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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2013/11/13,#,WEARABLE,TECHNOLOGY,Introduction,Gaming,&,Lifestyle,META Space Glasses,META Space Glasses,u,ses stereoscopic cameras to capture your,environment,p,rojects an alternative reality into the see-trough,glasses,3,D modeling and virtual games,BACK,Wellness,&,Sport,Fitbit Force,Fitbit Force,t,racks,steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, stairs climbed and active minutes throughout the day,t,racks sleep duration and quality at night,v,ibrating,alarm,i,ncoming call notifications,s,yncs wirelessly through Bluetooth 4.0 with a computer, iPhones and Android devices,BACK,Safety,&,Prevention,Huggies:,Dads pregnant too,Dads pregnant too,a,llows dad to feel what mom feels,c,onsists of two belts that transmits a babys kick from mom to dad,Market,Sale,and,demand,Consumer,Analysis,Companies,In market,America,China,Company,Lifestyle,Sport Training,Entertainment,Company,one of the popular wearable technology products in the,market,Market value:,over,1,billion USD,100 million funding,Lifestyle,Company,Founder : Han Zheng (Chinese),15,000,000,USD,100,000,Sport Training,Shipment over,Company,wearable and affordable virtual reality,technology,Oculus Rift will create a brand new market of virtual reality game and be the leading company in the market,16,million USD,Entertainment,2.7 billion USD,8.3 billion,17.71%,Forecast of Global Market Revenue,Sale,& Demand,Forecast for Global Annual Wearable product shipments,8.3 million units,64 million units,50%,Sale,& Demand,Forecast of China Market Revenue,61 million,203 million,592 million,11.49 billion,16.94 billion,Sale,& Demand,Forecast for China Annual Wearable product shipments,2.3 million,6.75 million,17.8 million,40.6 million,75.3 million,Sale,& Demand,Consumer,E,xtreme,passion of new,technology,B,e,the first user and figure out how,the,product works,GEEKS,F,ocusing,on,data,K,now,well about their,body,I,mprove,their performance,Professionals,Trend Chaser,W,ant,to own it,immediately,S,how,off,Problem,Future,UK,Yahoo!,Ultimate,Concept,Function,Hard,ware,Hard,ware,P,rocessing power and memory capacity will be way much greater than,today,T,he size will continue to shrink as much as possible.,C,osts will fall under the level which everyone can afford one.,U,sed,within multiple pervasive computing environment.,I,ncorporate personalities.,B,e capable of autonomous behavior.,Function,Ultimate,Concept,All in one,Every one will own one.,Cyber Twin,You,are your own data,Future,


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