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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,New Practical English 2,Passage I,Are You Really Being Invited,Passage II,An Invitation Letter,Unit One,Passage I,Practice,Related Information,Intensive Study,The customs of inviting friends vary from country to country. Generally speaking, on formal occasions, the invitation is usually made well in advance. But as for some informal cases, the invitation is usually made orally. To either of these two invitations, the person being invited should give a clear reply whether the invitation is accepted or not.,Text-related,information,Text,Intensive Study,Difficult Sentences,Important Words,Intensive Study,Are You Really Being Invited?,Para. 1,If someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event, you are not required to,commit,yourself until you know what the invitation is for. For example, if you say that youre free and the invitation turns out to be something youd hate to do (a trip to a local sight youve seen ten times), then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance or,invent,an excuse later.,If this happens, tell the person who invites you that you have to check and that youll tell him or her later. If an invitation must be refused, most people expect a reason. The following sequence would be,appropriate,: apology, reason for refusal, thanks for the invitation.,Intensive Study,Intensive Study,Para. 2,When someone asks you to his or her home, it is very clear who is the guest and who is the host, but invitations to restaurants for lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink, etc., sometimes present problems, and the customs vary in different parts of the United States.,Intensive Study,Para. 3 In many instances it is the inviter who pays, as one would expect, but in some instances each one pays his or her own check: You “go Dutch. This is often the case with friends in informal situations, such as “Lets go and get a beer or “Want a cup of coffee? In some parts of the country, however, some people like to entertain friends by taking them to a restaurant for dinner instead of having dinner at home.,In this case the host expects to pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip, which may be declined by the host. (If so, just let the matter drop.) If the invitation is expressed in fairly casual terms, such as “Lets go to (name of a restaurant) for dinner, it may be more of a suggestion than an invitation, so you should be prepared to pay your part of the bill.,Intensive Study,Para. 4 If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant, be explicit: “Id like to take you toAmericans should be explicit also, but they often assume you know the local customs in the matter. Ask a friends advice if you are not sure.,Intensive Study,Para. 5 There are also phrases that sound like invitations but in fact are not. People may say things like: “Well have to get together sometimeor “Youll have to come over and visit us sometime. You can identify such non-invitations by their generality there is no specific time mentioned, and the word “sometime is often used. They are often ritual expressions of parting. On these occasions you could respond: “Yes, that would be nice, or “Id love to, or something similar, and then let the subject drop. If they do not call you, you could,always invite them for some occasion.,Intensive Study,Difficult Sentences,1. (Para. 1) ., you are,not,required to commit yourself,until,you know what the invitation is for.,Example:,Once he starts a job he,wont,stop,until,its finished.,Dont,move,until,I tell you.,the sentence pattern not. until.,means not before a particular time or event.,在你尚未弄清楚邀请的具体内容之前,你没有必要容许一定参加。,Difficult Sentences,2. For example, if you say that youre free and the invitation turns out to be something,youd hate to do, then youll,be in a position,to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later.,Example:,If you list a few priorities, then you will,be in a position,to do things in the right order of priority.,a relative clause used to modify something,Be in a position,can take either an infinitive,clause or an of-V-ing phrase, thus,be in a position of having to take back.,can be also rewritten as,be in a position to take back .,比方说,如果你说有空,而邀请参加的却是你不愿意做的事 (到你已经去过10次的当地景点旅游), 那么你就可以回绝邀请,或者以后再编一个借口。,This emphatic sentence takes the structure of “it is.who/that,Difficult Sentences,(Para. 3) In many instances,it is the inviter who pays.,Example,:,It was my uncle who sent me the parcel.,在许多情况下,应由邀请人付账单。