,that,you visited yesterday?,2. Is this the library,where,you visited yesterday?,易错点六:特殊名词作先行词时关系词的选取错误,e.g.,1. I dont like the way,which,you speak to her.,易错点七:忽略,that,和,which,引导限定性定语从句的区别,e.g.,1. This is the most exciting football game,which,I have ever seen.,(怎么改),易错点八,:,介词前置出错,e.g.,1. Tell him all the things,on,which he should pay attention. (,怎么改),易错点九:,which,和,whose,意义不明确,e.g.,1. The book,which,cover is broken is of great help to all of us.,wherethat,1.This is the,library_I,borrowed the book.,2.It is from this,library_I,borrowed the book.,where,定语从句,that,强调句型,综合考查一:,定语从句与强调句,3. -Where did you last see Mr. Smith?,-It was in the hotel_ I lived.,A. that B. which,C. where D. when,难点三,.,综合考查,近年来,高考对定语从句和其它从句如:强调句,、,名词性从句和状语从句等的综合考查越来越多,这就要求考生有扎实的基础知识和较强的综合分析能力。,综合考查二:,定语从句与同位语从句,1. We all have heard the news_ our,team won.,2. We dont believe in the news _ he told us yesterday.,that,that/which/,that/which,1. We should go to the place_,we are most needed.,2. We should go to the place_,needs us most.,A. it B. where C. that D. what,B,C,对比训练,1. It was,October_we,met in,Damiao,for the first time.,2. It was in,October_we,met in,Damiao,for the first time.,A. that B. which,C. when D. while,C,A,对比训练,1. He is such a good teacher_,we all like him.,2. He is such a good teacher_,we all like.,A. whom B. that C. as D. which,B,C,对比训练,(三、)状语从句,1.While I was wondering at this, our schoolmaster took his place. ( ),2. Where there is a will, there is a way. ( ),3. Now that/Since everybody is here, lets begin our meeting.,( ),4. Ill speak slowly so that you can understand me. ( ),时间,地点,原因,目的,判断下列状语从句的种类,5. So clever was he a student that he was able to work out all the difficult problems. ( ),6. As long as you dont lose heart, youll succeed. ( ),7. Try as he might, he could not find a job. ( ),8. The old lady treats the boy as if he were his own son. ( ),9.He woke up as suddenly as he had fallen asleep.,( ),结果,条件,让步,方式,比较,一个,_,在复合句中用作状语时,在语法上叫状语从句。从句由,_,、,_,或,_,引导。,状语从句可分为:,1) _ 2) _,3) _ 4) _,5) _ 6) _,7) _ 8) _,9) _,等,句子,概念,时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,条件,方式,比较,让步,名词词组,从属连词,副词,一,.,时间状语从句的引导词,1. when, while , as, before, after, until, till, since, ever since, once, as soon as,,,2. every time, next/last/each time, the first time, the moment, the minute, the instant,4. hardlywhen, no soonerthan, scarcelywhen,3. immediately, instantly, directly,when, while, as,_ we were talking, Mr. Smiths came in.,_ they came home, I was cooking dinner.,I was about to go to bed _ I heard someone knock at the door.,4. _ we were watching TV, he was studying.,5. He is fat _ his brother is thin.,6. _ she sang, tears ran down her face.,While/ When,When,when,While,while,As,连接词,when,、,while,、,as,的用法小结,1,、,when,的用法:,(,1,),when,引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可以是延续的,也可以是表短暂性动作的动词,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。如:,When the film ended, the people went back.,When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.,(,2,)可用作并列连词,其意义为“那时,这时”,相当于,and at this/that time,。常用于句式:,Somebody was doing something when,Sb. was about to do,sth,. when,(,刚要,这时突然,),2,、连接词,while,的用法,(,1,),while,意思是“当,的时候”或“在某一段时间内”,引导的从句动作必须是持续性的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。