六年级上册英语课件-Unit7 Protect the Earth (第4课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit7 Protect the Earth (第4课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第1页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit7 Protect the Earth (第4课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第2页
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六年级上册英语课件-Unit7 Protect the Earth (第4课时) |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 7,Protect the,E,arth,(Checkout Time & Ticking time),Protect the Earth,Unit7 Protect the Earth,Four groups,Its important.,We use it,every day.,We use it,to clean,things.,Water,Most of it,comes from,coal and oil.,Its useful.,Energy,We use them,to make a lot,of things.,They can keep,the air clean.,We use it,to make,bags and,bottles.,Trees,But we,shouldnt,use too,much.,Plastic,Guess,!,根据提示猜单词,oi,l,c,oa,l,e,n,er,g,y,w,oo,d,w,a,t,er,Lets review,Lets play,游戏规则:,迅速说出与所给图片相关的,资源,。,c,oa,l,oi,l,e,n,er,g,y,p,a,p,er,pl,a,st,i,c,w,a,t,er,w,oo,d,Lets play,Lets talk,We,use,paper,to,make boxes.,Energy is useful.,_ is useful.,_ is useful.,1. Do you reuse water?,Yes. No.,2. Do you write on both sides,(面),of paper?,Yes. No.,3. Do you often go to school,by car?,Yes. No.,4. Do you often use plastic,bags or bottles.?,Yes. No.,We should,reuse water,.,We should,write on both sides,(面),of paper.,We should not,drive so much.,We should not,use too many,plastic bags or bottles.,Lets do a survey,We should,reuse water,.,We should,write on both sides,(面),of paper.,We should not,use too many,plastic bags or bottles.,We should not,drive so much.,Lets do a survey,We should,reuse water,.,We should,write on both sides,(面),of paper.,We should not,use too many,plastic bags or bottles.,We should not,drive so much.,We,should,reuse water.,We,should,write on both sides of paper.,We,should not,drive so much.,or bottles.,We,should not,use,too,many plastic bags,Save water,Save trees,Save energy,Dont use too much plastic,Lets try to use,活动要求:,两人合作,一个用,We should not,,一个用,We should,useto,Why?,How?,Most energy comes from _ and _.,There is,_coal or oil on,Earth.,Trees help _.,But too much plastic is_ for the Earth.,Lets summarize,water,energy,trees,wood,plastic,Look and write,What should they not do?,What should he not do?,He should not _,in the restaurant.,smoke,What should they not do?,They should not _,_in the park.,litter,What should they not do?,They should not _,_.,cut down too,many trees in the forest,What should they not do?,They should not _,_in the river.,put rubbish,What should they not do?,They should not _,_in the library.,talk,What should they not do?,They should not _,_.,use too many,plastic bags in the supermarket,Lets think :,To protect the Earth,What should we do?,What should we not do?,Let,s write,:,Protect the Earth,To protect the Earth, we should _,To protect the Earth, we should not _,


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