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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,精品PPT,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,精品PPT,*,人教版一年级起点小学六年级英语下册全套,PPT,课件,1,精品PPT,人教版一年级起点小学六年级英语下册全套PPT课件1精品PPT,Visiting Canada 1,2,精品PPT,Visiting Canada 12精品PPT,1. Where is Lily going?,2. When is she going there?,3. Whats the weather like there?,4. What should Lily take with her?,Where is Lily going?,She is going to America.,3,精品PPT,1. Where is Lily going?Where i,Paris,autumn,windy,5,-8,Hangzhou,spring,sunny,3,-9,Sydney,winter,snowy,-2,-0,4,精品PPT,Paris HangzhouSydney 4精品PPT,Pretend you are going to one of these places. What is the weather like there? What clothes should you take with you?,5,精品PPT,Pretend you are going to one o,Beijing(10,-12,),cloudy,coat, T-shirts,6,精品PPT,Beijing(10-12) cloudycoat, T,Egypt (25,-30,),sunny,dress, T-shirts,7,精品PPT,Egypt (25-30) sunnydress, T-,England (-2,-0,),snowy,sweater, scarf, coat,8,精品PPT,England (-2-0) snowysweater,Lets read.,Lily,is going to America and is going to stay there for two months. She is going to stay at Janes house. Jane lives with her parents and her brother Jim. Lily is also going to Janes school. She is very excited.,Lily also feels quite sad. She will miss her teachers and friends. She has a going away party at school. She says goodbye to everyone.,9,精品PPT,Lets read.Lily is going to,Lilys friends say they will email her every month.,It is very warm and sunny in America in the spring. Lily takes some shirts , jeans and a coat. Shes going to be in America in the summer and autumn too, so she also takes dresses and skirts. Lily will miss her father and mother, so she takes a picture of her family.,10,精品PPT,Lilys friends say they will e,Answer the questions.,1. How long is Lily going to stay in Canada?,For two months.,2. How does Lily feel ?,She is very excited.,3. How many people are there in Janes,family? Who are they?,Four. They are her father, mother, brother,and Jane.,11,精品PPT,Answer the questions. 1. Ho,4. What is the weather like in America in,the spring?,Its warm and sunny.,5. What clothes is Lily going to take to,America?,Some shirts, jeans and a coat.,12,精品PPT,4. What is the weather like in,Pretend you are going to America or another country. What are you going to take with you?,England,this summer,shirts,T-shirts,dresses,sun glasses,camera,eg:,13,精品PPT,Pretend you are going to Ameri,words & phrases,1. windy:,有风的,2. snowy:,下雪的,3. rainy:,下雨的,4. clear:,明朗的,6. weather:,天气,7. quite:,有点,8. scarf:,围巾,9. live:,居住,10. take,. with:,带着,11. live,with:,和,.,住在一起,14,精品PPT,words & phrases1. windy: 有风的1,Homework,1,、背诵本课课文和记单词。,2,、完成本节课的练习。,15,精品PPT,Homework 1、背诵本课课文和记单词。15精品PPT,Thank you!,16,精品PPT,Thank you!16精品PPT,Visiting Canada 2,17,精品PPT,Visiting Canada 217精品PPT,What does Janes mother do?,Shes a teacher.,18,精品PPT,What does Janes mother do?She,What does your mother do?,Shes a/an,.,19,精品PPT,What does your mother do?Shes,1.What,does,Janes mother/father do?,2.What,does,Lilys mother/father do?,3.What,are,Annys hobbies?,4.What,does,your mother/father do?,5.What,is,she/he like?,6.What,are,your mothers/fathers hobbies?,重点句型,20,精品PPT,1.What does Janes mother/fath,He is a,doctor,.,用一用,What does he do?,21,精品PPT,He is a doctor.用一用What does he,He is a,policeman,.,What does he do?,22,精品PPT,He is a policeman.What does he,Lets start,reporter,farmer,worker,I report news. I am a TV_.,I work in a factory. I am a _.,I work on a farm. I am a _.,23,精品PPT,Lets startreporterfarmerworke,Practice,(练习),想一想,下面的句子如何说?,What,does,she do?,What,does,your father do?,What,does,his sister do?,What,do,you do?,What,do,they do?,24,精品PPT,Practice (练习)想一想,下面的句子如何说?What,What,is,she ?,What,is,your father ?,What,is,his sister ?,What,are,you ?,What,are,they ?,拓展一,询问职业还有其他方法吗?,25,精品PPT,What is she ?What is your fath,Lily:,Jane, this is a nice photo. Is this your,aunts family?,Jane:,Yes. That is my uncle Tom and aunt,May. My uncle