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,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Dont eat in class!,Unit 4,Different language goals:,1.,重点词汇:,rule, hallway, classroom, fight,重点句型:,Dont eat in class.,2.,让学生了解并自觉遵守学校的规章制度。,3.,让学生能表达一些校园规定。,4.,运用所学内容制定“组规” “家规”。,初级目标(,C,):,1, 2,初级目标(,B,):,1, 2, 3,初级目标(,A,):,1, 2, 3, 4,What can/cant we do to be a good student?,Can we?,Yes, we can.,(No, we cant.),( ) do homework in the classroom,( ) play computer games every day,( ),listen to,the teachers in class(在课堂上),( ) run in the,hallways,( ) read English books in English class,( ),wear,hats in class,( ),listen to,music in the,classroom,( ) eat in class,( ) draw on the,wall,( ),fight,(,) eat in,the,dinning hall,Do you want to be a good student?,school rules,校规,keep rules,遵守规则,break rules,违反规则,be late for class = arrive late for class,Can we,be late for,class?,Dont be late for class.,Dont,arrive,late for class.,=,arrive,到达,达到,We must be,on time,.,We cant be late for class.,Can we,listen to music,in class?,Dont,listen to music,in class.,We cant listen to music in class.,Can we run in the,hallways,?,Dont run in the hallways,.,We cant run in the hallways.,Dont eat in the classrooms.,We can eat in the,dining hall.,Can we eat in the classrooms,?,dining hall,餐厅,We cant eat in the classroom.,Can we,fight,with others?,Dont fight,.,fight,打架,We cant fight.,What rules are they breaking?,Dont eat in the classroom.,Dont fight.,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont listen to music in class.,Are they good students?,What rules are these students breaking?,1,3,4,5,2,1a,Peter _ Amy _ Mike _,1b,Listen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.,2,3,4,Pairwork,A:,What are the rules?,1. Dont arrive late for class.,2. Dont run in the hallways.,3. Dont eat in the classroom.,4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.,5. Dont fight.,B:,Well , we,cant,arrive late for class.,We,cant,run in the hallways.,1c,Pair work,A,:,what are the rules?,B: well, we cant eat in class . We must eat in the dining hall,Can we play basketball in the classroom?,But we can play it,outside.,Dont play sports in the classroom.,Outside,在外面,Grammar,祁使句,Example:,肯定祁使句 否定祁使句,Sit down.,Come in.,Eat at home.,Listen to music outside.,5. Do your homework at school,.,Dont,sit down.,Dont,come in,.,Dont,eat at home.,Dont listen to music outside,.,Dont do your homework at school,.,What rules are these students breaking?,Dont fight.,Dont talk in class.,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,SCHOOL,Dont arrive late for class.,arrive late,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont eat,in the classroom.,SCHOOL RULES,1.Dont arrive late for class.,2.Dont run in the hallways.,3.Dont eat in the classroom.,4.Dont listen to music in the,classroom or the hallways.,5.Dont fight.,What are the school rules?,2a Listen. Check the activities Alex and Cindy talk about.,Activity,1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways,can,cant,2,.,_ listen to music in the music room,can,cant,3,.,_ listen to music outside,can,cant,4,._ eat in the classrooms,can,cant,5,._ eat in the dinning room,can,cant,6,._ eat outside,can,cant,7,._ wear a hat,can,cant,8,._ fight,can,cant,2c,Pairwork,Student A is A,lan,and Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules at your school.,A:,Can,we,listen to music,Al,an,?,B: We,cant listen to music in the hallways,but,we,can listen to it outside,.,2d,R,ole play the conversation,.,1.Whats the boys name?,2.Are there a lot of rules?,4.Can they bring music players to school?,5.Do they always have to wear the school uniform?,6.Do they also have to be quite in the library?,His name is John,.,Yes, there are,.,No, they cant,.,Yes, they do,.,Yes, they do,.,What are the school rules?,1. Dont be late for class.,2. Dont bring music players to school.,3. Wear the school uniform.,4. Be quiet in the library.,1,. And we always,have to,wear,the,school uniform.,wear,v,.,意为“穿、戴”,表示状态,e.g. My aunt,wears,a blue skirt and a white T-shirt.,我姑姑穿着蓝色的裙子,白色的,T,恤。,Does he,wear,glasses?,他戴眼镜吗?,2,. have to,与,must,haveto,着重于客观的需要,含有“不得不”的客观强制性,有人称和数的变化,其后要跟动词原形。,must,着重于主观上自己认为有义务、有必要,没有人称和数的变化,其后要跟动词原形 。,e.g. She _ clean the room every,week.,她每周都得打扫房间。,I _ now.,我现在必须走。,has to,must,go,含有,have to,的句子变一般疑问句或否定句时要借助助动词,do / dont,或,does / doesnt,;而含有,must,的句子变一般疑问句是直接将,must,提前至句首,变否定句是在,must,后加,not,。,如:,He,doesnt have to,do it.,他不必做那件事。