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, 書式設定, 書式設定,第 2 ,第 3 ,第 4 ,第 5 ,*,Japanese Experiences in Urbanization& Urban Planning System in Japan,JICA Expert,Kenichi WAKAMATSU,23,Aug.2001 Jakarta,Todays point,Japanese Experiences in Urbanization,Outline of Urban Planning System in Japan,Suggestion for Special Planning System in Indonesia,Japanese Experiences in Urbanization,GDP per capita in Japan,Comprehensive National Development Plan,Empowering the Private Sector by Concentrating Public Investments,National Income per capita in Japan,As a result We had several urban problems.,Formation of poor quality urbanized areas without provision for minimum public facilities, that is sprawl,Environmental pollution,Traffic congestion,etc,Urbanization Process in Various Countries,Characteristics of Urbanization in Developing Countries,Urbanization Speed,Concentration of functions and population in the metropolis, especially in national capitals,Urban Planning Systemin Japan,History of Urban Planning Law,1968,Detailed Zoning System,End of,19c.,1919,Primitive,Urban Planning,Old Urban Planning Law,New Urban Planning,Law,Capital Development,Covering the urban area,in the whole Country,Urban Infrastructure,Development,The objectives of the 1968 Law,Enactment of land use plans with,legal power,Supply of building lots in new urban areas,Regulation and guidance of land use through Land Development Permission System,Devolving the regulating powers of Urban Planning to,local governments,The introduction of,a democratic,process,of urban planning,Difference between “Spatial Planning in RI ”and “Urban Planning in Japan”,“Spatial Planning in RI ”deals with all of lands.,“Urban Planning in Japan”deals with only urban and/or its suburb area,Urban Planning Area,Area,(thousands-km2),Population,(mil.),Numbers of City/Town,Total Nation(A),377,123,3236,Urban Planning Area(B),95,113,1960,B/A,25.2%,92.2%,60.6%,Group C,Urban Planning Lawand Related Legislation,Urban Facilities,Related,Urban Planning Law,Comprehensive National Land,Development Law, National Land Utilization Planning Law, National Capital Region Development Law, Act for construction of Arterial Motorways for National Land Development, Act concerning the development,Farming Promotion Areas, Forest Law, Land Expropriation Law,Building Standard Law,Act Concerning Harbors Law,Act Concerning Agricultural Land etc. Reserved in the Urbanization Promotion Area,Land Readjustment Law,New Residential Built-up Area Development Law,Urban Renewal Law,Land Use Zoning,Related,Urban Development Projects Related,Road Law, Tramways Law,River Law,City Parks Law,Sewerage Law,Parking Place Law,Group A,Group B,Main Components of Urban Planning Law,Urban Planning Law,Zoning System,Land Development Permission System,Urban Planning Project,The City Planning Law and Construction,Standard law which Components Each Other,above 4m width Road,Public Facilities Development Added,Review System of Development Project,Conditions to Develop Projects,Project Oriented Planning,Procedure of Urban Planning Approval,Draft Plan,Public Review,Urban Planning Council of the,Prefectural,Government,Urban Planning,Approval,Public Hearing,&,Explanation Meeting,Submission of,Concerned Residents,Opinion,Validation of the Minister of Construction,Coordination with Related Agencies,Opinions of,the Municipality,Urban Planning Council of the Municipality,etc.,Summaries,A scenery ofexplanation meeting,Project Oriented Planning,General,In Japan,Project implement,Security in a Period of,High Urban Development,Demands,Planning Organization,Engineering Organization,Project,Planning Section,Engineering,Section,Urban Planning Project,Procedure of Plan Implementation for Urban Planning Projects,Individual development activities become limited,In this phase, neither land purchase nor actual construction takes place.,vested right is given to a developer to purchase land,Landowner within a project area shall have the right to inverse possession,Demolition of existing structure for the purpose of implementation,becomes possible.,Compulsory transfer of real estates rights becomes possible.,Plan Approval,(Public Facility Development and/or Urban Development Projects),Administrative Action to Implement Project,Validation of Project,Suggestion forSpecial Planning System in Indonesia,We have to separate Urban Planning from Spatial Planning!,Establishment of the concept “Urban Planning”,Spatial Planning,Urban Planning,A chain ofimplementing flow! (democratic process),Plan Approval,Draft Plan,Community Participation,Project,Cooperation,(Right),(Duty),Information,(Duty),Promotion of Projects,(Right),This system should be stipulated in details by laws.,Project Oriented Planning!,Urban Development Projects should be authorized with legal power.,Urban Development Projects should be included in Spatial Plan., Land Consolidation and/or KASIBA would be more and more important.,A democratic and effective method on Urban Development- Land Consolidation -,Roles of Stakeholders onCollaborative Urban Development,Residents, Businesspersons,Specialists,(NGO, Consultants),Administration,Support,cooperation,Advise,Activities of Collaborative Urban Development,Community,Participation,A scenery of workshop,Future Themes for explanation,Role of Central and Local Government,Urban Development Projects,Zoning System,District Plan etc.,Thank you for your attention,See you again!,


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