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If calculated based on operating rate of 70%, the global CF production capacity in 2012 is about 74,000 tons.,2012,年全球碳纤维产能约为,10.5,万吨(碳纤维产能统计一般以,12K,为标准),其中小丝束碳纤维约,7.3,万吨,占,70%,;大丝束碳纤维约,3.2,万吨,占,30%,。按照开工率,70,计算,,2012,年全球碳纤维总产量约为,7.4,万吨。,At present, the global CF production capacity is still affected by downstream applications, and the influence is expanding.,目前,全球碳纤维产能受下游应用牵引还在不断扩大。,一,、,Overview and development of carbon fiber industry in the world(exclude Russia),国内外碳纤维产业现状与发展趋势(不包括俄罗斯),CF Production capacity in recent years,近几年国外碳纤维生产能力,Overview of CF industry in for,3,Worlds leading CF manufacturers and its market share,全球碳纤维主要生产商及其市场份额,Japanese and American companies are still the leaders in international CF market;,国际碳纤维市场依然为日、美企业所垄断,;,The CF industries in China, Turkey, Korea, Saudi Arabia and other countries are,developing;,中国、土耳其、韩国、沙特阿拉伯等新兴国家碳纤维产业的崛起,;,The production capacity of Japanese companies with 43% of global production,capacity, and American companies is about 34%;,日本企业占全球产能的,43,,美国企业占,34%;,Division of global CF market share,全球碳纤维市场份额划分,Small tow,小丝束,Large tow,大丝束,Worlds leading CF manufacture,4,Global division of CF application,全球碳纤维应用领域分布,Currently, the demand of CF in the world is about 50,000-60,000 tons, and in aerospace, industry and sporting goods fields account for 15%, 65% and 20%.,目前,国际碳纤维年需求量约为,5-6,万吨,航空航天、工业应用、体育休闲三大应用领域占比分别为,15%,、,65%,和,20%,。,It forecast that the demand of CF will be 150,000 tons in 2020, and aerospace, industry and sporting goods will be 20%,75% and 5%, increasing 144%, 333% and -6% compared with 2012.,预计,2020,年全球碳纤维需求量将达到,15,万吨,其中,航空航天占,20%,、工业领域占,75%,、体育休闲占,5%,,各领域用量分别比,2012,年提高,144%,、,333%,和,-6%。,The forecast of global CF demand,(unit:,ton,),全球碳纤维需求及增速预测,(,单位:吨,),Overview of CF industry in foreign countries,国外碳纤维产业现状,吨,Global division of CF applicat,5,Development trend of CF industry in foreign countries,国外碳纤维产业发展趋势,Development trend of CF industry technology in foreign countries,国外碳纤维产业技术发展趋势,Item,项目,Target,方向目标,Basic Research,基础科研,- Spreading technique and application of large tow;,大丝束分散铺陈技术及应用;,- Reduce defect and improve CF strength(10 GPa) and modulus(800 GPa);,减少缺陷,提高碳纤维的强度(大于,10GPa,)、模量(大于,800GPa,);,- Cooperate with Scientific Research Institution research high-performance resin, improve performance of,CFRP,;,与科研院所合作研发高性能树脂,增进,CFRP,的性能;,- CF equipment with low cost;,低成本碳纤维制备;,- Univ Nottingham UK - technology of CF recycling; Recycled Carbon Fiber Company UK ,commercializing renewable CF 2000t/a;,英国诺丁汉大学碳纤维回收利用技术、英国,Recycled Carbon Fiber,公司商业化再生碳纤维,2000t/a,。,Application Development,应用开发,- Automotive,:,the most potential field, at present is 20,00t/a;,Toray evaluated that: the demand of CF will,be 74,000t/a during 2020 to 2030; BMW will set up a carbon fiber and CF products company with,SGL by USD 340 million.,汽车,:,最具应用潜力方向,目前,20,00t/a,;据东丽公司估计,:2020,2030,年,年需碳纤维,74,000t/a,;,BMW,和,SGL,合资,3.4,亿美元,建碳纤维(美国)及其制品(德国)加工厂。