人教新课标必修五 Unit1 Great scientists-Grammar[课件]

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit1 Great scientistsGrammar,The Past Participle,1,构成,:,v +ed,或不规则的变化动词,Page 104-106,2,过去分词本身的含义,:,被动 或完成,a broken heart a lost dog a ploughed field,a risen sun,a grown-up daughter,an escaped prisoner a retired general,faded colors, 不及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示动作的完成,fallen leaves,落叶,returned students,归国留学生,newly-arrived visitors,新到的客人, 及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示被动及动作的完成。,(,与所修饰的词是一种动宾的逻辑关系,),the cold boiled water,冷开水,a developed country,与所修饰的词是一种动宾的逻辑关系,过去分词的一般式,(,已经完成的,),The patient operated on will soon be allowed to go home.,不定式的被动式,(,即将发生的,),The patient to be operated on is Mr. Smith.,-ing,的被动式,(,正在进行的,)being done,The patient being operated on is Mr. Smith.,The patient having been operated on is Mr. Smith.(), The patient operated on is Mr. Smith.(),过去分词作定语,a.,过去分词作定语 ,具有形容词的性质 。,一般说来 :,单个过去分词或,adv.-p.p,作前置定语,:,He is a respected leader.,a recently-built house,home-grown vegetables,man-made fibers,过去分词短语作后置定语,:,Young people brought up in the new society cant imagine the bitter life in the old days.,b.,作定语时可用定语从句代替,He is a respected leader.,= He is a leader_.,Young people brought up in the new society cant imagine the bitter life in the old days.,= Yong people _,_cant imagine the bitter life in the old days.,who is respected,who were brought,up in the new society,Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices .,A. are bought B. bought,C. been bought D. buying,2. The first text books _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16,th,century .,Having written B. to be written,C. being written D. written,3. With everything she needed _, the lady went home happily .,A bought B to be bought,C buying D being bought,4. The Olympic Games , _in 776BC , did not include women players until 1912.,A first playing B to be first played,C first played D to be first playing,5. The matter _at the next meeting is very important .,A discussed B being discussed,C to be discussed D be discussed,6. The girl _ in red is my second daughter.,A. dressing B. dressed herself,C. dressed D. is dressing,7. I couldnt understand the language _ in that country.,A. to speak B. speaking,C. to be spoken D. spoken,8. The ground is _ with _ leaves.,A. covering, falling B. covered, falling,C. covered, fallen D. covering, fallen,过去分词作表语,She looked,worried,.,I am,interested,in the book.,He was,lost,in thought.,The door remained,locked,.,be,动词和系动词,1,、,be,动词,2,、表示变化的动词,:become, get, turn,go, grow,等,3,、感官动词,:look, feel, smell, taste,sound,等,4,、还有,seem, appear, stay, keep,remain, turn out,等,有的已成为固定搭配 :,be covered with,be lost in thought,be caught in the rain,be separated from,be interested in,be absorbed in,被覆盖,陷入沉思,被雨淋,从分离,对,感兴趣,专心致志于,系表结构和被动结构,This lake,is badly polluted,.,This lake,is badly polluted by a paper mill,.,(,系表结构,),(,被动结构,),系表结构表示主语所处 的状态,被动语态则表示主语所承受的动作,.,As we joined the big crowd , I got _ from my friends,A. separated B. spared,C. lost D. missed,2. Cleaning women in the big cities get _ by the hour .,A. pay B. paying,C. paid D. to pay,过去分词的基本特点 :,1,.,从语态上讲 :过去分词一般表被动 。,2,.,从时态上讲 :过去分词表示已经完成的动作 ;,表示被动意义的主动结构,1.,某些连系动词,如,smell; taste; feel; sound; prove,等,Cotton feels,soft,. (adj.),2,.,某些用来表示主语内在品质或性能的及物动词,如,shut; open; move; read; write; sell; wash; clean; catch; draw; cut; photograph,等,The book sells,well,. (adv.),3.,某些表”发生,(happen/take place),爆发,(break out),和传播,(spread)”,的不及物动词,4.,不定式作定语与被修饰名词构成动宾关系时,He had an important meeting to attend.,5.,在,be,adj.,to do,English is difficult to learn.,6.,be to blame/seek/let,The house is to let.,这房子是要出租的,.,The cause is not far to seek.,原因不难找到,.,I felt I was to blame, too.,我觉得我也应受责备,.,7.,sth. need/want/require doing,8.,be worth doing,Compete the sentences using the right form of the given verb.,I had nothing to do. I was _ (bore) and lonely.,Jack looked even more _ (amaze) than he felt.,The results were very _ (disappoint).,I was thanked by the _ (satisfy) customer.,The girl _ (dress) in red is my daughter.,Last Monday our class went on an _ (organise) trip.,bored,amazed,disappointing,satisfied,dressed,organised,过去分词专练,A),用所给动词的适当形式填空。