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This is a basket,that I want to put,flowers in,.,单个的词作定语时要放于被修饰词的前面,短语或从句作定语时要放于被修饰词的后面。,He who laughs last laughs best.,Friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.,真正的友谊犹如健康的身体,失去时方知其可贵。,谁笑到最后谁笑得最好。,Can you translate these proverbs into Chinese?,who,which,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。,Lets look at the following sentences.,A huge crack,that,was eight kilometres,long and thirty metres wide cut across,houses, roads and canals.,The number of people,who,were killed,or injured reached more than 400,000.,Then, later that afternoon, another big quake,which,was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.,The army organized teams to dig out,those,who,were trapped and to bury the,dead.,Workers built shelters for survivors,whose,homes had been destroyed.,These are the sentences with attributive clauses from the reading passage.,1.,定义:,又称形容词性从句,在复合句中修饰名词或代词,起定语作用。,2.,先行词:,被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。,3.,关系代词,关系副词:,引导定语从句的词。,定语从句,关系代词,关系副词,which, that, who, whom, whose,等,where, why, when,在定语从句中作主语、宾语、定语和表语,在定语从句中作状语,Relative pronouns,Relative adverbs,The man,who lives next to us,sells vegetables.,先行词,放置于名词之,_,,修饰名词的从句,关系词,连接作用,1.,2.,在从句中充当成分,后,The man,who lives next to us,who,指代内容,所做成分,是否可省略,that,which,who,whom,whose,关系代词的用法,人;物,物,人,人,(,人,/,物,),的,主语,宾语,主语,宾语,主语,宾语,宾语,定语,作宾语可省,作宾语可省,作宾语可省,可省,不可省,1.,which,指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾,语,做宾语时常可省略。,1) Football is a game,which,is liked by most boys,.,2) He likes to read books,which,are written by foreign writers,.,3) This is the pen,(which),he bought yesterday,.,4) The film,(which),they went to see last night,was not interesting at all.,2.,that,指人时,相当于,who,或,whom,;指,物时,相当于,which,。在定语从句中作,主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。,Where is the man,that/whom,I saw this,morning,?,2) The person,that/whom,you introduced to me,is very kind.,3) The season,that/which,comes after spring,is summer.,4) Yesterday I received a letter,that/which,came from Australia.,3.,who,指人,作主语或宾语,(,作宾语可省,略),The boys,who,are playing football,are,from Class One.,A person,who,steals things,is called a,thief.,4.,whom,指人,作宾语,(,作宾语可省略,如,介词提前则不能省,),The man,(whom/who),I talked to,is Mr.,Li.,The man,to,whom,I talked,is Mr. Li.,5.,whose,在定语从句中作定语,与后面的名,词为所属关系。,whose,多指人,也可指,物,指物时可与,of which,互换使用。,1) He has a friend,whose,father is a doctor.,2) The classroom,whose door,is broken will,soon be repaired.,= The classroom,the door of which,is broken,will soon be repaired.,3) Do you like the book,whose cover,is yellow?,= Do you like the book,the cover of which,is,yellow?,Do you know the girl,whose,hair is very short in our class?,Do you know the girl in our class?,Her,hair is very short.,He is the student.,I broke,his,pencil yesterday.,He is the student,whose,pencil I broke yesterday.,that,和,which,在指物的情况下一般都可以互换,但在下列情况下,一般用,that,而不用,which,。,(1),限制性定语从句中先行词为,all, everything, anything, nothing, none, few, little, some,等不定代词指物时。,(something,用,that,或,which,均可,),Have you taken down,everything,that,Mr. Li said?,There seems to be,nothing,that,is impossible to him in the world.,(2) There be,句型中用,that,。,Thereis,a,bookonthedesk,that,belongstoTom.,(3),先行词被序数词或最高级修饰。,This is,the first,book,(that),he has read.,This is,the best,film,(that),I have ever seen.,This is,the first,time,(that),I am in Beijing.,(4),先行词是,who,或,which,引导的主句。,Who is,the girl,that,drove the car?,Who,that,broke the window will be punished?,Which,is the T-shirt,that,fits me most?,Who,is the man,that,is reading the newspaper over there?,(5),当先行词既有人又有物。,They talked about,the persons and things,that,they remembered at school.,Look at,the man and his donkey,that,are walking up the street.,(6),先行词被,all, every, no, some, any, little, much, the only, the very, the last, just, right,等修饰。,Ive read,all,the books,that,are not mine.,This is,the very,book,that,belongs to him.,(1),紧跟介词作宾语,There are many trees,under,which,they can have a rest.,(2),在非限制性定语从句中,Football,which,is a very popular game, is played all over the world.,(3),作定语,He may be late, in,which,case, we should wait for him.,一般用,which,而不用,that,的情况。,当主句中的主语是,who,时,只能用,that,。,e.g. Who is the girl that is standing over there?,在非限制性定语从句中,用,who,和,whom,及介词后面时只能用,whom,。,e.g. I have a son, who is really lovely and interesting.,There are 40 students in the class, most of whom are boys.,修饰人时关系代词,that,和,who, whom,的区分。,Beijing is the city _ has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.,which / that,用合适的关系代词填空。