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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,What does he/she look like?,Unit 9,Section A,Period 1(1a-1c),教学目标,知识目标,:,(1),掌握本课时重要的词汇。,(,2,)掌握句型:,What does he look like?,2,能力目标:,(,1,)能熟练地运用句型,Whatlook like?,询问人的外表。,(,2,)能较熟练地运用普通形容词来描述人的外貌特征等。,3,情感目标:培养观察分析能力,树立正确的审美观。,ear,hair,eye,hand,head,arm,leg,foot,face,back,nose,mouth,Height,身高,build,n.,身材,Main words,Tall,高的,Heavy,重的,Hair,头发,She,has,long hair.,He,has,short,hair.,He,has,no hair.,What does he look like?,他长的什么样子?,h,ai,rstyle,(,n,.,发型、发式,),no,hair,str,ai,ght,hair,c,ur,l,y,hair,sh,or,t,hair,long,hair,blonde,hair,Hair,头发,short hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,black hair,brown hair,描述头发的形容词顺序,漂亮,+,长短,+,形状,+,颜色,blond,金黄色,brown,褐色,她有一头短的金黄色的卷发。,She has short, curly, blond hair.,一头漂亮乌黑的长卷发,beautiful,long,curly, black hair.,beard,He,is,of,medium height.,He,is,short.,He,is,tall.,height,身高,What does he look like?,Short,tall,of,medium height,中等身高,H,e,is,heavy,胖的,He,is,of,medium build,中等身材,.,He,is,thin,瘦的,.,build,体形,thin,of,medium build,heavy,What does he/she look like?,He/She,is,.,medium height,medium build,like,New Words Focus,tall,long hair,curly hair,fat,(,肥胖的,),heavy,short,short hair,straight hair,thin,thin,1a,Match the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.,short hair _,curly hair _,long hair _,straight hair _,tall _,short _,medium height _,thin _,heavy _,medium build _,g,a,f,a,f,b,h,g,h,a,e,h,g,h,What does your brother look like?,Hes short. He has short hair and big eyes.,What does your sister look like?,Shes really tall. She has long straight hair.,Presentation,A: Is that your friend?,B: No, it isnt.,A: What does he look like? Is he tall or short?,B: Well, hes really _. And he has _.,1b.,Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures in,1a,. Can you find Amys friend?,Listening,tall,curly hair,1c.,One of the people in the picture is your friend.,Describe,your friend. Your partner will,find,him or her.,Pairwork,Hes of medium height. He has curly hair.,What does your friend look like?,Is it e?,Yes. Youre right.,Shes tall and heavy. She has long straight hair.,What does your friend look like?,Is it a?,Yes. Youre right.,Build,(,The Journey to the West,),thin,heavy,He is,thin,What does he look like?,/ heavy.,of medium build,(,中等体格,),/of,medium,build,-,What does he look like,?,他长得什么样字?,- He is very tall, and he has short curly hair.,他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。,同义句:,=,What is he like?,他是个什么样的人,?,区别:,look like,指的是 “外观上像”的意思,be like,则是指 “品德,相貌”等,1). Whats he like?,= What _ he _ like?,2). What does your mother _ _?,= What _ your mother _?,他是中等高度,/,身材,:,He is,of medium height/build,. (,“,be + of +,名词,”结构,表示人或事物的特点,性质,,),=He has a medium height/build,.,(,是,a,前用,have/has,侧重于现状,),两句意思一样,但侧重点不同,He has a medium build/height.,表示他有中等身材或身高,。,例如:,He is tall,他很高,high,和,tall,都有“高”的意思。,(1),tall,指,身材的高度,,一般用于人和 动物,反义词是,short,。如:,Li Ping is,taller,than Wei Fang.,李平比魏芳个子高。,(2) high,一般表示,物体的高度,,它的反义词是,low,。