,He,mustnt,do it.,他不许做那件事。,Does,he,haveto,doit?,他不得不做那件事吗?,Must,he do his homework?,他必须做他的作业吗?,在否定句中,,dont / doesnt haveto,表示“没有必要”,,must not / mustnt,表示“不允许”。,如:,You,donthaveto,gothere.,你不必去那儿。,You,must not / mustnt,go there.,你不许去那儿。,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Role-play,See which group can say the most,family,rules.,Competition,(小组比赛,看哪组说出更多的家规),Group 1,Group 2,Group 3,Group 4,课堂检测:,(一),.,根据示范来进行祈使句操练,A: Eat in the class.,B:,Dont eat in the class.,A: Fight in the classroom.,B:,.,A: Run in the hallways.,B:,.,A: Arrive late for class.,B:,.,A: Listen to music in the classroom.,B:,.,Dont fight in the classroom,Dont run in the hallways,Dont arrive late for class,Dont listen to music in the,classroom,Dont eat in class!,Unit 4,sectiomA2d-3c,Do you know the rules for the school library?,No school bags!,No talking!,No wet umbrellas!,No listening to music!,No food!,3a,Make our school library rules,No food!,No wet umbrellas!,No listening to music!,No talking!,No school bags!,List the rules of the,Fraster,family.,FAMILY RULES,1.,Dont talk loudly.,2._,_,3._,_,4._,_,5._,_,6._,_,Dont watch TV late at night,Turn off the lights when you leave the room.,Dont waste water.,Dont sleep too late.,Dont eat and read at the same time.,Make our school library rules,No food!,No wet umbrellas!,No listening to music!,No talking!,No school bags!,List the rules of the,Fraster,family.,FAMILY RULES,1.,Dont talk loudly.,2._,_,3._,_,4._,_,5._,_,6._,_,Dont watch TV late at night,Turn off the lights when you leave the room.,Dont waste water.,Dont sleep too late.,Dont eat and read at the same time.,Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers according to your school.,Does he have to eat dining hall?,Yes, he does,Can we listen to music in the hallways?,No, we cant,Can we wear a hat in the classroom?,No, we cant,unit4,Section B,Dont eat in class,Make up five cool rules for your dreams school.,Share your rules with class.,1.We can ear in class.,2. We dont have to come to school every day.,3.,At my dream school,we dont have to school every day.,we.,1.,看电视,2.,出去,3.,做作业,4.,看朋友,5.,练吉他,6.,清洗餐具,7.,帮助他的妈妈做早饭,8.,打扫房间,9.,在上学的晚上,10.,在上学的日子,11.,每个周六,12.,晚饭后,Translate them into English,watch TV,go out,do ones homework,see friends,practice guitar,do the dishes,help his mother make breakfast,clean the room,On school nights,on school days,every Saturday,after dinner,13.,晚饭前,14.,放学后,15.,在晚上,16.,每个早上,17.,不得不,18.,整理床铺,19.,十点之前,20.,在周末,21.,打扫房间,22.,严格要求某人,23.,严格要求某事,24.,遵守制度,before dinner,after school,in the evening,have to,every morning,make ones bed,before 10:00,on the weekend,clean the room,be strict with,sb,be strict in,sth,follow the rules,1b,listen,Rules,Cant,(x),Have to/,Must(,),When,a,go out,on school nights,see friends,do his homework,practice the guitar,do the dishes,watch TV,help his mom make breakfast,clean his room,1c,1d,talk aboutthe rules,Can Dave go out on school nights?,No , he cant,Notes :,5 on,用于表示具体的某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,on a winter night,on a spring morning,on Saturday evening,on school night,practice doing,sth,练习做某事,I practice speaking English every day,He practices playing dancing,句型转换,1.She wears,sunglasses,.(,对划线部分提问,),does she,?,2.I go to Shanghai with,my family,.(,对划线部分提问,),you,to Shanghai with?,3.The sun,is shining,.(,对划线部分提问,),the weather?,4.Listen to music in hallways.(,改为否定句,),listen to music in hallways.,5.At school, we must clean the classroom.(,改为同义句,),At school, we,clean the classroom.,What,wear,Who do,go,How is,Dont,have to,Select the correct verb from the choices in parenthesis .,选择正确的动词填空。,1.(Can/Does)_ we eat in class?,2.(Dont/Has to)_ wear a hat in class !,3.Does Bill (have to /can)_ go to bed now?,4.Francisco and Andrew (cant/dont) _ come?,5.(Do/Have to)_ they wear sports shoes ?,根据句意填写单词,已提供第一个字母,每空一词,。,11.Dont stand o_. Come in please.,12.He is writing in the c_ now.,13.He likes w_ to work. He thinks its good for his health.,utside,lassroom,alking,14.He has breakfast and supper at home . but he has lunch in the d _ hall .,15.Go to w_ your hands; they are very dirty.,ash,ining,用,have to,或,has to,填空,1.We,clean our classroom after school.,2.She,make her bed after getting up.,3.Its late.,Mr,Beckman,go to work by car.,4.Emily and Peter join a music club. They,practice guitar every day.,have to,have to,has to,has to,From:,


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