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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,PowerFlex,700,变频器调试与故障排除,山东省冶金设计院自动化公司 李刚,SDMLG001126.COM,PowerFlex,700,变频器硬件结构,PowerFlex,700 Drive Overview,Processor and I/O,PowerFlex,700 Drive,Control Panel,Computer,Motor,Encoder,(optional),PowerFlex 700 Replacement Policy,Frames 0 - 4:,These frames are considered remove and replace due to their very small size and the fact that it is far easier and more cost effective to repair them in a Rockwell repair facility than in the field. Simple parts like front covers, conduit plates, fans, brake resistors and cassettes will be the only items available as kits.,Frames 5 & 6:,Some customers have a desire to repair larger frame drives rather than send them to the factory for repair. To help facilitate field repair, we will offer more spare components along with the simpler components previously mentioned (fans, covers, etc.). These kits will include circuit board assemblies,MOVs, current transformers, fan transformers and power devices just to name a few. For power devices, our team is working on the full,heatsink,as a replacement component for Frames 5 & 6 instead of individual,IGBTs,and other like components. This will make it a bit easier to repair in the field without errors due to improper,torquing,or application of thermal grease. All kits will include repair instruction including torque values as required.,PowerFlex 700 Frame 5,PowerFlex,700,变频器,报警判断及清除,Alarms,一类报警,:,只显示一种状态,不会引起变频器停车。,可通过参数,259 Alarm,Config,1,更改设置,二类报警,:,阻止操作者在未正确设置之前启动变频器。,不能通过参数更改设置,永远使能,二种类型的报警,:,Alarms,一类报警引起黄色状态灯常亮,:,Status LED,Alarms,二类报警引起黄色状态灯闪烁,:,Status LED,Alarms,报警也会在,HIM,上显示报警图标:,Alarm Icon,Common Drive Alarms,Digital input alarms,Stop asserted alarms,Digital Input Drive Alarms,因数字输入功能定义有冲突引起的报警,三种类型,:,Dig In,ConflictA,,数字输入功能冲突,Dig In,ConflictB,,配置启动输入,未配置停止。或其他功能冲突。,Dig In,ConflictC,,不止一个物理输入被配置成相同的输入功能。,Digital Input Drive Alarms,Digital Input Drive Alarms,Digital Input Drive Alarms,Forward/Reverse,Speed Select 1,Speed Select 2,Speed Select 3,Run Forward,Run Reverse,Jog Forward,Jog Reverse,Run,Stop Mode B,Bus Regulation Mode B,Acc2/Dec2,Accel,2,Decel,2,Auto/ Manual,Aux Fault,Clear,Faults(CF,),Decel,Limit,Enable,End Limit,Excl Link,Fast Stop,Find Home,Flt/,MicroPos,Hold Step,Home Limit,Jog 2,Jog1,Local,MOP Dec,MOP Inc,Dig In,C,onflictC,:,More than one physical input has been configured to the same input function. Multiple configurations are not allowed for the following input functions.,PI Enable,PI Hold,PI Invert,PI Reset,Pos,Sel,1-5,Precharge,En,Prof Input,Pwr,Loss,Lvl,Redefine Pos,Run Level,Run,w/Comm,RunFwd,Level,RunRev,Level,Spd/Trq,Sel1-3,Start,Stop,CF,Torque,Setpt,1,UserSet,Sel1-2,Vel,Override,Stop Asserted Drive Alarms,Stop Asserted Caused by,Improper Wiring for Start/Stop,Possible loss of logic power supply,Possible missing jumper for logic common & P/S Common,Actual stop command is being issued,Stop Asserted will generate and Alarm message on the HIM display and cause the STS LED to blink Yellow,Causes for Stop Asserted are not listed in the User Manual,The Alarm Queue,当引起报警的条件不再存在时,报警会自动清除,.,最近八个报警队列可通过以下清除,:,LCD HIM,DriveExplorer,software,DriveExecutive,software,The LCD HIM Alarm Queue,F,At Speed,Auto,26.01,Hz,1,Alm,Q#,: A#,1,Precharge,Active,Alarms Number,in the Queue,Alarm Code,Alarm Title,The,DriveExplorer,Software Alarm Queue,Drive Status,Alarms Number,in the Queue,Alarm Code,Alarm Title,The,DriveExecutive,Software Alarm Queue,Drive Status,Alarm Code,Alarm Title,PowerFlex,700,变频器,故障清除,Faults,三种故障类型,:,Type,Name,Description,1,制动复位运行,Auto-Reset Run,当此类故障发生,变频器试图自动复位故障,.,如果引起故障的条件不再存在,故障将被自动复位,变频器将自动重启动。,174Auto,Rstrt,Tries 175Auto,Rstrt,Delay,2,不可复位,Non-,Resettable,此类故障一般需要送修变频器或马达。引起故障的条件必须排除,故障才能清除。故障在重上电后被复位。,3,用户定义,User Configurable,此类故障可以通过参数设置,使能不使能,选择动作或忽略故障情形。