,People dont talk so loudly while others are working.,(,2,)从句和主句的谓语动词都为延续性动词时,只能用,while; while,还可作并列连词,表示”而”,.,I was reading while he was watching TV.,(,3,),引导让步状语从句,(,句首),3,as,的用法:,(1) as,着重强调主句和从句的动作同时或几乎同时发生,如:,The students rose as the teacher entered the classroom.,(2)as,还可以表示“随着,”,,如:,As time goes by, it is getting colder and colder.,(3) As,还能表示“一边,一边”,如:,He looked behind from time to time as he went.,before,after,since,He had left the town the day _ she arrived.,It was not long _ he left his hometown.,I played football _ I (had) finished my homework,Please tell her Ill come _ I do some shopping.,before,after,before,after,5. It will not be long _ we meet each other again.,6. I _ (be) at his bedside,since,he _ (become) ill.,7. It _ (be) two years,since,we _ (begin) to use this machine.,before,have been,became,is/ has been,began,Conclusion:,1,)句型,It will be/was,一段时间,before “,还要过多久才,”,如:,It will be two years before he leaves the country.,2,)句型,It will be/was not,一段时间,before “,不多久就,”,,如:,It was not long before he worked out the problem.,3,)句型,It be,一段时间,since ,该句型主句和从句中动词谓语时态的搭配很严格。,It,is/has been, since sb.,did,sth,.,如:,It,is,three years since she,joined,the army.,从句动词为瞬间动词,表示“自,以来,已经过去多长时间了”。,It is four days since she was ill.,从句谓语动词为延续性动词,表示“自,结束以来,已经过去多长时间了”。,till,与,until:,1.,He lived with his parents _ he graduated from college.,2. Not _ he told me did I know the truth.,3. The children _ (will come) home until/ till its dark.,4. It was _ the war was over that he returned to his land.,till/ until,until,wont come,not until,小结:,till, until,和,notuntil,:,1.until/till,引导时间状语从句用于肯定句时,主句的动词是延续性动词,表示动作或状态一直持续到,until/till,所表示的时间,意为“某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止”。如:,We waited until he came.,2,用于否定句时,主句谓语动词是非延续性动词,从句为肯定,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”。如:,He wont go to bed till/until she returns.,3,till,不可以置于句首,而,until,可以。如:,Until you told me I had no idea of it.,4,notuntil,句型中的强调和倒装说法:,It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it.,Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.,一,就,ill.,_,_ he saw the monster, he turned pale.,2,、,The spy,had,_,returned,home than he was told to go to another country.,3,、,We,had,_,returned,home when it rained.,4,、,_,had,we,begun,when we told to stop.,The moment/ minute/ Immediately/,no sooner,hardly/scarcely,Hardly/ Scarcely,As soon as,5),no sooner,than,hardly/scarcely,when,刚,就,A.,时态:主句用,过去完成时,(,had + p.p.,),从句用,一般过去时,B.,倒装:,no sooner/hardly/scarcely,放句首,,主句,要到装,二,.,地点状语从句,:,where, wherever,,,no matter where,You would let your children play where you can see them.,Wherever you are, I will be right there waiting for you.,区分:,wherever,,,no matter where,1.The Red Cross is expected to send,help_there,is human,suffering.,A.whoever,B.however,C.whatever,D.wherever,2.-Mom,,,what did your doctor say,?,-He advised me to,live_the,air is fresher.,A.in,where,B.in,which,C.the,place where,D.where,D,D,三、 原因状语从句,原因状语从句的引导词有:,because, as, since,now that,(既然), considering that,(考虑到), seeing that,(鉴于),用,because, as, since,与,for,填空,:,-Why are you crying, Tom?,- _ Ive broken your necklace, mom.,2. I went to bed early _ I was tired.,3. I was not kind to him_ he was rude.,4. _ I had a cold, I was absent from school.,5. My mother was ill and I sent for Tom, _ he was a doctor.,6. _ we are all here, lets begin our class.,Because,because,because,As,for,Since,Conclusion:,because,直接原因,,非推断语气最强回答,why,since,表示“既然”,语气较弱;强调对方已经知晓,无需加以说明的原因,只可以放在句首。,As“,由于”,语气最弱,表示往往是十分明显的原因,常放在句首,比较口语化。,For,放句中,,对前面一句话的内容的补充说明 。,四,.,条件状语从句,:,引导条件状语从句的连接词有,:,if, unless, as/ so long as,(只要),in,case,on,condition that(,条件,.), provided (that) (,假设),等,1,、,The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.,A,as long as B,while,C,if D,even though,2,、,It is known to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health.,A. unless B. as long as,C. although D. if,C,A,Conclusion:,条件状语从句中,如果主从句都表将来动作,主句用将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,.,If,you,dont hurry,up, you,will miss,the plane.,2,、,unless,相当于,if not,,意思是“除非,”“,如果不就,”,。