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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Project Presentation,盛汇商业广场,1,集团简介,Company Profile,香港盛明国际有限公司为从事商业房地产及相关产业开发的专业投资机构,旗下实际掌控多个实体,所涉及的商业地产项目包括珠海口岸广场(,13,万平方米),珠海珠华广场(规划总建筑面积,30,万平方米,),,上海惠扬大厦(,2,万平方米),重庆盛汇商业广场(建筑面积,14,万平方米)等,另外为延展商业地产的经营,盛明旗下还设有叠泉与香泉两个品牌酒店管理公司,专司拓展精品酒店与高级酒店业务。目前集团在商业地产领域的资产总额达,80,多亿人民币。,Hong Kong MADEX International Limited which is professional engaged in commercial real estate development and investment, with several subsidiary companies over the world. The commercial real estate projects includes: Zhuhai Port Plaza (130,000 square meters), Zhuhua Square of China (Planning Construction Area: 300,000 square meters), Shanghai Wai Young Building (20,000 square meters), Chongqing MJS shopping mall (140,000 square meters) etc. For expanding the commercial real estate business, HK MADEX has established two hotel management companies aim to brandy and Luxury of hotel. The total investment of commercial real estate is over 80 billion Chinese Yuan.,2,重庆投资环境,Investment environment in Chongqing,五个国家级定位,5 National Orientation,即西部增长极,The growth pole west,长江上游经济中心,Economic center of Yangtze River,国家五大中心城市,National five cities,内陆开放高地,Inland open,国家级的交通枢纽,Nationals transport hub,四大产业将在西部形成核心竞争力,Four industry will form a core competence in the western,其中汽摩、成套设备制造、电子信息、重化工将在西部形成核心竞争力。,One Auto, equipment manufacturing, electronic information, and heavy chemical industry,will form a core competence in the west.,3,辐射,19,区,4,市,17,县,面积,8.2403,万平方公里(中国省级行政区第,26,名),总人口,3253.32,万人,流动人口,400,万人,19 districts, 4 cities, 17 counties under its jurisdiction,covering an area of 82,403 square kilometers,Total population: 32.5332 million,Migrant population: 4 million,与,165,个国家和地区建立了经贸合作关系,Business cooperation with 165 countries and regions,英国、日本、柬埔寨、加拿大、丹麦等,5,个国家在重庆设立领事馆,5 foreign Consulates including England,,,Japan,,,Cambodia,,,Canada,,,Denmark,重庆投资环境,Investment environment in Chongqing,4,重庆主要在以下几个方面具有比较优势:,chongqing has the advantages over sub-provincial and provincial cities as below,重庆投资环境,Investment environment in Chongqing,人居环境优良,Excellent Human,Settlement,市场辐射能力强,Great Market,Radiant Energy,金融服务完善,Comprehensive,Financial Service,人才资源丰富,Abundant Human,Resources,产业配套发展,Strong Support,for Industrial,Development,基础设施完备,Complete,Infrastructures,5,重庆商圈情况,Chongqing shopping district situation,解放碑商圈凭借“全城的辐射力、扎堆的一线产品、外地游客必选地”等独一无二的优势,一家独大,遥遥领先于其它商圈,与成都春熙路、武汉汉正街,并称“西部三大步行街”。,杨家坪商圈的背后,是传统老工业区的雄厚消费实力,加之轻轨,2,号线通车带来的旺盛人气,不容小觑。,沙坪坝区高等学府林立,聚集了大量教育、医疗等系统的高收入人群,因此,相对年轻化、文化层次较高、消费群体庞大成为该商圈客群一大特色。,观音桥步行街是五大商圈成长最快的,伴随商圈的成熟和商业品牌的调整 ,一直雄心勃勃地要超越解放碑商圈当“老大”。,Jiefangbei shopping district is the most famous shopping area with the unique advantages which are centre point of the city, centralize the famous brand, the foreign tourist favorite.” Here by Chunxi Road, Chengdu, and Wuhan Hanzhengjie awarded the “Three Walking Street West. Yangjiaping shopping district is the developing shopping street under by the traditional industrial basement, with the LRT 2 will bring more opportunities. Shapingba shopping district involve many institutions medical group and high-income groups, therefore, young people and students are major consumers. Guanyinqiao shopping district is the fastest-growing business district in Chongqing. With commercial environment changing, it will beyond the Jiefangbei business district aim to be the leader.,6,重庆商圈情况,Chongqing shopping district situation,“商业环境相对较差”是南坪商圈长期备受诟病的主要原因之一,但依靠重庆“南大门”的区位优势、前拥南滨路后靠南山的自然特点,一方面拦截区域内“过江消费”,另一方面辐射綦江、万盛、南川等区县,发展迅速。