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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/10/30,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,10/7/15,#,大家好,TPO 23,Laura,Zhu,Question 3,Reading,The Northfield College Student Association recently decided to make a new purchase. Read the following announcement in the college newspaper about the decision. (Reading time in an actual test would be 45-50 seconds.) Good News for Movie Fans The Student Association has just purchased a new sound system for the Old Lincoln Hall auditorium, the place where movies on campus are currently shown. By installing the new sound system, the Student Association hopes to attract more students to the movies and increase ticket sales. Before making the purchase of the new equipment, the Student Association conducted a survey on campus to see what kind of entertainment students liked best. Going to the movies ranked number one. “Students at Northfield College love going to the movies” said the president of the Student Association, “so we decided to make what they already love even better. Were confident that the investment into the sound system will translate into increased ticket sales.”,(Male student),I really think the Student Association made a bad decision.,(Female student),Really? Why? Dont you like going to the movies?,(Male student),Sure I do. But this new purchase is just a waste of money.,(Female student),What do you mean? Its supposed to sound really good.,(Male student),Yeah, well, Im sure it does, but, in Old Lincoln Hall? I mean that building must be 200 years old! It used to be the college gym! The acoustics are terrible.,(Female student),So youre saying therell be no improvement?,(Male student),Thats right. And also, I seriously doubt that going to the movies is the number one social activity for most students.,(Female student),Yeah, but thats what students said.,(Male student),Well, of course thats what they said. What else is there to do on campus?,(Female student),What do you mean?,(Male student),I mean, there isnt much to do on campus besides go to the movies. If there were other forms of, uh recreation, or other social activities, you know, I dont think most students would have said that going to the movies was their first choice.,Question:,The man expresses his opinion of the Student Associations recent purchase. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.,G,eneral Description,The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following:,Delivery,Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect overall intelligibility.,Language Use,The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systematic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.,Topic Development,Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas).,Q,uestion 1,There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response.,Preparation Time: 15 Seconds,Response Time: 45 Seconds,Step 1 Question Analysis,There can be several advantages to spending time,living in another country,. Talk about,one advantage,and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response,.,Preparation Time: 15 Seconds,Response Time: 45 Seconds,S,tep 2. Brainstorming,A,dvantages:,-,new language,-,experiencing a different culture,(food, lifestyle etc.),-,making friends,C,hoose ONE,D,ifferent Culture,Food (tasting exotic food),F,es (Festivals, holidays, origins),Lifestyle (Brunch),Step 3. Format,Topic Sentence,(,论点,),Subtopic,1,Subtopic 2,Examples,&,Reasons Examples,& Reasons,Conclusion,Sandwich, pizza,Festivals,Food,Christmas, thanksgiving,Experiencing a different culture,Optional,可有可无,Step 4. Sample Answer,L,iving in another country has several advantages. First of all, living in a foreign country helps one learn a new language fast. By providing one with the native environment, its easy for one to improve his/her listening and speaking skills. In addition, living in another country gives us the opportunity to experience a different culture, such as its festivals. Whats more, there are always many different kinds of exotic food that would not disappoint. It would be amazing to be able to try different kinds of food every day!,L,iving in another country has several advantages.,First of all,living in a foreign country helps one learn a new language fast. By providing one with the native environment, its easy for one to improve his/her listening and speaking skills.,In addition, living in another country gives us the opportunity to experience a different culture, such as its festivals.,Whats,more, there are always many different kinds of exotic food that would not disappoint. It would be amazing to be able to try different kinds of food every day,!,Therefore, living in another country has many advantages for an individual.,Question 2,Some,people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why,?,Preparation Time: 15,Seconds,Response Time: 45 Seconds,Some people,enjoy spending their free time,alone,in activities such as,reading, thinking, or writing,. Others enjoy spending their free time,in shared,activities with,other people.,Which do you prefer and why,?,-,关键词,-,迅速选择,Step 1. Question Analysis,Step 2.,分开选项分析,选择一,.,alone,in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing.,选择二,.,spending,their free time,in shared,activities with,other people,选择一,.,alone,in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing.,-,T,aking Notes (,按照理由,),1.Wont bot oth,2.Les distr (less distraction),3. Conctr (concentration),Vowel Elimination,Examples and Details,Brain Storming,-,a,better,atmosphere,no,one would,disturb my studying,-better,focus,on what I am,doing.,N,o,one would ask me any,insignificant or trivial questions,.,选择二,.,spending,their free time,in shared,activities with,other people,B,rain