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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,巧用构词法帮助解答高考猜词题课件,weight,lifting,weightlifting,Yet, shopkeepers may have to spend extra hours to deal with problems, such as,shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without paying for them. ,What does the word “shoplifter” mean?,商店里的小偷,B.,商店里的推销员,C.,商店里的老客户,D.,商店里的搬运工,shop+lifter shoplifter,lifter n.,小偷,Word Formation,构词法,Yet, shopkeepers may have,巧用构词法原则帮助解答,阅读理解中的猜测词义题,巧用构词法原则帮助解答,构词法,派生法,(,Derivation),合成法,(,Compounding),转化法,(,Conversion),缩略法,(,Abbreviation),able,un,able; teach teach,er,space+ship spaceship,visit v. visit n.,Do it yourself. DIY,构词法派生法(Derivation)合成法(Compound,一、,派生法,(,Derivation),由词根,(,root),加前缀,(,prefix),或后缀,(,suffix),构成新词。,un-,否定前缀,dis-,in-,im-,mis-,non-,understand,polite,smoker,agree,fair,visible,一、派生法(Derivation)由词根(root)加前缀(,Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes,over,sleep?,1.,over-,:,too much,over,work ,over,eat,above sth; across,over,coat,over,head,Some important prefixes:,The trains are,_,on Friday evenings. (crowded),overcrowded,Is it difficult for you to,The WTO is an,inter,national organization.,3.,inter-,between,inter,net,inter,change,inter,communicate,The WTO is an internationa,He,en,larged his vocabulary by reading widely.,2.,en-,动词前缀,en,able,en,danger,Reading can,_ your life.,(rich),enrich,He enlarged his vocabulary b,Some important suffixes:,-,ment, -ion, -ness, -tion, -ful, -able, -less, -en,等,sharp,en,a pencil,strengthen,brighten,sharp,adj.,sharp,en,v.,_,strength,_,bright,Some important suffixes:-ment,The city government has decided to have the main streets _.,A. wide B. widen C. widened D. widing,C,The city government has dec,With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and,unconditional,love, dogs can provide the,nonjudgmental,listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence.,(2003NMET),unconditional:,nonjudgmental:,无条件的,绝对的,没有判断力的,With their shining brown,二、,合成法,(,Compounding),high,way,waiting-,room,kind-,hearted,把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词。,二、合成法(Compounding)highway 把两个,However, most of our ideas about the futures are really very,short-sighted, perhaps we can see some possibilities for the next fifty years.,目光短浅的,However, most of our i,For them, playing well and winning are often,life-and-death,affairs.,生死攸关的,For them, playing well and,Down-to-earth,spirit is a necessity. Sharp words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student,down-to-earth,.,honest or practical,实事求是,脚踏实地,Down-to-earth spirit is a n,三、,转化法,(,Conversion ),由一种词性转化为另一种词性的词。,He is a man with broad,shoulders,.,We will,shoulder,the responsibilities at any time.,n.,v. take/bear,三、转化法( Conversion )由一种词性转化为另一种,So when someone has hurt you, calm yourself first. Take a couple of breaths, and think of something that gives you pleasureKeep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean accepting the action of the person who upsets you.,(2004NMET),calm,upsets,hurt,So when someone has hurt,Never,trouble,trouble,until,trouble,troubles,you.,Never trouble trouble until,四、,缩略法,(,Abbreviation ),DV,MVP,SOS,WWW,Digital Video,Most Valuable Player,Save Our Ship,World Wide Web,四、缩略法( Abbreviation )DVDigital,1,It would be easy for someone to,mispresent,himself on line because you cant see him. Thus someone who says that “she is a 12-year-old girl.”could really be an old man.,What does the word “mispresent ” mean?,Making a wrong judgment about,Understanding somebody wrongly,Giving a wrong description of,Forming a wrong opinion about,mis-,sth. is done wrong or badly,present,vt.,describe,1It would be easy for someone,2.,The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a special piece of equipment breaks up the,nonrecyclables,.,The word “nonrecyclables” probably means?,nonrecycling papers,things that can not be recycled,anything can be recycled,recyclable things,recycle,v.,使再循环,回收利用,recyclable,adj.,可回收利用的,nonrecyclable,n.,不能回收利用的东西,2.The computer also counts th,3,.,Another myth about eyes is that they can be,transplanted,. It is quite difficult to connect an eyeball to a new brain,The word “transplant” probably means?,To transport from one place to another,To translate from one part to another,To move from one part of the body to another,To change one form to another.,trans-,change,transplant,移植,transport,运输,交通,3. Another myth about eyes is,When we deal with the problems in reading comprehension, we can use Word Formation to help us, but the context,(,上下文,语境),is also very important.,When we deal with the pr,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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