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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Section A (1a-2d),Unit 3,Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,九年级英语(RJ上),教学课件,Section A (1a-2d)Unit 3 九年级,Key words & phrases:,restroom, stamp, beside, postcard, pardon,bathroom, rush, get some information about the town, get,a dictionary, go along Main Street, turn left/right,Key sentences:,1. Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps?,2. Could you tell me how to get to Center Street?,3. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Objective Clauses with,wh-,questions.,Learn how to ask and show the way.,Learning Targets,Key words & phrases:Learning,Read and learn,Words and expressions,Read and learnWords and expres,restroom,stamp,beside,postcard,pardon,bathroom,rush,get some information,about the town,get a dictionary,go along Main Street,turn left/right,n.,洗手间;公共厕所,n.,邮票;印章,prep.,在,旁边;在,附近,n.,明信片,v.,原谅;,interj.,请再说一遍,n.,浴室;洗手间,v. & n.,仓促;急促,获取一些关于城镇的信息,买一本字典,沿着主大街走,向左,/,右转,restroomn. 洗手间;公共厕所,Ask and show the way,Excuse me, where is ?,Excuse me, is there near here ?,Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ?,Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ?,Go straight.,Go along the street, then turn left / right.,Turn left / right at the first turning / crossing.,Go past the,Revision,Ask and show the wayExcuse me,take out money,get some money,save money,Where can we,?,take out moneyWhere can we ?,bank,bank,get a pair of shoes,Where can we,?,get a pair of shoesWhere can w,supermarket,department store,百货公司,supermarket department stor,dailys department store,Where can we,?,buy snacks,dailys department storeWhere,buy some stamps,and post a letter,Where can we,?,buy some stamps Where,post office,post office,restroom/washroom/toilet,Where can I,?,pass water,Could you please tell me where I can,?,restroom/washroom/toilet Whe,rest and,have dinner,Where can I,?,Could you please tell me where I can,?,rest andWhere can I ?Could yo,restaurant,restaurant,borrow some books,get some information,about the town,Where can I,?,Could you please tell me where I can,?,borrow some booksWhere can I ,library,library,get some magazines,get a dictionary,Where can I,?,Could you please tell me where I can,?,get some magazinesWhere can I,bookstore,bookstore,get some money,get some magazines,have dinner,get a dictionary,get some information about the town,buy a newspaper,buy some stamps,get a pair of shoes,b,a / d,a / e,d,d / e,a / c,e,b,1,Where can you do the things below? Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible.,1a,get some m,Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a.,1b,buy some stamps.,post office,Center Street.,get a dictionary,a bookstore,Main Street,Listen and complete the conver,Listen again. Filling the blanks.,Conversation 1,A:,Excuse me, could you tell me where _buy,some stamps?,B:,Yes. There is a post office on Center Street.,A:,Oh, could you tell me _ get to Center,Street?,B:,Sure. You see that bank there?,A:,Hmm oh, yes.,B:,Just go past the bank and then turn right. The post office is on the right, _ the library.,A:,Thanks a lot!,I can,how to,next to,Listen again. Filling the blan,Conversation 2,A:,Excuse