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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Listening,Unit 4 sharing,Turn to Page 35, read Exercises 1 and 2,About MSF:,The MSF role in,emergency medical aid,Mdecins Sans Frontires,(MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than,70 countries.,The listening has many examples of phrases that express time sequence. Listen to these expressions and number them in the order you hear them.,Task 1,Ex 1, P35,in the future,during the 1980s,for a couple of months,over the last few years,for a further six months,in two weeks time,3,1,5,4,6,2,Task 2,Time,Place,Events,1980s,1992,1997,Listen again and make notes.,studied medicine. Got to know two Africa students,Visited her two African friends and their families. Worked in their local health clinic for a couple of months.,Volunteered with MSF. Worked with children affected by HIV/AIDS.,Sydney,Africa,Malawi,Time,Place,Events,2001,Now,The,future,Australia,The Sudan,Conditions were very challenging because of the heat, the rains, the basic conditions in the clinics.,Has returned,for two weeks,Will return to the Sudan for six more months. After that, will probably return to Africa again.,With a partner, answer the questions below before you listen for a third time. As you listen check your answer.,Task 3,Why did Mary decide to work in developing countries?,Because when she worked in an African health clinic, she saw children with illnesses that could be prevented.,2. When Mary worked in a,clinic,in Malawi, why did the children die?,Because the clinics didnt have enough medicines.,3. In Sudan, why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came?,Because the roads became so muddy that they spent most of their time digging the car out.,4. Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging?,Because it could be very hot; it could be nearly impossible to get to the clinics when it rained; the clinics were very basic and the only,tools she had were a stethoscope and her hands.,5. Why does Mary enjoy her job?,She feels she is helping people who otherwise may not get help.,LISTENING TEXT,J:,Good morning. Im Jennifer Wells and today on “Making a difference”, Im going to talk to Dr Mary Murray who works for Medicines Sans Frontieres. Welcome, Mary.,MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES,M:,Thank you, Jennifer.,J:,Now tell me why you decided to join MSF?,M:,Well, while I was studying in Sydney during the 1980s, I got to know two Sudaness students and visited them in 1990. I became good friends with their their families and decided to,Work in a health clinic in their country in 1992 for a couple of months. There I saw children with terrible diseases that could have been prevented. Thats why I decided to work in developing countries.,J:,I see. So in 1997 you joined MSF and went to Malawi. What did you do there?,M:,Actually in Malawi, I was working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. It was heart-breaking. Children died because we didnt have enough medicines.,J:,Oh, how sad!,M:,Yes, but things gradually improved. Now theres treatment for HIV, which is showing very good results.,J:,Thats excellent news. Then, in 2001, you went to the Sudan again. Lets talk about your work there.,M:,Well, the conditions were rather challenging. It could be unbelievably hotsometimes as hot as 56 degrees Celsius! But when the rains came, the roads became so muddy that we spent most of our time digging the car out. The clinics were just mud huts and the only tools I had were a stethoscope and my two hands.,J:,Goodness, a challenge indeed!,M:,(,laughing,) True, but its amazing what you can do when you have no choice.,J:,And how do you think three experiences over the last few years have affected you?,M:,Well, they make me grateful for what I have. I really enjoy my work because I feel Im helping people who otherwise might not get help.,J:,Thats great. Now, just before you go what do you expect to be doing in the future.,M:,Well, Im returning to the Sudan in two weeks time for a further six months. Then Im not sure. I hope to return to Africa again though.,J:,Thank you, Dr Murray, and its been lovely talking to you. We wish you all the best with your work.,M:,Thank you, Jennifer.,Now I have two topics for you to discuss.,Do you think whether people like Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas? Give your reasons.,2. Would you like to work as a volunteer like Professor Fred Hollows in the future? Share your ideas with others.,Listening on page 70,Fred Hollows,sign,The Fred Hollows Foundation,is a non-government organisation which seeks to eradicate avoidable