,- New energy:,flywheel energy storage, wind blade, fuel cell.,新能源,:,飞轮储能、风力叶片、燃料电池,- Composite cable conductor,:,the technology of epoxy or bismalemid(BMI) carbon fiber composite,cable conductor gets mature enough and is being promoted.,复合材料电缆线,:,环氧基或者双马基碳纤维复合电缆芯技术成熟,正推广应用,- Civil nuclear facilities,:,nuclear protection facilities.,民用核设施,:,核反应堆保护设施,- Air tank,:,medical and industrial storage tank.,储气罐等,:,医用、工业用储罐,Energy Saving,节能减排,- Limited by worlds carbon emission, the potential market of CF cars will be over,600,000 tons.,受世界碳排放所限,未来汽车用碳纤维潜在市场超过,60,万吨,Engineering Development,工程开发,- Improve the capacity of one production line to 4000 tons/year, reduce cost of civil CF; expand the total,production capacity, include CF and prepreg.,提高单线产能至,4000,吨,/,年,民用碳纤维成本降到最低;扩大总产能,包括碳纤维和预浸料。,Development trend of CF indust,6,Overview of CF industry in China,国内碳纤维产业现状,There are about 40 CF companies in China, PAN precursor production capacity is about,250 million tons a year; PAN CF is about 8500 tons a year;,国内有大小碳纤维企业约,40,家,,PAN,基碳纤维原丝形成约,25000,万吨,/,年生产能力;,PAN,基碳纤维形成约,8500,吨,/,年生产能力;,Product structure,:,产品结构:,In 2015, it expects that domestic CF demand will reach at 15000 tons a year.,预计,2015,年国内碳纤维年总需求量将达到,15000,吨;,T300 CF,T700 CF,T800 CF,M50J CF,Reach the same high level as foreign product.,达到国外同类产品水平,Complete the engineering development and small volume production.,完成工程化开发,小批量生产,Broken through the key production technology.,突破关键制备技术,Broken through the key development technology.,突破关键研制技术,Overview of CF industry in Chi,7,The status of imported CF market in China,我国进口碳纤维市场情况,In 2012, the quantity of CF and CF-based products is 8560 tons:,2012,年,碳纤维及制品进口量,为,8560,吨,其中:,Processing trade - 67.7%; General trade - 29.1%;,加工贸易占,67.7%,,一般贸易占,29.1%;,Sporting Goods ,体育休闲类产品占,51.3%,,工业用占,24%,,航空航天领域占,2.9%;,Japan is the main importing country, then is America, Mexico, Turkey, Korea;,日本是最大的进口国,依次是美国、墨西哥、土耳其、韩国等;,Overview of CF industry in China,国内碳纤维产业现状,The status of imported CF mark,8,Development trend of CF industry technology in China,国内碳纤维产业发展趋势,Reduce CF production and conversion cost.,降低碳纤维生产及应用成本,1. Fiber production,纤维生产,2. Composite application,复合材料应用,Develop new products and new technology.,新产品、新技术的开发,1. N,ew products which are suitable for,the market needs.,适合市场需要的新产品,2.,Molding technology of composite products.,复合材料制品成型技术,Recycled CF material.,碳纤维材料循环再利用,Development trend of CF indust,9,Market maturity,市场成熟度,Application,应用领域,Maturity market,成熟市场,Aerospace, national defense and aircraft manufacturing.,航空航天、国防军工和飞机制造,Sporting Goods and Leisure.,体育休闲,Emerged market,新兴市场,Wind turbine blade, pressure vessel, construction reinforcement, textile equipment, electric heating and friction material.,风力发电叶片、压力容器、建筑补强、纺织器材、电加热、摩擦材料,Potential market,潜在市场,Civil car, medical instruments, CF reinforced engineering plastic, sucker rods.,民用汽车、医疗器械、碳纤维基增强工程塑料、深海油田的钻井平台,CF market in China,国内碳纤维市场应用领域,Market maturityApplicationMat,10,4,industries will drive the CF market growth in next few years,未来几年,中国四大产业将带动碳纤维市场强势增长,Aircraft,大飞机项目,At high oil price stage, CF composite material with lightweight structure and low maintenance cost advantage,will impact aluminum structure market. More and more aircraft designs start to use composite material.,在高油价时代,碳纤维复合材料结构轻巧、维修费用低的优势必将极大地冲击了铝材承力结构一统天下的局面,新型飞机设计开,始越来越多地采用先进复合材料。