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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,review1,Agenda,Agenda,教学目标,Listening and speaking,Reading and writing,Language in use,教学目标,教学目标,本单元为复习单元,学生通过听、说、读、写等方面的训练进一步巩固前五个单元,所学语法、词汇知识和综合运用能力。,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Sara and her classmates are having a reunion party at the hotel. They are very happy to see each other again, so they talk a lot .,Activity 1,Activity 2,Activity 3,Activity 4,Activity 5,Activity 6,Activity 7,Activity 8,Activity 9,Activity 10,Activity 11,Exercise-,1,Activity 1,Listen to Dialogue A and tick where the receptionist is showing to Sara.,听对话,A,,勾出前台接待员为,Sara,指引的地点。,3) ( ),1) ( ),2) ( ),Exercise-,2,Activity 2,Listen to Dialogue A again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).,听对话,A,并判断正误。,( ) 1) Susan and her classmates are at the Hilton Hotel.,( ) 2) They are there to meet an American friend.,( ) 3) The reunion party is at the coffee room.,( ) 4) Sara clearly knows how to get to the coffee room.,( ) 5) Sara wants to buy some drinks.,( ) 6) There is a gift shop on the first floor.,( ) 7) At the gift shop, they sell shirts and ties only.,F,F,T,F,F,T,F,Exercise-,3,Activity 3,Work in pairs to ask and give directions to the newspaper reading room and self-study room in the library based on the map.,两人一组按照下面的图书馆方位图为你的同伴指引通往报纸阅览室和自习室的路。,You can use the following patterns:, I want to read some newspapers. Where shall I go?, You can go to the _. Its on the _ floor., My friend is waiting for me in the self-study room. How can I get there?, Go _ to _ floor and turn _. You will see the _.,library,first,up,second,right,self-study room,Exercise-,4,Activity 4,Listen to Dialogue B and tick the items Sara and the salesgirl talk about in the dialogue.,听对话,B,,勾出售货员和,Sara,谈论的内容。,2),1),3),4),Exercise-,5,Activity 5,Listen to Dialogue B again and tick the elements Sara and the salesgirl talk about concerning clothes.,听对话,B,,勾出售货员和,Sara,谈论了服装的哪些方面。,1) color 2) material 3) size 4) price 5) place of production,Exercise-,6-1,Activity 6,Listen to Dialogue B again and fill in the missing information. Then listen again to check your work.,听对话,B,并填空,再听一遍并检查你的答案。,Sales girl: 1)_?,Sara: Yes. Could you show me the black 2)_, please?,Sales Girl: Here you are. 3)_ it 4)_ please.,Sara: Is it a medium 5)_? Im buying it for a friend.,Sales girl: Let me 6)_ one for you. OK, this one is a 7)_.,Sara: Well, it has no sleeves. I guess she would feel a bit cold in it 8)_ night.,Sales girl: Look at this red 9)_. Its made of silk. This jacket 10)_ very well with the dress. She can 11)_ this on during the night.,Can I help you,dress,Try,on,size,get,medium,at,jacket,goes,put,Exercise-,6-2,Activity 6,Sara: Cool! Ill take both the 12)_ and the 13)_. How much are they?,Sales girl: Altogether, they are 500,yuan,.,Sara: Heres the 14)_.,Sales girl: Thank you, miss. Oh, look at this poster. Its for the 15)_ fair next month.,Sara: Thats so nice. What 16)_ are there at the fashion fair?,Sales girl: A lot, .,dress,jacket,money,fashion,activities,Exercise-7,Activity 7,Suppose you are selling clothes in the womens department. Your partner is your customer. He / She is buying . for his / her mother. Offer to help him / her and continue the dialogue. Be sure to talk about color, size and price. Try to follow Dialogue B.,假设你在女装部卖衣服,你的同伴是顾客。请模仿对话,B,,主动向同伴提供帮助并谈论有关颜色、尺寸和价格等方面的内容。,Exercise-,8,Activity 8,Listen to Dialogue C and tick the things Li,Xiaonian,does online.,听对话,C,勾出李晓年在网上做的事情。,1) chatting 2) studying English 3) publishing articles,4) downloading news 5) reading stories 6) learning school subjects,Exercise-,9,Activity 9,Listen to Dialogue C again and answer the following questions.,听对话,C,并回答以下问题。,1) Who is addicted to computer games?,_,2) Is Li,Xiaonian,happy about his addiction?,_,3) What does Li,Xiaonian,want to do in the future?,_,4) Does he study well?,_,5) What does Sara suggest him to do?,_,Li,Xiaonian,is addicted to computer games.,No, he isnt.,He wants to be a game designer in the future.,No, he doesnt.,Sara suggests him to study on the Internet.,Exercise-,10-1,Activity 10,Suppose you are Li,Xiaonian,. Underline the sentences in Dialogue C about your addiction to computer games. Tell your partner about your online activities.,假设你是李小年,找到对话,C,中谈论你的游戏瘾的内容,告诉你的同伴你在网上都做些什么。