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Goals:,Unit1-main,1. Talking about events,2. Using numbers 0-10,A. Look at the words below and try to say them right.,Get Ready-A.1,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,trust,n./v,.,信任,You can trust me not to tell anyone.,Dont trust what the newspapers say!,license,n.,执照,You need a license to fish in this river.,Is there a license fee?,with,prep.,和,在一起,She lives with her parents.,Id like a nice steak with a bottle of red wine.,Get Ready-A.2,phone,n.,电话,They like to do business by phone.,The phone rang and Pat answered it.,gym,n.,体育馆、健身房,The school has recently built a new gym.,I work at the gym most days.,double,adj.,两倍的、成双的,I want to book a double room.,His income is double hers.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-B.1,B. Write the missing names. Use information from the pictures.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vera 555-2367 W 70099,Fox 3423 332 135 9975 438 945,K Y 778 1312 999 907 1866 454,Quinn,_,Sofia,_,oji,_,oshida,_,Pamela,_,hite,_,Brad,_,Green,_,Mario,_,Cruz,_,Check your answers with a partner. Practice saying the names.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-B.2,D. Cultural Background,Christmas Day,The simplest thing to say is “Good morning,” “Good afternoon” or “good evening.” This greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to anyone you are passing quickly. “How are you?” is usually used when you are not in such a hurry. No answer is expected other than “Fine, thank you.” “Hi” is the commonest form of greeting between good friends.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D1,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D2,When a Man Raises His Hat,If you are wearing a hat which can be taken hold of easily, it is customary to raise it slightly off your head when you greet a girl or a woman.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D3,When to Shake Hands,It is customary to shake hands when you first meet someone. And usually friends shake hands when they meet after not having seen each other for some time. Otherwise it is not necessary to shake hands.,问,候,最简单的问候语句为,“,早上好,”,,,“,下午好,”,以及,“,晚上好,”,。这些句子通常只被用来问候点头之交或匆匆一见的人。当你不那么忙碌的时候,通常会用,“,最近怎么样?,”,来问候朋友们。他们的回答也一定会是,“,很好,谢谢你。,”,而好朋友之间只问候一声,“,你好,”,就够了。,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D-1T,男士应在何时行脱帽礼,身为男士的你,若戴着一顶易于脱下的帽子,那么在与女士打招呼的时候稍稍脱下帽子将会被视作很有礼貌的举动。,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D-2T,何时应与人握手,当与别人第一次见面时,握手是礼貌之举。而好朋友间的握手仅出现在两人久别重逢之时。否则好朋友间,握手是完全可以免去的。,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Get Ready-D-3T,Listen and Talk,Focus In,Express Yourself,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Listen and Talk-main,A. Listen to the following conversation. Then practice it with a partner.,Listen and Talk,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Koji:,Sofia:,Koji:,Sofia:,Koji:,Hi. Are you in this class?,Yes, I am. Are you?,Yeah. My names .,Hi. Im . Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,Sofia,_,Koji,_,Listen and Talk-A,B. Use your own name. Change partners and practice again.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Listen and Talk-B,Randy:,Hi. Are you in this class?,Joe:,Yes, I am. Are you?,Randy:,Yeah. My names .,Joe:,Hi. Im . Nice to meet you.,Randy:,Nice to meet you, too.,Randy,_,Joe,_,C. Practice again using other names in Get Ready.,Brad:,Hi. Are you in this class?,Vera:,Yes, I am. Are you?,Brad:,Yeah. My names .,Vera:,Hi. Im . Nice to meet you.,Brad:,Nice to meet you, too.,Vera,_,Brad,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Listen and Talk-C.1,D. Look at these names. Listen and write each,persons first and family names.,Alex Sato Claudia Yuki Perez,Roberto,Sanchez,Wong King Mei,Yuki,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Listen and Talk-C.2,Sato,_,Roberto,_,Claudia,Sanchez,Perez,_,Mei,_,Wong,_,Alex,_,King,_,A. Look at the chart.,Focus In,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-A1,Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives with,be,.,I am,a student.,You are,in this class.,He is,a student.,She is,a teacher.,My,name,is,Sofia.,Your,student number,is,90421.,His,name,is,Adam Post.,Her,name,is,Anna Thornton.,I am = Im,You are = Youre,He is = Hes,She is = Shes,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-A2,Notes:,英语中的代词是代替名词的一类词。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。