me, do you know where _get a,dictionary?,B:,Sure. There is a bookstore on Main Street.,A:,Oh, could you please tell me _ get there?,B:,Yes. Go along Center Street and then turn,left on Main Street. Then you will see the,bookstore on the other side of the street.,A:,Thanks! Do you know _ the bookstore,_ today?,B:,I think it closes at 7:00 p.m. today.,I can,how to,when,closes,Conversation 2I canhow towhen,观察,1a,图片中人物对话和,1b,的听力可知:向别人委婉问路时的句型:首先用,_,来表示委婉的请求,这也可以被称作主句,后面有一个由疑问词,_,或是,_,引导的句子,这也可以被称作宾语从句,从句一律用,_,语序,即,_ + _,。,观察与思考:,Could you tell me ,where,how,陈述,主语,谓语,例:,Could you tell me _ (,书店在那,里,),Can you tell me _(,我怎样能到那里,),?,where the bookstore is,how I can get there,观察1a 图片中人物对话和1b 的听力可知:向别人委婉,Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own town/city.,1c,A:,Excuse me, could you please tell me,how to get to the bookstore?,B:,Sure, just go along Main Street. The,bookstore is on your right, beside the,bank.,A:,Thanks. Do you know when the,bookstore close today?,B:,It closes at 7:00 p.m. today.,Make conversations using the i,1. get a pair of shoes,买一双鞋,a pair of,意为“一双,;,一副,;,一对”。,(,1,)其后常接,由两部分构成的单件事物名词,,且该名词要用复数形式,,如,trousers,scissors,,,glasses,spectacles,jeans,等。,(,2,)其后也常接包括两件东西且习惯上一起使用的名词,如,gloves,、,socks,、,shoes,、,boots,、,chopsticks,等。,Language Points,a pair of gloves,一副手套,a pair of socks,一双袜子,a pair of trousers,一条裤子,a pair of scissors,一把剪刀,a pair of glasses,一副眼镜,a pair of chopsticks,一双筷子,1. get a pair of shoes买一双鞋Lang,2. Excuse me,could you please,tell me how to get to the bookstore,打扰一下,请你告诉我怎么去书店,好吗?,(,1,),Could you please do ?,请你做,好吗?表示委婉地请求。,could,在此表示委婉语气,并非,can,的过去式。,(,2,),“特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式”,充当,宾语,。,例:,Do you know,how to solve,the problem?,你知道如何解决这个问题吗?,(,3,),“,特殊疑问词,+,动词不定式,”,可以转化为,宾语从句。,例,:,Do you know where,to get a book,? Do you know,where,I can get a book,?,2. Excuse me, could you please,(2) Could you please _ us Marys telephone,number?,A. to give,B. give,C. giving,D. to giving,B,(1)- Could you please tell me _ the city park?,- The day after tomorrow, I think.,A. when will you visit,B. when you will visit,C. when would you visit,D. when you would visit,B,学以致用,(2) Could you please _ us M,(1)Would you mind (not),doing?,(2) Would you please?,(3) Do you mind if?,(4) Could you?,其他表示委婉客气请求的句型,(1)Would you mind (not) 其他表示委,3. Sure, just,go along,Main Street until you pass Center Street.,当然可以,只要沿着主街一直走,直到走过,中央大街。,go along,沿着,/,顺着,走。指路常用语。,along,介词,意为“沿着,顺着”。,例,:They walked slowly along the road.,他们沿着公路慢慢走。,3. Sure, just go,4. The bookstore is,on your right,beside,the bank.,书店就在你的右边,挨着银行。,(,1,),on ones right/left,在某人的右,/,左边。,例:,Tim sits on Lucys right.,蒂姆坐在露西的右边。,(,2,),beside,介词,意为“在,旁边;在,附近”,它相当于,next to,。,例:,There is a farm beside the river.,河边有一家农场。