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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,2010 AES Safety Management Workshops,August 2010,2010,年爱依斯安全管理研讨会,2010,年,8,月,Contractor Safety Management Issues,承包商的安全管理问题,2,AES Contractor Safety Background,爱依斯承包商安全背景,Contractors are an extension of the AES workforce and an essential resource required to complete AES work programs.,承包商是爱依斯的员工队伍的延伸,而且是完成爱依斯工作计划所需的基本资源,AES has the moral imperative (and in some jurisdictions a legal requirement) to take action to prevent contractor accidents.,爱依斯有采取措施预防承包商发生事故的不可推卸的道义责任。,It is incumbent upon each AES Operation manager to ensure that the provisions of the “Contractor Safety Management” AES Safety Standard (AES-STD-3.0) are effectively implemented within their area of responsibility.,各爱依斯运营经理必须确保在其职责范围内有效地落实爱依斯安全标准(,AES-STD-3.0),中的“承包商安全管理”中的规定。,The required principle components of a contractor safety management program under AES-STD-3.0 include:,AES-STD-3.0,项下的承包商安全管理计划中针对承包商所规定的原则性内容包括:,- Contractor Pre-Qualification,承包商事先资格审核,- Contract Administration,合同管理,- Project Management,项目管理,- Contract Monitoring,合同监督,3,AES Contractor Safety Management The Safety Record is Poor!,爱依斯承包商安全管理,安全记录不好,Fatalities 2005 2010 YTD,(Includes 8 Construction Contractors) 2005,年至,2010,年年底的死亡发生率 包括,8,个在建施工承包商),Monthly LTI Rate May 2009 March 2010,AES People Avg. = 0.20,Operations Support Contractor Avg. = 0.41,2009,年,5,月至,2010,年,3,月的月度 误工事件发生率 爱一爱依斯员工的发生率为,0.20,运营支持性,承包商的为,0.41,4,AES Safety Standard Expectations Contractor Pre-Qualification,爱依斯安全标准目标,-,承包商须事先通过资格审核,According to the level of risk involved with the work or services they provide, for all contractors performing high and medium risk work for AES must be pre-qualified.,根据承包商为爱依斯提供的工作或服务涉及的风险水平,所有为爱依斯提供高中风险的承包商均须事先通过资格审核。,Pre-Qualification is the process to assess a contractors past safety performance and the quality of their safety management programs to determine if they qualify to work for AES.,事先资格审核是一项评估承包商过去安全表现及其安全管理计划质量的过程,以确定其是否有资格为爱依斯工作,5,Contract Administration is the process that includes preparing the contract tender documents, arranging pre-bid meetings, coordinating the bid evaluation process and recommending the award of the contract.,合同管理是一个包括准备合同投标文件、安排招标前会议、协调评标及推荐中标在内的过程。,The Contract Administrator shall ensure:,合同管理应确保:,Contract bidders that are pre-qualified and whose pre-qualification information is current.,合同投标人事先通过资格审核,其资格审核的信息是当前有效的,Legislated safety standards and AES specific safety requirements are included in the tender/RFP and contract documents.,招标书,/,询价单及合同文件须包含法定安全标准和爱依斯具体的安全要求,Hazard Assessment of the work site has been completed and provided to the bidders as part of the tender/RFP and contract documents.,在提供招标书,/,询价单及合同文件时已完成工作现场的危险评估,并将评估结果一并提供给投标方,AES Safety Standard Expectations Contract Administration,爱依斯安全标准目标,-,合同管理,6,A Project Manager must be assigned to each contract to oversee the successful completion of the project.,须为每一个合同指派一名项目经理负责,对项目的成功完成进行监督,The Project Manager shall:,项目经理应:,Conduct a pre-bid site meeting with the contractors representatives to review the project, including the safety hazards and AES policies, procedures and specific safety requirements.,与承包商代表召开预投标现场会,一起对项目进行审核,包括安全危险及爱依斯的政策、程序及具体安全要求。