,(10,分,),1,Prices of daily goods_ (buy) through a computer can be lower than store prices,2,When _ (complete),,,the museum will be open to the public next year,3,With a lot of difficult problems _ (settle),,,the newly elected president is having a hard time,4,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ (carry) out the next year,5,_(Found) in 1636,,,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States,6,Something is wrong with my watch,I must have it _ ( repair),7,Did you go to the party _ (hold) on New Years Eve,?,bought,completed,to settle,carried,Founded,repaired,held,8,I was walking in the street when I heard my name _ (call),9,The teacher entered the classroom,,,_ (follow) by two students,10,Well _ (begin) is half _ (do),11,Whatever she said,,,she couldnt make herself _ (understand),12,_ (Speak) English is different from _ (write) English in many ways,13,Things _ (see) from a distance appear rather small,14,Children like to drink cold _ (boil) water especially in summer,15,_(See) from the space,,,the Great Wall looks like a dragon,16,Did a man _ (call) Wang Lin ring me up this morning,?,called,followed,began,done,understood,Spoken,written,seen,boiled,Seen,called,B),改正下列句子中的错误。,(5,分,),1,Im sorry to hear that your classmate didnt arrive on time as asking to,2,The shop owner will get all these ordered TV sets to be delivered to the customers today,3,Defeated three times in a round,,,the boxer decided to give up fighting,4,Pretended to look frightened,,,she closed her eyes,5,Most of the artists inviting to the party were from Japan,6,The thief was taken away with both his hands being tied,7,She was so sad that she spent the whole day locking in her own room,asking asked,去掉,to be,Defeated Having been defeated,Pretended Pretending,inviting invited,being tied-tied,locking locked,Rewrite the following sentences with the Past Participle,1,The castle,,,which had been burnt in the sixteenth century,,,was never rebuilt,2,After I had put down my newspaper,,,I walked over to the window and looked out,3,Since the director was struck by his sincerity,,,the director wanted to see him again,burnt in the sixteenth century,Having put down my newspaper,,,I walked over to the window and looked out,Struck by his sincerity,,,the director wanted to see him again,4. Gentlemen always shake hands when they are introduced to each other,Gentlemen always shake hands when introduced to each other,5,If it is used economically,,,one tin will last at least six weeks,6,If we are united,,,we stand,;,if we are divided,,,we fall,If used economically,,,one tin will last at least six weeks,United, we stand; divided, we fall,7,After it is cleaned and repaired,,,the type-writer will be returned to the office,8,If we are compared with the developed countries,,,we still have along way to go,Cleaned and repaired,,,the typewriter will be returned to the office,Compared with the developed countries,,,we still have a long way to go,1.The man,disturbing,the other workers is called James Smith.,The man,disturbed,by the other workers is called James Smith.,2.The teenagers,discussing,the event in the TV talk show were all school children.,The teenagers,discussed,in the TV talk show were all school children.,Workbook Page 91,(The man is disturbing the other workers.),(The other workers are disturbing the man),(The teenagers are discussing the event.),(People on TV are talking about the teenagers.),3.The driver,informing,us of the accident quit his job a week later.,The driver,informed,of the accident quit his job a week later.,4.I had already met the man,interviewing,me before I came here.,I had already met the man,interviewed,by the boss before I came here.,5.Do you happen to know the host,presenting,the professor.,Do you happen to know the host,presented,by the professor.,(The driver informed us of the accident.),(someone told the driver about the accident.),(The man is the person who asked me questions.),(The man is the person who answered the bosss questions.),(The host is the person who tells people about the professor.),(The professor tells people about the host.),Thanks for listening!,


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