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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,UNIT 14,Business Ethics and Corporate,Social Responsibility,CONTENTS,TEACHING AIMS,After studying this unit, you are required to:,Have a general idea of,business ethics and corporate social responsibility.,Understand the importance of maintaining corporate responsibility commitment in biz.,Getting aware of the commercial corruptions nowadays in the biz world and the possible ways to avoid them.,4. Master the new words and expressions.,TEXT A Preview,There are myriad definitions of corporate social responsibility, with analysts seemingly divided on whether it is the Corporate, the Social or the Responsibility that demands the most focus. Along with this confusion of meaning comes a host of bold claims that seemingly position corporate social responsibility as the Holy Grail.,Little wonder that businesses of every size are both irresistibly attracted to corporate social responsibility but also somewhat daunted by the prospect of meeting such grand expectations.,TEXT A Reading Comprehension,Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage.,1.The fact that corporate social responsibility both attracts and daunts businesses of every size is quite incredible. ( ),2. With general guidelines emerging from the Global Reporting Initiative, companies are required to follow the strict rules for corporate responsibility programs.,(,),3. A long-term commitment should be taken into consideration when the corporate responsibility policy is being formulated. ( ),F,F,T,TEXT A Reading Comprehension,4. Unlike charities, businesses are reluctant to expose the commercial advantages that could be delivered by a strong corporate responsibility program. ( ),5. Pitney Bowess successful involvement with the National Literacy Trust also serves as a long-term beneficial strategy for the company. ( ),F,T,TEXT A Notes,B2B,: Business-to-Business describes commerce,transactions between businesses. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (,B2C,) and business-to-government (,B2G,).,CRM,: Customer Relationship Management, it,involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processesprincipally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.,TEXT A Notes,3.,SME,:,Small and Medium Enterprises are companies whose headcount or turnover,falls below certain limits. The abbreviation SME occurs commonly in the European Union,and in international organizations, such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the WTO. The term small and medium businesses or SMBs is predominantly used in the USA.,4,.,Holy Grail,:,a sacred object figuring in literature and certain Christian traditions, most often,identified with the dish, plate, or cup used,by Jesus at the Last Supper and said to,possess miraculous powers.,TEXT A Notes,5.,National Literacy Trust,: an independent charity based in London, that transforms lives through literacy. Founded in 1993, the NLT brings together partners in education and the community in innovative ways, working towards a society in which everyone has the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills they need to fulfill their potential.,6.,ISO 14001,: It is part of a family of 16 international ISO 14000 standards designed to assist companies in reducing their negative impact on the environment,,,it serves as a framework to assist organizations in developing there own environmental management system.,TEXT A New Words and Expressions,:,1.,assimilate,vt.,吸收;使同化;把,比作;使相似,vi.,吸收;同化,As a qualified lawyer, he has to,assimilate,the facts, not just remember them.,2,.,consumable,n.,消费品;消耗品,adj.,可消耗的;可消费的,Being one of the most,consumable,building materials, the concrete affects greatly on the project quality.,3.,refurbish,vt.,刷新;再磨光,Housing Society volunteers,refurbish,the homes for the elderly.,TEXT A New Words and Expressions,:,4.,encompass,vt.,包含;包围,环绕;完成,The atmosphere,encompass,the earth.,5.,recruitment,n.,补充;征募新兵,;,招聘,聘任,人员招募,This study is not yet open for participant,recruitment,.,6,.,myopic,adj. ,眼科,近视的;目光短浅的,Does,myopic,laser have risk?,7.,stellar,adj.,星,(,状的,);,和电影明星有关的,;,主要的,;,一流的,;,极好的,Dreaming in Code is,stellar,reporting and writing.,梦断代码,实在是一流的报道和著作。,TEXT A New Words and Expressions,:,8.,navel-gazing,:光盘算无行动,纸上谈兵,Though these are merely short,-,term gains, they are enough to deflect,navel-gazing,for the moment.,9.,flash-in-the-pan,:昙花一现的人或物,Are we passers-by in the life of each other? Is our love bound to be a,flash-in-the-pan,? How long will you keep such a passer-by in your memory?,难道你我真的是生命中的过客,在生命中昙花一现吗?生命中的过客,你还会记得她多久?,TEXT A New Words and Expressions,10.,window-dressing,:n.,装门面措施;弄虚作假,vt.,布置橱窗;装饰门面,Window-dressing,is an unfair way of attracting customers.,11.,detractor,n.,贬低者;诽谤者,A certain partner, competitor, or,detractor,is due to be unpredictable and challenging.,12.,overt,adj.,明显的;公然的;,律,蓄意的,I know only his,overt,reasons for refusing; he may have others.,Writing task,You are given 30 minutes to write an essay in no less than 150 words based on the following topic:,Nowadays, the word “CSR” is undergone a furious debate in the business world, advocates hold that corporate social responsibility will benefit corporations in multiple ways while critics argue that it distracts companies from the fundamental economic role of businesses,.,What do you think? Is CSR,a positive good,or,a necessary evil,?,TEXT A Assignment,Finish the writing task,Finish the rest of exercises of Text A,Preview Text B,Text B,The Corruption Eruption,-,Saying “no” to corruption makes commercial as well as ethical sense,Questions,What are the appropriate ways to reduce the prevalent commercial corruption according to the passage? List at least 3 points,.,Do you know any commercial bribery scandals in China? And how did these cases be handled with by the government?,If you were the CEO of a small but thriving local enterprise, what are the strategies you would like to use so that you company could enter the world market and