,238Fault,Config,1,Faults,当故障发生,:,变频器输出立即中断,马达自由滑坡停车,故障信息显示在,HIM,上,Faults,Once fault occurs:,Fault condition is latched, requiring fault reset action to clear latched condition.,If fault condition still exists after reset, drive will fault again.,Additional data on status of drive at time of fault is recorded:,Only a single copy of this information,Always related to most recent fault,When another fault occurs, this data is overwritten with new data,Faults,Parameters latched into non-volatile drive memory:,Name,Number,Meaning,Fault Frequency,Parameter 224,Drive output frequency at the time of the fault,Fault Amps,Parameter 225,Motor amps at the time of the fault,Fault Bus Volts,Parameter 226,Unfiltered DC Bus volts at the time of the fault,Status 1 Fault,Parameter 227,Drive condition at the time of the fault,Status 2 Fault,Parameter 228,Drive condition at the time of the fault,Alarm 1 Fault,Parameter 229,Alarm condition at the time of the fault,Alarm 2 Fault,Parameter 230,Alarm condition at the time of the fault,Fault Queue,八个故障事件排列,包括故障代码和发生时间。,先进先出,(FIFO),排列,存于非易失性存储器,Fault Queue,故障排列显示在,:,LCD HIM,DriveExplorer,software,DriveExecutive,software,The LCD HIM Fault Queue,F,At Speed,Auto,26.01,Hz,1,Flt Q#,: F#,85,Port 5 DPI Loss,Faults Number,in the Queue,Fault Code,Fault Title,Accum,:,131:55:51.240,Time Stamp,The,DriveExplorer,Software Fault Queue,Drive Status,Faults Number,in the Queue,Fault Code,Fault Title,Time Stamp,The,DriveExecutive,Software Fault Queue,Drive Status,Fault Code,Fault Title,Clearing a Fault,引起故障的原因必须查明并解除后,故障才可以清除。,要清除故障可以,:,按,HIM,上的停止按钮。,或,Click “Clear Fault” in Faults tab in,DriveExplorer,software,或,Click “Clear Faults . . .” in Faults tab in,DriveExecutive,software,PowerFlex,700,变频器,负载和环境因素的故障排除,Load smaller than motors maximum rating:,Load Faults,Load at motors maximum rating:,Load Faults,Motor Overload,Load larger than motors maximum rating:,Load Faults,Load Faults,负载故障类型,:,马达过载,Motor,OverLoad,硬件过电流,HW,OverCurrent,软件过电流,SW,OverCurrent,超速过限,OverSpeed,Limit,安全销故障,Shear Pin,变频器过载,Drive,OverLoad,An incorrectly applied drive can result in component damage or a reduction in product life. Application errors such as,undersizing,the motor may result in malfunction of the system.,Environmental Faults,在如下情形下发生环境故障,:,变频器接受到太少的功率,变频器接受到太多的功率,变频器周围有过多的热量,变频器内部有过多的热量,Excessive,Heat,Excessive,Heat,Excessive,Heat,Excessive,Heat,Environmental Faults,Environmental Faults,Types of environmental faults:,动力缺失,Power Loss,母线低电压,UnderVoltage,母线过电压,OverVoltage,散热片过温,Heatsink,OvrTemp,晶体管过温,Trnsistr,OvrTemp,控制板过温,Cntl,Bd,OvrTemp,Ambient Operating Temperatures,0,to 40 C,周围温度,操作在,41 and 50 C,之间的周围温度,:,除,20BC072,以外所有变频器把顶部标签撤掉,可工作在,50 C,20BC072:,顶部标签撤掉,可工作在,45 C,顶部标签和通风板撤掉,可工作在,50 C,Removing the adhesive label from the drive changes the NEMA enclosure rating from Type 1 to Type Open.,The vent plate can be removed by lifting the top edge of the vent plate from the chassis and rotating the vent plate out from the back plate.,Minimum Mounting Clearances,避免增加过多的热量,:,No Adhesive Label,Adhesive Label,PowerFlex,700,变频器,设备故障排除,Fault Code Equipment Problems,设备故障类型,:,通讯口故障,软件故障,编码器故障,I/O,故障,主控制板故障,存储器故障,其它硬件故障,Fault Code Equipment Problems,一些设备故障可以通过以下方法得到修正,:,改变参数,重新上电,其他故障则需要更换变频器器件,To avoid an electric shock hazard, verify that the voltage on the bus capacitors has discharged before performing any work on the drive. Measure the DC bus voltage at the DC+ and DC- terminals of the power terminal block. The voltage must be zero.,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,变频器未能,:,改变马达方向,通过硬件接线启动,通过,HIM,启动,根据设定的速度相应地改变速度,马达和或变频器无法升速到设定速度,马达运转不稳定,HIM,无法控制对马达的操作,HIM,上没有显示,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,Non-Fault Code Equipment Problems,一些没有故障码的设备问题可以通过以下方法得到修正,:,改变参数,重新上电,其他故障则需要重新接线或更换变频器器件,谢 谢 !,


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