,beside the car,beside the car,Listen. You will hear some of the directions below. Number,the directions in the order you hear them.,2a,_ Go to the third floor.,_ Turn left.,_ Go to the second floor.,_ Turn right.,_ The supermarket is between,the flower store and the bookstore.,_ Go past the bookstore.,2,4,3,1,在,和,之间,Listen. You will hear some of,2b,Listen again. Draw a line in the picture above to show how the boy walks to the supermarket.,2bListen again. Draw a line in,A:,Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some,medicine?,B:,Yes, theres a supermarket in this shopping center.,A:,Do you know how to go there?,B:,Yes. Go to the second floor and then then turn left.,Lets see Then go past the bookstore. And umm the supermarket is,between the flower store and the bookstore. You should be able to get,medicine there.,A :,OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping,center closes tonight?,B:,Im not sure, but you can ask for information over there.,A:,OK, thanks a lot.,B:,Youre welcome.,听力材料,2a&2b,A: Excuse me, can you tell me,Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.,A:,Excuse me, do you know where I can get,some postcards?,B:,Sure. Go to the second floor. Theres a,bookstore between the bank and the,supermarket.,2c,Make conversations about the o,Fun Times Park.,Restroom,/ Washroom,/ Toilet.,Role-play the conversation.,2d,1. Whats the name of the park?,2. Where did Alice want to go first?,Fun Times Park.Restroom Role-p,A:,This is Fun Times Park, the biggest amusement,park in my city!,B:,Im excited to try the rides!,A:,What should we start with? Theres Space,World, Water World, Animal World,B:,Before we decide, could you first tell me where,the restrooms are?,A:,Pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? But we,havent even started yet!,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,B:,Oh no, I dont mean that. I mean,you know, a,washroom or bathroom.,A:,Hmm,so you mean,the toilets?,B:,Yes! Sorry, maybe people in China dont often,use the word “restroom” when they speak,English.,A:,Thats right. In China, we normally say “toilet”,or “washroom” in English. Anyway, theyre just,over there.,B:,OK. Ill be quick!,A:,No problem. You dont need to rush!,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,turn left,左转,(,1,),turn,v.,转弯,改变方向”。,例:,Turn right at the crossing.,在十字路口右转。,(,2,),left,adv.,向左,朝左。,n.,左边(反义词为,right,)。,例:,The bookstore is on the left of the school.,书店,在学校左边。,language points,language points,2. The supermarket is between the flower store and the,bookstore.,超市在花店和书店之间。,betweenand,在,和,之间。它不仅可以表示在两,个地点之间,还可以表示在两个时间、两个人、两个物体之间。,例:,The little girl is between her mother and her aunt.,小女,孩坐在她妈妈和她阿姨之间。,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,中考链接,The bank is,the bookstore and the post office.,(湖南,益阳),A. at the front of,B. among,C. between,解析,句意:银行在书店和邮局,_,。,at the front of,在,前面;,among,在,中间,指三者或三者以上之间;,between,在,之间,常和,and,连用,指两者之间则可排除,A,、,B,选项。结合句意选,C,。,c,中考链接 The bank is,3. Go past the bookstore.,经过书店。,(,1,),go past = pass,意为“经过;路过”。其中,past,为介词,意为“从,旁边过去,”,。,例,: The bus went past us without stopping,at the bus stop.,公共汽车没在站点停留就从,我们旁边过去了。,(,2,),past,用作介词时还表示“(时间)在,.,之,后,;,晚于,”,。,例:,Its five past,six now.,现在是,6,点,5,分。,4. Pardon?,请再说一遍好吗?,本句常用于当听不太清楚或没听明白对方的话时,请对方再说一遍的场合,相当于,I beg your pardon,。回答者只需要重复刚才所说的话即可。,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,中考链接,根据汉语意思完成句子。,(河北邢台),请再说一遍,我还不明白。,I _ _ _. I still cant understand,.,解析,考查固定用法。当没有完全明白对方说的话,请求对方再说一遍时就用“,Pardon?,”或“,I beg your pardon,”。根据预留空格可知,填“,beg your pardon,”。,beg your pardon,中考链接 根据汉语意思完成句子。(河北邢台) 解析 考,5. But we havent even started,yet,!,但是我们还没有开始呢!,yet,adv.,还,已经。它多用于否定句和疑问句末尾。,例:,I havent decided it yet.,我还没决定呢。