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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,It 作形式主语,It is +adj./ n. + (for / of,sb,.) to do,sth,.,that,从句,It is wrong of you to say anything like that in that occasion.,It is easy for him to lose temper.,It is strange that he hasnt turned up yet.,It is a pity that he is not able to join us.,2. It is no good/use/harm doing sth.,It is no use making any complaints about it.,It is no good talking to him.,不定式;动名词;that从句作真正的主语。,3. It seems/ appears +adj./n + to do,that 从句,It seems wise for us not to expect too much of him.,It appears all right to tell him everything about it.,It seems true that he will take the place of Mr. Li.,4. It seems / appears (to sb.) that,It seems to me that he doesnt know anything about it.,5. It happened that,It happened that I had no money on me.,6. It makes no difference / doesnt matter to sb. + wh-从句,It wont make much difference to me which side may win or lose.,It doesnt matter to him whether you will put off the meeting.,7. It is said/reported/ believed that,用以上7个句型造句.,小男孩提出这样一个愚蠢的问题是很自然的,.,2.,他这么快就离开这里真是遗憾的事,.,3.,劝他不要那样做没有什么用,.,4.,熬夜没有什么好处,.,1,It is no use trying to persuade him not to do that.,It is no good sitting up too late.,It is natural for a boy to ask such a silly question.,It is a great pity for him to leave here so soon.,5. 我真是愚蠢,居然相信她说的话.,6. 日本队如此轻易获胜, 真出乎意料.,7. 我们去邀请他参加我们的宴会时, 他竟然走了, 真令人失望.,It was stupid of me to believe what she said.,It is surprising that Japanese team won the match so easily.,It is disappointing that he should have left when we went to invite him to our dinner party.,8. 他竟然那样举止不当, 似乎很奇怪.,9. 那天晚上他恰巧在那里.,10. 谁赢得这次竞选和我关系不大.,11. 他是否来都没关系.,It seemed strange that he should have behaved like that.,It happened that he was there that evening.,Itll make no difference to me who will win the election.,It doesnt matter whether he will come or not.,It作形式宾语,find,consider,think + it + adj./ n. + for,sb,. to do,sth,.,believe that,从句,feel,make,People felt it impossible for man to fly into outer space some years ago.,I consider it a shame that we have lost the game.,用以上2个句型造句.,我认为他几乎每晚都出去散步是很奇怪的,.,2.,我发现我很难使自己适应周围的事物。,3.,我们发现和他相处很容易。,1,We find it easy to get along with him.,I think it very strange that he goes out walking almost every night.,I found it difficult to adapt myself to things around here.,IthinkitdifficulttolearnwrittenChinese,Ifinditquitenecessarytomakesome,changes,Hethoughtitbesttobeonhisguard,Ifounditveryeasytolearntherules,Shewantstomakeitclearwhetheryoustill,loveherornot,Keepit inmindthat take themedicineeveryfourhours.,Ihateitwhenpeoplespeakwiththeirmouthsfull.,The baby lovesitwhensheiskissed.,I hate it when my mother asks me to eat eggs.,I dont like it that hes so lazy.,Iwillmakeitaruletogetupat6everyday.,Moreandmorepeoplefinditofgreathelptomasteraforeignlanguage,Ithinkitmydutytohelpher,Weshallleaveittohimtosettlethematter,1. 我觉得学汉语很困难 2. 我发现有必要做一些改变。 3.他认为保持警惕是最好的。,4.我发现学习这些规则是很容易的5. 他想弄清楚你是否还爱她。,6.记住每四个小时吃药。,7.我讨厌人们嘴里满是食物说话,8.这小孩非常喜欢被亲吻的时候。,9.我讨厌我妈妈让我吃鸡蛋。,10.我不喜欢他那么懒。,11.我制定了个规则每天六点起床。,12.越来越多的人发现学一门外语很有用。,13.我觉得帮助他是我的责任。,14.我们应该把问题留给他解决。,


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