代词按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、关系代词和不定代词等,8,种。以下为人称代词和物主代词的不同形式:,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-A3,代 词,单 数,复 数,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,第一,人称,第二,人称,第三,人称,人称,代词,主格,I,you,he, she, it,we,you,they,宾格,me,you,him, her, it,us,you,them,物主,代词,形容词性,my,your,his, her, its,our,your,their,名词性,mine,yours,his, hers, its,ours,yours,theirs,B. Write the missing words.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-B,1. A: Whats your name? B. name is Peter Jackson.,2. A: Whats her name? B. name Jessica.,3. A: Whats his name? B. name Joe.,My,_,Her,_,His,_,is,_,is,_,C. Fill in the blanks in the conversations. Then practice with a partner. Use your own information.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-B,1.,A:,Whats your name ?,B:,name is .,A:,What is phone number?,B:,My phone number .,My,_,(first name) (family name),_,your,_,is (tel. no.),_,2.,A:,What is name?,B:,His name .,A:,Is he a teacher?,B:,No, s a student.,his,_,is (first name) (family name),_,he,_,1. Help to some more fish please.,2. Could you show around your house?,3. The news made happy.,D. Grammar Practice,C,_,B,_,A. you B. your,A. I C. mine,A. I B. she,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-D.1,C,_,C. yourself,B. me,C. me,4. is my English teacher.,5. Mr. King, , said that we should finish these exercises before Friday.,6. My grandparents give every month.,A,_,B,_,A. She,A. he is our history teacher,C. is our history teacher,A. pocket money me,C. my pocket money,B,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-D.2,B. Her C. Hers,B. our history teacher,B. me pocket money,7. I can finish this task.,8. Whose bicycle is this? Oh, its .,9. Whose advice do you think is acceptable?,Jims, Sams or ?,A,_,A,_,B. me C. herself,A. her C. him,A. mine,B,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-D.3,B. me C. my,A. myself,B. hers,10. According to opinion, we should check the spelling,first.,C,_,A. them B. hers,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-D.4,C. their,Isnt your birthday this month?,No, my birthdays March, the 13th.,Whens your birthday?,October 20th.,Oh, are you having a party?,Yeah, its town, Dantes Restaurant.,W:,M:,W:,M:,W:,E. Talk Some More,Fill in the spaces below.,in,_,on,_,in,_,at,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-E-a,1. Hi. Whats your name, please?,2. .,3. How do you spell your family name?,4. .,5. Whats your phone number?,6. .,Lisa Berry,_,B-E-R-R-Y,_,555-9972,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-E-a,For two letters the same, you can say,double,. For example, you can say,B-E-double,R-Y,to spell,BERRY.,Spotlight,b. Practice the conversation with a partner. Use your own information.,M:,Hi. Whats your name, please?,W:,.,M:,How do you spell your family name?,W:,.,M:,Whats your phone number?,W:,.,546-7782,_,Brad Green,_,G-R-E-E-N,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Focus In-E-b,A. Think of a first name, family name and telephone number. Write them on the card.,Express Yourself,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Express Yourself-A,B. Interview five classmates. Write each persons name and phone number.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Express Yourself-B,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Express Yourself-B,Jim,_,Alen,_,Green,_,Thomas,_,331-7452,_,742-9776,_,Sample Answer,C.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Express Yourself-C,Close your book. Work with a partner. Take turns spelling the names of your classmates.,Hi. Whats your name?,My names Alicia Lozano.,How do you spell your first name?,A-L-I-C-I-A.,Whats your phone number?,555-7238.,Sample Dialogue:,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Express Yourself-A-script,Think About It,Read On,Write About It,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read and Write-main,Think,About,It,Can I have your name please?,is a polite way to ask for someones name. We can also use,Could I have your name, please?,or,May I have your name, please?,These are more formal.,In what situations do you think you might hear them?,Sample Answer,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Think About It,很多场景中,我们会被问到,“,请问你叫什么名字?,”,当你与新朋友第一次见面时,你会问,“,请问你叫什么名字?,”,;当你在酒店大堂登记入住时,工作人员一定会先说,“,请告诉我您的姓名。,”,如果你想通过秘书给某人留言时,他(她)也会请你将姓名留下。总之,需要记住的是,问类似问题时,用上,“,请,”,字。