blindness in developing countries and to improve the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians. We use a sustainable development approach to achieve our objectives.,eradicate:,消除,avoidable,可以避免的,indigenous:,本土的,sustainable:,可以忍受、支撑、持续的,Our vision is of a world where no one is needlessly blind and of a land where indigenous people enjoy the same health outcomes as all Australians. The Foundation is inspired by the work and example of the late Professor Fred Hollows.,A:,In my opinion, Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas. And I would like to be a volunteer if necessary. The reason is that we, either the poor or the rich, live on the same planet. Just as John F. Kennedy said,“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”,B:,Humanism or humanitarianism is a necessary quality for us human beings. We should share what we have and help those who are badly in need of help. I will become a volunteer if time permits. Actually I often help those who need help.,For example, every Sunday, I take my neighbour, a disabled girl, to the park to refresh herself. And we talk a lot, and I think I help her a lot, which makes me very proud.,Listening,Number the items below in the order that you first hear them.,The Cancer Council,the environment,Plan International,serving soup to the homeless,old people,Youth in the City,children in hospital,The Fred Hollows Foundation,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1 Number the items below in the order.,2. Listen again and complete the table.,organization,Who,What does it do?,Plan International,The Fred Hollows Foundation,The Cancer Council,Youth in the city,Sponsors children from poor countries.,Helps blind people get their sight back.,Does research into cancer.,Support young people financially to stay on at school.,Mick,Annie,Jason,Mick,3 Listen again and list the students suggestions for raising money.,1 Run some competitions at lunchtimes.,2 Have a concert or movie night.,3 Have a basketball match.,4 Have a personal challenge, like getting someone to sponsor students for walking 25 kilometres.,4 Listen again and list the ways the students could give their time.,1 Serve soup to homeless people on Fridays.,2 Visit old people and children in hospital every week.,3 Do something for the environment, like tree planting or cleaning up rubbish.,LISTENING TEXT,SERVING COMMUNITIES,Jason, Mick and Annie are discussing how the school can serve communities outside the school.,J:,Have you two got any ideas about what the CCC should do this year?,M:,Yeah. What about sponsoring a child from a poor country? My parents do that through an organization called Plan International.,A:,Mmm, I like the sound of that. What do you think, Jason?,J:,Yeah, I like Micks idea too. Ill write it down. Any more ideas?,A:,Well, I looked on the Internet and came across The Fred Hollows Foundation.,J:,Whats that, Annie?,A:,Its an organization that helps blind people in developing countries get their sight back.,J:,That sounds good too.,M:,Yes, I like it as well.,A:,Great.,M:,But what about supporting a couple of local charities as well?,J:,You mean like The Cancer Council?,M:,Yes. Thats OK by me. What about you, Annie?,A:,Fine. The Cancer Council always needs money for research.,M:,What about this one? Ive heard of something called Youth in the City, which helps young adults get their Year 10 certificate.,J:,Why do they need help?,M:,These are young people who cant finish high school. The money will help them finish their education.,A:,I think thats a great idea. Now, how are we going to raise the money?,M:,Well, we could run some competitions at lunchtimes, say, in Term 1 ,A,:,and we could have a concert or movie night in Term 2 and a basketball match in Term 3.,J:,Or we could have a personal challenge you know, like getting someone to sponsor you for walking 25 kilometres.,M:,Well, we can think about that later.,A:,Ok, but I think weve also got to talk about giving our time and not just our money.,J:,Absolutely. I think we should definitely continue serving soup to homeless people on Fridays,M:, and visiting old people and children in hospital every week.,A:,What Id really like to do is something for the environmentlike tree planting or cleaning up rubbish.,M:,Well, we cant do everything. Lets meet after school to discuss this further. OK?,J and A:,OK.,Homework,1. Finish the LISTENING TASK on Page 75-76. Remember to predict what you will hear according to the given information and also pay attention to time expressions.,2. Search for more information about MSF and share it between us.,


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