人教版必修5:Unit 1《Great scientists》Reading (II)

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*,*,*,Unit 1 Great scientists,Reading (),Find the phrases in the passage,1.,提出,2.,科学研究,3.,得出结论,4.,分析结果,5.,传染病,6.,对,产生兴趣,7.,被传染的人,8.,查清楚,put forward,scientific research,draw a conclusion,analy,s,e,the results,infectious diseases,get,interested in ,the affected people,find out,9.,调查,10.,水源,11.,使慢下来,12.,把,和,联系,起来,13.,死于,14.,毫无疑问地,15.,阻止,做,look into,the source of water,slow down,linkto,die of,with certainty,preventfrom,Language Points,Who invented the first steam engine?,谁发明了第一台蒸汽机?,【,辨析,】,discover & invent,discover,v.,“,发现”,被探索或被揭示物很早就客观存在着。,invent,v,. “,发明”,指的是发明原先不存在的东西。,Columbus discovered America in 1492.,哥伦布于,1492,年发现了美洲。,Do you know who invented the telephone?,你知道谁发明了电话吗,?,2. the way of doing,sth,.= the way to do,sth,. “,做,的方法”,Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?,谁发明了把电带给大城市中的每个人的办法,?,She showed us the way of cleaning it.,= She showed us the way to clean it.,她给我们示范清洗它的办法。,【,点津,】,the way,引导的定语从句的引导词有三种,可以用,that;,可以用,in which;,还可以省略。,I dont like the way (that/ in which) you speak to your father.,我不喜欢你跟你父亲讲话的方式。,【,拓展,】,与,way,相关的短语,by the way,顺便说,by way of ,通过,的方法,lose ones way,迷路,no way (,俚语,),没门,别想,feel ones way,摸黑走,谨慎从事,on ones way to,在去,的路上,in this way=by this means=with this method,用这种方法,3.,put forward,(1),提出,(,想法、建议等,),以供考虑,(2),推荐某人或自己担任某职位,;,提名,Who put forward a theory about black holes?,谁提出了黑洞理论,?,May I put your name forward as our monitor?,我能否提名你当我们的班长,?,【,拓展】,与put,有关的短语,put away 将,收起,来,放好;,把,放回原处,put down,写下,;,记,下,put on,穿上,;,戴上,;,增加,put off,耽误;延期,put out,熄灭(灯,);,扑灭,(火),put up,建立,;,搭建,put up with,忍受,put back,放回原处;推迟,【,即学即练,】,(,2012,泰安高二检测),You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _ the books when youve finished with them.,A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off,C,4. attend,v,.,专心处理;照顾 ;治疗,护理,照料;出席,参加,that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.,因而他成了维多利亚女王的私人大夫。,He attended to his business.,他专心处理他的事业。,If you go out, who will attend to the baby?,如果你出去,谁来照顾宝宝?,【,即学即练,】,翻译句子,1.,她,5,岁就上学了。,2.,一位好医生在医院里给我看病。,3.,你能马上处理这件事吗?,She attended school at the age of five.,A good doctor attended (on) me in the hospital.,Can you attend to this matter right away?,5.But he became inspired when he thought about helping,ordinary people exposed to cholera.,exposed to cholera,在句中是过去分词短语作后置定语,表示被动。,意为,“,患霍乱的,”,。例,如,:,The book written by Lu,Xun,is very popular.,这本鲁迅写的书非常受欢迎。,【,拓展,】,expose,v,.,暴露,expose to ,把,暴露在,expose to,使易受,使受,expose a fraud,揭穿骗局,expose,sth,. to the light of day,把某事暴露于光天化日之下,6.,deadly,adj,. ,危险的,;,致命的,强有力的,;,致命的,adv,. ,极度,;,非常,;,十分,死一般地,This was the deadly disease of its day.,这是那个时期致命的疾病。,a deadly disease/weapon,致命的疾病;致命武器,a deadly remark,击中要害的评论,deadly serious,十分认真,deadly pale,死一般地苍白,7. cure,v,. /,n,.,治愈,治疗,Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.,既不知道它产生的原因也不知道它的治疗方法。,This kind of medicine cant cure him of his headache.,这种药不能治好他的头痛。,【,即学即练,】,翻译句子:,科学家们在寻找一种治疗禽流感的方法。,Scientists are searching for a method to cure bird flu.,8. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.,每次爆发霍乱时就有大批惊慌的老百姓病死。,every time,是连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“每次,每当”,immediately, the moment, directly, instantly,等都可以作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为,“,一,就,”,。例如,:,Keep that in mind every time you try something new.,每次在你尝试新东西的时候都要牢记这一点。,9.,control,v,.,统治,控制,He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.,他知道如果引起霍乱的原因找不到,它就得不到控制。,He tried to control his anger.,他努力控制自己的怒气。,【,拓展,】,与,control,有关的短语,in control of,指导;支配,under the control of,被,控制着,( go ) out of control,失控,10.,absorb,vt,.,吸收;吸引;使专心,The second suggested that people,absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.,第二个建议就是人们通过食物将疾病摄入到他们的体内。,Use the cloth to absorb the spilled ink.,用布将洒的墨水,吸干,。