,Review the contractors project safety plan.,审核承包商的项目安全计划,Ensure that all Contractor employees attend a project specific safety orientation,确保所有的承包商雇员均参加一次关于项目的具体安全辅导,Confirm the certificates of qualification for contractors on-site employees, and the inspection & maintenance records for on-site equipment.,对承包商在现场工作的雇员均通过资格考核,并颁发证书,并保留对现场设备进行的检验和维护记录。,Complete the final evaluation of the contractors safety performance and make a recommendation as to whether or not the contractor should be considered for future work.,对承包商的安全表现进行最终的评估,并就是否应考虑今后雇用该承包商做出推荐性意见,AES Safety Standard Expectations Project Management,爱依斯安全管理标准目标,-,项目管理,7,Contract Monitoring is the process that ensures that the contractors are complying with the safety requirements of the contract.,合同监督是一个确保承包商遵守合同关于安全要求的过程,Contract Monitor shall:,合同监督应:,Conduct work observations and workplace inspections of the contractors,对承包商进行工作观察及检查承包商的工作场所,Document work observations on a designated form.,以指定的表格记录工作观察结果,Provide feedback to the Contractors supervisor on the safety performance of the workers including any safety violations that require corrective action.,向承包商的监督人员提供工人的安全表现情况,包括任何需要采取纠正措施的安全违规情况。,Stop the job if high-risk or medium-risk hazards are not adequately controlled.,如高风险或中等风险的危害未被妥善地控制的话,停止工作。,Submit work observation reports to the Project Manager.,将工作观察报告提交给项目经理,AES Safety Standard Expectations Contract Monitoring,爱依斯安全标准目标,合同监督,8,The AES Operation specific Contractor Safety Management Program will list the enforcement policies.,爱依斯运营部门编辑的具体的承包商安全管理程序将列有强制性政策,Roles and responsibilities of all involved people shall be defined clearly.,所有涉及的人员的角色及责任均须清晰地界定,The Contractor Safety Management Program will be audited annually.,须每年审核承包商安全管理程序,The AES Operation will provide training to ensure that employees and agents involved in contact administration, project management and contract monitoring have the knowledge and skills required to fulfill their responsibilities.,爱依斯运营部门应提供培训,以确保合同管理、项目管理及合同监督所涉及的所有雇员及代理均具备履行职责所要求的知识和技能。,Implementation of AES Contractor Safety Management Programs,落实爱依斯承包商安全管理程序,9,Group Discussion on Contractor Safety Management,小组讨论承包商安全管理,Next we will hold a group discussion of the typical gaps in AES contractor safety management programs and the typical fixes being made to these AES contractor safety management programs. The discussion will be based on 2 recent AES initiatives in this area:,下一步我们将就爱依斯承包商安全管理程序存在的典型问题及正在针对该等爱依斯承包商安全管理程序采取的纠正措施进行小组讨论。讨论的基础是最近爱依斯在这个方面采取的主动措施:,(1) the 5-step contractor safety action plan originated in 2009 by the LAA Region and requested by Andres Gluski across AES, and,由,LAA,地区业务单位于,2009,年发起的,,Andres Gluski,要求在全爱依斯贯彻的五步法承包商安全管理行动计划,(2) the contractor safety management improvement APEX project for a group of AES power plants that was conducted during the first part of 2010.,于,2010,年上半年开展的针对众多爱依斯发电厂进行的旨在改进承包商安全管理的,APEX,项目,10,May 2009 Five-Step Contractor Safety Action Plan2009,年,5,月 五步承包商安全行动计划,Zero Tolerance Policy,. Meet with ALL contractors leadership (owner, general manager and safety leader) to explain AES safety expectations and our zero tolerance policy and consequences for non-compliance.,零容忍政策。 与所有承包商领导层(业主、总经理和负责安全的领导)开会,解释爱依斯安全目标及我们的零容忍政策,以及违规的后果。,Safety Walks,. A minimum of 50% of the safety walks must be conducted at the contractors work site to validate that they are following up the safety procedures (JSA, PPE, supervision on site, etc),安全巡查。 