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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Pat6语言运用与应试技巧,语篇过关,.书面表达集训,基本句式一主系表结构,结构:主语十系动词+表语,二、说明:常用系动词有:be,look,fel,sound, seem, taste, smell, become, go, turn,get, grow, prove, fall, keep, remain, stay,lie, stand, turn out等,用作表语的有:名词、名词性物主代词、不定,代词、人称代词、形容词、数词、副词、不定,式、动名词、分词(短语)、介词短语、从句。,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,例句感悟,1. Smith is a boss/over 40/smart/in a room/to go to,see a film/excited/out,2. Her job is looking after the baby.,3. This dictionary is not hers but mine,4. She looks happy/felt shy/fell ill/went mad,5. It is no use/useless doing it now,6. There will be a new film tomorrow,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,句型仿练,1.他明年14岁,是一个中学生了,2.他的愿望是当个科学家,3.夏天他最喜欢的运动是游泳,4.消息令人失望,但他们并不灰心,5.他再也不是过去那个样子了,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,答案,1. He will be fourteen next year and he will be a,middle school student,2. His wish is to become a scientist,3. His favorite sport in summer is swimming,4. The news was disappointing, but they were,not discouraged,5. He is no longer what he used to be,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,B学以致用连句成文,1.John是我们所熟知的。,2.他长得很帅,更重要的是他在教英语方面,有丰富经验,3.校长对他的工作很满意,4.他经常说:“英语是世界上应用最广泛的,一种语言,我们必须尽力掌握好它,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,基础篇,John is well-known to us. He is charming and,is experienced in teaching English. The headmaster,is satisfied with his teaching and we all love him. He,always says,English is widely used in the world,and we must try our best to masterit,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,优秀篇,John is well-known to us all. He grows tall and,charming, especially he is experienced in teaching,English,Both the headmaster and we students are,satisfied with his teaching, and we all love him,deeply. He always says,English is widely used in,the world, and we must try our best to master it,We are sure that we can learn English well,and serve our country in the future,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,Pat6语言运用与应试技巧,语篇过关,.书面表达集训,A精通句式一主谓宾结构,结构:主谓宾结构,二、说明:SO()主语十及物动物十名词/佧代词,He wrote two books,SVO(2)主语十及物动词+宾语(+状语),I found a letter under his pillow,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,例句感悟,1. She looked after the baby carefully,remembere,d him/his name/doing it/I had seen,him before,3. I decided to see him in person,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,句型仿练(翻译下列句子),1.我们成功地实施了这项计划。,2.她努力争取每天做一件好事,3.王老师不止一次地纠正我的发音。,故事对提高基语几语技能很有用,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2019-2019Aspose Pty L,


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