,如:,Can you see the high wall ?,你能看见那堵高墙吗,?,The big tree is about ten meters high.,那棵大树约有十米高。,(3),tall,与,high,都可用来指,tree, building,,,tower (,塔,),等的高度,但指,mountain,时,只能用,high.,Huashan,is a very,high,mountain.,华山是座非常高的山。,1) -What _ she _ like?,- She has _ _.,2) - _does she look like?,- She has _ hair .,short,hair,What,curly,does,look,.,看图填空,3) - _ do they _ _?,- They are _.,4) - What _ she _ _?,- She _ _ _,_.,What,look like,tall,has,long straight,does,look,like,hair,课堂练习,5),. -What _ she _ like?,-She has _ _,black hair.,.,看图补全对话,6) . -What _ she _ like?,-She has _ _,hair.,does look,long straight,does look,short straight,课堂练习,7),. -Is Zhu,Bajie,heavy?,-_, _ _.,.,看图补全对话,8) . -Does Han Hong _,_ hair?,-_, _ _.,Yes he is,have,Yes she does,short,Mr.,Simmon,_ of medium build,and he has yellow hair.,A. is B. has C. looks like D. isnt,2. Jim has _ curly hair.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,3. -What do you look like? - Im _.,A. smart B. kind C. outgoing D. tall,.,选择填空,D,D,A,4. Our English teacher _ tall and he _,of medium build.,A. has, has B. has, is C. is, has D. is, is,5. -Is he heavy?,-No, he is a little bit _.,A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet,6. -Is your friend quiet?,-No, he never stops _.,A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. laughing,D,B,B,翻译下列句子,里奥个子高,而且长着中等身材,凯茜有一头漂亮的,长长的黑色的头发,他又矮又胖而且长着卷的褐色头发,这个人中等身高他长着一头直直的发,Leo is tall and he is of medium build.,Cathy has beautiful, long, black hair.,He is short and fat, and he has curly brown hair.,This man is of medium height. He has straight hair.,singer n.,歌手,heavy adj.,重的,tall adj.,高的,short adj.,矮的,1,、描述身高:,(高的),(矮的),(中等高度),2,、描述体型:,(瘦的),(胖的),(重的),(中等身材),3,描述头发:,(短的头发),(长的头发),(直的头发),(弯曲的头发),4,、描述颜色:,(金黄色的),(棕色的),(黑色的,tall,short,Medium height,thin,fat,heavy,Medium build,Short hair,Long hair,Straight hair,Curly hair,blond,brown,black,Is David tall or short?,_,Does Sally have long or short hair?,_,3. Is peter tall or short?,_,He is tall.,She has long hair.,He is short.,2a.,Listen and answer the questions.,Listening,David,Sally,Peter,is,heavy, tall,has,curly hair,short hair,short, of medium build,of medium height, thin,long straight hair,2b.,Listen again. Fill in the chart.,Listening,A: Is that your brother David?,B: No, it isnt.,A: What does David look like? Is he tall or short?,B: He,is,_ . He,s,_ . And he,has,_ _ hair.,A: Is that Sally?,B: No, it isnt.,A: Does Sally have long or short hair?,B: She has _ hair. She is of medium _. And she is _.,A: Is your friend Pete short or tall?,B: He,s,_. He,s,_ medium _. And he,has,_ hair.,tall,heavy,curly,height,thin,long straight,short,of,build,short,What does he/she look like?,He/She,has,short/long hair.,has,straight/curly hair.,has,a medium build.,is,tall/short.,is,of medium height / build .,is,fat/heavy/thin.,wears,/ is wearing,a hat,.,wears/,is wearing,glasses,.,描述人的长相用动词,be,还是,have /has,填一填,is, are, has, have,do,does,wears,1.Jane_ of medium build.,2._Mike have long hair?,3.Jack and Nancy _ tall.,4.He often _ jeans at home.,5.What _ your parents look like?,6.Do