,Offshore Wind,海上风力发电,China plan to build up wind power stations at 30 mile from coast. These stations may build on the huge,floating bodies, or build on shelf which are in 120 feet deep under water. As wind on sea in stronger than on,the,land, wind power station will have a good development prospect.,中国计划在距离海岸大约,30,英里的地方大规模建造水上风力发电站,这些发电站可能建在巨大的浮体上,也可能深入水下,120,英,尺建在大陆架上。鉴于海面上风力通常比地面上大,因此海上风力发电更具有发展前景。,Lightweight automotive,汽车轻量化,Its a advance for lightweight, emission reduction and energy conservation of car. At present, with CF price,reduces, more and more car parts are started to use CF reinforced material.,对汽车的减重、减排、节能,是一种强制性的推进。目前,随着碳纤维价格的下降,越来越多的汽车部件开始使用碳纤维增强复,合材料。,High-speed railway,高速铁路领域,”CF” will play a significant role in high-speed railway, and will make China CF volume keep in “high demand”.,“,碳纤维,”,将发挥举足轻重的作用,使得中国碳纤维用量一直持续,“,高温,”,。,4 industries will drive the CF,11,Expand composite material applications in high-end market, eg: aerospace, transportation, wind power, new energy and renewable energy, offshore oil and power network.,拓展复合材料在航空航天、交通运输,风电、新能源和可再生能源、海洋石油开发、智能电网建设等高端市场的应用。,Expand composite material applications in China,拓展国内碳纤维复合材料应用领域,Wind turbine blade made by composite material,复合材料风电叶片,Outer wings,外翼,Expand composite material appl,12,Expand composite material applications in China,拓展国内碳纤维复合材料应用领域,Expand composite material appl,13,CF bicycle,开发碳纤维复材自行车市场,CF rapier for looms,纺织机械配件,-,碳纤维剑杆、轴,CF gas tank,碳纤维储气罐,Other fields,其他领域,Other fields,14,碳纤维产业现状与发展ppt课件,15,二、,Main problems of CF development in China,我国碳纤维发展存在的主要问题,”Bottleneck” issue - manufacturing technology and scale benefit,制备技术,&,规模效益,中国碳纤维产业发展的“瓶颈”,CF companies in foreign countries are in high concentration and most of,them are chemical fiber manufacturers(eg. Toray, Toho, AKSA and Tairyfil) .,国外碳纤维生产企业集中度高,且大都是化纤生产制造企业,(,如日本东丽、 东邦、土耳其,AKSA,、台湾台塑,),Main problems:,我国碳纤维产业存在的主要问题:,Stability of product quality need to be improved and commercializing high-end products is,still at developing stage;,产品质量稳定性有待提高,高端产品产业化仍在攻关;,Lag in development of application technology, restrict CF production in China;,应用技术开发相对落后,制约国内碳纤维产能发挥;,Lag in equipments and technology, the cost of production is too high;,装备技术落后,生产成本偏高;,Intense,i,nternational competition,国际竞争形势严峻,二、Main problems of CF developm,16,Carbon fiber production field,碳纤维生产领域,Development mode,:,small-scale production, high investment cost, lack of product variety, quality stability need to be improved, low investment rate of return;,发展模式:生产规模小、投资成本高,产品品种不够丰富、质量稳定性需提高,投资回报低;,State-of-the-art facilities rely on import;,高端核心装备需依靠进口;,Compatibility of sizing agent, resins chemistry and surface treatment agent with applications need to be improved,;,油剂、上浆剂和表面处理剂等与应用相结合的相关配套待加强;,Specification not regulated;,标准不健全;,Carbon fiber production fieldD,17,Product,产品,Domestic,国内,Toray,东丽,GQ3522,Application basically meet the mature and is developing the civilian market.,基本能达到应用成熟,民用市场逐渐开拓,。