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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Henry James,亨利,.,詹姆斯,(18431916),A British and American writer,contents,Life experience,His works,Writing style and theory,Life of Henry James,Henry James was born in New,England,in 1843.,His father is a,philosopher,; his brother William, an outstanding,philosopher,and,psychologist,.,Life of Henry James,Attended Harvard Law School but read literary works there,For many years he alternated visits to England, France and Italy to stays in the,England,.,In 1875 he decided that Europe was his ideal home and settled in Paris, where he met Flaubert and Maupassant.,Then,in 1915,he went to England,and,became British subject,where,he met,the most well-known writers of the period, such as Conrad and Kipling, accepted him as a friend and appreciated his books.,He never married,It was said that he was a gay,,,and,He kept a long-term friendship with Edith Wharton, who is the contemporary American woman writer,He died in London in 1916 and was buried in,Massachusetts,.,In 1976 his ashes were removed to Poets corner in Westminster Abbey.,Henry James (1843-1916),First period:1865-1882,International theme,黛西,密勒,(,Daisy Miller,,,1878,),贵妇人的画像,(,The Portrait of a Lady,,,1881,),美国人,(,The American,1877),Second Period,(1882-1895) :,studies of interpersonal relationships,波士顿人,(,The Bostonians,,,1886,),Third Period,(1895-1900):,added complexity and profundity to his international theme,(,The Wings of the Dove,The Ambassadors,The Golden Bowl,The Turn of the Screw,What,Maisie,Knew,Three stages of his career,In the first period,James took great interest in international terms. In almost all the stories and novels he wrote during this period, James treated with great care the clashes between two different cultures and moral problems of Americans in Europe, or Europeans in America.,The AMERICAN,tells a story about a young and innocent American confronting the complexity of European life.,DAISY MILLER, a novel about a young girl who get killed by the winter in Rome.,THE EUROPEANS,about some Europeans who tried to learn to adapt themselves to American life.,THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY,about the clash between the old world and the new in the life journey of an American girl.,In the second period,James experimented with different themes and forms in his middle period.,the novel BOSTONIANS, which satirized the woman liberation movement that took place in Boston.,the short story THE PRIVATE LIFE, THE DEATH OF A LION and THE MIDDLE YEARS,succeed in exploring the relationship of artist to the society to prove that the artist should not to sacrifice the truth for the passion no matter how troubles and isolated he feels.,short fictions include THE TURN OF SCREW,a story about the troubled and abnormal psychology of oppressed children.,THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE,which focuses on the,imaginitive,obsession of some haunted man and woman with their personal disaster in future.,In the third period,In his last and major period, James turned to his international themes. the most famous works in the theme of children and adolescence is WHAT MAISIE KNOWS. after that ,he successively created the following works :THE WINGS OF THE DOVE, THE AMBASSADORS and THE GOLDEN BOWL.,James considered his “most perfect” work of art,The Portrait of a Lady,is one of the most typical examples to express the “International theme”,the greatest books that James ever wrote,Writing style,James,defines the novel as primarily having a “large, free character of an immense and exquisite correspondence with life”.,A new concept of the author,James eliminate the author and gives the reader the illusion of being present at the scene of action.,He,preferred to used art to create product,THE TURN OF THE SCREW,It is a novelette, that is a short novel, a literary type in which James excelled.,The Turn of the Screw,as a gothic romance,The tale is pervaded by an air of mysterious and of horror and terror, that doesnt depend on what will happen but on what is happening.,Finally, as in the Gothic romance, there is a strong undercurrent of sexuality and sadism, as well as a strange and nightmarish quality.,Point of view,He disagrees with the omniscient perspective but approves of a limited /detached narrator point of view.,Thank you for listening,!,讲课人:陈潇潇,


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