人教版英语初一上unit 12课件--育英科技 王衡英语

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,育英视频学习网:,易学,生动,详细,人教版七年级上英语同步辅导,育英科技 王衡英语,1,unit 12,My favourite subject is science,2,教学目标,掌握喜爱的表达方法,心情的词汇与句型,- “.ed” “.,ing,”,初步掌握英语的连接方法,3,本课目标,了解基本英语文章写作连接,.,掌握某物如何,;,和某人对,的各种感觉,复习喜爱的表达方式,;,重点学习,favorite,的用法,根据学生自己情况,写一篇自己的时间表和各课程的喜好,.,4,词 汇,5,subject (n),科目,class (n),班级,science (n),科学,P. E.,体育,English (n),英语,history (n),历史,art (n),艺术,information (n),信息,Chinese (n),语文,biology (n),生物,because (conj),因为,(,回答,why),description (n),描述,descript (v),描述,word (n),词,part (n; a),部分,I like this part,我喜欢这部分,partner (n),伙伴,;,同伴,City (n),城市,Sb,stay/live incity,某人呆,/,住在,城市,dog (n),狗,ask (v),问,Ask,sb,a question,问某人个问题,6,busy (a),忙,Sb,be busy with.,某人忙于,.,Sb,be very busy,某人很忙,strict (a),严格,;,严厉,Sb,be strict to ,某人对,严,Sb,be strict,某人很严,tired (a),累,Sb,be tired,某人很累,Sb,be tired of,某人厌倦,.,Interesting (a),有趣,(,物,),Interested (a),对,感兴趣,Sb,be interested in,某人对,感兴趣,boring (a),厌烦的,bored (a),对,厌烦,Sb,be bored with,某人对,厌烦,Any (,pron,),任何,Anyone,任何人,anywhere,任何地,Anytime,任何时间,around (ad),到处,;,在附近,Run around,到处跑,7,重 点 词,8,1,、,favorite,易错,:,不要当成动词,前面要用定语人称词,他最喜欢它,.,错,: He favorite it.,对,: He,likes,it,best,.,对,: His,favorite,is it.,9,2,、,busy,Sb,be busy with doing,忙于做某事,(with,常省略,),We are busy with having class.,We are busy having class,我们忙于上课,We are busy with dinner.,10,3,、,any-some,表示一些,:-,复数,some,陈述,;any,疑问,否定,Any,任何一个,-,单数,Any one,任何人,Any where,任何地点,Any time,任何时间,anyone calls me anytime,11,4,、,ask,一:问,例,: I asked the question.,我问了一个问题,.,反义词,: answer the question,回答问题,二:要求,ask,sb,for,/,ask,sb,to do,要求某人,(,做,),某事,例,: I asked you to do it at once.,我要求你立刻去做这件事,.,12,sb be surprised with.,sb be amazed at.,A,surprising,baby,A n,amazing,baby,1人,2 be,3 .ed(心情词汇),4.介词,Sb,be interested in,Sb,be bored with,Sb,be tired of,13,有趣,某物很有趣,.,It is interesting.,The class is interesting.,某人对,感兴趣,Sb,be interested in,He is interested in the class.,厌倦,某物很无聊,.,It is boring.,某人对,感到无聊,Sb,be bored with,14,课 文 解 析,15,Its Tuesday, November 11. I am,really busy,! At 8:00 I have math. I dont like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. Its boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. Thats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. after lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. Hes fun.,My last class,is at 2:00.,after class I have volleyball,for,2 hours.,Our teacher is very strict,and Im,usually,very tired after class. Then I have,Chinese history club,. Its,really interesting,!,16,基本句型,At/ after.,具体时间,sb,haveclass.,Sb,likes it. It is interesting/ fun/ difficult/ relaxing,Sb,dont like it. It is,Why do you like?,Because it is,17,喜欢的原因,我喜欢它,.,它很放松,.,我喜欢它,.,我认为它很有趣,.,我喜欢它,因为它很有趣,I like it. It is relaxing.,I like it. I think it is very fun.,I like it because it is fun.,18,如何做连接,at first,开始,second,其次,then,接着,next,接着,at last/finally/in the end,最后,19,本讲结束,谢谢收看,20,


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