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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 3,Public Attitudes Toward Science,1,Pre-reading Tasks,1. Please write down some of the scientific and technological discoveries that have changed or will change the way people live. When you are finished, please change your ideas with your partners.,2,Pre-reading Tasks,2. Please think:1) In what way do these discoveries change our lives for the better?2) In what way do these discoveries change our lives for the worse?,Later I will invite some of you to tell your partners ideas.,3. Read the poem on Page 70,3,Questions at Night,Why is the sky?,What starts the thunder overhead?,Who makes the crashing noise?,Are the angels falling out of the bed?,Are they breaking all their toys?,Why does the sun go down so soon?,Why do the night-clouds crawl,Hungrily up to the new laid moon,And swallow it, shell and all?,If theres Bear among the stars,As all the people say,Wont he jump over those Pasture-bars,And drink up the Milky Way?,Does every star that happens to fall,Turn into a fire-fly?,Cant it ever get back to Heaven at all?,And why is the sky?,4,4. How much do you know about the sky?,How much do you know about the universe?,How did the universe begin?,Why is the universe the way it is?,5,5. The scientific and technological discovery can bring us good things and bad things. According to Stephen Hawking, author of this text, its up to us to make changes head towards changing our lives for the better. If you turn to the Language Sense Enhancement section after this text, you will find a quotation that expresses the same idea: “People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed,(控制及利用自然界能源),by man to do his bidding. ”,Lets look at s,omething about the author Stephen Hawking.,6,New Words and Expressions,attitudedo withoutcut off,moreoverinitiativesufficient,at the momentin two minds,in terms of basis convey,in the form ofentertain,hence proportion,7,attitude,:,(usu. followed by to/towards),1),他儿子对待工作的态度让他很生气。,His sons to work made him angry.,2),像他表现出的这种态度表明对别人关心不够.,Such an as exhibited by him shows a lack of consideration for others.,3),采取粗暴的态度,adopt a violent ,4),宽宏大量的态度,a broad-minded ,5),无忧无虑的态度,a carefree ,8,do without,:,manage to survive, continue, or succeed although you do not have sth. you need, want, or usu. have,1),如果你不能及时回来,你就得将就,忍着没有晚饭吃。,Youll have to your dinner if you dont get back in time.,2),我买不起车,只能将就了。,I cant afford a car, so I guess Ill have to .,3) It is not bad for the rich, though even they had to modern medicine, and the childbirth was highly risky for women.,9,Highly,:,very; to a high level or standard,1),史密斯先生是一位非常成功的销售人员。,Mr. Smith is a successful salesman.,2,)很有可能她会接受这个工作。,It seems likely that she will take the job.,3),大部分与会人士都是受过高等教育的妇女。,Most of the people present at the meeting are educated women.,4,)这个部门的主席是员工中薪酬最高的。,The chairman of this department is the most paid member of faculty.,10,Put/turn the clock back:,return to a previous situation, usually because the present situation is unpleasant,1),忘记这件事,看看未来;你不可能扭转时间。,Forget all about it and look to the future; you cant .,2),Put the clock/clocks forward,Remember to put the clock forward one hour when you get to New York.,11,cut off,:,stop providing (sth.),1),由于美国空袭,这座城市水和电的供应已经切断了。,Water and electricity supplies in the city have been cut off because of the American air attacks.,2),因为没有交电话费,他们的电话被切断了。,Their phone has been cut off because they havent paid the bill.,3),他威胁要剪下我的头发。,He threatened to cut my hair off.,4),cut sth. Off,表示切断或切下某事物,cut off sth. (often a supply of sth.),表切断某个供应,12,Bring about:,make (sth.) happen,1),一些教育家希望给教育系统带来一些大的改变。,Some educators hope to major changes in the educational system.,2),人际关系中的冷漠常常是因为缺乏信任导致的。,Indifference is personal relationships is often brought about by a lack of trust.,3) The force of competition would still advances in technology.,13,moreover,:,in addition to what has been said; further; besides,1),她看见有个人就在她后面,而且他还很奇怪地盯着她看。,She saw that there was a man immediately behind her. M he was observing her strangely.,2),当地群众需要一条新路,而且出于经济的原因也应修一条。,Local people would like a new road. M, there are good economic reasons for building one.,3),我很饿,而且天又冷极了。,I was very hungry; it was an extremely cold day.,14,Inquire/enquire + about/wh-clause :,seek information by asking,1),我打电话询问火车时间。,I called/rang up to about train times.,2),他回到宾馆,要了钥匙,并且问是否有消息给他。,He came back to the hotel, asked for the key and ed whether there had been any messages for him.,3) Moreover, one cannot stop,inquiring,minds from thinking about the basic science.,15,initiative:,the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for sb. to tell you what to do,1),他没有主动性。,Hes got no initiative.,2),我希望我的儿子表现出更过主动性。,I wish my son would show a bit more initiative.,take the initiative,:,be the first person to take action to improve a situation or relationship. esp. when other people are waiting for sb. else to do sth.,1),Why dont you take the initiative and arrange a meeting?,2),不要站着等其他人采取主动。