Storming:,-friends network,-enjoy life (talking with friends),-more experience,Step 3. Format,Topic Sentence,(,论点,),Subtopic,1,Subtopic 2,Examples &,Reasons Examples,& Reasons,Conclusion,Option 1 and Option 2,选择,1,和,2,Possible Reasons,两个理由最合适,Optional,可有可无,S,ample Answer,F,or me, I would prefer spending my free time in shared activities with other people. One of the reasons is that by participating in shared activities, I will be able to build a good social network with friends, which will benefit me in long term. In addition, talking and chilling with friends makes me happy and be able to enjoy life more. I wont be too anti-social and by spending time with friends, I will have people to talk to about my daily struggles and frustrations and thus alleviating stress. Therefore, I believe spending free time in shared activities would be a good personal choice.,Analysis,F,or me, I would prefer spending my free time in shared activities with other people. One of the reasons is that,by participating in shared activities, I will be able to build a good social network with friends, which will benefit me in long term.,In addition,talking and chilling with friends makes me happy and be able to enjoy life more. I wont be too anti-social and by spending time with friends, I will have people to talk to about my daily struggles and frustrations and thus alleviating stress.,Therefore, I believe spending free time in shared activities would be a good personal choice.,Question 3,Reading-Listening-Speaking,Reading:45s,Listening: 63,s,Preparation Time: 30s,Response Time: 60s,Q,uestion 3,R,eading + Listening + Speaking,R,eading:45s,L,istening:60s-90s,P,reparation time: 30s,R,esponse time: 60s,Reading: 45s,No More International News,For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus.,关键词,Practice,No More International News,For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a,one-page international,news section,covering a few of the major stories in world news.,Starting next month,the section will be eliminated. One of,the reasons,the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that,other news sources,are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a,new calendar,page that will list events and,activities,around,campus.,Step 1,Note-taking of Reading Material,-,原因简写,the section will be eliminated,-,原因导致什么样的结果,new calendar,activitie,s,-,时间(如果有必要),Starting next,conversation,The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.,Preparation Time: 30 Seconds,Response Time: 60 Seconds,Step 2 Listening Material note-taking,W,M,1. Right (decision),no one needs to read,Already known,2.Campus stuff,Info is everywhere, hard to keep track,Cut,it off,?,Local paper,poster, internet,carry it around,S,tep 3 Brainstorming,1.,woman agrees,with the article,2.two points:,-no one actually needs to read the section,eg. From local paper,-cut it off, convenient to bring it around,S,ample Answer,T,he reading passage mainly talks about the decision that the school editor makes, which is to eliminate the international news section. In the listening material , the woman applauds the decision with two reasons. First of all the woman believes that no one actually reads this section, therefore it is a waste of place since a lot of them have already known international news from other sources, such as the local paper and internet. Secondly, the woman thinks it is interesting to learn about our campus stuff. Even though the activities schedules are posted everywhere, it is still convenient to keep track of them on the newspaper. In the way, it would be advantageous to have the section replaced by a new calendar.,T,he reading passage mainly talks about the decision that the school editor makes, which is to,eliminate the international news section.,In the listening material , the woman applauds the decision with two reasons. First of,all,the,woman believes that no one actually reads this section, therefore it is a waste of place since a lot of them have already known international news from other sources, such as the local paper and internet.,Secondly, the woman thinks it is interesting to learn about our campus stuff. Even though the activities schedules are posted everywhere, it is still convenient to keep track of them on the newspaper.,In the way,it would be advantageous to have the section replaced by a new calendar.,Question 4,Reading: 45s,Listening: 1:09s,P,reparation time: 30s,R,esponse time: 60s,Reference Groups,Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model-a frame of reference-that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a lifetime, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.,Step 1. Reading Analysis,Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes.,Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model-a frame of reference-that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a lifetime, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.,阅读第一二句最重要,听力,-,例证,N,ote-taking,-,behavior influenced,-,imitate, admire,-definition of reference group,L,istening Material,Using the example from the lecture, explain how peoples behavior is affected by reference groups.,Preparation Time: 30 Seconds,Response Time: 60 Seconds,S,tep 2. Listening (note-taking),(,two periods,两个时间段,),Uni(university): arts friends, older, cool, casual, T-shirt, Jean, everywhere, I tried and fit in, cool,C,hicago work: bright young workers, leading job, weekend(relax), formal dress, nicer T-shirt, classic,Step 3. Format,I,n the Reading passage,Just like two examples in the listening material,The first one is the second one is,These two examples,illustrate how peoples behavior affected by the reference groups,University,Chicago working place,


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