,6. You dont need to,rush,!,你无需着急!,(1),rush,v.,仓促;急促。,常用短语:,rush to do sth.,忙着做某事。,例:,People rushed to buy dumplings at Spring Festival.,春节时人们忙着去买饺子。,(2),rush,n.,仓促,急促。,常用短语:,in a rush,匆忙地。,例:,She is always in a rush.,她总是很匆忙。,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,1. Ask and show the way.,Summary,2. Objective Clauses with,wh,-,questions.,1. Ask and show the way.Summa,Homework,Practice the conversation on page 18, 2d.,Preview the passage on page 19, 3a.,Do the exercises in students book.,Homework,Thanks!,Thanks!,Section A (3a-4c),Unit 3,Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,九年级英语(RJ上),教学课件,Section A (3a-4c)Unit 3 九年级,Key words & phrases:,suggest, grape, central, mail, east, hold ones hand, at first,on ones way to, start doing, pass by,walk up to sb.,Key sentences:,1. I wonder where we should go next.,2. Could you tell us when the band starts playing this,evening?,3. Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some,medicine?,Objective Clauses with,wh,-,questions.,Learning Targets,Key words & phrases:Learning,Read and learn,Words and expressions,Read and learnWords and expres,suggest,grape,central,mail,east,hold ones hand,at first,on ones way to,start doing sth.,pass by,walk up to sb.,v.,建议;提议,n.,葡萄,adj.,中心的;中央的,v.,邮寄;发电子邮件,n.,邮件;信件,adj.,东方的;东部的,adv.,向东;朝东,n.,东;东方,抓住某人的手,起初,在去,的路上,开始做某事,路过;经过,走向某人,suggestv. 建议;提议,Have you ever tried a roller coaster? How do you feel?,Lead In,Have you ever tried a roller c,Read the title and subtitles and write correct order with numbers.,_,On their way to Water City Restaurant,Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs.,_ They decided to go to Water City,Restaurant.,_ Alice and He Wei are in Space World.,_ They asked a staff person and would,have dinner at Uncles Bobs restaurant.,Before you read,1,2,3,4,Read the title and subtitles a,Look at the photo, the title and the subtitle to the story on page 19. Then answer the questions below.,Who went to the,Fun Times Park,?,What does the dialogue talk about?,Where did they go to have dinner?,Alice and He Wei.,It talks about a fun time in,Fun Times Park,.,The Uncle Bobs.,Look at the photo, the title a,Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride?,2. What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?,Because the new ride looks scary. She thought it was fun.,A rock band plays there every evening. Yes. Because the restaurant is busy at eight oclock, they should come a little earlier to get a table.,Read the conversation and answer the questions below.,3a,Why did Alice not want to go o,While you read,Read the first part and fill in the blanks.,He Wei suggested a _ to Alice.,But it _ Alice. “Itll be exciting.,If youre scared, just _ or,_. ” He Wei said.,new ride,scared,shout,hold my hand,While you readRead the first p,Read the second part and fill in the chart.,Though I was scared at first, I found it was fun!,I suggested Water City Restaurant. It serves delicious food.,Read the second part and fill,Read the last two parts and fill in the chart.,_ looks interesting,_ every evening.,It is always _ at eight oclock.,They come _ to get a table.,Uncle Bobs,A rock bank plays there,busy,earlier,Read the last two parts and fi,Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information. Rewrite them in a different way.,I wonder where we should go next.,Do you know where we can get some good food quickly?,Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?,Could you tell me where we could go next?,I wonder where we can get some good food quickly.,I wonder when the band starts playing this evening.,After you read,3b,Underline the questions or sta,Grammar,宾语从句,(,二,),概念:,在复合句中,由一个句子充当宾语,这个句子叫做宾语从句。