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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,*,Executive Human Resource Program,The Promise of Performance Management,Hay Group,Boston,1,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,The Current Challenge of Performance Management,The HR process,Is completely unrelated to other key business processes,Is dreaded by managers and employees alike,Does not result in any meaningful feedback,Does not differentiate performance or pay,Is a focus for only one or two daysor hoursper year,2,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,The Promise of Performance Management,Imagine a system that could,Increase the likelihood that your strategy is effectively executed,Harness and direct the 1060 minutes a day of discretionary effort that every one of your employees has,Rationalize and focus the number of goals that anyone in your organization has,Improve the decisive dialogue that occurs in your organization,Reward performance in a way that it is motivating and engages people,Differentiate performance in ways that make line managers feel good about their decisions,3,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Performance,Number of Employees,Source: Hay/McBer,Optimizing the performance of your people will have a positive impact on business performance,Improving Performance Management Improves Business Results,4,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Percentage of variation in change in company performance accounted for by managerial practices,Source: Sheffield Effectiveness Programme,Human Resource Management Practices Drive Profitability and Productivity,5,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Highly Successful Companies are defined as having,5-year sales growth = 17.5% per year,5-year profit growth = 10.8% per year,Annual equity growth = 16.7% per year,5-year dividend growth = 13.4% per year,Source: D. Karvetz, The Human Resources Revolution,Clear Employee Goals,Participative Style,Attention to Development,Encourage Creativity,Performance-Based Rewards,Highly SuccessfulCompanies,Less SuccessfulCompanies,80%,70%,67%,62%,86%,26%,4%,27%,10%,30%,High-performing companies are better at managing, motivating, and rewarding employees,Improving Performance Management Improves Business Results,6,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Source: Mavrinac & Siesfield, Measuring Intangible Investment,Strategy Execution Matters to Shareholders,Thirty-five percent of an institutional investors valuation of a company is attributable to nonfinancial information that gauges the ability of the management team to deliver results:,Strategy Execution: Can management make tough decisions and seize opportunities quickly?,Management Credibility: Does the company keep its commitments?,Strategy Quality: Is managements vision of the future likely to optimize value creation in a volatile, globalized, and connected economy?,Innovativeness: How readily does this company adapt?,Attracting and Retaining Talent: Is turnover higher or lower than key competitors? Do new hires surpass leavers in skills and experience?,Management Experience: What skills and experiences does the management team bring to the table?,Compensation: Do compensation policies support the firms strategic intent?,7,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,35% improvement in human-capital systems resulted in 10%20% gain in shareholder value,Alignment and Integration of HR System,“Human Capital” Enhancements,290,310,330,350,370,390,0,20,40,60,80,100,Quintile Improvements in Strategic,Market Value per Employee (000),Source: Huselid and Baker, 1995,Human Capital Systems Increase Shareholder Value,8,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Improving Performance Management Improves Business Results,High-performance companies define Performance Management in its broadest sense: it is critical to executing and implementing strategy,Performance Management is now widely recognized as delivering more returns and delivering more competitive advantages than other HR investments,Performance Management is the key to “raising the bar” in an organization, for all levels of performance,Organizations with a high-performance orientation and strong management capability have higher revenue, profits, and market valuations,9,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Performance Management,Performance Management is about improving business performance by improving team and individual performance, and ensuring that the companys strategy is executed and implemented. It is,A process that ensures that people execute the strategy of the organization,A process for establishing a shared understanding of what is to be achieved and how,A process for ensuring that decisive and constructive dialogue occurs,A process of managing self and others so that people do achieve,A process for ensuring that people are doing the right things in the most effective ways, to the best of their ability,10,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Performance Management Stages,Design Parameter,Performance Appraisal,Performance Management,Performance Ownership,Human Resources,“Check the box”,compliance-oriented,Manage poor performers,Passive,Report card,(retrospective),Managers and Human Resources,Evaluation reward emphasis,Manage the tails of bell curve,Joint ownership for goal-setting/review,Barometer of progress (periodic),Employees, managers, and leadership,Strategic clarity, coaching, dialogue,Raise performance of organization,Shared accountability for results,Dialogue (continual),Function,Role of Employee,Focus,Emphases,Ownership,11,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Performance Appraisal,Performance Management,Managing Performance,High,Low,Low,High,Impact on Results,Level of Organizational Commitment,Improved business results require organizational commitment,Commitment to achieve company goals,Good setting and review,Merit increases efficiently allocated,Performance Management Stages this,12,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,The performance management model is not new, but the way in which leading organizations do it is very different,&,&,Dialogue,Dialogue,Dialogue,Dialogue,Best Practices,13,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Best PracticesWhats Different?,There are four differentiators of best practice:,Clear Strategy Translation Process,Integrated Performance Processes,Culture of Dialogue,Multiple and Differentiated Rewards,14,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Strategy Translation Process,A Definition:,“Early in the history of the company, while thinking about how a company like this should be managed, I kept getting back to one concept: if we could simply get everyone to agree on what our objectives were and to understand what we are trying to do, then we could turn everybody loose and they would move along in a common direction.”,Dave Packard,15,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Strategy Translation Process,Checklist:,Are all top team members unified and focused on the “must-win” battles of the organization?,Are the interdependencies clear between the top-team members?,Are the middle managers clear on the “must-win” battles?,Do employees know what they need to do for the organization to be successful?,Financial goals, operational goals, behaviors,16,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Integrated