,Difficult Sentences,4. (Para. 3) .it may be,more of,a suggestion,than,an,invitation.,Example,:Shes more of a poet than a musician.,the pattern, it is more of .than . (与其说不如说).,这样说更像是建议,而不是邀请,Important Words,1 mit v. entrust, hand over, make oneself responsible 使承担保证,使作出保证;把交托给,I think I can come tonight but I wont,commit,myself till I know for sure.,If you want to be an actor you have to really,commit,yourself to it.,The government claimed to,commit,itself to improving health care.,The president said that once he had,committed,to this course of action there was no going back.,FOR EXAMPLE,Important Words,2. invent v. discover and create something new 创造,设计, 编造,The first safety razor was,invented,by the company founder King C. Gillette in 1903.,The fax is arguably the most useful machine to have been,invented,since the telephone.,Over the past quarter century our advertising company has,invented,thousands of catchphrases.,I didnt,invent,the story . Everything I told you is true.,FOR EXAMPLE,Important Words,3. appropriate a. proper, suitable 适宜的,恰当的,I didnt think his comments were very,appropriate,at the time.,Ive been invited to her wedding but I havent got anything,appropriate,to wear.,Her thin shoes,werent,appropriate,for such muddy paths.,Her remarks were,considerate,and very,appropriate,to the situation.,This isnt an,appropriate,occasion to discuss finance.,FOR EXAMPLE,Important Words,4.,instance,n. certain situation, circumstance or occasion, case or example 情况,情形,事例,FOR EXAMPLE,There have been several recent,instances,of planes taking off without adequate safety checks.,I dont usually side with the management, but in this,instance,I agree with what theyre saying.,In the local industry, for,instance, 5 000 jobs are being lost.,Important Words,5.,casual,a. informal, not very serious 随便的,随意的,,非正式的,It was just a,casual,comment, I didnt mean it to be taken so seriously.,The new law is intended to deter the,casual,user of drugs.,For some people,casual,clothes mean a shapeless T-shirt and old jeans.,Security around the conference hotel seemed almost,casual,.,Are you employed permanently or on a,casual,basis?,FOR EXAMPLE,Important Words,explicit,a. clear, definite 清楚的,直率的,Sheila,shouldnt,get lost because I gave her very,explicit,directions how to get there.,She was very,explicit,about what she thought was wrong with the plans.,FOR EXAMPLE,Important Words,drop,v. fall down, give up, lower,滴,落,下降,变弱,,中断,FOR EXAMPLE,The book,dropped,from the shelf.,She,dropped,the tray with a crash.,Drop,your voices shes in the next room!,The temperature,drops,at night.,Prices have,dropped,since there has been more competition between suppliers.,Can you,drop,what youre doing and help me with this report?,I dont want to talk about it any more lets,drop,the subject.,Read and Think,Read and Complete,Read and Simulate,Read and Translate,Practice,1,Answer the following questions according to the text.,Read and Think,What should you do if someone only invites you,but doesnt say what the invitation is for?,You should not feel committed until you know what the invitation is for.,Read and Think,What is the proper sequence for refusing an invitation?,It is: apology, reason for refusal, thanks for the invitation.,What does “go Dutchmean?,It means each pays ones own check when eating in a restaurant.,Read and Think,4,What is the key word in the expressions that sounds like invitations but actually is not?,The word “sometime.,2. Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage.,Read and Complete,In many instances it is the inviter who pays, as one would expect, but in some 1 _ each one pays his or her own check: You “go Dutch. This is often the case with friends in 2 _ situations, such as “Lets go and get a beeror “Want a cup of coffee? In some parts of the United States, however, some people like to 3 _ friends by taking them to a restaurant for dinner instead of having dinner at home.,instances,informal,entertain,Read and Complete,In this case the 4 _ expects to pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip, which may be declined by the host. (If so, just let the matter drop.) If the invitation is expressed in fairly 5 _ terms, such as “Lets go to (name of a restaurant) for dinner, it may be more of a 6 _ than an invitation, so you should be prepared to pay your part of the bill.,host,casual,suggestion,3. Complete each of the following statements according,to the passage.,Read and Complete,1If you say that youre free and the invitation turns out to be something youd hate to do, then you are in a position to take back your acceptance and _.,2Invitations to restaurants for lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink, etc., sometimes _ with who will pay.,3If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant, be _.,invent an excuse later,present problems,explicit,Read and Complete,You can identify non-invitations by their generality,there is no _,_,_.,If you can recognize phrases that are not actual invitations, you could respond: _,_.,specific time mentioned,“Yes, that would be,nice.,4. