movies 口语练习

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/3/12,#,movies,Have you seen this,movie,before?,What,is it about,?,What types of movie is it?,How many types of movies are there?,电影类型,(FilmGenres),(哑剧猜、记单词),文艺片,literary,lt()(r)r,film,喜剧片,comedy,kmd,惊悚片,thriller,rl,悲剧片,tragedy,trdd,武侠片,swordsmen,s:dzmn,film,侦探片,detective,dtektv,film,冒险片,adventure,dvent,film,爱情片,romance,rmns,film,纪录片,documentary,dkjment()r,科幻片,science,sans,fiction,fk()n,film,卡通片,cartoon,ktun,动作片,action,k()n,movie,西部片,western,west()n,movie,What is your favourite,kind,of movie?,I like ,Discussion,Q: What is the most impressive movies youve seen ?/which movie do you like the best?,A:,The most impressive movie is / I like.the best. / is my favorite movie.,Q: Why?,A:,It is moving / funny / cool / exciting /creepy / warm / realistic/ fantastic / meaningful / magical ,Q: Could you please tell us sth. about the movie?,Read and say,Q,:,What is your favorite kind of movie?,A,:,I like ,Q,:,which movie do you like the best?,A,:,I like.the best.,Q,:,Why?,A:,It is moving / funny / cool / exciting,Useful words and expressions about movies,男演员,actor,kt,女演员,actress,ktrs,女配角,supporting actress,女主角,female lead,导演,director,票,ticket,tkt,预告片,trailer,trel,好莱坞,Hollywood,hliwud,好莱坞大片,Hollywood blockbuster,blkbst,服装,costume,kstjum,电影院,cinema,snm,公映,播放,release,rlis,票房收入,Box office,特效,special effects,景色,scenery,聊电影:,A new film,is on,. Have you ever seen it?,正在,上映,一部新电影,你看过了吗?,What kind of movie is it?,是哪类电影?,The acting of the male lead is marvelous.,男主角的演技好极了。,Whose part do you think is best played?,你认为哪个角色演得最好?,How do you like.?,你觉得,怎么样?,Whos the director of the movie?,谁是这部电影的导演,?,Ive no interest in such films.,我对这类电影没兴趣。,Do you enjoy the movie?,你喜欢这部电影吗?,在电影院,Why not seeing a film tonight?,今晚看电影怎么样?,When does the next movie start?,下一部电影什么时候开始,Which film would you like to see? Which show time?,您想看哪部电影?哪个放映时间?,May I have 2 tickets for the 8 oclock show of ,窃听风云,?,我可以要,2,张,8,点的,窃听风云,的票子吗,How many seats would you like?,您想要几个座位?,“We would like to sit in row G, seats 12 to 14”.,我们想要,G,排,12,到,14,的座位,How much is it?,多少钱?,Where would you like to sit?,您想坐哪里?,hate sitting in the front row.,我也不喜欢坐在前排。,Ill buy some popcorn,(,ppkrn n.,爆米花,) and drink for us.,我去为我们买点爆米花跟饮料吧。,Pair work:,Make a dialogue about movie, use the new words and expressions we learned.,(,10minutes,),


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