is a famous artist.,He,is very funny. My aunt is a teacher in,a school. She is very kind and,friendly.,Lily:,Who is that girl? She is very pretty.,Lets read.,26,精品PPT,Lily: Jane, this is a nice pho,Jane:,Thats Anny, my cousin. She is six,years old. Shes good at singing,dancing and drawing.,Lily:,Who are the people in this photo?,Jane:,They are my grandparents. My grandpa,is an artist, too. He draws pictures for,childrens books. My grandma is a,writer. She writes books for children. I,love my grandparents very much.,27,精品PPT,Jane: Thats Anny, my cousin.,Answer the questions.,1.What does Janes uncle do? Whats he like?,Hes a famous artist. Hes very funny.,2.What does Janes aunt do? Whats she like?,Shes a teacher in a school. She is very,kind and friendly.,3.Who is Anny? Whats she like?,Shes Janes cousin. She is very pretty.,4.What do Janes grandparents do?,His grandpa is an artist, and his grandma,is a writer.,28,精品PPT,Answer the questions.28精品PPT,My grandpa is tall and handsome. His hair is black and white, and his eyes are brown. He is an artist. He draws pictures for childrens books. He likes playing football. I love him very much.,What about your grandpa/grandma?,29,精品PPT,My grandpa is tall and handsom,Homework,1,、仿写,Lets write,部分。,2,、完成本节课的练习。,30,精品PPT,Homework 1、仿写Lets write部分。30精,Thank you!,31,精品PPT,Thank you!31精品PPT,Visiting Canada 3,32,精品PPT,Visiting Canada 332精品PPT,She goes to Anderson Primary School.,Where does Anny go to school in America?,33,精品PPT,She goes to Anderson Primary S,1.Where did Lily go to school in Shanghai?,2.How many pupils were there in his class in Shanghai?,3.Where does Anny go to school in America?,4.How many pupils are there in her class?,5.When were you born?,6.Where do you go to school?,7.How many pupils are there in your class?,重点句型,34,精品PPT,1.Where did Lily go to school,How many:,多少,对可数名词复数提问。,How many,35,精品PPT,How many: 多少,对可数名词复数提问。 How ma,How many cats are there?,four cat,s,36,精品PPT,How many cats are there?four c,two dog,s,How many dogs are there?,37,精品PPT,two dogsHow many dogs are ther,five apple,s,How many apples are there?,38,精品PPT,five applesHow many apples are,three banana,s,How many bananas are there?,39,精品PPT,three bananasHow many bananas,three egg,s,How many eggs are there?,40,精品PPT,three eggsHow many eggs are th,Dear Mum and Dad,I arrived in New York this morning. Jane and her father met me at the airport.,When we arrived at Janes house, her dog Guinness welcomed us. Hes a big, cute dog, and I really like him. I met her mum and her brother Jim, too. Her mum is very nice and Jim is very friendly.,Lets read.,41,精品PPT,Dear Mum and Dad, Lets read,Jane showed me my room. Its on the third floor, next to Janes room. In the room, there is a big wardrobe and a desk. I have my own computer and telephone. I like my new room.,In the evening, they held a welcome party for me. I met Janes grandparents, uncle, aunt and her cousin Anny. She invited me to her birthday party next month.,Im happy to be here, but I miss you.,Love,Lily,42,精品PPT,Jane showed me my room. Its o,中心思想,本文主要讲述了,Lily,给她的父母写信,信中讲述了她到达美国后,,Jane,一家人对她的招待。,第一段,讲述了,Jane,和她的爸爸去机场接,Lily,.,第二段,讲述了,Lily,到达,Jane,家后,见到了,Jane,的狗,以及她的妈妈和哥哥的景象。,第三段,讲述了,Jane,带,Lily,参观她的新房间。,第四段,讲述了,Jane,的家人为她举办了个欢迎,party,.,第五段,讲述了,Lily,对家人的思念之情。,43,精品PPT,中心思想本文主要讲述了Lily给她的父母写信,信中讲述了她到,Put the sentences in order.,( )Guinness welcomed Lily at the house.,( )Lily met Jim and his mother.,( )Janes family held a welcome party for Lily.,( )Lily met Jane and her dad at the airport.,( )Jane showed Lily her room.,5,2,3,4,1,44,精品PPT,Put the sentences in order.523,Write about yourself.,I am Anny. I am six years old. I was born on July 4. I go to Anderson Primary School in America. There are 30 pupils in my class. My hobbies are.,45,精品PPT,Write about yourself.I am Anny,Homework,1,、写一篇自我介绍的作文。,2,、完成本节课的练习。,3,、熟读对话。,46,精品PPT,Homework 1、写一篇自我介绍的作文。