Fast-Food (口语课堂用)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3,Fast Food,Big Mac,spicy McWings,fruit pie,shake,hot chocolate,sundae,chicken classic sandwich,chicken McNuggets,salad and French fries snacks and sides,McMuffin,beverages,McCafe,Do you like fast food? Do you like eating at McDonalds or KFC? Why or why not?,I enjoy eating at McDonalds or KFC because,I dont enjoy eating at McDonalds or KFC mainly because,Tasks,Lead-in,Spot Dictation,Skimming and Scanning,Part Division of Text A,Language Focus,Assignment,Spot Dictation,Before I worked in a McDonalds as a _ _,_,_, I knew nothing about the _ of a fast food restaurant. All the _ members wore their _ there and had to keep them clean all day. As for me, all I needed to do was to _ the _ and call for supplies after taking the customers orders. There were buttons for _ meals and other _. A manager was always sticking around so that everything went well and was under good _. I dont like fast food so much. All I wanted from the job was some working experience.,temporary,operation,employee,staff,uniforms,press,buttons,combination,specials,control,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Part Division of Text A,The text can be divided into 4 parts:,Part 1 (Paragraphs 1-4):,Things I was told to do as a cash register in a McDonalds.,Part 2 (Paragraphs 5-6):,My experience with the first customer.,Part 3 (Paragraphs 7-9):,Other tasks I have to handle and the help I had.,Part 4 (Paragraph 10):,Conclusion: it was the most unforgettable day in my working experience.,My First Day at McDonalds,My First Day at McDonalds,Language Focus,1. My uniform hat and apron were handed to me and a helpful McDonalds assistant explained the operation of the cash register.(Para.1),hand sth. to sb,:,她把票递给检票员。,pass sth. to sb.,e.g. She handed her ticket to the ticket collector.,2. I was told it was very important to place the carton,of fries with the McDonalds name facing the customer,so that they could receive the advertising message,loud and clear.(Para.4),so that:,introducing an adverbial clause of purpose,为了让大家都能听见,她提高了嗓门。,I was told it was very important to place the carton of fries with the McDonalds name opposite the customer so that they could unmistakably receive the advertising message.,e.g. She raised her voice so that everyone could hear it.,目的状语从句(,The adverbial clause of purpose in English,),目的状语从句一般由,so that,或,in order that,等引导,表示特定的,目的或意图。,老师吐字清晰,学生才能理解的透彻。,他们爬上了楼顶,以便俯瞰整个城市。,注意:在表示目的的从句中一把都含有,can, could, may, might,will, would,等情态动词。,The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can understand well.,They climbed to the top of the building in order that,they could get a birds-eye view of the city.,Assignment,Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes,to write a composition on the topic of,Fast Food. You should write at least,120 words following the outline,given below:,1.,快餐在中国十分流行,2.,快餐受欢迎的原因,3.,我对快餐的看法,Johannes Brahms,约翰内斯勃拉姆斯,Hungarian Dances No.,5,匈牙利舞曲第五号,


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