,Ye Xin is a nurse _ died in the,fight against SARS.,who / that,Titanic is the ship _ sank after,hitting an iceberg.,which / that,Rose and Jack are the lovers _ met,on the ship.,who,Review,本课时涉及的要点是以,that, which, who,和,whose,引导的定语从句的用法。,通过本课时的学习我们需要了解什么是定语从句并学会选择正确的关系代词。,Individual activity,Women _ drink more than two,cups of coffee a day have a greater,chance of having heart disease than,those _ dont. (2006,北京,),A. who; / B. /; who,C. who; who D. /; /,Quiz I: Multiple choice,2. Look out! Dont get too close to the,house _ roof is under repair.,(2006,福建,),A. whose B. which,C. of which D. that,3. The thought of going back home was,_ kept him happy while he was,working abroad. (2007,上海春,),A. that B. all that,C. all what D. which,4. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a,city _ name will create a picture of,beautiful trees and green grass in our,mind. (2009,湖南,),A. which B. of which,C. that D. whose,5. She brought with her three friends, none,of _ I had ever met before. (2009,全国,I),A. them B. who,C. whom D. these,6. A person _ e-mail account is,full wont be able to send or receive,any e-mails. (2009,天津,),A. who B. whom,C. whose D. whoever,7. I refuse to accept the blame for,something _ was someone elses,fault. (2010,全国,II).,A. who B. that C. as D. what,8. Children who are not active or _,diet is high in fat will gain weight,quickly. (2010,北京,),A. what B. whose C. which D. that,9. Ive become good friend with several of,the student in my school _ I meet,in the English speech contest last year.,(2010,湖南,),A. who B. where C. when D. which,10. The newly built caf, the walls of,_ are painted light green, is,really a peaceful place for us,specially after hard work. (2010,江苏,),A. that B. it C. what D. which,11. Thats the new machine _ parts,are too small to be seen. (2010,山东,),A. that B. which,C. whose D. what,12. The old temple _ roof was,damaged in storm is now under repair.,(2010,陕西,),A. where B. which,C. its D. whose,14. The prize will go to the writer _,story shows the most imagination.,(2011,全国,I),A. that B. which,C. whose D. what,15. Youll find taxis waiting at the bus,station _ you can hire to reach,your host family. (2011,上海,),A. which B. where,C. when D. as,1,The woman is a teacher.,2 The woman lives next door.,The woman,who lives next door,is a,teacher.,1 The nurse is kind.,2,The nurse looks after my sister.,The nurse,who/that looks after my,sister,is kind.,Quiz II:,合并下列句子。,1 Kevin is reading a book.,2 The book is too difficult for him.,Kevin is reading a book,which/that is,too difficult,for him,.,1 I have a friend.,2 He likes listening to classical music.,I have a friend,who/that likes listening,to classical music.,1 Many people were afraid to swim in,the sea.,2 They saw the film,Jaws,.,Many people,who/that saw the film,Jaws,were afraid to swim in the sea.,1 It is about a big white shark.,2 It attacks swimmers.,It is about a big white shark,which/that attacks swimmers.,1 I know the doctor.,2 His daughter studies abroad.,I know the doctor,whose daughter studies abroad,.,1 Have you seen my book?,2 The books cover is red.,Have you seen my book,whose cover is red,?,1.,昨天我看的那部电影非常令人感动。,2.,他丢失了他父亲给他的那块手表。,3.,刚才跟你讲话的那个人是我们的校长。,The film that I saw yesterday is very moving.,He lost the watch that/which his father gave him.,The man who talked with you just now is our principal.,Quiz III: Translation,(1),中译英,4.,我捡到的那本书是小王丢失的。,5.,我们最需要的东西是时间。,6.,我最喜欢的学科是英语。,The book which/that I picked up is the one that Xiao Wang lost.,The thing that we need badly is time.,The subject that/which I like best is English.,7.,站在学校门口的那个人是我们的老师。,8.,你知道那个马尾辫,(ponytail),长长的女,孩吗?,9.,我永远忘不了那位教授上星期给我们做,的讲座。,The man who is standing at the school gate is our teacher.,Do you know the girl whose ponytail is long?,I will never forget the lecture that the professor gave us last week.,10.,我丢了那本红封面的书。,I lost the book _.,11.,你能告诉我你们上星期参观的工厂的,名字吗?,Can you tell me the name of the factory,_?,12.,他就是我正在找的人。,He is the man _,_.,whose cover is red,(which/that) you visited last week,(who/whom/that),I am looking for,13.,我昨天收到的信是我姑妈寄来的。,The letter _,_ was from my aunt.,14.,在接下来的年月里,他们拼命工作。,During the years _,they worked very hard.,15.,那个名叫彼得的男孩是我们的班长。,The boy _,_ is our monitor.,(which/that) I received,that followed,whose name is Peter /,who is named Peter,yesterday,(2),英译中,1 Due to the break-up of traffic and communication, there hasnt been any news about the 100,000 people in Wenchuan,which is in the center of the earthquake,up till now.,由于交通和通信的中断,震中汶川县内的,10,万人口尚无任何信息传出来。,2 The survivors,who are waiting to be,rescued,will face the shortage of clean,water, shelter, food and medicine.,等待救援的幸存者将面临缺乏净水、,住处、食物和药物的困境。,Thank you!,


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