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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,THE GREAT,GATSBY,FrancisScottKeyFitzgerald,了不起的盖茨比,Gabriel_Shin,2024/9/12,Life and Career,Part1,Literary Characteristics,Part2,THe Great Gatsby,Part3,FrancisScottKeyFitzgerald,2024/9/12,Life and Career,The Great Gatsby,01,Discharged from the army in 1919;Publishing,This Side of paradise,in 1920,Born in a St.Pual middle-class family in1896;,Enter Princeton at 17,writing,The Romantic Egoist,;Falling in love with,Zelda Sayre,Flappers and Philosophers,and,Tales of the Jazz Age,published in 1920,2024/9/12,Life and Career,The Great Gatsby,01,The Beautiful and damned,published in 1922;as spokesman ofThe Lost Generation;Producing,The Great Gatsby,in 1925.,Staring the writing,The Last Tycoon,which remained unfinished wuth his death in 1940.,Marriage problem:Loneliness,alconhol,.,.,2024/9/12,Life and Career,The Great Gatsby,01,2024/9/12,Literary Characteristics,The Great Gatsby,0,2,FFitzgerald:Excellent chronicler of,Jazz Age,.,Greatness:Finding intuitively in his personal experience,the embodiment of the nation and creating a myth out of American life,Pursuing his ideals:Objective enough to analyze,satirize and criticize them,Simplicity and gracefulness,Metaphors and symbols,Bold impressionistic and,color symbolism,2024/9/12,Literary Characteristics,The Great Gatsby,0,2,二十多年创作生涯,发表多部长篇小说和160多篇短篇小说。,剧本,:美女和被诅咒的人,(The Beautiful and the Damned),、了不起的盖茨比,(The Great Gatsby),、生死同心、女人、乱世佳人、居里夫人、我最后一次见到巴黎等,短篇小说,:姑娘们与哲学家们、爵士时代的故事(Tales of the Jazz Age)、富家公子、本杰明,巴顿奇特的一生、柏思妮剪发、遗失的十年等。,长篇小说,:最后一个大亨,(The last Tycoon),、明智的事、了不起的盖茨比、夜色温柔,(Tender is the Night),、,人间天堂,(This Side of Paradise),等,2024/9/12,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,0,3,First published on April 10,1925.It is set on Long Islands North Shore and in New york City during the summer of 1922 and is a critique of the American Dream,Themes:,The Decline of the American Dream in the 1920s,The Hollowness of the Upper Class,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Major Characters,Nick Carraway - The narrator of the novel;moves from the midwest to New York to learn the bond business.,Jay Gatsby - Lives next to Nick in a mansion;,Daisy Buchanan - Shallow girl who is the embodiment od Gatsbys dreams;she was going to marry Gatsby but he went off to war.,Tom Buchanan - Husband of Daisy; a cruel man who lives life irresponsibly.,Jordan Baker - A cynical and conceited woman who cheats in golf; want Nick go out with her.,Myrtle wilson - Tom has an affair with this married woman.,George Wilson - Myrtles husband,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,The plot of the novel,Gatsby is a poor youth from the Midwest.He falls in love with Daisy,a girl from wealthy family.As a poor lad ,Gatsby is too poor to marry her,so Daisy is marryed to a rich young man named Tom.Determained to win Daisy back,Gatsby earns enough money to buy a magnificent mansion.There he hosts dazzling parties every weekend in the hope of attracting the Daisys relative and he helps Gatsby to make an appointment.By chance his next-door neighbor,Nick,is Daisys relative and he helps Gatsby to make an appointment.They finally come and Gatsby meets Daisy again.But he finds Daisy is no longer the ideal love of his dream.A sense of loss and disillusionment come over him.Daisy