46精品PPT,Thank you!,47,精品PPT,Thank you!47精品PPT,Visiting Canada Project Time,48,精品PPT,Visiting Canada Project Time,I was born on May 1, 2000.,All About Me,By Jim,49,精品PPT,I was born on May 1, 2000.All,I go to sun school.,50,精品PPT,I go to sun school.50精品PPT,I have a pet dog. His name is stone. His birthday is in August.,51,精品PPT,I have a pet dog. His name is,My father is a doctor, my mother is a doctor, too.,52,精品PPT,My father is a doctor, my moth,My favorite season is spring.,53,精品PPT,My favorite season is spring.5,In my home, there is a big living room and three bedrooms.,54,精品PPT,In my home, there is a big liv,This summer, I won a prize for playing the piano. My parents are proud of me.,55,精品PPT,This summer, I won a prize for,When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.,56,精品PPT,When I grow up, I want to be a,When was Jim born?,He was born on May 1, 2000.,57,精品PPT,When was Jim born? He was born,When does he go to school?,He goes to sun school.,58,精品PPT,When does he go to school? He,1.When were you born?,2.Where do you go to school?,3.What class are you in?,4.What pet do you have?,5.Whats your pet like?,6.What pet do you want?,7.Whats your favorite season?,8.What do you like to wear in this season?,9.What does your father do?,10.What does your mother do?,11.How many people are there in your family?,12.How many rooms are there in your home?,13.What do you want to be when you grow up?,Make a book with these questions.,59,精品PPT,1.When were you born?Make a bo,Read your friends book. Ask questions about his/her book.,Why is summer your favorite season?,Because I can swim in the swimming pool in summer.,60,精品PPT,Read your friends book. Ask q,Homework,1,、写一篇自我介绍的作文。,2,、完成本节课的练习。,61,精品PPT,Homework 1、写一篇自我介绍的作文。61精品PPT,Thank you!,62,精品PPT,Thank you!62精品PPT,Visiting Canada Story Time,63,精品PPT,Visiting Canada Story Time63,words & phrases,1. windy:,有风的,2. snowy:,下雪的,3. rainy:,下雨的,4. clear:,明朗的,6. weather:,天气,7. quite:,有点,8. scarf:,围巾,9. live:,居住,10. take,. with:,带着,11. live,with:,和,.,住在一起,64,精品PPT,words & phrases1. windy: 有风的6,She goes to Anderson Primary School.,Where does Anny go to school in America?,65,精品PPT,She goes to Anderson Primary S,Where is Lily going?,She is going to America.,66,精品PPT,Where is Lily going?She is goi,When was Jim born?,He was born on May 1, 2000.,67,精品PPT,When was Jim born? He was born,Four cats.,How many cats are there?,68,精品PPT,Four cats.How many cats are th,1.Where did Lily go to school in Shanghai?,2.How many pupils were there in his class in Shanghai?,3.Where does Anny go to school in America?,4.How many pupils are there in her class?,5.When were you born?,6.Where do you go to school?,7.How many pupils are there in your class?,重点句型,69,精品PPT,1.Where did Lily go to school,Long ago, two children lived with their mother in a village. Their names were Fangfang, Linlin. One day, their mother went to visit their grandmother. The two children stayed at home. An old wolf saw all of this.,Story time!,Ill be home tomorrow.,Ok, mum. Be careful!,70,精品PPT,Long ago, two children lived w,That evening the wolf got dressed in a skirt, a sweater and a scarf. He went to the childrens house and knocked on the door. The children were very surprised.,Story time!,71,精品PPT,That evening the wolf got dres,Fangfang was the oldest. She felt nervous, but Linlin was excited and opened the door. When the wolf came in, he quickly blew out the candle.,Story time!,72,精品PPT,Fangfang was the oldest. She f,They got into bed together. Fangfang touched her “grandmothers leg. It was furry. She was very scared, but she was also smart and brave. She jumped out of bed.,Story time!,73,精品PPT,They got into bed together. Fa,Quickly Fangfang, Linlin climbed to the top of the tree. The wolf came out the house soon after. Fangfang told the wolf that the best nuts were at the top of the tree, so he had better eat the nuts up in the tree.,Story time!,74,精品PPT,Quickly Fangfang, Linlin climb,The wolf got into the basket. The children pulled and