,In many situations we might hear such a question as,Can I have your name?,When you meet a new friend for the first time, you will ask him/her such a question; while youre checking in in a hotel, the question will be heard certainly; if you want to leave a message with the help of ones secretary, he/she will ask you,can I have your name please?,Remember when you ask this question please make sure that it is in a polite way.,Sample Answer:,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Think About It-script,Read On,A. Look at the questions before you read the passage.,Do you have an email,address,? Who do you often,email,?,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1,Online Study Partners,email address,电子邮箱,Could you tell me your email address?,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A2-,address,你能告诉我你的电子邮箱地址吗?,我的邮箱地址是Miranda。,My email address is,Miranda,.,email,n.,电子邮件,v.,发电子邮件,Send me an email when you finish it.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A2-,email,你完成以后发封电子邮件给我。,在你来之前,请先用电子邮件与我联系。,Before you come here, email me please.,S,Find a study,partner,.,Hi. My name is Antonio Perez. Im an English student. My email is,ap,and my telephone number is 555-4434.,Hello. My name is Young-,Ju,Park. My email is,ypark,and my phone number is 555-1124.,Hi. My name is Pinar,Demir,. Im a computer,science,student,. My email is,pdemir,and my phone number is 555-8776.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1,Hello. My,first name,is Anna and my,family name,is Chiu. Im an English student. My email is,happy1,.,My phone number is 555-6659.,Hello. My names Cristina Cortez. My email is,ccortez,and my phone number is 555-1419.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A2,B. Read the email messages. Then write the missing information in the address box.,Pinar,Cortez,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-B,First name,Family name,Email,Phone,Antonio,Perez,555-1419,Anna,pdemir,Young-,Ju,Chiu,_,Demir,_,Park,_,ap,_,ccortez,_,happy1,_,ypark,_,555-4434,_,555-6659,_,555-8776,_,555-1124,_,Cristina,_,_,_,_,C. Write your own information in the address box.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-C,My first name,My family name,My email,My phone,Miranda,_,King,_,Miranda,_,555-6377,_,Which event in Hong Kong would you like to attend? Why?,D. Talk About It,Sample Answer,Email is sure to be a very important way of communication in our daily life. It can help you get in touch with your business partners during your office time. Email can also be used to help you keep in touch with your friends and relatives. In festivals, you can send them email cards instead of post ones in order to save time and money. As we all know, email is convenient and fast, so it becomes more and more popular nowadays.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-D,study partner,学习伙伴,partner,n.,伙伴,A good study partner can help you a lot.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1-,partner,一个好的学习伙伴能给你很多帮助。,生意伙伴,business partner,工作伙伴,office partner,computer science,计算机科学,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1-,science,I major in computer science.,我的专业是计算机科学。,计算机科学近年来变得越来越流行了。,Computer science is getting more and more popular in recent years.,I am a computer science student,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1-,student1,主语 谓语 表语,注释,:,组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分。英语句子成分有主语、谓语、表语、宾语、补语、定语、状语等。,1),主语:主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物。可以做主,语的有名词、主格代词、动词不定式、动名词等。,地球绕着太阳转。,The earth moves around the sun.,2),谓语:谓语说明主语的动作,状态或特征。谓语由动,词或动词词组担任。,孩子们在那儿打篮球。,The children are playing basketball there.,3),宾语:宾语表示动作行为的对象,宾语位于及物动词之后,一般同主语构成一样,能作宾语的有名词、代词、数词、动词不定式等。,如:,Give me a cup of tea , please.,请给我一杯茶。,宾补:有些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,对其加以补充说明,意思才完整,叫宾补。宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语。通常由形容词、名词、代词、数词、不定式、分词等充当。,如:,We make him our monitor.,我们选他当班长。,5),表语:表语是谓语的一部分,它位于系动词之后,说明,主语身份,特征、属性、状态、性质等。由形容词、副,词、名词、代词、不定式、分词充当。,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1-,student,2,如:,Tom is a boy.,汤姆是个男孩。,6),定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短,语或句子。,如:,The little boy needs a blue pen.,小男孩要一支蓝色的钢笔。,7),状语:状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,说明方,式、因果、条件、时间、地点、让步、方向、程度、目,的等。,如:,The boy needs a pen very much.,这个男孩很想要一支钢笔。