,2009,年,12,月,南坪枢纽工程改造路面通车、万达广场及上海百联开业,商圈品质和形象由此发生了根本性转变。,这就是上一个十年的格局,.,This is to be the history of past 10 years ,Compare to other districts, commercial environment of Nanping district is not advanced, but depend on the perfect location “South Gate of Chongqing”, and Nansan mountain natural views, Nanping district has been changed, and in fast developing cover other connected districts such as: Qijing, Wansheng, Nanchuan etc. Dec 2009, after the constructing of Nanping traffic upgrade, Nanping district has became a part of CBD of Chongqing.,7,重庆商圈情况,Chongqing shopping district situation,那么,下一个十年,.,So, the next 10 years ,解放碑商圈的“腾笼换鸟”计划之后,二线品牌将陆续出局,解放碑的一线品牌更为集中,届时,其辐射力的第一个层面是重庆,第二个层面是大西南。,观音桥深度覆盖嘉陵江以北的“三北”地区及北部区县、全面辐射重庆;南坪深度辐射长江以南的两南,(,南岸、巴南,),及南部区县、全面辐射重庆。,因此,观音桥商圈、新南坪商圈与解放碑商圈互为犄角之势,凭借,7,座大桥,(,连接渝中和江北的渝澳大桥、嘉陵江大桥、黄花园大桥、千厮门大桥,连接渝中和南岸的菜园坝大桥、长江大桥、在建的东水门,),、,3,条轻轨线,(3,号、,4,号、,6,号,),,南坪商圈与解放碑商圈、观音桥商圈一道,构建重庆商业的“黄金三角”,成为推动新重庆商业大梦想向前发展的源源不竭的永动力,.,By the business plant of JieFangbei district operated, many second brands will be out. More first brands will be concentrated. It will be business centre of Chongqing. Guanyinqiao shopping district cover the north part of Chonqing, Nanping district will cover the south part of Chongqing, these three main business districts connected by 7 bridges and be formed as the business golden triangle.,8,南坪的商贸增长是重庆经济发展最快的地区之一,The business growth of Nanping is one of the fastest growing economy areas in Chongqing .,交通飞速发展,沿长江顺流而下修建的几座大桥促成了南坪交通枢纽的地位,The rapid development of transportation. The several Bridges linking other districts with Nanping, make transportation convenient.,未来南坪中心区的发展总体定位为:中国西部有国际水准、设施一流的都市城区;长江上游地区重要的现代服务业高地;重庆市主城重要的商贸商务复合型中心城区。,The panning development of Nanping :international metropolis, main logistics center of Yangtze river , CBD in Chongqing.,南坪中心区面积高达,4,平方公里,步行街是南坪现有商业核心区域,由新世纪百货、重庆百货、百盛、元旦购物广场、万达广场、百联南岸上海城购物中心组成现有南坪商圈。,The central area of Nanping is up to 4 square kilometers, the Walking Street is the center of Nanping district, main commercial area include: The New Century department store,Chongqing Department Store, Parkson, New Years shopping plaza, Wanda Plaza and BaiLian Nanan Shanghai City shopping Mall.,南坪投资环境,N,anping Investment Environment,9,南坪投资环境,Nanping Investment Environment,政府最新城市规划:,会展中心南岸交通枢纽工程进行大规模改造,南岸商圈重新升级提档,建成以商贸、会展、旅游为重点的特色商业旅游,是对盛汇商业广场定位政策面影响最重要因素之一。,Governments latest urban planning: Convention and Exhibition Centre South Bank hub for large-scale reconstruction projects, South Bank business district to re-upgrade mentioned files, and built to trade, exhibition, tourism as the key characteristics of business travel, is the policy of MJS Commercial Square area are most important localization one of the factors.,10,南坪投资环境,Nanping Investment Environment,在南坪区即将建设世界最高双子塔将超过,620,米,In Nanping District is building the worlds tallest twin towers will be more than 620 m,11,盛汇商业广场,shenghui Business Plaza,项目位于重庆市南岸区南坪,商业中心区(南坪转盘中心),,东临,江南大道,,紧邻南坪,3,号线,轻轨站,,南接南坪,商业步行街,,北与重庆,会展中心,联姻。