,宾语从句由“,关联词,+,主语,+,谓语,”构成。,引导宾语从句的,关联词,有,that, if, whether, what, who, where, why,和,how,等。,Grammar宾语从句(二),人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,人教版九年级英语上册ppt课件,宾语从句三要素,一、,关联词,:,that / if, whether/what, who,where,why,和,how,等。,二、,时态,:当主句时态用一般过去时, 宾,语从句 要用过去的某种时态。,三、,语序,:宾语从句要用,陈述语序,,即 “主语,+,谓语”。,例:,He asked me where my school was.,I didnt know who she was.,宾语从句三要素一、关联词:that / if, whethe,B,B,Exercises,1. ( ) Do you know _ Jane visits her,grandparents?,Once a week.,A. how soon B. how often,C. how long D. how far,2. ( ) I want to know _.,Sorry. Ive no idea. But she was,here just now.,A. where is Ann B. where Ann is,C. where was Ann D. where Ann was,BBExercises1. ( ) Do you,3. ( ) Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you. Thanks. I wonder,_,. A. who the letter was from,B. who was from the letter C. who was the letter from,D. who from the letter was 4.,( ) Do you know _?,He is a dentist.,A. where he is from,B. where is he from,C. what does his father do,D. what his father is,A,D,3. ( ) Hi, Bruce. Here is,5. ( ) Could you tell me _ the cool T-shirt?,A. where you buy,B. where do you buy,C. where did you buy,D. where you bought,6. ( ) Please tell me _ to improve my,English.,A. how I can do B. what can I do,C. what I can do D. how can I do,D,C,5. ( ) Could you tell me _,Rewrite the questions to make them more polite.,4a,Where can I buy some grapes or other fruit?,2. How does this CD player work?,3. How do I get to the Central Library?,4. Is the Italian restaurant nearby open on Monday?,Could you tell me where I can buy some grapes or other fruit?,Could you tell me how this CD player works?,Could you tell me how,to get to the Central Library?,Could you tell me whether the Italian restaurant nearby is open on Monday or not?,Rewrite the questions to make,What should each person ask in the following situations?,Tim is very hungry.,Sally needs to mail a letter.,Helen needs to know when the bike shop closes.,Ben is wondering if theres a bank in the shopping center.,Could you tell me where I can get something to eat?,Excuse me, can you tell me how to mail a letter?,Pardon me, do you know when the bike shop closes?,Pardon me, do you know if there is a bank in the shopping center?,4b,What should each person ask in,Write four questions that a tourist might ask about your town/city. Then role-play conversations with your partner.,Excuse me, could you tell me where the train station is?,Pardon me, could you tell me how to,get to a nearby restaurant?,3. Do you know where I can get some money?,4. Excuse me, could you please tell me,where Xin Jian Street is?,4c,Write four questions that a to,language points,1. I,wonder,where we should go next.,我想知道接下来我们应该去哪里。,wonder,作及物动词,意为“想知道,对,感到怀疑,/,惊讶。