,We will not absorb these charges.,我们将不能承担这些费用。,【,拓展,】,(,1,),absorbin/by.,吸引,注意,I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear your call.,我在专心看书,所以没有听到你的电话。,(,2,),absorbinto,把,吸收进,The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.,这家大公司已经逐渐地把这些小公司合并到自己的组织中了。,11. severe,adj,.,严厉的,严格的,;,剧烈的,the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days.,霍乱如此严重以至于,10,天内有,500,多人死亡。,His severe looks frightened me.,他的严厉表情使我恐慌。,He has a severe pain in his leg.,他的腿痛得厉害。,【,拓展,】,be severe with = be strict with,对,要求严格,He is very severe with himself.,他对自己要求很严格。,12. valuable,adj,.,贵重的,重要的,有用的,This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.,这给他提供了关于疾病原因的重要线索。,He provided us with valuable information.,他给我们提供了宝贵的信息。,This book is very valuable to me in my studies.,这本书对我的学习很有价值。,【,拓展,】,be valuable to sb.,对某人有价值,be valuable for,sth,.,对,有用,value,n,.,价值,very valuable = of great value,13. blame,v,.,责备,指责,归咎于,It seemed that the water was to blame.,原因似乎应归咎于水源。,【,拓展,】,blame,sth,. on sb.,blame sb. (for,sth,. ),The police blamed the accident on the driver.,警察把这个事故的责任归咎于那个司机。,He blamed himself for the loss of the match.,他把比赛的失败归咎于自己。,lay / put the blame for sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人,14. linkto,把,与,连接,/,联系,two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.,两个与宽街爆发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例。,Scientists have linked smoking to cancer.,科学家们已经把吸烟与癌症联系起来。,The railway links Shanghai to Beijing.,这条铁路把上海和北京连接起来。,15. announce,v.,宣布,发表,告知;显示,,预告,/,示,With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that ,有了这个额外的证据,约翰,斯诺就能够肯定地宣布,The government announced its new economic policies.,政府发布了新的经济政策。,The strong wind announced the coming of a big storm.,强风预示着一场大风暴的来临。,The news was announced to the public on TV.,这则消息经由电视向大众宣布。,趣味阅读,According to Einstein nothing should be able to travel faster than light, and evidence that neutrinos were capable of doing so would have a fundamental impact on our understanding of the universe and of time.,Albert Einsteins theory about how fast the universe is expanding has been proved correct by British scientists who praised his “incredible accuracy”. He was known for words and phrases and here are 10 of his best quotes.1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.,2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.,3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn ones living at it.,4. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.,5. I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.,6. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.,7. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.,8. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.,9. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and Im not sure about the universe.,10. I know not with what weapons World War,will be fought, but World War,will be fought with sticks and stones.,【,达标检测,】,用本课所学单词或短语填空,In the twenty-first century, educated people find it difficult to believe that living conditions in the nineteenth century _ people _ serious illnesses. The reports of many doctors _ illness _ drinking polluted water. However, one hundred years ago people did not connect a disease to the environment. So they did not _ the companies that supplied dirty water.,exposed,to,linked,to,blame,The doctors found that the dirtier the water, the more _ the illness. It was only later when people began to _ the water and _ its quality that they_ the idea that cholera was _ from the air. It was only when everybody began to attack the dirty conditions that cholera was _ and was not a problem any more.,severe,examine,test,rejected,absorbed,defeated,Homework,1.Remember the language points after the class.,2.Preview the new class.,


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