,Dialogue C,Sara: Hi, everybody, its nice to see you again.,Li,Xiaonian,: Hi, Sara, how are you doing?,Sara: I am fine. How about you? Still playing computer games?,Li,Xiaonian,: Im very sad about this, but Im terribly addicted to it. I just cant stop.,Sara: Well, maybe you can be a game designer in the future. The teacher often says, we can change our hobbies into our future jobs. Remember?,Li,Xiaonian,: I really hope I can do that. But, first of all, I have to pass all the exams.,Exercise-,10-2,Activity 10,Sara: Yeah. What else do you do on the Internet?,Li,Xiaonian,: Well, I chat with my friends on QQ, download movies and songs, do some shopping, read stories and news, and so on.,Sara: Oh, exciting. Do you have your own blog?,Li,Xiaonian,: Yes, I have my own blog. I usually publish one or two articles every day.,Sara: Cool! How long do you spend on the Internet every day?,Li,Xiaonian,: Well, Im always online, almost whenever I am awake.,Sara: Oh, I have a good idea. Do you know this website? It teaches all the school subjects. Since you are online so often, you can study there and try to catch up with the other students.,Li,Xiaonian,: OK, Ill try.,Exercise-,11-1,Activity 11,Interview 3 or 4 of your classmates to find out about their situations. Use the following questions. Write the information you get onto the form.,采访你的,3 - 4,名同学,提问以下问题,并用你收集到的信息填空。,1) Are you addicted to the Internet?,2) How long do you usually spend online every week?,3) What do you do online?,4) Do you have your own blog?,5) How often do you publish articles on your blog?,6) They teach English on many websites. Are you familiar with any of them?,Exercise-,11-2,Activity 11,Name,Addicted?,Time online,Activities online,Have a blog?,How often publishes articles on blog,Website known,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Activity 12,Activity 13,Activity 14,Activity 15,Activity 16,Exercise-,12-1,Activity 12,The following is a letter Sara wrote to Miss Tang. Who is Miss Tang? Read the passage and tick the right answer.,下面是,Sara,写给唐小姐的信。谁是唐小姐?阅读并勾出正确答案。,( ) English teacher,( ) school master,( ) school doctor,Exercise-,12-2,Activity 12,Dear Miss Tang,Do you still remember me? I am your student Sara, the sad little girl in the first line. I am becoming more optimistic now. I study at Beijing No. 1 Vocational School. My new classmates are very easygoing and friendly. They are always very helpful to me. My new English teacher looks serious, but, actually, he is very kind and understanding. I am still drawing a lot, but he is not angry with me. He is always telling me to change my hobby into my future job. So, I decide to be a fashion designer in the future.,Ben studies in the same class with me. He is not naughty anymore. He is hardworking, and he wants to go to university.,We are having a class reunion party now. We are talking a lot about you and our English classes with you. How have you been lately? Hope you are well.,Looking forward to seeing you soon.,Sincerely yours,Sara,Exercise-13-1,Activity 13,What changes in personality does Sara mention about herself and Ben? What kind of personalities do her new classmates and teacher have? Find the right personalities for them and fill in the blanks. Sara,的信中提到了哪些她和,Ben,性格的变化?她的新同学和新老师有什么样的性格?选择方框中适当的词填空。,optimistic easygoing friendly helpful serious,kind understanding naughty hardworking sad,Before,_,Now,_,sad,optimistic,Exercise-,13-2,Activity 13,New English teacher _,_,_,optimistic easygoing friendly helpful serious,kind understanding naughty hardworking sad,Before,_,Now,_,New classmates _,_,_,naughty,hardworking,easygoing,friendly,helpful,serious,kind,understanding,Exercise-,14,Activity 14,Read the passage again and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).,读短文并判断正误。,( ) 1) Sara studies at a university now.,( ) 2) Her hobby is drawing.,( ) 3) Sara likes both her previous and new teachers.,( ) 4) Sara wants to be a fashion designer in the future.,( ) 5) Sara wishes to see Miss Tang soon.,F,T,T,T,T,Exercise-,15,Activity 15,What kind of personality do your classmates have? Are any of you like Sara or Ben? Discuss with your partner using the following patterns.,你的同学都有什么样的性格?他们中有人像,Sara,或者,Ben,的性格吗?用以下句型进行讨论。, I think . is . What do you think?, Yes, I think so. / No, I dont think so. I think he / she is .,After you finish your discussion, fill in the form.,将讨论结果填入表中。