Performance Processes,A Definition:,“Leaders must see to it that the organizations social operating mechanismsthat is, the executive committee meetings, budget and strategy reviews, and other situations through which people do businesshave honest dialogue at their center. These mechanisms set the stage. Tightly linked and consistently practiced, they establish clear lines of accountability for making decisions and executing them.”,Ram Charam, HBR 4/2001,17,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Integrated Performance Processes,Checklist:,Do the goals of the organization reflect interdepartmental objectives?,Are the financial, operational, and people processes integrated?,Is the information from these processes used to make business decisions?,Are the processes efficient and effective?,18,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Culture of Dialogue,A Definition:,“A leader should be constructing his appraisal all year long and giving his appraisal all year long. You have 20, 30, 60 opportunities a year to share your observations. If, at the end of the year, someone is truly surprised by what you have to say, that is a failure of leadershipBy failing to provide honest feedback, leaders cheat their people by depriving them of the information that they need to improve.Critical feedback is the “heavy lifting” of leadership”,EDSs Dick Brown,19,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Typically a new employees productivity curve increases quickly, then levels off,Without reinforcement and feedback the level stays the same or may fall off,Sporadic, inappropriate, or general feedback without reinforcement has a distinctive effect on motivation and performance,Consistent, specific feedback and dialogue build self-esteem and performance,Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Feedback,Culture of Dialogue,Performance Coaching/Feedback Is Critical,20,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Culture of Dialogue,Checklist:,Are managers (and employees) trained in and good at performance dialogue?,Are managers selected and held accountable for performance coaching?,Are coaching behaviors “lived” by the leaders of the organization?,Is the dialogue open, informal, and candid, and does it provide closure?,21,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,The better my performance, the better my total compensation will be,Multiple and Differentiated Rewards,When most employees, even the stars, get the same pay, it reduces clarity about what good performance looks like,Source: Hay Group,22,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Multiple and Differentiated Rewards,Approaches:,Increase dialogue,Use multiple currencies,Review use of ratings,Use forced rankings,Find new ways to differentiate merit,23,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Differentiated Rewards,Separate means from ends,Tactics/Strategies,Behaviors,Training,Training,Training,Training,Tactics/Strategies,Behaviors,Training,Training,Objectives,Enablers,Conduct analysis of why OT is so high; develop strategy to reduce OT; implement strategy,Implement 3 programs aimed at increasing customer satisfaction: begin training programs; upgrade call center software; establish a monitoring program,Set high goals for yourself and for the team: try to reduce from 50 to 30 per month; communicate to team what needs to be done; “own” this process,Identify customer issues: think about and act on opportunities to address these issues; act as a role model to subordinatesshow them how to work with customers; improve call-center software system,Training,Training,Tactics/Strategies,Behaviors,Develop a plan to meet with each of your subordinates and get the “pulse” on how they are doing (re: jobs, projects, expectations); develop career-pathing plans with each of your subordinates; develop ideas around nonmonetary rewards,Coach consistently: deliver timely and constructive feedback; address issues immediately; make sure others contribute and have what they need to do the job,Tactics/Strategies,Behaviors,Business Objectives,Career Development Objectives,Improve consistency of customers delivery (evidenced by 98% customer satisfaction),Goals set for year,Improve employee retention in department by 50%,Goals set for next 8 months,Reduce overtime from 150 to 50 hours/month (cost not to exceed $12,000),Goals set for year,24,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,Extent ofDifferentiation,1.Company wide success measures,Company revenue,Profit ability measures,None,None,2.Business unit success measures,Unit revenue,Profitability measures,Other measures,Annual incentive,Some, based on individual contribution,3.Success measurescurrent role,Contribution to unit/company measures,Salary increase,Little,4.Requirementscurrent role,Meet “current” job description,Live the values,None,None,5.Success measuresfuture roles,Demonstration of success competencies/behaviors,Achievement of development goals,Future earnings,Salary,Annual incentive,Long-term incentive,Recognition,Significant, based on potential,Measures,First-Level Managers,RewardLinkage,1.Company-wide success measures,Company revenue,Profitability measures,Long-term incentive,Annual incentive,Some, based on role,Some, based on role,2.Business unit success measures,Unit revenue,Profitability measures,Other measures,Annual incentive,Significant, based on unit performance,3.Success measurescurrent role,Contribution to unit/company measures,Annual incentive,Some discretionarycomponent,4.Requirementscurrent role,Meet current job description,Live the values,None,None,5.Success measuresfuture roles,Demonstration of success competencies/behaviors,Achievement of development goals,Future earnings,Salary,Annual incentive,Long-term incentive,Recognition,Significant, based on potential,Salary increase tied to market movement,Little,Measures,Executives,RewardLinkage,Extent ofDifferentiation,Extent ofDifferentiation,Differentiated Rewards,Dont double-count!,25,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,In Summary: Two Examples,Performance Aligning Processes,Performance Coaching/Feedback,Differentiated Rewards,Significant emphasis on management processes on integrated talent management,e.g., two-day detailed evaluation of business with managers being color-coded,CEO models desired behaviors,Teaches/coaches,Mentors/counsels high performers,Significant investment in training/developing people to be good coaches,Businesses ranked at multiple levels and information is publicly shared,Heavy use of incentives (up to 50%, even for first- level managers),Strong financial and operational processes,CEC,Session C,S1/S2,Significant movement of star talent,Open, candid dialogue that stretches individuals and organizations,Frequent conversations about performance and development,Significant investment in training/developing people to be good coaches,Performance measured at multiple levels,20-70-10 plan launched in 1996,Forced ranking system,Top 20% rewarded so likely few leave,Bottom 10% given opportunity to improve,Applies at,all,levels,The Prerequisites,Aspirational,mission,Clear strategy,Highly decentralized organization,EVP“Super jobs for super people”,Aspirational,mission,Portfolio strategy,Tough, stretch targets,Highly decentralized,PepsiCo,GE,Organi-zation,26,0109-9271-HAYG Lemaire,


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