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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教版六年级英语上册期末测试题,一、,英汉互译(,10,分),1,来自,_ 6. go to work,.,2.,漫画书,_ 7. teach English,.,3.,雨,_ 8. come out,.,4.,拉小提琴,_ 9. turn left,.,5.,作家,_ 10. listen to music,.,二、按要求写出词语。(,10,分),1. sun (,形容词,),6. doesnt(,完整形式,),2. eye (,同音词,),7. she (,宾格,),3. sing (,ing,式,),8. write(,第三人称单数),4.,buy(ing,式,),9. go (,反义词,),5.is not (,缩写形式,),10.five(,序数词,),三,.,选择正确答案,将序号填在括号内,(10,分),( ),1. How do you go to school?,A. By foot. B. By bike. C. walk,( ),2. Where is your home?,A. My home is near,the post office.,B. Im at home.,C.I live in a city.,( ),3. See you at 2 oclock,.,Goodbye. B. Thank you! C. See you then!,( ),4.- _?,- You can go by the NO. 15 bus.,A. Can I go on foot?,B. How can I get to,Yangming,Park?,C. Where is the,Yangming,Park?,( ) 5. Where is the library?,Its far from here,B. Thank you,C. Its near the cinema.,( ) 6. Thank you!,A. OK. B. Youre welcome. C. Yes, please.,( ) 7. - _? -Im going to the zoo.,A. Where are you going?,B. What are gong to do?,C. Where are you?,( ),8. What are you going to do on the weekend?,A. I am going to the zoo.,B. I am fine.,C. Im going to visit my parents.,( ),9. I should walk on the _ side of the road in England.,A. right B. left C. both A and B,( ),10. Yellow light means_.,A. go B. stop C. wait,四、用下列所给单词填空:(,10,分),When Where What Who Why How,(1) _ can I get to the zoo?,You can go by bus.,(2) _ do you go to school on foot?,Because my home is,near.,(3) _ are you going after lunch?,I am going to the bookstore.,(4) _ are you going?,I am going at 4 oclock.,(5) _ are you going to do?,I am going to play football(,足球,).,五、音标:,(8,分,),/mir / / g:l/ /n:s/ / b:d/,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),/m / /sk:t/ /sist/ / bna:n/,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),A. mirror B. mother C. skirt D. girl,E. bird F. nurse G. sister,H. banana,六、选择题,(10,分,),1.-What does Miss White do?-,.,A.She likes English.,B. Shes a teacher. C. At a school.,2. How does she go to school?-,.,A.She goes to school by bus.,B. She go to school by bus.,C. Yes, she does.,3. Does Liu Yun go to school by subway?,A. No, she doesnt. B. No, he doesnt.,C. yes, on foot.,4.-,are you going to do?,-I am going to take a trip.,A. Where B. What C. How,5. -,does your father work?,- In a post office.,A. Where B. What C. How,六、问答句配对,.(10,分),1.( )How do you go to school?,.I go to school by bike.,.He is a teacher.,2.( ) Where is the bookstore?,.She works in a company.,.Its next to the hospital.,3.( ) What are you going to do?,.Im going to buy a book.,.I am going at 3:00.,4.( ) What is your hobby?,.She is a farmer.,.I like diving.,5.( ) What does she do?,.She works in a hospital.,.She is a singer .,八、阅读,判断对错,对的写“,T”,错的写“,F”.(15,分),Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here,?,P: No, there isnt. But there is one next to the hospital.,Z: Where is the post office, please?,P: Its west of the hospital.,Z: Is it far from here?,P: Yes.,Z: How can I get there?,P: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross the street. Youll be in front of the post office.,Z: Thank you.,P: Youre welcome.,( ) 1.,There is a bookstore near the school.,( ) 2. The post office is next to the bookstore.,( ) 3. The post office is west of the hospital.,( ) 4. Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore.,( ) 5. Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.,


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