and Tom do not love each other.In fact,Tom has a mistress by name of Myrtle Wilson,who is the wife of the owner of a garage.,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Jay Gatsby,Daisy,Tom,Nick,The Wilsons,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Nick Carraway,Nick is suited to narrating The Great Gatsby because of his Temperament.He is tolerant, open-minded,quiet,and a good listener.As a result, others tend to talk to him and tell him their secrets.,As a result of his relationship to these two characters,Nick is the perfect choice to narrte the novel,which functions as a personal memoir of his experiences with Gatsby in the summer of 1922.,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Symbols,Color Symbolism,白色冷漠、空虚,白色在美国文学中有着特别的含义:它既可以象征纯洁也可以象征冷漠;即可以象征高贵也可以象征空虚、它既可以使善良显得更纯真但也可以使贪欲更显卑污。,小说中白色无疑是属于黛西的:她出场时穿着一身白色衣裙,显得高贵,神秘,洁白,美丽。正是这种貌似的纯洁、美丽童贞、无邪深深吸引着盖茨比,在他内心深处烙下了不可磨灭的印象。使她成为盖茨比迷恋一生,却又无法企及的梦想。黛西如同一个住在白色宫殿的宫殿的公主。在纯真的外表下有着白色所象征的空虚与冷漠。“我们在做什么呢?别人都是怎么度过这一天的?”黛西自己的话将她的空虚无聊表露无遗。,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Color Symbolism,黄色金钱、衰亡,黄色是权利、财富和地位的象征:盖茨比的华丽而贵重的汽车是浅黄色的;与黛西见面时领带是金黄色的;周末宴会上,轿车,食物,酒吧等都是黄色的,所有这些黄色象征着一种喧嚣,金钱至上的氛围。但这种金钱、权势、富贵的象征在小说中总是与死亡相联系。黛西在慌乱中撞死汤姆情人时开的车正是盖茨比那辆黄色定制轿车。盖茨比被杀跌入游泳池的刹那,菲兹杰拉德容他如掉进黄色的丛林中。或许通过这种联系,作者想告诉读者有时金钱正是引领我们走向死亡的罪恶之源,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Color Symbolism,红色自私,既然白色象征着黛西的个性,那么红色无疑能更完美的展示汤姆自私、傲慢、野蛮、残酷的个性。菲兹杰拉德在小说中这样描写到:他总是野蛮地推开挡在他前面的每个人,一头红色鲁莽公牛的倾向跃然纸上。,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Color Symbolism,绿色希望,习惯上人们总是把绿色与青春、活力、春天、希望相联系。然而在这部小说中,菲兹杰拉德赋予绿色以全新的象征意义。长岛码头黛西那盏绿灯无疑是书中的一个主要意向。盖子比的信念就是那盏绿灯,是他终极一生的梦想,盖茨比常常在晚上孤独的望着它,伸开双手想去拥抱它.但是这个过程中盖茨比忽略了至关重要的一点,企图用财富和地位挽回爱情的做法本身就与爱情的真谛相违背。金钱换回的女人身上得到的只有虚情假意。正如小说末尾,尼克又想起那盏绿灯,似乎尽在眼前,实际上却可望而不可及。,2024/9/12,0,3,The Great Gatsby,The Great Gatsby,Color Symbolism,象征精神废墟的和迷茫的“灰谷”,体现在乔治威尔逊这个小人物上的蓝色:威尔逊初次登场,作者说他是个“浅黄色头发,无精打采,贫血,其貌不扬”还特意提到了有一双浅蓝色眼镜。威尔逊在故事中始终是一个窝窝囊囊、没本事的男人。作者匠心独运,巧妙地利用色彩刻画了人物。,2024/9/12,Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, he told me,just remember that all the people in this world haven,t had the advantages that you,ve had.,“,每逢你想要批评任何人的时候,,”,他对我说,,“,你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你拥有的那些优越条件。,”,NoGatsby turned out all right at the end.It is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and shortwinded elations of men.,不盖茨比本人到头来倒是无可厚非的、使我对人们短暂的悲哀和片刻的欢欣暂时丧失兴趣的,却是那些吞噬盖茨比心灵的东西,是在他的幻梦消逝后跟踪而来的恶浊的灰尘。,The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though upon an anchored balloon.,屋子里唯一完全静止的东西是一张庞大的长沙发椅,上面有两个年轻的女人,活像浮在一个停泊在地面的大气球上。,2024/9/12,Im glad its a girl. And I hope shell be a fool thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.“,我很高兴是个女孩。而且我希望她将来是个傻瓜,这就是女孩子在这种世界上最好的出路,当一个美丽的小傻瓜。,He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away that might have been the end of a dock.,他朝着幽暗的海水把两只胳膊伸了出去,那样子真古怪,并且尽管我离他很远,我可以发誓他正在发抖。我也情不自禁地朝海上望去,什么都看不出来,除了一盏绿灯,又小又远,也许是一座码头的尽头。,I waited, and sure enough, in a moment she looked at me with an absolute smirk on her lovely face, as if she had asserted her membership in a rather distinguished secret society to which she and Tom belonged.,我等着,果然过了一会儿她看着我时,她那可爱的脸上就确实露出了假笑,仿佛她已经表明了她是她和汤姆所属于的一个上流社会的秘密团体中的一分子。