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions,given below, changing the form if necessary.,Read and Complete,appropriateinstanceinventhostess identify entertainexplicit present,1I dont usually side with the management, but in this _ I agree with what theyre saying.,instance,Read and Complete,appropriateinstanceinventhostess identify entertain explicit present,Traffic jams often _ problems that are difficult to solve.,3We thanked our _ for the lovely party she gave.,present,hostess,Read and Complete,appropriateinstanceinventhostess identify entertainexplicit present,4I didnt think his comments were _.,appropriate,5But I didnt _ the story everything I told you was true.,invent,Read and Complete,appropriateinstanceinventhostess identify entertainexplicit present,We have to _ a lot of people, mainly business associates of ours.,7Sheila shouldnt have got lost because I gave her very _ directions.,entertain,explicit,Read and Complete,appropriateinstanceinventhostess identify entertainexplicit present,8Most children can _ their mother by her voice.,identify,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,1. 为方便起见, 这些照片将按照,时间顺序,展示。,For convenience, the photos will be shown in time sequence,.,time sequence,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,出现事故之后你,需要,把车停下。,You are required to stop your car after an accident.,require,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,3,教育孩子的观念和做法因文化的差异而有所,不同,。,The conceptions and practices of child education,vary from culture to culture.,vary from . to .,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,4,与其说,他是位音乐家, 倒,不如说,他是位诗人。,He is more of a poet than a musician.,more of a . than a .,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,5 我父亲已好心地,提出,送我们去飞机场。,My father has kindly offered to take us to the airport.,offer,Read and Translate,5Translate the following sentences into English.,6 我们确实应该找个时间很快见面,讨论一下细节。,We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.,Read and Simulate,6Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English Sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.,Read and Simulate,You are,not,required to commit yourself,until,you know what the invitation is for.,Once he starts a job he,wont,stop,until,its finished.,Now you try,他直到30岁才找到女朋友。,我不告诉你,你不要离开。,He didnt have a girlfriend until he was thirty.,Dont leave until I tell you to.,Read and Simulate,2,The invitation,turns,out,to be something you,d,hate to do.,It,turns,out,that he is the person youd have to deal with.,Now you try,真实情况原来比我们想象得更为离奇。,原来他们还是孩子的时候,她就认识他了。,The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.,It turns out that she had known him when they were children.,Read and Simulate,3 Y,ou will be,in,a,position,to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later.,Im not,in,a,position,to reveal any of the details of the project at present.,Now you try,很抱歉,我现在不能帮你的忙。,我敢肯定他们想在经济上帮助她,但是却无能为力。,Im sorry Im not in a position to help you right now.,Im sure theyd like to help her out financially but theyre not in a position to do so.,Read and Simulate,In,many,instances,it is the inviter who pays,but,in,some,instances,each one pays his or her own check.,In,many,instances,it is the CEO who has the final say,but,in,some,instances,the department manager has the right to make the decision.,Now you try,很多情况下是老师在讲,但在某些情况下那么是学生讲。,很多情况下由丈夫付账,但在某些情况下那么是妻子自己付账。,In many instances it is the teacher who talks, but in some instances the students talk.,In many instances it is the husband who pays, but in some instances the wife pays her own bill.,Read and Simulate,Some people like to entertain friends by taking them to a restaurant for dinner,instead,of having dinner at home.,You can have herbal tea,instead,of coffee, if you want.,Now you try,我们应该将生活垃圾回收利用,而不是扔掉。,你可以喝橙汁,不喝白水。,We should recycle our household rubbish instead of throwing it away.,You can have orange juice instead of water.,Read and Simulate,6,If the invitation is expressed,in,fairly casual,terms, it may,be more of a suggestion than an invitation.,He complained,in,strong,terms,.,Now you try,她热情洋溢地谈论他的成就。,她以毫不犹豫的口吻对他说明了对他奉献的看法。,She spoke of his achievements in glowing terms.,She told him what she thought of his contribution in no uncertain terms.,Read and Simulate,It may be,more,of,a suggestion,than,an invitation.,He is,more,of,a teacher,than,a student.,Now you try,与其说他是位制片人,倒不如说他是位导演。,与其说她是位歌唱家,倒不如说她是位作曲家。,He is more of a director than a producer.,She is more of a composer than a singer.,Read and Simulate,8,There are also phrases,that,sound like invitations,but,in fact are not.,There are also sweaters,that,look like expensive,but,in fact are not.,Now you try,有些房子看起来暖和,但其实并不是那样。