,Name,Personalities,Exercise-,16,Activity 16,After you finish the discussion with your partner, write a report about the personalities of the classmates you discussed about.,将你们讨论的结果向全班汇报。,Our group thinks, . is _, but . is not. He / she is _. . and . are _, while . is _.,Language in use,Language in use,Grammar focus,Vocabulary consolidation,Grammar focus,Grammar focus,Activity 17,Activity,18,Activity,19,Activity,20,Exercise-17,Activity 17,Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb “be”.,用“,be”,动词的适当形式填空。,I 1_ a student at No. 1 Vocational School. My school 2_ far from my home. My parents 3_ both professors. They 4_ very busy. So, I stay at school on weekdays. Weekends 5_ always a good time for me. I 6_ home for weekends every week.,It 7_ Saturday today. I 8_ at home. My dog 9_ with me. We 10_ very good friends. 11_ you interested in hearing stories about my dog? Yes? Let me tell you from the beginning .,am,is,are,are,are,am,is,am,is,are,Are,Exercise-18,Activity 18,Look at the picture and match the people with their activities.,看图,将人物与他们参加的活动连线。,Two girls singing.,Some boys talking to the foreign teacher.,Some girls is playing football.,Two boys are running.,A girl playing basketball.,Exercise-19,Activity 19,Look at the following pictures and decide whether they are about things happening at the moment, or things happen as habits. Then finish the sentences under each picture.,看图判断图中内容是正在发生的还是习惯性行为,并用图片下面给出动词的适当形式完成句子。,swim,Sara _.,go home,Sara _.,sleep,Ben _.,go to bed,Ben _.,2),3),4),1),is swimming,goes home,goes to bed,is sleeping,Exercise-20-1,Activity 20,1) How often do you do the following things? Choose the proper adverb to finish each sentence according to how often you do them.,你多久做一次以下的事情?按照你自己的实际情况选择适当的副词完成下列句子。,1) I _ read in bed.,2) I _ sleep late.,3) I am _ late for school.,4) I _ help others.,5) I _ go shopping at weekends.,6) I _ clean my room.,The chart below shows frequency adverbs.,下面图中显示的是表示频率的副词。,always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never,Exercise-20-2,Activity 20,How often do / are you .?,7) My partner _ reads in bed.,8) He / she _ sleeps late.,9) He / she is _ late for school.,10) He / she _ helps others.,11) He / she _ goes shopping at weekends.,12) He / she _ cleans his / her room.,2) Interview your partner about how often he / she does these things. Use the information you get to finish the following sentences. The following question will help you get answers from him / her.,用下面的句型询问你的同伴,并用你获得的信息完成下列句子。,Vocabulary consolidation,Vocabulary consolidation,Activity 21,Activity 22,Activity 23,Exercise-21,Activity 21,Choose an adjective from the box below that best describes the people or things in each picture.,在方框中选择一个最恰当形容每幅图片中的人或事物的形容词并填在图片下的括号中。,1) ( ),2) ( ),3) ( ),4) ( ),5) ( ),6) ( ),exciting boring addictive colorful expensive helpful,boring,exciting,addictive,expensive,colorful,helpful,Exercise-22-1,Activity 22,Interview your classmates to find out who has the hobbies in the box below. The following patterns will help you. Use the information you get to finish the sentences.,用下列句型采访你的同学,找到有方框中各种爱好的人并用你获得的信息完成方框下的句子。,_,like(s,) gardening.,_,like(s,) taking care of animals., Do you like ?, Yes. / No., What is your hobby then? (When he / she answers with “No”), I like ,gardening taking care of animals hiking dancing singing,collecting stamps drawing playing basketball swimming,playing computer games cooking traveling helping people,Exercise-22-2,Activity 22,_,like(s,) hiking.,_,like(s,) dancing.,_,like(s,) singing.,_,like(s,) collecting stamps.,_,like(s,) drawing.,_,like(s,) playing basketball.,_,like(s,) swimming.,_,like(s,) playing computer games.,_,like(s,) cooking.,_,like(s,) traveling.,_,like(s,) helping people.,gardening taking care of animals hiking dancing singing,collecting stamps drawing playing basketball swimming,playing computer games cooking traveling helping people,Exercise-23,Activity 23,After you finish your interview, discuss what jobs your classmates may choose in the future. You can use the following patterns.,用下面的句型与你的同伴讨论你刚才采访的同学将来可以做方框中的哪项工作。, I think . can be,a(n,) in the future., Why do you think so?, Because he / she likes , Yeah, you are right.,tour guide artist pet trainer police officer computer programmer,chef / cook vet lifeguard gardener dancer singer,basketball player painter athlete,Thank You,


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