形成一个以休闲、娱乐、购物、旅游、商务活动为主的大型地标级的中高档现代化复合中心生活圈。,Project is located in Nanping Nanan District, Chongqing, central business district (Nanping turntable center), east to South Avenue, near Nanping Line 3 light rail stations, commercial walking street south, Nanping, Chongqing Exhibition Center North and marriage. The formation of a leisure, entertainment, shopping, tourism, business-oriented major landmark in the high-level central living area modern complex.,12,南坪中心商圈主要由三条步行街组成,而盛汇商业广场则位于二号步行街,即将贯通的轻轨三号线,将把江北商圈,南坪商圈贯通。,Nanping central business district composed mainly of three pedestrian streets, and MJS Commercial Pedestrian Street Plaza is located in the 2,nd,pedestrian street. The LRT(Light Rapid Transport) is under construction, will link two main business districts which are Jiangbei and Nanping.,CBD,核心商圈核心地段,CBD central business district core area,13, 轻轨南坪站与盛汇商业广场负一楼无缝对接。,LRT(Light Rapid Transport) station and MJS negative floor seamless joint., 轻轨,3,号线南起巴南鱼洞,北至江北国际机场,计划,2011,年建成通车。,LRT(Light Rapid Transport) star from Banan Yudong, end to Jiangbei International Airport, contraction complete in 2011., 一期工程共,15,个站点,贯穿南坪商圈和江北观音桥商圈,计划,2010,年建成通车。,A total of 15 stations throughout the LRT, connect Jiangbei and Nanping district, contraction complete in 2011.,唐家院子,市人大,/,加州花园,汽车北站,观音桥步行街,急救中心,110,中学,/,教育学院,工商大学,二塘站,(,交通学院,),轻轨无缝对接,彰显商业价值,Light seamless docking, demonstrate business value,盛汇商业广场,会展中心,14,盛汇商业广场人流动线图,(Flow Diagram),(TAXI stand),(Bus stop),15,车库入口,盛汇商业广场交通动线示意图,(Traffic Diagram),盛汇国际,Car park entry,16,市内公交车站在此停靠共,16,条,With 16 bus lines,长途客运优势:紧依南坪长途客运站(,1,公里处),Long-distance transportation advantage: only 1 kilometer to the long-distance,bus station.,铁路运输优势明显:距重庆火车站菜园坝仅,10,分钟车程,距新运行的,重庆北站,20,分钟车程,Railway obvious advantages: 10 minutes from Chongqing railway station, and,20 minutes from Chongqing North railway station,.,航空优势:江北机场,25,分钟车程即可达到,Air superiority: Jiangbei Airport 25 minutes by car.,交通优势,Transportation Advantage,17,统一定位:对项目进行整体性前瞻性定位,植根本土市场,放眼未 来商业 格局,科学定位。,Unified Position: Forward-looking orientation of the overall project, rooted in the local market, Looking,to the future business structure, scientific orientation.,统一招商:专业团队全程招商,服务供应商,科学规划,力求品牌 效益最,大化。,Unified Investment: professional team full investment, service providers, scientific planning, Brand,seeking maximum profit.,统一推广:整合各品牌及商户资源,统一媒体资源,借助项目整体优势,,力求推广最大商业价值。,Unified promotion: integrating the brand, business resources, media resources, with items Present,the overall advantages and strive to promote the maximum value of commercial.,统一运营:服务式跟踪式现场运营,专业的培训与销售政策支持 ,最大化,协助品牌成长,为顾客创造更愉悦的购物体验。