,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A1-,student,3,first name,西方人的第一个名字(即中国人的名,),My first name is Bill.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A2-,first name,我的名字叫贝尔,。,你叫什么名字?,Whats your first name?,family name,姓,My family name is Jordan.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A2-,family name,我姓乔丹。,请问您贵姓?,Whats your first name?,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Read On-A-note,Notes:,构成句子的基本成分叫做句子成分。句子成分可分为 主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和同位语等。如:,My,name,is,Antonio Perez,.,定语 主语 谓语 表语,My daughter,Annie,plays,the piano,every night,.,主语 同位语 谓语 宾语 状语,Write About It,A. Look at the card.,Hi. My name is Aki Saito. Im an English student. My teachers name is Mr. Henley. My email is,akisquickmail.org,. Please email me! Lets study together!,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Write About It-A,B. Write three or four sentences about yourself.,Hello. My name is Miranda. Im a new student here. I study in Class 3, Grade 2. My email is,Mir,. Please keep in touch with me. Lets become close friends!,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Write About It-B,Sample Answer,C. Share your information with a partner and then write a card about your partner using at least five sentences.,My partner is a German student. His name is Ham. He will study here for 3 years. His email is,ham,. He wants to make many friends here. If youre willing to be his friend, you can send email to him.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Write About It-C,Sample Answer,Vocabulary,Grammar,Reading,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Review-main,Vocabulary,Study the following words in this unit.,a. Get Ready,trust,n.,信任,credit,n.,信用,*,license,n.,执照, savings,n.,储蓄,health,n.,健康,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary1,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary2,b. Listen and Talk, fitness,n.,健康,结实,*,gym,n.,健身房,Working with Words,A. Match the letters. Complete the words.,1.,nam,3. Ro,erto,5.,Engl,sh,7.,uestion,9.,stu,ent,2. Won 4. c ass 6. n me,8.,Ko,i 10.,fi,st,g q j i e a r l b d,A _a_ B _b_ D _d_ E _e_ G _g_ I _i_ J _j_ L _l_ Q _q_ R _r_,e,_,i,_,b,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary-A1,q,_,d,_,g,_,l,_,a,_,j,_,r,_,B. Read and write these words.,1.,2.,3.,5laIsEns,dVim,trQst,4.,5.,6.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary-B,phone,with,double,license,gym,trust,_,_,_,_,_,_,C. Fill in the spaces. Use the words below.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary-C,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary-C,teacher student meet class nice name Sara Perez,Are you a,teacher,?,Yes, I am. My is Mr. Burns.,Im Mario .,Im your .,Nice to you, Mario.,name,_,Perez,_,student,_,meet,_,Hi. Are you in this ?,Yeah. My names .,to meet you. Im Lucy.,class,_,Sara,_,Nice,_,_,D. Do the math. Write the correct words.,3 + 4 = 2. 1 + 3 =,10 - 1 = 4. 5 - 4 =,5. 3 + 3 = 6. 4 - 2 =,7. 5 + 3 = 8. 5 - 5 =,9. 7 - 2 = 10. 7 - 4 =,seven,_,nine,_,six,_,eight,_,four,_,one,_,two,_,zero,_,three,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Vocabulary-D,five,_,Grammar,A. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.,1. Is she a ?,2. Whats phone number?,3. Where you from?,C,_,B,_,C,_,A. Sofia B. name,A. you C. yours,A. do B. come,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Grammar-A1,B. your,C. teacher,C. are,4.,Joey and I,classmates.,5. Here a pencil and two books.,B,_,A,_,A. am,A. is,B. are,C. is,B. are,C. am,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Grammar-A2,B. Match the questions to the answers.,Whats your first name? a. 555-9819.,Whats his family name? b. Her name is,Lisette,.,Whats her name? c. White.,Whats her telephone number? d. J-O-H-N,How do you spell your first,name? e. My first name is Santos.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,4,_,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Grammar-B,3,_,2,_,5,_,1,_,C. Unscramble the sentences. Then practice with a partner.,1. your/Whats/name/first?,2. Whats/name/family/the teachers?,3. telephone/Whats/number/your?,4. you/Are/in/class/this?,5. you/to/Nice/meet.,Get Ready,Listen and Talk,Read and Write,Review,|,|,|,Grammar-C,Whats your first name?,_,Whats the teachers family name?,_,Whats your telephone number?,_,Are you in this class?,_,Nice t


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