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Network Optimization Expert Team,International Business,Machines Corporation,Group 3,The IBM spirit, the IBM heart and the IBM language were the same in all tongues and in all countries.,Thomas J. Watson,Sr.,Content,IBM history of progress,The Birth of IBM Culture,Step1 The mid of the 20th Century,Step2 The end of the 20th Century,Step3 The beginning of the 21th Century,Culture power,IBM history of progress,The progress of IBM logo,On June 16, 2011, IBM marks its centennial.,Over the past decade, IBM has built a record of leadership by pursuing the most transformational opportunities, inventing the breakthrough technologies to capture them and building an organization able to deliver superior results over the long term.,IBM history of progress,IBM history of progress,1890s to 1937 Early Ambitions,1938 to 1951 Growing Influence,1952 to 1963 Foundations of,Modern Computing,A merger of three 19th-century creates the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) on June 16, 1911,,,the precursor to IBM.,Following the Second world war, the company accelerates its international growth, and in 1949, it forms the World Trade Corporation to manage its foreign operations.,These technological, business and social innovations propel IBM into the 1960s as the worlds leading high-technology firm.,1964 to 1970,The 360 Revolution,团队管理,沟通渠建立,1890s to 1937,Early Ambitions,1938 to 1951,Growing Influence,1952 to 1963,Foundations of Modern,Computing,1993 to 2001,The Birth of e-business,1971 to 1992,Computing Gets Personal,IBM history of progress,1964 to 1970,The 360 Revolution,团队管理,沟通渠建立,1890s to 1937,Early Ambitions,1938 to 1951,Growing Influence,1952 to 1963,Foundations of Modern,Computing,1964 to 1970 The 360 Revolution,1971 to 1992 Computing Gets Personal,1993 to 2001 The Birth of e-business,IBM creates standards that,legitimize the PC, turning it from a hobbyist device into an indispensable tool of modern,lifein homes, businesses and schools around the world.,Following the Second world war, the company accelerates its international growth, and in 1949, it forms the World Trade Corporation to manage its foreign operations.,It moves into major new growth businesses, principally services and software, and embraces open standards for computing.,1993 to 2001,The Birth of e-business,1971 to 1992,Computing Gets Personal,IBM Share Price,IBM history of progress,Why we chose IBM?,The Birth of IBM Culture,In the 1930s and 1940s,few companies paid serious attention to corporate culture.,Except Thomas Watson, founder of IBM.,IBM chairman have defined and communicated the principles by which IBMers should mange the business, conduct themselves, direct their activities, guide their employees, and work with each other, their customers and their communities.,The Birth of IBM Culture,The Progress of IBM Culture,Step 2,Step 1,Respect for individual,Perfect service to custom,Excellence must be a way of life,The end of the 20th Century,Step 3,Win,Execute,Team,Innovation that matters,Dedication to every client,s success,Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships,Step 1,Respect for individual,,,Perfect service to custom,,,Excellence must be a way of life,Culture,Respect for individual,Step 1,Perfect,service,to,custom,Excellence,must be a way of life,By,Thomas J Watson, Jr.,April 1969,Respect for individual,Help each employee to develop his potential and make the best use of his abilities,Pay and promote on merit,Maintain two-way communications between manager and employee, with opportunity for a fair hearing and equitable settlement of disagreements.,Step 1,Respect for individual,,,Perfect service to custom,,,Excellence must be a way of life,Perfect service to custom,Know our customers needs, and help them anticipate future needs,Help customers use our products and services in the best possible way,Provide superior equipment maintenance and supporting services,Step 1,Respect for individual,,,Perfect service to custom,,,Excellence must be a way of life,Excellence must be a way of life,Lead in new developments,Be aware of advances made by others, better them where we can ,or be willing to adopt them whenever they fit our needs,Produce quality products of the most advanced design and at the lowest possible cost,Step 1,Respect for individual,,,Perfect service to custom,,,Excellence must be a way of life,The world changed,Step2,团队管理,Win,Execute,Team,At the end of 20th, the world changed. Only by the technology of products and the high profession could not gain the customers favor.,Respect for individual,Perfect service to custom,Excellence must be a way of life,With the new value, IBM got its rebirth after 10 years of rescuing.,By Louis V. Gerstner,Step,2,Win, Execute and Team,For IBM, it has the best people in the industry. What is really important is the personal commitment that each of they makes about how much theyre willing to give. How much theyre willing to learn and adapt, what they think about every day that drives what they do operationally.,“Win, Execute and Team” are personal commitments. Theyre not things of the head, they are things of the heart and the gut. They are behavioral, not intellectual. You do not get up every morning and salute them. You get up every morning and live them.,W,in and Execute,Step 2,Win, Execute and Team,In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions and actions are better when done cooperatively. People recognize, and even assimilate, the belief that “none of us is as good as all of us.”,Team,New century coming,Step3,Innovation,that matters,Dedication to every clients success,Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships,Organization Culture,As the new century dawned, we saw change coming.,The IT industry and the broader economy were being transformed by the rising tide of global integration, by a new computing model and by new client needs for integration and innovation.,And that meant we needed to transform ourselves.,IBM hopes to become a full innovative company and the preferred innovation partner of customers.,Step3,Innovation that,matters, Dedication,to every clients success, Trust and,personal responsibility in all relationships,Innovation that matters,Through hard working, its not the only goal to make IBM success, but the more important thing is to help customer success.,Dedication to every clients success,Step3,Innovation that,matters, Dedication,to every clients success, Trust and,personal responsibility in all relationships,No matter in which countries and areas, IBM can become the most trusted partner of the government and customers and a part of government assets.,Trust,and,personal,responsibility,in,all,relationships,Step3,Innovation that,matters, Dedication,to every clients success, Trust and,personal responsibility in all relationships,Culture,power,According to different business times, IBMs core values changed timely. And the new culture can always produce a huge boost to IBMs development.,From the progress of IBM culture, we learn that:,Organization culture is the “personality” of the enterprises themselves. Only a suit one is the best one.,This is not achieved overnight or dreamed out. its obtained after observing all the correlative informations of the company.,Dont totally rely on individual but the intelligence of the whole group.,Its need to know how to take advantages of the HR and PR apartments.,Thanks,!,


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