Unit 13 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔(商务英语)

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Unit 13 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔(商务英语)_第1页
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Unit 13 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔(商务英语)_第2页
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Unit 13 申诉、抱怨与索赔、理赔(商务英语)_第3页
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,中文,44,号黑体字,中文幼圆字体,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,*,Unit Thirteen Complaint, Claim & Settlement,III.,Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences,Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences (1),Expressions about claim (I):,claim,sth,. from sb. for ;,ask for a compensation for,;,lodge,/,make,/,file,/,register,/,lay,/,raise,/,put in,a claim for,sth,.,against,/,with,/,on,sb.,1) We have no choice but to,claim,a compensation,from,you,for,the damaged goods,.,2),We have to ask for a compensation to cover the loss incurred as a result of the inferior quality of the goods concerned.,3),We,are entitle to,file a claim against,you,for,30% of the invoice value,for,our losses.,4) We are going to,register a claim with,the Guangzhou Branch of the PICC by tomorrow.,Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences (2),Expressions about,claim,(II):,2.,entertain,/,accept,/,meet,a claim;,decline,/,reject,a claim;,1) We apologize for any inconvenience incurred and have decided to,entertain your claim,as per your proposal.,2),In view of,our friendly relations, we,are ready to,meet your claim,for the short weight.,3) Sorry we have to decline your claim since the responsibility lies with the shipping company.,3.,settle,/,adjust,a claim;,Please inform us of your decision on how to settle the claim.,Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences (3),Expressions about,claim,(III):,4. the time limit for claim,;,the amount of claim;,1) Your claim is not acceptable because the date, July 31, 2007, when you raised it, has passed the,time limit for a claim,as stipulated in the contract No. 123.,2) The total amount of claim should be $ 14,000.,Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences (4),Other expressions concerning claim (I):,survey report ; survey,charges,/,fee,;,inspection,charges,/,fee,qualified,/,licensed,surveyor;,1) The claim must be accompanied by a survey report for sellers reference.,2) We must file a claim amounting to US$ 800 plus inspection charges / fee.,3) We have invited the local,licensed,/,qualified,surveyors to check the consignment with the presence of the shipping companys representative.,Commonly Used Expressions and,Sentences,(5),Other expressions concerning claim (II),:,2. short delivery;,short weight,/,shortage in weight,;,inferior quality; improper packing;,We would like to lodge a claim against the seller for,short delivery,of the consignment.,Your shipment of our No. 298 has been found,short weight,by 1,000kg.,We have to ask for a compensation for the loss as a result of,the inferior quality,of the goods.,We insist that you compensate the sum of our losses which were due to your improper packing.,Commonly Used Expressions and,Sentences,(6),Other expressions concerning claim (III),:,3. discrepancy between A ,go into,/,look into,/,investigate,the matter;,in perfect condition;,A is attributable to B = attributes A to B,=A caused by B;,There is a,discrepancy between,the packing list of case No. 53 and your invoice.,After,going into the matter, the surveyors find that the damage was,caused by,inferior quality.,The goods you are claiming damaged were,in perfect condition,when they left the loading port.,Cases were found badly damaged. This was apparently,attributable to,poor packing.,Typical E,xpressions,and,Sentences Explaining,To see page 224-226 of the text book,IV.,Sample Letters Explaining,THE END,OF UNIT ELEVEN,


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