Basic Chemical Safety Training

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Chemical Safety,Chemical Hazards Identification & Safe Handling,We may need to handle and use various types of,chemicals,in the course of our work,It is important for us to be aware of the,dangers,of chemicals and the,precautions,to prevent accidents and diseases,Introduction,Chemical Hazards Identification & Safe Handling,In this session, we shall discuss :,properties & hazards,of chemicals,safety measures,to observe in handling them,Chemical Hazards Control,Recognition,-,knowledge of the properties of the chemicals and their danger. Material safety data sheet giving necessary safety health hazard information and precautions for safe handling,Evaluation,-,eliminate or substitute harmless or less harmful substances where possible,Control -,preventive measures taken to protect against inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion :- labeling, warning notices, protective clothing & appliances, isolation, monitoring & testing, lockup, ventilation etc.,Chemical Hazards,Some chemicals are,highly flammable.,They may start a,fire,or cause an,explosion,Others may be,corrosive,or,toxic,posing various form of,adverse health effect,and other outcomes on,over exposure,.,Physical Forms of Chemicals,Chemicals come in,various forms,.,It can be,solids, liquid, gas, vapour, dusts, fumes, mists,or,smoke,.,Different forms produce,different effect,on exposure.,It can also,change,from one form to another depending on the environmental conditions.,The Factories (Permissible Exposure Level of Toxic Substances) Order 1996,Current airborne standards in Singapore is the Factories (PEL of Toxic Substances) Order 1996 come into operation on 1 Jan 1997,Sets a minimum acceptable standard for factory,Prescribe the permissible exposure levels of a few hundreds types of toxic substances.,Definition of Toxic Substances,Toxic substances are substances which produce,harmful effects,in the body if there are of,sufficient concentration,.,Concepts related to toxicity,Time-weighted average concentration,- this is the,average exposure,of concentration that take into account the variation in levels during the day.,Maximum Allowable Concentration,- this is the level of maximum exposure to which a worker can be subjected,continuously,without suffering harmful effects.,Concepts related to toxicity,Threshold limit values,- this refers to the airborne concentrations of substances to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed to every day without adverse effects,Dose = Concentration (ppm or mg/m,3,),x Duration (hours),ppm = parts of the substances per million parts,of contaminated air by volume,mg/m,3,= milligrammes of the substances,per cubic meter of contaminated air,Effects of Toxic Substances,Two types of effects - Acute or Chronic,Acute Effect,-,results from a sudden high,level of exposure which give immediate effects,often serious illness, irritant effects or death,Chronics Effects -,results from a low level of continuous exposure that develops the symptoms or disease over a period of time. This may,affect the nervous system, the blood,system, bones, liver, and kidneys of,the system.,Routes of Entry,Exposure to chemicals or entry of chemicals into the body can occur through the following ways:,Absorption,(skin & eye contact) - enters the body in the form of vapour, liquid, spray or mist. This may cause burns, rashes, irritation and blindness,Inhalation,- enters the body through breathing in the form of smoke, fumes, mist, dust or vapour. This may cause dizziness and headache,Ingestion,- enters the body from eating and drinking. This may damage the stomach, liver and other organs,Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS),This provides the necessary information to work safely with chemicals. It contains health, safety and relevant information about the chemical substances.,It covers the followings:,1) Identity,2) Hazardous ingredients,3) Physical and chemical characteristics,4) Physical hazards,5) Reactivity,6) Health hazards,7) Spill or leak procedures,8) Control measures,9) Precautions for safe handling,Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS),Identity,-,Who makes it, their address,emergency phone number and date prepared,Hazardous ingredients,-,A substances,hazardous components, chemical and common names,Physical and chemical characteristics,-,Boiling point, melting point, appearance and odor, vapour pressure, vapour density etc.,Physical hazards,-,Fire and explosions;,Ways to handle those hazards.,Reactivity,-,Whether the substance is stable,Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS),Health hazards,-,How the chemical can enter your body. Signs and symptoms of exposure.,Spill or leak procedures,-,What to do if there is a spill or leak,Control measures,-,What type of personal protective equipment to use when handling that,particular chemical,Precautions for safe handling,-,How,to handle and store chemical substances,Safe Handling of Chemicals,Use suitable protective clothing,and appliances, including where,necessary suitable gloves, footwear, goggles, head coverings and respirators.,Changes clothes regularly,Wash hand and forearms regularly,Use barrier cream for additional protection,Never use contaminated containers,Safe Storage of Chemicals,Measures taken to protect against inhalation,of the dust, fume or other contaminants and,to prevent their accumulation. These include testing and monitoring system, warning notices, safety signs, ventilation system, fumes control and cleaning system etc.,Person in charge must have adequate knowledge of the properties of the chemicals and their danger,All chemicals shall be properly labeled and hazards information provided,Safe Storage of Chemicals,keep containers closed and tightly sealed when not in use,do not use chemical in an unlabeled container,store chemical in designated area,good house keeping is important,do not smoke in storage areas,check for leaks of containers,clean up any spill according,to MSDS procedures,Disposal of chemicals,Chemical waste should be labeled and stored in container of good condition,To follow established written procedure for the disposal of chemical waste,Pollution Control,Occur when chemical or toxic substance is released into the environment in an uncontrolled manner,Care should be taken to prevent this from occurring,Spill and Leakage Control,Must be dealt with immediately,Follow company procedure on spill and leakage control,Check the MSDS for appropriate clean-up procedure,First Aid,Get prompt medical attention,Check MSDS for first aid instruction,Corrosive chemical splash,remove contaminated clothing,rinse skin with water for 15 minutes,Splash in the eyes,flush with water for 15 minutes,+,First Aid,Inhalation,get into fresh air immediately,artificial respiration may be needed,Swallowing,dont take chances. Get medical attention immediately, even if you feel OK. There may be delayed health effects,+,First Aid,+,Safety Tips,Do not mix chemical with another substance,(even water) without instructions.,Wear appropriate PPE when handling chemicals,(e.g. Face mask, goggles, respirator, gloves,plastic overalls, rubber boots, etc),Cover minor cuts so chemicals cannot get in them,Wash hand thoroughly with soap and water,Follow instructions for handling and transporting hazardous materials,Read container label. Do not open or smell them to find out what is inside,+,Safety Tips,Store all chemicals according to MSDS instruction,Use equipment to handle the chemicals,Do not breath gases produced from chemical reactions,Make sure there is good ventilation when chemicals are used,Observe good housekeeping,proper cleaning and regular maintenance,of equipment,proper way to remove chemical wastes,When in doubt, ask your supervisor,+,End of Lesson,Hope you have gained some basic concepts on chemical hazards and their safe handling technique,The,End,


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