,Unified operation: service-type tracking site operations, plus professional training and sales Policy,support to help maximize brand growth and create wonderful shopping environment.,经营优势,Business Advantage,18,占地面积2,.1,万平方米 建筑面积,14,万平方米,Land area 21,000 square meters construction area 140,000 square meters,140 000m,2,经营体量,Project capacity,19,项目所在地商业发展水平和商圈竞争情况,On the basis of local business condition and development level,项目自身物业硬件条件,On the basis of project facilities and hardware,项目所在地品牌和商家资源,On the basis of local brand and business resources,南坪人均收入水平和消费水平、消费习惯,On the basis of consumer income,、,consume level,项目地段位置、交通情况,On the basis of project location and traffic conditions,定位依据,Project Foundation,20,第四代购物中心,LIFESTYLE SHOPPING CENTER,生活方式购物中心,21,第四代购物中心是建立在,Shopping mall,和,life style,centre,基础上所衍生的一种新商业模式,在规模上更接近,mall,,在理念上和美国的,life style,centre,更接近,融合了两种商业模式。第四代购物中心强调体验式购物,在满足人们一站式购物需求的同时进行升级,增加体验式消费。购物已不再是第四代购物中心最重要的功能,它是集购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐、服务五大功能于一体,其中餐饮、休闲、娱乐占有相当重要的比例。,体验式购物中心既是购物中心,也是休闲中心,同时还是社交中心。,全新定位,重庆首个,LIFE STYLE PLAZA-,第四代购物中心,The first fourth-generation LIFE STYLE PLAZA in,Chongqing,Fourth-generation shopping center is built on Shopping mall and life style centre derived on the basis of a new business model, the scale closer to the mall, the concept of life style centre and the United States closer to the fusion of the two business models . Fourth-generation shopping mall emphasized experiential, one-stop shopping to meet peoples needs at the same time upgrade to increase the experiential consumption. Fourth-generation shopping mall is no longer the most important function, it is a shopping, dining, leisure and entertainment in one of four functions, including sports, entertainment, leisure plays an important proportion. Experiencing both the shopping mall as well as recreation centers, was also the social center.,22,LIFE STYLE PLAZA,主力店及次主力店全国性连锁品牌,LIFE STYLE PLAZA-Main store and the second main national chain store brands,真冰场,23,举行比赛,营业中,真冰溜冰场的世界级运营服务商,欧洲人工冰场第一,占欧洲超过,70%,以上的市场份额;全球,35,个国家运营、安装了超过,3000,个真冰溜冰场;,The world top Ice skate operator, master of indoor ice skater builder in Europe, over 70% market in,Europe,,,over 3000 skate court in 35 countries.,华南项目:香港圆方、地铁,深圳益田、海岸城等;,China project: Yuanfang Hong Kong, Yitian beach City Shen zhen,已签约。,Contracted,奥地利,-AST,真冰场,AST Skate from,Austria,24,星美影院发展有限公司,STELLAR CINEPLEX,同意进驻,IMAX,技术,已签约。,IMAX technology, contracted,(左图)本项目大厅效果图,反映,STELLAR CINEMA,的超五星级理念,;,The Effect Picture (left) present the five start concept.,(下图)本项目通道效果图,线与光的巧妙结合营造时尚浪漫气氛,;,Line and light combination make romantic and fashion,国内银幕数,139,块,Total 139 silver film in China,25,在台湾全省、中国大陆及菲律宾开了共計九十多个室内主题游戏中心;,Over 90 indoor game playground in Taiwan,、,Mainland,、,Philippines.,拟在本项目开设重庆首家旗舰店。,Planning set up the first head shop in Chongqing.,26,Inditex,是西班牙排名第一,并于近年超越了美国的,GAP,、瑞典的,H&M,成为全球排名第一的服装零售集团,现正大力开拓中国市场,。,Inditex is the top dealer in Spain, beyond GAP USA, H&M coming soon.,重庆市场计划主城五区各开设一家形象店,首家店铺已签定沙坪坝区煌华新纪元购物广场,于今年国庆前期开幕。前期已到我司项目现场考察,并确定店铺位置。,Zara will open one shop in Shapingba district Chongqing 2010, planning next shop in our project.,27,全球时装零售连锁巨头,Hennes&MauritzAB ,于今年,4,月份在南岸区政府相关人员陪同下已查看我司项目,经双方多次接洽,已定下初步开店意向。另重庆首家店铺定于,11,月份在江北区北城天街开幕。