,We cant get there on time,unless,we book the earliest flight.,= We cannot get there on time,if,we,dont book,the earliest flight.,as/so long as, in case,1,、,I always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ I have to wait.,2,、,Ill go _ you go.,in case,as/so long as,1,、,You can have my bicycle for a few,days _ you return it by,Sunday.,2,、,_ anything important,happens, please call me up.,3,、,_ you had one million dollars, what would you do?,on condition that,In case,Suppose/Supposing,on condition that,:条件是,in case :,万一,supposesupposing (that):,假设,如果,五、让步状语从句,He went out, _ it was raining.,_ they are poor, they buy a great many books.,Child _ he is, he has learnt advanced mathematics.,though/although,Although,as,though, although, even if/ though, while, no matter, whatever, however, as,_he is a child, he has learnt advanced mathematics.,No matter _ happens, dont be discouraged.,No matter _ hard he tried, he couldnt open the door.,No matter _ you go, you must write to your parents.,No matter _ you marry in the future, he must be an honest man.,how,where,who,what,Even if,though/ although,1,、一般可互换:,主句前可用,yet, still,常省略,但不能与,but,连用。,Though/ although it sounds strange,(,yet,),it is true.,2,、倒装句,和,独立副词放句末,只能用,though.,Strange_ it may seem, he,remained single all his life.,It was hard work, I enjoyed it, _.,though,though,as,引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管、虽然”。但从句要倒装。句型为:,adj./adv./,单数,n.(,不加冠词,)/,v+as,+,主语,+,谓语,1,、,Young as she is, she can help her mother.,2,、,Fast as he runs, he is the last one.,3,、,Try as you may,you might fail as,well.,六、目的状语从句,引导目的状语从句的引导词有:,so that, in order that (,为了),for fear that,(以免, 以防),He got up early _ he could catch the bus.,_ he could catch the bus, he got up early.,I stayed at home all day _ you called.,in order that/ so that,In order that,so that, in order that ,for fear that, in case,for,fear that,Conclusion:,1,、目的状语从句中的谓语动词常与情态动词,can,could, may, might, should,等连用。如:,Take this medicine so that you,can,recover soon.,2,、,in order that,常用于正式文体,可放于句首,,也可放于句中;而,so that,往往只放于句中。,3,、目的状语从句可以和动词不定式互换。如:,Well sit in front of the hall,so that/in,order that,we can hear better.=,Well sit in front of the hall _,_ hear better.,so as to,/,in order to,七、结果状语从句,结果状语从句的引导词有:,so that, sothat, suchthat,1,、,I was caught in a shower, _ all my clothes got wet.,2,、,Its _ cold _ the lake has frozen.,3,、,There are _ many books there _ I dont know which one to borrow.,4,、,Its _ good a book _ Ive read it again and again.,5,、,It was _ a cold day _ there was nobody on the street.,6,、,_ cold weather remained for three days _ I had to stay at home all day long.,so,that,so,that,such,that,Such,that,so that,so,that,so that, sothat, such that,1,、,so that,引导结果状语从句时,从句中不带情态动词,,that,有时可省略。如:,He didnt plan his time well,so (that),he didnt finish his work in time.,2,、,当,so/such,置于句首时,,so/such,引导的句子要半倒装。如:,Such a nice man is Mike that we all like him.,So excited was he that he could not fall asleep.,Conclusion:,3,、,sothat,和,suchthat,常用的搭配有:,so +adj./adv.+ that,从句,so +adj.+ a/an +,可数名词单数形式,+that,so +many/much/few/little +n. +that,such + a/an +adj. +,可数名词单数,+that,such +adj. +,可数名词复数,/,不可数名词,+that,Jenny is such a clever girl that all the teachers liked her very much.=,Jenny is _ that all the teachers liked her very much.,He had _ few friends _ he often feels lonely.,so clever a girl,so,that,八、比较状语从句,:,His brother is _ h


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