,(,1,),wonder,后接,who,、,what,、,why,等疑问词引导的宾语从句,和“特殊疑问词,+,不定式”时,表示“想知道”。,例:,I wonder where they have gone.,我想知道他们去哪,儿了。,Im just wondering how to do it.,我正想知道怎么做那件事。,(,2,),wonder,后接,that,引导的宾语从句,时,表示“感到惊奇,,对,感到惊讶”,,that,常可省去。,例:,I wonder (that) she won the race finally.,我对她最终,赢了比赛感到惊讶。,language points 1. I wonder,(,3,),wonder,后接,if,或,whether,引导的宾语从句,时,常,用来表示一种委婉的请求或疑问。,例:,She wondered whether you would be free,on Saturday morning.,她想知道你周六上午是否有,空。,(,4,),wonder,后接,at,或,about,时,表示“对,感到,惊异,/,疑惑”。,例:,I wonder about my future.,我对我的未来,感到迷茫。,(3)wonder后接if或whether引导的宾语从句时,,学以致用,The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder _.,A. how much it cost,B. how much it costs,C. how much did it cost,D. how much does it cost,解析,考查宾语从句。宾语从句使用陈述句语序,排除,C,和,D,。由上句中的,is,可知,句子为一般现在时且主语是第三人称单数,故选,B,。,B,学以致用 The new-designed car is,中考链接,-Excuse me. I wonder _ there is a bus here to go to Downing Street.,-Yes. Bus No. 223.,(江西南昌),A. that B. when C. why D. whether,解析,考查宾语从句的引导词辨析。句意:“打扰一下,我想知道这儿,_,有公交车去唐宁街。”“有,,223,路公交车。”,that,作宾语从句的引导词时,无具体意义;,when,何时;,why,为什么;,whether,是否。根据回答“,Yes,”可知是问“是否有”,故选,D,。,D,中考链接-Excuse me. I wonder _,2.,I,promise,itll be exciting!,我保证它会很刺激!,(1),promise,作及物动词,意为“保证,发誓”。它指口头或书,面的承诺,答应别人自己去做某事,但仅指主观愿望,并不一定,能实现或有实现的基础。,(2),promise,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或,that,从句作宾语;也,可接由名词、动词不定式、,that,从句充当直接宾语的双宾语。,例:,I promise him to make a plan promptly.,我答应他立即制,定一个计划。,I promise you that such mistakes will never occur again.,我向你保证类似的错误今后绝不再发生。,学以致用,1.,I cant give you the book. Ive promised it _ Susan.,A. with B. in C. to D. for,解析,本题考查固定搭配。句意:我不能把书给你,我已答应把它给苏珊了。,promise sth. to sb.,答应把某物给某人,向某人保证某事。,C,学以致用 1. I cant give you t,2.,根据汉语意思完成句子。,他向父母保证他不再玩电脑游戏了。,He _ his parents that he _ play computer games any more.,解析,根据汉语意思可知主句应用一般过去时,而“不再玩电脑游戏”是对将来的承诺,所以从句应用过去将来时。,promised,wouldnt,解析 根据汉语意思可知主句应用一般过去时,而“不再玩电,3. I was scared at first, but shouting,did help,.,起初我很害怕,但大声喊叫确实很管用。,这是“,do (does, did) +,动词原形”表示强调。,did,在此用来强调实义动词,help,以加强语气,意为“的确,;,确实”。其原型是,do, do,随主语人称、数和句子的时态的变化而变化。,例:,He does love her.,他确实爱她。,这是“do (does, did) + 动词原形”表示强调。,4. I,suggest,Water City Restaurant in Water World.,我推荐水上世界的水城餐馆。,suggest,v.,建议,(,1,),suggest sth. (to sb.),(向某人)建议,/,提出某事,例:,Ill suggest a new plan (to him).,我将(向他)提出一个,新计划。,(,2,),suggest doing sth.,建议做某事,例:,He suggested going fishing this afternoon.,他提议今天下午去钓鱼。,(,3,),suggest sb./ones doing sth.,建议某人做某事。,例:,You should suggest him/his giving up smoking.,你应劝他戒烟。,(,4,),suggest +that,从句,建议,此时,that,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语由“,should+,动词原形”构成,且,should,可以省略。,例:,He suggested (that) she (should) go to Beijing right away.,他建议她马上去北京。,(,5,),suggestion,n.,建议,(,可数名词,),,是,suggest,的名词形式。,例:,What do you think of his suggestion?,你认为他的建,议怎么样?,学以致用,用所给词的适当形式填空。,Im thankful to the teacher for her,_(suggest) on my interview.,解析,分析句子结构可判断,此句中的,her,是形容词性物主代词,而非宾格,其后应接名词。,suggest,的名词是,suggestion,,是可数名词,故填,suggestions,。句意:我感谢老师给我关于面试方面的那些建议。,suggestions,学以致用 用所给词的适当形式填空。解析 分析,中考链接,-What a good _ youve given me!,-My pleasure.,(江苏扬州),A. information,B. news,C. suggestion,D. advice,解析,考查词义辨析。,information,信息,情报(不可数名词);,news,消息,新闻(不可数名词);,advice,建议(不可数名词);,suggestion,建议,提议(可数名词)。因空


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