pulled. When the wolf was high in the air, they let go of the rope. The wolf fell to the ground. He could not move. Quickly the children climbed down from the tree. They ran into the house and locked the door. They were safe!,Story time!,75,精品PPT,The wolf got into the basket.,What can we learn from the story?,1.We should knock well the door when parents,arent at home.,2.We shouldnt open the door for everyone.,3. We should be clam when we are in danger.,4,76,精品PPT,What can we learn from the sto,Thank you!,77,精品PPT,Thank you!77精品PPT,All Around Me 1,78,精品PPT,All Around Me 178精品PPT,Is there a bank?,Yes, there is.,79,精品PPT,Is there a bank?Yes, there is.,How can I get there?,Turn right at the first cross. The bank is on the left.,80,精品PPT,How can I get there?Turn right,Park,Farm,school,road,The school is,next to,the shop.,The factory is,in front of,the farm.,The park is,behind,the school and the shop.,The farm is,on the right of,the park.,The shop is,on the left of,the factory.,Useful expressions,shop,factory,81,精品PPT,FarmschoolroadThe school is ne,next to:,在旁边,in front of:,在前面,behind:,在后面,on the left of:,在左边,on the right of:,在,右边,Useful expressions,82,精品PPT,next to: 在旁边 in fro,Look at the map and complete the sentences,The hospital is the train station.,The post office is the factory.,The bookshop is the post office.,The factory is the park.,The farm is,the school.,factory,next to,in front of,on the right of,on the left of,behind,park,farm,school,83,精品PPT,Look at the map and complete t,Ask and answer,factory,park,farm,school,A:,Excuse me, could you tell me where,the.is, please?,B:,Its next to/in front of./behind/,on the left of./on the right of,84,精品PPT,Ask and answerfactoryparkfarms,straight on,turn right,turn left,zebra,crossing,Road signs,85,精品PPT,straight onturn rightturn left,Exercise,: Complete the dialogue,A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Tiananmen Square is, please?,B:Take the first turning on the left and then ask again.,A:,B: Take the first turning on the left.,A: Then is it the Tiananmen Square?,B:,A: Is it far?,B:,Pardon?,No, its only about five minutes walk.,No, you should ask again.,86,精品PPT,Exercise: Complete the dialogu,Asking the way,问路,Excuse me, could you tell me,where theis, please?,Excuse me, could you tell me,the way to the , please?,How can I get there?,Is it far?,87,精品PPT,Asking the way 问路 Excuse me, c,Giving direction,指路,Its on the left of/on the right of/next to/,behind/in front of.,Go down the street. Take the first/second/third,turning on the right/left.,Its only about five minutes walk.,You can go there either on foot or by bus.,88,精品PPT,Giving direction 指路Its on th,There are many beautiful buildings in the downtown New York. The 5,th,street is the longest street in America. There are a lot of shops on the this street. My favorite library is there. Next to the library is a bookstore, and there is a school near the bookstore. Across from the school there is a restaurant. There is a big lake in New York called Lake Sutario. You can see the cinema near the lake. There is a big tower near the cinema. A famous museum next to the cinema. If you get lost, you can go to the police station. Its near the park, next to the bus station.,Lets read.,89,精品PPT,There are many beautiful build,Answer these questions.,1.Where is the school?,Its near the bookstore.,2.Whats the authors favorite building?,His favorite building is the library.,3.Whats the longest street in America?,The 5,th,Street.,4.Is there a hospital in the paragraph?,No, there isnt.,5.If you get lost, what can you do?,You can go to the police station.,90,精品PPT,Answer these questions.1.Where,Can you read maps?,91,精品PPT,Can you read maps?91精品PPT,Thank you!,92,精品PPT,Thank you!92精品PPT,All Around Me 2,93,精品PPT,All Around Me 293精品PPT,Asking the way,问路,Excuse me, could you tell me,where theis, please?,Excuse me, could you tell me,the way to the , please?,How can I get there?,Is