Tom and his father _ short hair?,7.Alan _curly hair.,is,Does,are,wears,do,have,has,Hes heavy and he has curly hair.,What does David look like?,Pairwork,2c.,Student A looks at the chart in,2b.,Student B asks student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.,Shes thin and of medium height.,Is Sally thin or heavy?,Does she has long hair?,Yes. She has long straight hair.,Hes short and of medium build.,Is Peter tall or short?,Does he has long hair?,No, he doesnt. He has short hair.,选择疑问句,在问句中提供两个或两个以上可选答案的问句叫做选择疑问句。,选择疑问句的两种或两种以上的情况用,or,连接,回答时不能用,yes,或,no,。,在口语中,选择疑问句的语调应是第一个选择项读升调,第二个选择项读降调。,选择疑问句可以分为一般选择疑问句和特殊选择疑问句两种。,一般选择疑问句,句型:一般疑问句,+or +,被选择的情况?,A- Are you a teacher or a student,?,你是个老师还是个学生?,B- Im a student.,我是个学生。,A- Did you work out the math problem in this way or (in) that way,? 你用这种方法还是用那种方法把这道数学题算出来的?,B- I did it in that way.,我用那种方法算出来的。,注意,or,之后如果是单数可数名词,必须要加上冠词。,选择疑问句中,or,所连接两个,并列的成分,,如果,or,的前面是名词,其后也应该是名词,如果是动词,其后也必须是动词,不能前面是名词,后面却接一个动词。,- Is this by,Strauss,or,Mozart,?,- Its by Strauss.,- Do you like,traditional Western music,or,pop music,?,- Well, I like pop music.,Write questions.,you / like / pop / traditional music?,Do you like pop or traditional music?,1. will / you / have / tea / coffee,2. (be) / this / pop / rock?,Will you have tea or coffee?,Is this pop or rock?,3. (be) you / a doctor / a teacher,Are you a doctor or a teacher?,4. (be) that coffee / yours / hers,Is that coffee yours or hers?,1. The box is heavy. (,用,light,改为选择疑问句,),Is the box heavy or light?,2. Is this an apple? (,用,orange,改为选择疑问句,),Is this an apple or an orange?,3. Is he at home? (,用,at school,改为选择疑问句,),Is he at home or at school?,4.,你的玩具车是新的还是旧的?,Is your toy car new or old?,5.,你的父母现在在超市还是在家?,Are your parents in the shop or at home now?,1.,What does your aunt,_ _?, She has long,_ hair. And she is _ _ height. Shes a little _.,look like,of,medium,curly,小试身手,看图补全对话。,heavy,2. What does your math teacher _ _?, He has _ straight _. Hes _ and of _ build., Does he wear _?, Yes, he does.,look,like,short hair,short,medium,glasses,She _(is/,has),of,medium height.,He _(is /has) really tall.,And he _ (is/has ),c,urly hair.,3.My mother _(is/has) two big eyes and long straight hair.,She _(is/has) of medium,build,not,too fa,t,or too thin.,4.What _(is/does) your friend look like?,He _ (is/has),heavy.And,he _(is/has),short hair.,is,has,has,is,does,has,is,is,Exercise:,Complete the sentences with,“ is ”,or,“ has”,.,1,、,Hes tall and thin.,(改为否定句),He _ tall,thin.,2,、,She is not too tall or too short.,(改为同义句),She is _ _ _.,3,、,Cathy is,very tall with long hair,.,(对划线提问),_ does Cathy _ _?,4,、,She wears a blue sweater today.,(改一般疑问句,_ she _ a blue sweater today?,5,、,What does he look like ?,(改为同义句),_ he _ like ?,Isnt,or,of,medium,height,what,look,like,Does,wear,what,is,1,)你弟弟长得怎么样?,What does your brother _ _?,2,)我妹妹不胖不瘦,她中等体型。,My sister,or,she is .,3,),Alice,是高还是矮?,Is Alice,or,?,4,)你的哥哥戴眼镜吗,?,Your brother,?,5,)我弟弟头发卷,眼睛小。,My brother,hair and small,.,


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