,H&M has visited our project, intending open shop in our project. The first shop in Chongqing will open in Nov 2010.,28,LIFE STYLE PLAZA-,室外景观,优美的室外景观,Beautiful outdoor landscape,29,LIFE STYLE PLAZA-,目标顾客,年龄:1845岁,特征:消费超前,追求新的生活方式,喜欢娱乐、聚友,有闲,购物频次多,Age :18-45years old,Features: Consumer ahead Pursuit of new ways of life Like entertainment, party, Leisure, shopping frequently and more,30,享受,ENJOY,时尚,FASHION,潮流,TREND,品味,TASTE,新生活方式,NEW,LIFE STYLE,炫目,GLAMOROUS,例外,EXCEPTION,盛汇商业广场定位,Shenghui Business Plaza,Location,31,盛汇商业广场描述,shenghui Business Plaza,Location,尊尚,引进国际名品,延续时尚经典,Premier RelationshipThe introduction of international famous brands,continuing the classic fashion,品质,多功能活动会馆,新一代服务理念,QualityMulti-function chamber, a,new concept,of service,美食,特色美食,休闲餐饮,Delicious foodSpecialties, casual dining,空间,引领视觉,优雅景观,SpaceLeading visual, wonderful viewing,环保,节能设备,选用再生物资,Environmental protectionEnergy-saving devices,prefer recycle materials,32,盛汇商业广场定位于“炫目、享受、例外、时尚、潮流、品味、新生活方式”消费者,将,引,进国际,一,线,品牌,,设,置精品、名品店,,时尚潮流服饰,,以,满,足,顾,客多,样,化的商品需求,Shenghui Business Plaza, located in the “Glamorous,、,Enjoy,,,Exception, fashion, trend, taste, New life style the consumer, will introduce the international frontline brands, setting boutique, famous shops, fashion apparel, a variety of products to meet customer demand.,尊尚,Premier Relationship,33,品质,Quality,盛汇商业广场将引进大型,3D IMAX,电影院、真冰场、健身房、,KTV,等,打造重庆高品质的休闲娱乐首选,Shenghui will introduce a large-scale commercial plaza 3D IMAX theater, real ice rink, gym, KTV, etc., to create high-quality entertainment in Chongqing preferred,34,盛汇商业广场将引进多家大型商务餐饮、主题餐饮、休闲及特色餐饮,让顾客同步享受购物美食一站式服务,Shenghui Business Plaza to introduce the theme of a number of specialty restaurants, make customers enjoy delicious,food,美食,Food,35,盛汇商业广场引进环保节能设备用于照明及景观,店内选用再生材质装潢,在节能减排的同时为顾客提供健康环保的购物环境。,Shenghui will introduce Solar Energy Equipment for producing electricity using as lighting and sight-seeing and use recycled materials for decoration, providing a healthy and environmental protective shopping mall together with energy conservation,and emission reduction,.,环保,Environmental protection,36,盛汇商业广场将使用室内景观绿化设施布置,营造现代新颖购物空间,为顾客提供现代时尚新潮的购物环境。,Shenghui Business Plaza will use the indoor facilities, landscape planting layout, create a modern new shopping space, providing customers with modern and fashionable shopping environment.,空间,Space,37,停车位,Parking,1 000,停车场Parking Lot,38,B2F,(20000,),停车场,Parking lot,Car park,39,BF1,(16000,),精品数码城,Digital World,Fun,缤纷,Car park Digital World Food Court,40,LG,(16000,),Vitality,活力,动感与活力之都,先锋青年的聚集地,Dynamic and vibrant capital, the gathering of young pioneers,Supermarket Restaurant Sport Shop Luxury Shop Bank Salon,41,L1,(16000,),Fashion,时尚,比肩米兰,一站式直达国际时尚最前沿,Shoulder Milan, one-stop direct access to the cutting edge of international fashion,Store Luxury Shop Restaurant Salon,42,L2,(16000,),Trend,潮流,都市达人的首选地,Citys first choice for up to,Store Restaurant Lady Dress Video Game,43,L3,(16000,),Warm,温馨,品味生活之美,Taste for Life,Store Restaurant Man Cloth Lady Dress Bed Under Cloth Spa Music,44,L4,(16000,),Dream,梦想,超越想象,成就梦想,Beyond imagination, dream achievement,Store Restaurant Cinema Ice Skate KTV Outdoor Sport,45,L5,(16000,),Flying,飞扬,掀起激情,轻舞飞扬,Whip up passion, flying Qingwu,Store Restaurant KTV,46,L6,(8000,),Date,约会,休闲下午茶,约会新主张,Casual afternoon tea, dating new ideas,Store Restaurant Cinema Roof,47,48,Thank You!,49,


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