新版PEP小学英语六年级上册第二单元复习 ppt课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit one,How do you go there?,Unit 2,How do you go there ?,Unit one How do you go there?U,ship,car,train,subway,plane,bus,bike,taxi,boat,shipcartrainsubwayplanebusbik,How do you go to school?,by bike,by car,by bus,I,go to school,on foot,by taxi,by ship,by,plane,by,subway,by,train,by,boat,How do you go to school?by bik,“,by,+,交通工具”表示出行方式,by,bike,的意思是“骑自行车”,,by,在这里是“,乘坐,.”,的意思。,by,+,交通工具”表示“乘坐,.”,。,by,boat,乘船,by,car,乘小汽车,by taxi,乘出租车,“by +交通工具”表示出,by,+,交通工具是 介词短语,take,+,交通工具”是动词短语,通常以,take,a,的形式出现,例如:,We by bus to school. (,),We go to school by bus. (,),We take a bus to school. (,),w,I go to某地+交通工具.,the USA,the park,Hangzhou,Nanchang,How do you go to.?你如何去?,the Great Wall,the theme park,the zoo,I go to某地+交通工具.the USAthe par,How do you go to ?,I go to by .,Then,I go to by ,Kunming,Kunming,plane,First ,Changsha,bus,How do you go to,How do you go to school?,I go to school .,go to school,的前面绝对不能加,the,,,这里是固定搭配。,go to the park,前面一定要加,the,How do you go to school?I go t,频率副词(表示次数的多少),never,nev,从不,sometimes,smtaimz,有时候,often,fn,经常,usually,ju:uli,通常,always,:lweiz,总是,一直,少多,频率副词(表示次数的多少)never nev,Sometimes,I go to school,by bus,.,I,never,go to school,by,car,.,I,always,go to school,on foot,fut,.,Sometimes I go to school by bu,知识点,1. How do you go to,.?,你怎么到,.?,E.How do you go to the zoo?,2. How can I get to,.?,我该怎么到,?,E.How can I get to the post office ?,知识点,How do you go to ?,询问交通方式,如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用,:,How does he/shego to ?,例如:,How do you go to work?,你怎样去上班?,How does your brother go to school?,你弟弟怎样去上学?,How do you g,询问交通方式的句型,How do you get to ?,你怎样到达,?,如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用,:,How does he/sheget to ?,How do you get to Changchun,?,你怎样到达长春,?,traffic lights,red light,yellow light,green light,traffic lightsred lightyellow,Stop and wait at a red light.,Go at a green light.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.,Stop and wait at a red light.G,You must,pay attention to,the traffic lights.,(注意),Dont go at the red light.,You must pay attention to the,Can I go ?,No, you must ,Yes, you can go.,Can I go ?No, you must Yes, y,How,can,I,get to,+地点? 我怎样可以到达,?,You,can,go by No.数字 bus. 你能乘坐,路车。,No.=number,How can I get to+地点? 我怎样可以到达,Stop,at a red light.,Wait,at a yellow light.,Go,at a green light.,If you go by bike, by bus,or,on foot,You,must,know the,traffic rules,.,Red,means “,Stop”,.,Yellow,means “,Wait”,.,Green,means “,Go”,.,Stop at a red light.Wait at a,traffic lights,The traffic lights are the,same,in,every country,.,There are always three lights:red,yellow and green.,China England US Canada,France Japan Australia India,(相同的) (每个),(,国家,),traffic lightsThe traffic ligh,the same,相同,not the same,the,different 不同,the same,-,driver,(驾驶员),-,drive,驾驶,Drivers can drive cars.,/ drav,/,/ drav,/,- driver(驾驶员)-,road,the,side of the road,left,the,side of the road,right,left,right,roadthe side of the roa,China,中国,US,美国(,USA),England,英国,Australia,澳大利亚,right side,left side,China 中国 England 英国 Austr,If you go by car , by bike or on foot,you must,know,the traffic rules.,The traffic lights are the,same,in every country.They are ,In China and US , drivers drive on the,right,side.,In England and Australia , drivers drive on the,left,side.,知道,相同的,If you go by car , by b,left side , left side,On the,left side,of the road,Drivers drive on the,left side,of the road,right side , right side,On the,right side,of the road,Drivers drive on the,right side,of the road,left side , left side,反义词:,get on(,上车,)-get off(,下车,),near(,近的,)far(,远的,),fast(,快的,)slow(,慢的,),because(,因为,)why(,为什么,),same(,相同的,)different(,不同的,),近义词:,see you-goodbye,sure-certainly-of course,反义词:近义词:,人行道,禁止通行,一条道,人行道禁止通行一条道,一、选出画线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词,( )1.A. train B. plane C. way D. Canada,( )2.A. plane B. bide C. get D. take,( )3.A. ship B. bike C. window D. picture,( )4.A. bus B. subway C. USA D. but,二、造词填空,by on because usually,_,_,I go to the park on Sundays.,I go to school _ bike.,We can get to the zoo_foot, _ its very near,.,三、按顺序排列各句,组成短文,( )I usually go to school on foot.,( )Im Amy. Im a school girl.,( )But yesterday I went to school by bus.,( )Because my home is near,(,)Because it was a snowy day.,一、选出画线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词二、造词填空三、按顺,1.,do you go to school ? I go to school,foot.,2.,your mother go to work? She,by bus.,3. How,your brother go to school? My home is,.,he goes to school on foot,he,by bike.,4. We must know the,.,at a red light.,at a yellow light. Go,a,light.,5.,I get to the hospital ?,can get there,bus.,6. There are always three lights in every country,:,and,.,1. do you go to school,四、选择句子补全对话,W: Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets go to the cinema.,C: All right! _,W: I want to see Sun Wukong. What about you?,C: Me, too. _,W: We can take the No. 5 bus.,C: OK. _,W: Its near our school.,C: _,W: _see you at 9 oclock in the morning.,C: See you tomorrow.,Where and when shall we meet?,What do you want to see?,But how do we go to the cinema?,At the school gate.,Where is the bus stop?,四、选择句子补全对话Where and when shall,五、看图,选出对应的图标,1. No bikes. (,) 2. Stop. ( ),3. Crosswalk.( ) 4. No right turn.( ),STOP,六、读一读,选出正确的答案,( )1. _ do you go home every day after school?,A. What B. Who C. How,( )2. My mother usually goes to work _ bus.,A. by B. at C. on,( )3. We must _ at a yellow light.,A. go B. wait C. stop,五、看图,选出对应的图标STOP六、读一读,选出正确的答案,七、看图填写单词,No. 8 _ is near our school.,Can I go on _? Its not far.,Look at the _,_.,I go to the park by _.,BUS STOP,七、看图填写单词BUS STOP,七、连词成句,get; how ; hospital; can ; the; I ; to (?),2. subway; can; to; I; go; by; the; park?,3. yellow; wait; light ; at; a .,八、读一读,将问答语连线,How do you go home?,Can I go by train?,Where is your home?,How can I get there?,sure, if you like.,You can go by subway.,On foot.,Its near the school,七、连词成句八、读一读,将问答语连线sure, if you,九、读一读选出正确答案,( )1.,当你问对方想乘坐什么交通工具时,说:,A. How about by taxi?,B. How do you go there?,( )2.,当你告诉对方过马路应看红绿灯时,说:,A. Its against the traffic rules.,B. Look at the traffic lights.,( )3.,当你在英国开车时:,A. The drivers drive on the left side of the road.,B. The drivers drive on the right side of the road.,九、读一读选出正确答案,Goodbye!,Goodbye!,


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