,Dont stand around waiting for someone else to take the initiative.,16,Slow down,1) It seems likely the economy will over the next 12 months.,2) There is no cure for AIDS, although drugs can its rate of development.,3) The bus driver slowed the bus down when he saw a boy standing in the road.,Rate:,1. speed 2. a certain amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another,1) The worlds forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had predicted.,2) Britain held the record of having the highest divorce rate in Europe.,17,Ensure+ n./that,1),新条约将会保障和平。,This new treaty will ensure peace.,2),早点来才能保证你有座位。,Come early to ensure that you get a seat.,Informed:,having or showing knowledge,1) Science enables us to make choices about how we use common drugs.,2),根据可靠消息,他被哈佛大学录取了。,According to sources, he has been enrolled by Harvard University.,18,at the moment :,now,(= at this moment, at the present moment),1),现在我很忙, 我等会儿给你打过来,好吗?,Im rather busy at the moment; could I call you back?,2)目前没人和我说话。,At the moment, no one is talking to me.,19,in two minds (about sth.):,unable to decide whether or not you want sth. or want to do sth,1) 对于她是否接受他的礼物,我认为她有些犹豫不决。,I think shes in two minds about whether to accept his present or not.,20,Steady:,constant; firm,1) -The ladder doesnt look very safe.,-Oh, well, it is as a rock.,2),他的情况已经有稳定的进展了。,There has been a improvement in her condition.,basis: (pl. bases),the facts or ideas from which sth. can be developed, foundation (usu. used as a singular noun, followed by for or of),1),The research will form the basis of a book.,2),你根据什么下这种判断的?,What basis do you have for this judgement?,21,basis: (pl. bases),the circumstance that provides a reason for some action or opinion ( usu. follow by of or that-clause),1) You must stay at home, on the of the medical reports we have received.,2) On the that recognizing the problem is halfway to a solution, we should pay much attention to his comments.,3),根据经验,学生能够选择哪个专业来专攻。,Students are able, on the of experience, to choose which subjects to specialize in.,22,lie in:,exit or be found in sth.,1),Clearly, the basis must what is taught in schools.,2),这部戏曲的意思在于它提出的关于婚姻的问题。,The plays interest lies in the question it raises about marriage.,in terms of,:,as regards (sth.); expressed as (sth.),1),In terms of salary, the job is terrible.,2),他对任何事都是从钱的角度考虑的。,He thinks of everything money.,23,tend:,be likely to happen or have a particular characteristic or effect,1) Some people to get up later at weekend.,2),这对老夫妇总是买便宜的加工食品,比如罐头鸡肉。,The old couple to buy cheap processed food like canned chicken.,in the form of:,having the shape of,1) The trees were laid out the figure eight.,2),这条小巷呈“,S”,形。,The lane was a big “S”.,existing in a particular form,They received a benefit a tax reduction.,24,grasp: understand,1) Applied math was beyond the of most of her students.,2),他对英语有很好的理解能力。,He has a good of English language.,sufficient,:,as much as is needed, enough (+,for,or,to,+infinitive),1),没有足够的证据证明他有罪。,There was not sufficient evidence to prove that he was guilty.,2),There is sufficient food for everyone.,3),我们以存有足够的旅行费了。,We have saved money sufficient for the trip.,25,convey,:,make (ideas, feelings, etc.) known to another,1),Words cannot how delighted I am that youll come and spend the weekend with us.,2),你如果看到汤姆,一定记着代我向他表达我的歉意。,If you see Tom, do remember to my apologies to her.,put across:,cause to be understood,1) Good teachers are the ones who are able to put things across well.,2),政府需要将信息解释清楚,经济正在开始复苏。,The government needs to the message that the economy is starting to recover.,3) Popular books about science can help to new developments.,26,proportion:,比例,(usu. singular),1) A large proportion of the citys population is aged over 50.,比率,(usu. singular),1) The proportion of men to women in the medical profession has changed in recent years.,fit into,新的大学课程适合国家教育计划。,The new college courses a national education plan.,27,Entertain:,give pleasure to,1) Childrens television programs not only but also teach.,2),他用他童年的故事把大家逗笑了。,He ed his friends with stories from his childhood.,have as a guest,1) According to the school regulations, women students are not allowed to men in their rooms.,2),我丈夫正在厨房里,今晚我们要招待,Smiths,一家。,My husband is in the kitchen; we are ing the Smiths this evening.,28,Hence,:,as a result, therefore,1),我母亲一人在家,我现在必须回去了。,My mother is by herself; hence I must go home now.,*,from this time,1),I dont know where I will be six months hence.,2),一周后我将到美国。,A week hence I shall be in the United States.,29,Part One (Paras 1-3),To make informed decisions about change, the public needs a basic understanding of science.,Part Two (Paras 4-6),What can be done to educate the public about science.,Part Three (Para 7),With an informed public, human civilization will survive.,30,


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