,2024/9/12,A cheerful red-and-white Georgian Colonial mansion, over-looking the bay. The lawn started at the beach and ran towards the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sundials and brick walks and burning gardensthe front was broken by a line of French windows, glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon.,一座鲜明悦目,红白二色的乔治王殖民时代式的大厦,面临着海湾。草坪从海滩起步,直奔大门,足足有四分之一英甲,一路跨过日文、砖径和火红的花园,最后跑到房子跟前,房子正面有一溜法国式的落地长窗,此刻在夕照中金光闪闪,迎着午后的暖风敞开着。,This is a valley of ashes a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of ash-grey men, who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.,这是一个灰烬的山谷,一个离奇古怪的农场,在这里灰烬像麦子一样生长,长成小山小丘和奇形怪状的园子。在这里灰烬堆成房屋、烟囱和炊烟的形式,最后,经过超绝的努力,堆成一个个灰蒙蒙的人,隐隐约约地在走动,而且已经在尘土飞扬的空气中化为灰烬了。,2024/9/12,Mrs Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-coloured chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room. With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change. The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur. Her laughter, he gestures, her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment, and as she expanded the room grew smaller around her, until she seemed to be revolving on a noisy, creaking pivot through the smoky air.威尔逊太太不知什么时候又换了一套衣服,现在穿的是一件精致的奶油色雪纺绸的连衣裙,是下午做客穿的那种,她在屋子里转来转去的时候,衣裙就不断地沙沙作响。由于衣服的影响,她的个性也跟着起了变化。早先在车行里那么显著的活力变成了目空一切的傲慢。她的笑声、她的姿势、她的言谈,每一刻都变得越来越矫揉造作,同时随着她逐渐膨胀,她周围的屋子就显得越来越小,后来,她好像在烟雾弥漫的空气中坐在一个吱吱喳喳的木轴上不停地转动。,Wilson?.He is so dumb he doesnt know hes alive.,“,威尔逊?,他蠢得要命,连自己活着都不知道。”,2024/9/12,Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope.,保留判断是表示怀有无限的希望。,A,sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.,基本的道德观念是在人出世的时候就分配不均的。,Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it.,你们是否老在等一年中最长的一天,到头来偏偏还是会错过?,There was something pathetic in his concentration as if his complacency, more acute than of old, was not enough to him any more.,他那副专心致志的劲头看上去有点可怜,似乎他那种自负的态度,虽然比往日还突出,但对他来说已经很不够了。,2024/9/12,人间天堂(This Side of Paradise,1920),第一部长篇小说(划时代作品),小说以作者自己求学和海外生活为原型,描述主人公阿莫瑞,布莱恩从预备学校到大学,再经历第一次世界大战的经历,再现,“,迷惘一代,”,精神面貌,主人公是多愁善感、满脑子幻想的年轻人,一心想,“,飞黄腾达,”,,娶漂亮姑娘做妻子。可因家庭情况欠佳,漂亮姑娘不愿嫁他。他由此,“,厌恶这个社会制度,”,,,“,盼望来一场社会革命,把我翻到社会的顶峰。,”,2024/9/12,Time,A,Name,B,Literature,C,Jazz Age(1919-1929),2024/9/12,Jazz Age (1919-1929),The Jazz Age is the nickname in America of the decade of the 1920s,beginning from 1919 to the Crash at the end of 1929.,These were the ten tears when the First World War was just over,when new inventions and manufacturing technique greatly changed the way people lived;when people moved from the countryside in great numbers;when women won the right to vote and many started to earn their own money.When cars,washing machines,radios became commonplace.and when millions of people lived beyond their means and went into debt in order to obtain such things while the middle class frantically pursued individual success and persomal enjoyment.They lived a rich,extravagant,frivolous moneymaking life,and it was this style of living gave the decade of the 1920s such nickname as the Jazz Age,the dollar Decade,and the roaring twenties,2024/9/12,Literature,This Side of Paradise,by F.Scoot Fitzgerald,The Sun Also Rises,by Ernest Hemingway,All Quiet on weatern,Front by Erich Maria Remarque,The Great Gatsby,by F.Scott Fitzgerald,2024/9/12,American Dream,1,2,The Lost Generation,American Dream,2024/9/12,The Declaration of Independence,Statue Of Liberty,2024/9/12,The Lost Generation,William Faulkner,2024/9/12,THE GREAT,GATSBY,Thanks,


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