it far?,94,精品PPT,Asking the way 问路 Excuse me, c,Giving direction,指路,Its on the left of/on the right of/next to/,behind/in front of.,Go down the street. Take the first/second/third,turning on the right/left.,Its only about five minutes walk.,You can go there either on foot or by bus.,95,精品PPT,Giving direction 指路Its on th,Where are Lily and Jane?,They are in Anderson Primary school.,96,精品PPT,Where are Lily and Jane?They a,Where are they doing?,Jane is showing Lily around the school.,97,精品PPT,Where are they doing?Jane is s,Look at the picture,Guessing game,Speak English words,98,精品PPT,Look at the pictureGuessing g,What are you doing?,99,精品PPT,What are you doing?99精品PPT,A: What are you doing?,B: Imin.,running,swimming,skating,skiing,jogging,At the sporting meeting.,100,精品PPT,A: What are you doing? running,现在进行时主要用于描述当前正在发生的事件或正在进行的动作。,101,精品PPT,现在进行时主要用于描述当前正在发生的事件或正在进行的动作。1,B: Hello, Mr Tortoise.,T: Hello, Miss Bird.,B: _?,T: Im running.,B: Oh, wheres Mr Rabbit?,T: Hes under the tree.,B: What is he doing?,T: Hes,.,B: Come on! Youll win.,T: Thank you.,What are you doing?,sleeping,102,精品PPT,B: Hello, Mr Tortoise.What are,1.Where are Lily and Jane? What are they doing?,2.Where is the art room/library in their school?,3.Where is the art room/ library in your school?,4.What other rooms do you have in your school?,Where are they?,Learn to talk.,103,精品PPT,1.Where are Lily and Jane? Wha,My new school in America is very wonderful. We study English and math every day. In China I studied Chinese very day, but here we only study Chinese on Thursday and Friday. I help Jane, because she thinks Chinese is very difficult!,My favorite class is PE. We have PE class on Monday and Wednesday morning. Im learning skiing in PE class. It hard but interesting. I also like my music class. I study music on Tuesday and Friday. This week I learned a new song.,I only get my homework on Friday! That is very different from China. But I have to study English every night.,Lets read.,104,精品PPT,My new school in America is ve,1.What does Lily learn very day in America?,English and math.,2.What s Lilys favorite class?,Her favorite class is PE.,3.When does Lily have PE class?,On Monday and Wednesday morning.,4.Whats the different point from China?,Students only get homework on Friday.,Read and answer.,105,精品PPT,1.What does Lily learn very da,Write about your school. From these points:,1.What is the name of your school?,2.What do you have in your school?,3.Whare is your classroom in your school?,4.What classes do you have?,5.Whats your favorite class? Why?,Homework,106,精品PPT,Write about your school. From,Thank you!,107,精品PPT,Thank you!107精品PPT,All Around Me 3,108,精品PPT,All Around Me 3108精品PPT,young,年轻的,My uncle is a,young,man.,我的叔叔是一位年轻人。,109,精品PPT,youngMy uncle is a young man.我,funny,滑稽可笑的,He is,funny.,他很滑稽。,110,精品PPT,funnyHe is funny.110精品PPT,strong,强壮的,He is a,strong,man.,他是一个强壮的男人。,111,精品PPT,strongHe is a strong man.111精品,thin,瘦的,My math teacher is a,thin,man.,我的数学老师是一个瘦瘦的男人。,112,精品PPT,thinMy math teacher is a thin,What does Miss White look like?,She has long black hair. She wears glasses.,113,精品PPT,What does Miss White look like,1.What does Miss White/ Helen/Cherry look like?,2.Who is your favorite teacher? What does she/he,look like?,3.What doe your best friend look like?,Lets talk.,114,精品PPT,1.What does Miss White/ Helen/,Friday, Mar15,Today was my first day at Anderson Primary School. Jane showed me around the school. It is very big and beautiful.,We met Janes friend Tom. Tom is short but handsome. He really likes playing basketball. He is quite kind and told me many interesting things about the school.,I also met my new teacher, Miss White. She is young and pretty. She has long black hair and wear glasses. She was very nice to me.,After class I played badminton with Jane and Cherry. Cherry is very tall and beautiful. She plays badminton v


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