unit5 an excitingjob

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 The power of nature,Warming up,and,Reading comprehension,Can you list some natural disasters?,Skimming,1. Whats the main idea of the article?,The,writer expressed his _ for,his job as a _ and told,us one of his unusual _,in Mount Kilauea, Hawaii.,love,volcanologist,experiences,2. Find out main ideas for each part.,Part 1,(Para 1-2),Part 2,(Para 3-4),Part 3 (Para 5),The writers _ and its _.,job,importance,The writers _,of watching the volcanic eruption.,experience,The _ for the writers enthusiasm about his job.,reasons,Scanning,What does the writer do?,Does the writer like his job?,2.Where is,Mount Kilauea,?(,基拉韦厄火山,),3.How long does the writer work ?,A volcanologist. Yes he does,.,It is in Hawaii.,About 20 years,Careful reading,1.What adjectives does the writer,use to describe his job?,2.What is the most important thing,about the writer,s job?,Help to protect ordinary people from the volcano.,(Para 1),Dangerous; exciting; great; important,;,What is the writer,s duty as a volcanologist?,Collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea.,Help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.,(Para 2),(Para 3),When did the writer first see an eruption?,It was in the 2nd week after he arrived in Hawaii.,2.What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?,My bed,began shaking,A strange sound,My bedroom became,as bright as day,Red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air,An absolutely fantastic sight,(Para 4),What did the scientists do after the eruption,?,.Driven up_,_,.Put on_,_,.Slowly _the crater and _ _,.Climbed_,the mountain and dropped as close,as possible to the crater,special clothes like white protective suits,helmets, big boots and special gloves.,made their way to the edge of,looked down into the red,boiling centre .,down into the crater to collect some lava.,What makes the writer amazed about volcanoes even after studying them for many years ?,The author is still amazed at the beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.,(Para 5),Discussion,*What,quanlities,does,a volcanologist need?,*Do you think it is an occupation you would enjoy?,Essential skills,Degree and/or Doctors degree in geology,Interest in Earth science which includes:,knowledge of volcanoes,knowledge how magma (hot, liquid rock) erupts and how it behaves,research skills,skill in analysing and interpreting research results and other information,practical skills for performing experiments and operating scientific equipment,Desirable skills,Computer skills,Foreign languages,Practical skills such as:,the ability to read maps.,problem-solving skills.,planning and organizational skills.,communication skills.,writing skills, for writing reports and for publications.,No. I probably wouldnt enjoy this job because I would have to live in other countries and also I dont like being in dangerous. Also, Im not very good at science.,Yes, Id like to do a job like this because I would enjoy working outside and I think I would enjoy the adventure. It would be exciting to meet people from different countries and I would feel good about helping people avoid danger.,Summary,I have the _ job in the world. I am never _ with it. Although it is occasionally dangerous, I dont mind because danger _ me and makes me feel _. I think my job is the most _ because I can help _ people from danger of volcanoes.,greatest,bored,excites,alive,important,protect,I am a _ working for HVO. Our work has _ many lives but unfortunately we can not save their _. I have _ a volcano eruption in Hawaii. I was _ asleep when my bed began _ and I heard a _ sound, like a _ passing nearby.,volcanologist,saved,houses,experienced,fast,shaking,strange,train,Then I found my bedroom was as _ as day, and red lava was _ hundreds of meters into the air. The next day, three of us wanted to get close to the _. We put on _ suits, _, big _ and special _, which made us look like _.,bright,fountaining,crater,protective,helmets,boots,gloves,spacemen,We slowly _ to the edge of the crater to collect some _ for _. After studying volcanoes for many years, I am just as _ about my job as before. Why? Because of their _ and their _ to cause great damage.,made,our way,lava,later,study,enthusiastic,beauty,potential,


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