,有些曲子听起来轻松,但其实并不是那样,There are also houses that seems warm but in fact are not.,There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not.,Practice,Passage II,Related Information,Intensive Study,This is an informal invitation letter between friends. The tone of this letter is casual. The language is not so formal. This kind of informal invitation letter is often written in the second person. For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England. “and it would be nice if you could come then, too.But formal invitation letter is usually written in the first person.,Text-related,information,Text,Intensive Study,Difficult Sentences,Important Words,Intensive Study,An Invitation Letter,10 November 2002,Para. 1,My dear Michael,It seems ages since we heard from you and even longer since you went to work in China. But recently we happened to,bump into,Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays. So I am writing,straightaway, to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.,Intensive Study,Para. 2,I am still teaching English Literature in a university and I am getting well along with my,colleagues,. I also have some Chinese students here,who are very friendly and intelligent.,Intensive Study,Para. 3,I imagine you will be spending Christmas with your parents, but surely you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end. We shall be having two other friends of ours staying with us over the New Year weekend, and it would be nice if you could come then, too. Mike and Rosa Griffiths are old friends and a very nice couple; Im sure you will like them. They used to live in China, too, so we shall have something in common. And if we get some,decent,weather, we might all go off one day and visit the Carters,Im sure we can get Uncle Arthur to lend us his minibus.,Intensive Study,Para. 4,Theres not a great deal to report from our end. Mary is well and still enjoying her school teaching (at least, I think so); the children are growing up at a,terrifying,rate; I am still working for Sandersons and liking it well enough,though occasionally,pining for,the footloose days of long ago. But lets hope you will soon be here to see for yourselves,and help us see the New Year in!,Para. 5,Id better stop here now; Im supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards.,Write or phone as soon as you can and come!,Love from us all!,Yours ever,Richard,Intensive Study,Difficult Sentences,(Para. 1),It seems ages since,we heard from you.,It seems ages since. means “it seems a long time since.?,Translation:,似乎很长时间没有收到你的信了。,Example:,It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai.,Difficult Sentences,(Para. 1) So I am writing straightaway,to make sure,this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai,in the hope that,it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.,Translation:,所以我马上写信,好让你在离开上海之前肯定收到这封信 希望,你们俩能在英格兰逗留期间和我们一起住几天。,Example:,I am sending this card to you today to make sure,you receive it before the Christmas Day.,an adverbial of purpose,a prepositional phrase used also as an adverbial of purpose.,Difficult Sentences,(Para. 3),I imagine you will be spending Christmas itself with your parents, but,surely,you will have some time after that before your Christmas holidays end.,Translation:,我猜测你将在你的父母家过圣诞节, 但肯定在你的圣诞节假日结束之前还会有一些时间。,Example:,These children surely deserve something better than a life on the streets.,Surely is used to express that someone is certain or almost certain about something.,Difficult Sentences,(Para. 4) I am still working for,Sandersons,and liking it well enough,though,occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.,Translation:,我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很满意 虽然偶尔我也渴望从前自由自在日子。,Example:,They are working happily with Kents, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.,Sandersons company,introducing a participle clause pining for . and serving as the adverbial of concession.,Important Words,bump into,: meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到,,偶然遇到,FOR EXAMPLE:,We,bumped,into,Kate when we were in London last week.,She,bumped,into,his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.,straightaway,: ad. do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 马上,立刻,Important Words,FOR EXAMPLE:,Ill come around,straightaway,with the files.,Wed better start work,straightaway,.,colleague,n. someone that you work with,同事,Important Words,FOR EXAMPLE:,Id like you to meet a,colleague,of mine, Jean Michael.,He was never particularly popular with his,colleagues,.,decent,: a. of a good enough quality or standard,得体的,像


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