become a multinational?,TEXT,B,Preview,It is 15 years since Moiss Nam coined the memorable phrase “corruption eruption”. But there is no sign of the eruption dying down. Indeed, there is so much molten lava and sulphurous ash around that some of the worlds biggest companies have been covered in it.,The ethical case against corruption is too obvious to need spelling out. But many companies still believe that, in this respect at least, there is a regrettable tension between the dictates of ethics and the logic of business.,TEXT,B,Reading Comprehension,Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage.,1. It is the fact that some of the worlds biggest companies, such as Siemens and Daimler, are covered in the molten lava and sulphurous ash of the commercial corruption. ( ),2. Regardless of the obvious ethical case, many companies believe that the tremendous rewards bribery can bring are worth the risk of being caught.( ),3. Few laws or regulations have been made against the corruption in places that are deeply indulged in bribery.,( ),T,T,F,TEXT,B,Reading Comprehension,4. Corruption is so much like a vicious circle, the deeper business people are engaged in it, the guiltier they may feel.,( ),5. Since the U.S. took the initiative to fight against corruption, many countries have cooperated with each other and made up a few cross-border prosecutions. ( ),6. The gargantuan fines and a spell in prison are way too much for the bribe-takers and bribe-givers. ( ),T,T,F,TEXT,B Notes,grease,n.,油脂,贿赂,vt.,涂脂于,贿赂习惯用语。文中,greasiest-palmed place,以及,efficient grease,均代指,bribery,2,.,CSR mantra,:企业社会责任的颂歌,3.,NGO,: A non-governmental organization is a legally constituted organization created by,natural,or,lega,l,persons,that operates independently from any,government,and a term usually used by governments to refer to entities that have no government status.,TEXT,B Notes,4. Transparency International,:,a non-governmental organization that monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption in international development. It publishes an annual Corruption Perceptions Index, a comparative listing of corruption worldwide. The headquarters is located in Berlin, Germany,but operates through more than 70 national chapters.,TEXT,B Notes,5.,OECD,: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an international economic organisation of 33 countries. It defines itself as a forum of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a setting to compare policy experiences, seeking answers to common problems, identifying good practices, and co-ordinating domestic and international policies of its members.,TEXT B,Notes,6.,Watergate Scandal,:,The Watergate scandal was a 1970s United States political scandal,resulting from the break-in to the Democratic National Committee,headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. Effects of the scandal ultimately led to the resignation of the President of the United States Richard Nixon,on August 9, 1974, the firstand so far, onlyresignation of any U.S President. It also resulted in the indictment, trial, conviction and incarceration of several Nixon administration officials.,TEXT B New Words and Expression,1.,sulphurous,adj.,含硫磺的;地狱般的,To the south and to the west, you must confront the,sulphurous,dystopia(,地狱般的,) of industrial New Jersey.,2.,gargantuan,adj.,庞大的,巨大的,The preference is evident in the,gargantuan,New World Department Store in Shanghais commercial heart.,3.,bureaucracy,n.,官僚主义;官僚机构;官僚政治,One has to encourage science, not to try to harness it with,bureaucracy.,TEXT B New Words and Expression,4.,ambivalent,adj.,矛盾的;好恶相克的,High levels of alcohol consumption can lead to physical illness and psychological and social distress. Alcohol has therefore always had an,ambivalent,position in society.,5.,bolster,n.,支持;长枕,vt.,支持;支撑,More timbers are needed to,bolster,the roof of the mine(,矿,).,6.,pander to,迎合;取悦,I have never been tempted to,pander to,everyone.,TEXT B New Words and Expression,7.,unscrupulous,adj.,肆无忌惮的;寡廉鲜耻的;不讲道德的,He is an,unscrupulous,businessman.,8.,pay-off,n.,应有的报偿或惩罚,故事的高潮,行得通,付清工资并解雇某人,贿赂,偿清,The happiness,pay-off,was huge.,The prospect of a,pay-off,gives officials an incentive to haggle over regulations.,9.,rectitude,n.,公正;诚实;清廉,Confucius taught that moral,rectitude,is far more important than eloquence.,TEXT B New Words and Expression,10.,prosecution,n.,起诉,检举;进行;经营,Sri Lankas leaders and the rebels must be warned that they could face,prosecution,for war crimes.,11.,miscreant,adj.,异端的;邪道的;极恶的,n.,异端;恶棍;罪大恶极之人,In recent corruption cases,miscreant,bosses have been spared prison on the basis of their importance to the economy, provided they donate some of their ill-gotten gains to charity.,TEXT B New Words and Expression,12.,shakedown,n.,调整,整顿;临时床铺;勒索;彻底搜查,adj.,试航的,You will see a police department,shakedown,in the city.,13.,whistle-blower,n. ,美口,揭发者,告密者,Every organization needs a,whistle-blower, someone who can stand up and say, Hey, you cant do that!,14,.,blatant,adj.,喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的,Thats the bottom line and,blatant,truth.,那个是底线同时也是最有力的事实。,TEXT B New Words and Expression,15.,airy-fairy,adj.,空想的;象童话中仙子般的,He tried to give us advice, but all he came up with were,airy-fairy,ideas.,16.,fit the bill,符合要求,Im looking for someone with several years of related experience and you seem to,fit the bill,.,TEXT B Assignment,Finish the exercises of Text B,.,Preview supplementing reading.,Supplementing,Reading,Reaching For A Longer Spoon,-,The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is straining ties between companies and activists,Supplementing,Reading,Read the passage and answer the following questions,:,Could you describe the environmental catastrophe unfolded in the Gulf of Mexico?,Collaboration between business and NGOs, if well designed, can certainly yield significant mutual benefit.,What are the obstacles that block the mutually beneficial relations between NGOs and companies to remain,Thank you!,


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