,Quality is stable with cost advantage,质量稳定,成本优势,GQ4522,Many companies tackle critical points break through industrialization.,多家攻关,产业化突破,Product is maturity;,产品成熟;,Quantity of industry and civilian are large;,工业和民用量大;,Technical and cost advantage.,技术、成本优势;,QZ5526,Relevant research institutes and companies are researching on it.,相关科研院所和企业正研究,Use many volumes in B787.,在,B787,上大量使用,QZ5526,above,Is ready to research it.,准备研究,T1000,series,T1000,系列,GM3040,Tackle critical points.,攻关,High-modulus product in early period.,比较早期的高模量品种,GM3040 above,Is ready to research it.,准备研究,M46J,M60J,Chinese products compared with Torays,国内与日本东丽碳纤维产品系列对比表,Product portfolio and level,产品系列和水平,GQ3522, GQ4522, QZ5526 are the national standard grades of PAN carbon fiber.(,GB/T 26752-2011,),GQ3522,、,GQ4522,、,QZ5526,均为聚丙烯腈基碳纤维国家标准牌号,(GB/T 26752-2011),Product 产品Domestic 国内Toray,18,Domestic,国内,International,国外,Aerospace,航空航天,aviation is maturity, aerospace is starting.,航天成熟,航空起步,application is maturity.,成熟应用,Aviation,航天,poor performance; apply in non-bearing elements.,性能较差,应用于非承力结构件,apply large volume to one and two grade elements.,大量应用于,1,、,2,级结构件,Aerospace,航空,applications of missile and rocket is maturity.,导弹、火箭应用成熟,apply to missile, rocket, shuttle and so on.,导弹、火箭、航天飞机等,Industrial,工业用,at development and starting stage.,研发、起步阶段,solve technique problems; at application promotion stage.,技术解决,应用推广阶段,Wind blade,风力发电叶片,develop CF applies to over 3MW wind turbine blade and small size turbine blade.,研发碳纤维在,3MW,以上叶片、小型叶片应用,mature technique; expand applications.,技术成熟,应用上升,Sucker rod,抽油杆,small volume production and application.,小批量生产和应用,Cable core,电缆导线芯,solved the technique problems, a few companies can mass production.,技术难题解决,少数企业能规模化生产,Sporting goods,体育休闲,largest consumption; industrialize production.,用,量最大,产业化生产,the market share decline.,市场份额已经处于逐渐降低的态势,golf,高尔夫球,processed 1546.6 tons in 11 years, the No.1 application in the sporting goods.,11,年加工,1546.6,吨,居应用第一位,fishing rod,钓鱼竿,production volume and international market share is the leader in the world.,生产量和国际市场份额世界领先,racket,球拍球类,consumed 963.8 tons in 11 years, 9% of the total imports.,11,年用碳纤维,963.8,吨,占总进口量,9,Maturity comparison of three major applications between domestic and international,碳纤维三大应用领域国内、国际成熟度对照表,CF application,碳纤维应用领域,Domestic 国内International 国,19,三,、,Cooperation field,合作领域,M,40,T700,and,T800,are sold in China.,M40、T700、T800产品在中国销售,Cooperation of the above products technique and set up factory together.,以上相关品种技术上合作及合资建厂,Low cost and high-efficient production technology of T300 and T400.,T300、T400低成本、高效率生产技术,Build up engineering design and development centre of CF composite together.,共同建立碳纤维复合材料工程设计、研发推广中心,Build up CF composite factory together.,合资建立碳纤维复合材料工厂,三、Cooperation field 合作,20,Thank you,!,谢谢!,Thank you !,21,


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