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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Star signs,Comic strip,Welcome to the unit,1,Twelve animals in Chinese horoscope,What else?,2,3,How old are you?,What year were you born in?,What is your animal sign?,What,characteristics,do you think it has?,Im the pig./Im in the year of the pig.,I think it is,Ask and answer,4,Ask and answer,What month,were you born in?,5,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,Do you know the star signs?,6,A,B,C,D,E,F,What are the star signs,represented by?,The names of,the creatures,ram,bull,fish,crab,lion,centaur,7,Do you know them?,We always say the_ is the king of the animals.,_ and _ live in water, but the_ can come to land.,When a _ sees red color, it will be angry.,The_ likes eating grass.,A _ is half-man,half-horse.,lion,Crabs,fish,crab,bull,ram,centaur,A,B,C,D,E,F,8,G,H,I,J,K,L,What are,the,other,star signs,represented by?,scales,scorpion,twins,goat,water,carrier,virgin,9,22nd May-21st Jun,21st Apr-21st May,What is your star sign?,22nd Jun-22ndJul,23rd Jul-22nd Aug,23rd Aug-22nd Sep,23rd Sep-22nd Oct,23rd Oct-21st Nov,22nd Nov-20th Dec,21st Dec-20th Jan,21st Jan-19th Feb,20th Feb-20th Mar,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,21st Mar-20th Apr,10,Aries,/,r,i:,z /,白羊座,21st Mar,20th Apr,11,Taurus,/t,:,r,s /,金牛座,21st Apr, 21st May,12,Gemini,/,e,m,i,n,ai,/,双子座,22nd May, 21st Jun,13,Cancer,/k,ns,/,巨蟹座,22nd Jun 22nd Jul,14,Leo,/l,i:u,/,狮子座,23rd Jul 22nd Aug,15,Virgo,/v,:,g,u,/,处女座,23rd Aug 22nd Sept,16,Libra,/l,i:,br,/,天秤座,23rd Sept 22nd Oct,17,Scorpio,/sk,:,p,iu,/,天蝎座,23rd Oct 21st Nov,18,Sagittarius,/ s,i,t,r,i,s/,射手座,22nd Nov ,20th Dec,19,Capricorn,/k,pr,i,k,:,n/,摩羯座,21st Dec 20th Jan,20,Aquarius,/,kw,r,i,s/,水瓶座,21st Jan 19th Feb,21,Pisces,/p,ai,s,i:,z/,双 鱼 座,20th Feb 20th Mar,22,Aries,白羊座,/,牧羊座,Try to remember your own star sign,21st Mar.-20th Apr.,21st Jan.-19th Feb.,Aquarius,水瓶座,/,宝瓶座,20th Feb. -20th Mar.,Pisces,双鱼座,21st Apr. - 21st May.,Taurus,金牛座,/ t,:,r,s /,/,r,i:,z /,/p,ai,s,i:,z/,/,kw,r,i,s/,23,Virgo,处女座,23rd Aug.-22nd Sept.,22nd Jun. -22nd Jul,.,Cancer,巨蟹座,22nd May.-21st Jun.,Gemini,双子座,23rd Jul. -22nd Aug.,Leo,狮子座,/ l,i:u,/,/ k,ns,/,/ ,e,m,i,n,ai,/,/ v,:,g,u,/,24,Libra,天秤座,Capricorn,摩羯座,/,山羊座,Scorpio,天蝎座,23rd Sept.-22nd Oct.,21st. Dec.-20th Jan.,23rd Oct.-21st Nov.,22nd Nov. -20th Dec.,Sagittarius,射手座,/,人马座,/s,i,t,r,i,s/,/ sk,:,p,iu,/,/ k,pr,i,k,:,n/,/ l,i:,br,/,25,Pair Work,A: How old are you?,B: Im,sixteen,.,A: What is your animal sign?,B: The,pig,./ I am in the year of the,Pig,.,A: When is your birthday?,B: Its on,10th February,.,A: Oh, you are,an Aquarius,!,26,Comic strip,27,Questions:,1.,Who brings Eddie the newspaper?,2.,What does Hobo ask Eddie to read? Why?,3.,What do Eddies stars say?,4.,What happens to Eddies breakfast at the end of the story?,Hobo.,Hobo asks Eddie to read his stars because it is very interesting.,Hobo eats it.,It says Eddie will have lots to eat and drink today.,28,Eddie and Hobo,One morning, Eddie was having,his _when he asked Hobo,to bring him the_. Hobo,told Eddie to read his stars in the newspaper,because it was very _.,Eddie got a piece of good news from the,newspaper. It was he could have _to eat and,drink. But Hobo brought him a piece of _ news.,It was his breakfast had been eaten by_.,breakfast,newspaper,interesting,lots,Hobo,bad,Their star signs?,29,Well,you should,give me more pocket money,(be careful) then!,-,Can you make a new dialogue?,Look!My star sign looks like a,lion,! (crab,ram,bull)It says Ill get lots of money today! - (be bad luck,),30,Homework,Remember the star signs.,Read the dialogues again and again.,Make up a new dialogue about star signs,.,Try to find out how many classmates are under the star sign as you.,31,


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