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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,How to Lure Your Competitors Key Accounts and Make Them Buy from You Instead?如何引开你竞争对手的大客户并使他们转而跟你购买?,1,Some C,ommon,R,esponses,when We Approach Prospective Customers潜在客户的一般反应,“Yes we are interested, but can it be cheaper?,”我们很感兴趣,但是价格是不是可以再便宜一点?,“,I already got a better price from your,c,ompetitor”,“我已经从你的竞争对手那里得到一个很好的价格,”,What you are offering is good, but Im quite happy with what I have now , etc.,“你所提供的产品及服务都很好,但是我很满意我现,在的供应商,2,What are Unique Selling Propositions?什么是“独特卖点”?,“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight!” (Federal Express),“保证在隔天送到!”(联邦快递),“,Pizza delivered in 30 minutes or its free.” (Dominos Pizza),“披萨会在30分钟内送到,否则免费!”(达美乐披萨),The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand (M&Ms),牛奶巧克力不在你手中,而在在你的口中融化(M&Ms),3,It Is NOT Enough Just to Have a Unique Selling Proposition,光靠,独特卖点 是不够的,4,What Do Customers Expect from Sales People?,客户对销售员有什么期望?,Be personally accountable for customers,results,为客户的绩效承担个人责任,Understand customers,business,了解客户的商务模式,Proactively provide advice for customers,主动为客户提出建议,Suggest the right solutions that solve customers,problems,提出能解决客户困惑的有效方案,Be easily accessible,客户能随时联系上你,Be creative in responding to customers,needs,能为客户的需求提出有创意的解决方法,5,Winning Ways of Winning Sales People,成功销售人员的制胜法则,They ask questions regarding their customers problems, implications and what will happen if,those problems are solved,他们针对顾客所面临的问题、问题产生的影响以及,“,如果那些问题能够被解决会发生什么?,”,来进行提问,They are personally accountable for customers results and understand customers businesses,他们会为客户所想达到的结果负责到底,并深入了解客户的商务情况,They reach to ALL people who can influence over the outcome of the sale,他们会接触、联系所有会影响销售结果的人士,6,Winning Ways of Winning Sales People,成功销售人员的制胜法则,They match their sales process with their customers buying process,他们会把注意力放在,顾客的采购步骤,并将自身的销售流程配合客户的采购步骤,They seek to build a relationship with no agenda first, rather than aiming the customers pockets everytime,他们在初期与客户建立关系的时侯不期待任何销售结果,而围绕顾客自身的情况开始谈话,They create value by providing advice and insights to the customer,他们以提出建议、见解的方式创造价值,而不只是一个充当,“,会说话的宣传手册,”,7,知己知彼,百战不殆,Know Thyself and Thy Adversary,A Hundred Battles Fought and Not Imperil Any,8,Price,vs.,Value,价格,vs.,价值,9,What is the Value of Water?,水 值多少钱?,10,What do Your Customers Value?你的客户会珍惜什么价值呢?,A Value is NOT a Real Value UNLESS the Customer Wants It!,客户所不惜的就不是真正的价值,11,The R,4,of the Customers Experience客户购买经历的R,4,R,eliability,可靠性,R,elationship交情与关系,R,esponsiveness,积极性,R,esourcefulness资源整合,12,The R,4,of a Competitors Key Account竞争对手的大客户的R,4,R,elationship交情与关系,Customers procurement manager has a strong relationship with your competitor,顾客的采购经理和你的竞争对手即现任的提供商有着密切的关系,Competitor also sells at 15% below your price,竞争对手的价格比你的价格还低,15%,R,eliability,可靠性,C,ompetitor,provides Reliable performance in day-to-day operations,竞争对手在日常的操作中能提供可靠的效益,S,afety may be compromised if theres an accident,但是安全性可能在遇到意外时会大打折扣,13,The R,4,of a Competitors Key Account竞争对手的大客户的R,4,R,esponsiveness,积极性,C,ompetitor is Responsive when it comes to maintenance and repairs,竞争对手在提到维护和保修时他们能做出积极的反应,B,ut their sales people only drops by when they are taking sales orders,但是他们的销售人员只是在快要续单时才前来拜访,R,esourcefulness出谋划策,C,ustomer has yet to,upgrade,since they deem too expensive,客户针对升级其制造设备觉得太昂贵了,C,ompetitor has yet to give a good response to this issue,竞争对手还没有能对此提供一个很好的回应,14,Your R,4,in Response to Lure the Customer你所能够引诱客户的R,4,R,esourcefulness出谋划策,W,ork out a way for the customer to implement their upgrading in gradual steps, so that their upgrading costs can be spread over time,给顾客制定出一个方案来逐步的实现设备升级,让他们升级的成本在时间上分摊开来,R,esponsiveness,积极性,Your sales engineers can visit the customers end users on-site to help end-users solve daily usage problems,让你的销售工程师现场给使用者解决日常运作的所出现的问题,Such problems and your suggested solutions can then be documented and be presented to,relevant people in charge,这些问题以及你所建议的解决方案可以记录下来并交给客户,的相关负责人手上,15,Your R,4,in Response to Lure the Customer你所能够引诱客户的R,4,R,eliability,可靠性,Your sales teams Responsiveness is going to enhance the trust between you and the customer,你的销售团队的积极性会增强你和客户之间的信任度,They will be more convinced that they need better Reliability in case of accidents,他们更能相信他们需要更好的产品可靠性以应对意外,和紧急情况的发生,R,elationship交情与关系,L,everag,e,your Resourcefulness, Responsiveness and Reliability,to build winning Relationships,通过你的出谋划策、积极态度以及可靠性增强你与客户的各,层关系与交情,16,The Influencers of Complex Sales复杂销售情况的影响者,The Decision Maker 决策者,The Fault Finder挑毛病者,The Gatekeeper挡门者,The User 使用者,The Sherpa/ Guide 引路者,17,Exercise: Mapping Out Each Influencer练习:理出每个影响者,Think of a deal you have previously won/ lost that involves multiple decision making players,设想你曾成功(或不成功)接单,而又需要多人决策的客户,How many people have you communicated with?,你跟对方企业的多少人进行过沟通?,What are their influence level from 0-10,从,0-10的影响程度,Who are the Decision Maker, Fault Finder, Gatekeeper, Users and Sherpas?,对方谁是决策者、挑毛病者、挡门者、使用者及引导者?,What were their official and personal motivations to buy (or not to buy) from you?,他们跟你购买(或不跟你购买)的在公、在私的动机是什么?,What else do you feel you should have done?,你觉得你哪方面该做的没做?,18,How do You Fare Against Your Main Competitor?你跟你竞争对手的区别,Your Competitors R,4,:,R,eliability,可靠性,R,elationship,交情与关系,R,esponsiveness,积极性,R,esourcefulness资源整合,Your R,4,:,R,eliability,可靠性,R,elationship,交情与关系,R,esponsiveness,积极性,R,esourcefulness资源整合,19,Customers DONT Buy from People They Like,客户不一定跟他们喜欢的人购买,They Buy from Whom They Trust,但他们会跟他们信赖的人购买,20,What if I Want All You can Offer, and Still Demand a Lower Price as well?,“如果我想要你,所有能够提供的服务,, 但是仍然要求一个更低的价格?”,21,Fill Up Your Sales Pipeline!,装满你的销售管道,22,行千里而不劳者,行于无人之地也,If You can March 10,000 Miles and NOT Feel Tired, You are Undefeatable,23,


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