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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,四年级下册英语总复习,*,四年级英语第二学期总复习,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit One,Our School,四年级下册英语总复习,精品资料,playground,garden,teachers office,library,canteen,computer,board,light,art room,music room,gym,picture,floor,wall,your,重点单词:,四年级下册英语总复习,Where is the canteen?,Its on the first floor.,This is the teachers office.,That is my classroom.,How many students are there in your class?,There are 56.,Do you have a library?,Yes, I do.,Is this the library?,Yes, it is.,Is that the library?,No, it isnt.,重点句型:,四年级下册英语总复习,一、介绍你自己的学校给你最好的朋友John。(不少于10句话),_,_,_,_,_,作文:,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit Two,What time is it?,四年级下册英语总复习,lunch,English class,music class,breakfast,dinner,P.E. class,time,oclock,math,go to school,go home,go to bed,Chinese,math,class,四年级下册英语总复习,What time is it now?,Its five oclock.,Lets go home.,-,Ok,Its 6:00.,Its time for dinner.,Its 7:05.,Its time to go to school.,How many pens are there ?,There are 10.,How many books do you have?,I have eight.,四年级下册英语总复习,介绍你一天的活动内容,不少于10句话。,_,_,_,_,_,作文:,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit Three,Is this your skirt?,四年级下册英语总复习,jacket,shirt,skirt,dress,sweater,T-shirt,red,blue,green,white,jeans,socks,shoes,shorts,colour,四年级下册英语总复习,I like the white sweater,with,the green skirt.,Where is my skirt?,Its on the bed.,What colour is it?,Its blue.,Is this your skirt?,Yes, it is./,No, its not.,Whose is this?,Its my T-shirt.,Whose is that?,Its your baby brothers.,Where are my socks?,Theyre on the desk.,四年级下册英语总复习,作文:,内容:星期六早上,Amy在做什么事情,而做这件事情是为了什么原因,不少于10句话。,_,_,_,_,_,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit Four,Its warm today,.,四年级下册英语总复习,warm,cold,cool,hot,weather,today,cant,pants,play,rainy,suuny,windy,cloudy,snowy,football,四年级下册英语总复习,This is the weather report, its cool in Lhasa.,Can I wear my new shirt today?,No, you cant.,What are you doing?,Not much.,Its warm today,you can wear your new shirt.,Whats the matter?,I am all right.,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its snowy today.,四年级下册英语总复习,四、假如你是一位天气预报家,让你介绍当地的天气状况,你应如何介绍呢?不少于10句话。(10分),_,_,_,_,_,_,作文:,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit Five,How much is it?,四年级下册英语总复习,colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive,how much,how many,big,small,long,short,nice,sneakers,slippers,sandals,boots,watermelon,四年级下册英语总复习,Look at that dress.,Its pretty.,Yes, it is.,Can I help you?,Yes, please.,I want a pair of sneakers.,How much is that dress?,Its ninety-nine yuan.,What size?,Size five.,Are they all right?,Yes, they are.,How much are they?,Theyre thirty-five yuan. I ll take them.,四年级下册英语总复习,作文:,写一件你喜欢的衣服或者是某一样东西,首先要询问你父母的意见,价格如何,不少于10句话。(10分),_,_,_,四年级下册英语总复习,Unit Six,At a farm,四年级下册英语总复习,sheep,horse,hen,lamb,goat,cow,arent,cat,rabbit,duck,tomato,cucumber,twelve,carrot,fifteen,onion,thirteen,twenty,四年级下册英语总复习,What are they?,They are goats.,How many cows do you have?,One hundred.,Look at the hens.,They are fat.,What are these?,They are carrots.,Are these cucumbers?,Yes, they are.,Are those onions?,No, they arent.,How many sheep are there?,There are 12.,四年级下册英语总复习,写一篇关于你游览动物园的过程的作文。不少于10句话。(15分),_,_,_,_,_,作文:,四年级下册英语总复习,四会句子,四年级下册英语总复习,This is your computer.,That is your computer.,Is this teachers desk? Yes, it is.,What time is it? Its two oclock.,Its 9:45. Its time for math class.,Is this your T-shirt? No, it is not.,What colour is it? Its white.,Its warm today. Lets play football.,Its cool. Is it cold?,How much is it? Its ten yuan.,How much are they? Theyre three yuan.,Are they ducks? No, they arent.,How many horses are there? Twelve.,四年级下册英语总复习,四年级英语下册主要句型,四年级下册英语总复习,A.问地点,1.Where is the art room?,Its,on,the second floor.,2.Where are the socks?,They are,under,the bed.,四年级下册英语总复习,B.问时间,1.What time is it?,Its eight,oclock,.,2.It s 6:45.Its time,to,get up.,3.Its 9:20.Its time,for,English.,四年级下册英语总复习,C.问颜色,1.What colour,is,the jacket?,It is,purple.,2.What colour,are,the jeans?,Theyre,black.,四年级下册英语总复习,D.问天气,1.What s the,weather,like in Newyork?,Its,snowy and cold,.,2.Is it,rainy today?,Yes,it is,./No,it isnt.,3.Can I,wear my T-shirt?,Yes,you,can,./ No,you,cant,.,四年级下册英语总复习,E.问价钱,1.How much,is,the T-shirt?,Its,seven,yuan,.,2.How much,are,the socks?,They are,twenty,yuan,.,四年级下册英语总复习,F.问数量,1.How many horses,are there,at the farm?,There are,thirteen.,2.How many rabbits,are there,in the garden?,There is,one.,四年级下册英语总复习,


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