必须在承包商的工作现场进行至少为,50%,的安全巡查,验证他们是否在遵守安全程序(岗位安全分析、个人保护设备、现场监督等),Gap Analysis,. Conduct a gap analysis to confirm that each AES business is in compliance with the AES Global Safety Standard AES-STD-3.0 entitled “Contractor Safety Management”.,差距分析。 开展差距分析,确保每家爱依斯业务单位均遵守了名称为“承包商安全管理“的爱依斯全球安全标准,AES-STD-3.0,Audits,. The AES business or construction project must perform a self-audit of each contractor performing high-risk or medium-risk work to identify the gaps against our current safety standards. The definition of “high-risk” and “medium-risk” is given in AES Global Safety Standard AES-STD-3.0.,考核。 爱依斯业务单位或在建项目必须对照我们现行的安全标准对进行高风险或中等风险工作的各承包商开展自查,以便发现差距。,高风险或中等风险的定义见爱依斯全球安全标准,AES-STD-3.0,Certification,. Each contractor worker must be certified by the AES business and construction project before starting to work at the AES location to guarantee that they have the proper training and qualifications to perform work safely.,证明。 各承包商的工人开始在爱依斯现场工作之前必须通过爱依斯业务单位及在建项目的考核,以便保证其经过了充分的培训,具备了安全工作所需的资格,This 5-step contractor safety action plan was in response to a series of contractor fatalities in the LAA Region around May 2009 What are the pros and cons of using this type of action plan to address contractor safety management issues?,11,Reactive culture because contractor safety is not perceived as high risk,反应式文化,因为承包商安全未被当作是高风险,Perception exists that leaders do not value the program,存在这样的看法,即领导人对程序不重视,Inadequate pre-qualification process due to lack of clear criteria for selection, Contract Administrators managing too many contractors at one time,因缺乏清晰的挑选标准,因合同管理人员同时管理众多的承包商而未充分地进行资格预审。,Unclear expectations by the people involved due to inadequate people training including poor contractor safety orientation,因包括较差的合同安全辅导在内的不充分的员工培训,有关员工目标不清晰,Safety program trainers are not well qualified,安全程序培训人员未经过良好的培训。,Contractors with unacceptable safety performance are not held accountable due to weak enforcement policy and lack of follow-up with contractor to evaluate and discuss performance,因较弱的强制政策执行力度及因未对承包商予以跟踪并要求其评估和讨论表现,所以安全表现不符合要求的承包商不负责任。,Insufficient on-going communication with contractors,与承包商进行的沟通不充分,APEX Project Contractor Safety Management Potential Issues Identified Do you agree?,APEX,项目承包商安全管理,已发现的潜在的问题,你是否同意?,12,岗位危险分析不充分,Policy is inconsistently interpreted from business to business,政策的解释因业务单位不同而变,Time and money pressures dominate decisions,时间和金钱方面的压力主宰决策,Inadequate reporting due to excessive paper work,因文件工作量太多而未进行充分的报告,Corporate initiatives add significantly to time burden and less time for contractor oversight,公司的积极主动措施对承包商造成了大量负担,留给承包商工作的时间短,所以承包商在工资方面疏忽。,No documentation in place to hand off safety responsibilities from AES to contractors,无文件档案证明安全责任从爱依斯转至承包商,APEX Project Contractor Safety Management Potential Issues Identified Do you agree?,APEX,项目承包商安全管理,已发现的潜在的问题,你是否同意?,13,Identify/Create rotating relief work force to cover outage peak periods,找出,/,创造倒班方法,减轻劳动强度,以满足停机调峰时段的需要,Analyze structure of businesses to identify inefficiencies that could be corrected through reorganization or consolidation,分析业务单位的结构,找出可通过组织重构或合并而得到纠正的低效率问题,Hire third party Contract Monitors,雇用第三方合同监督员,Require some contractors to provide their own people to perform certain contract administrators duties,要求一些承包商派车其自己的员工承担某些合同管理责任,Will these solve the issue?,APEX Project Contractor Safety Management Solution Ideas Do you agree?,APEX,项目承包商安全管理,解决方案,你是否同意?,14,Relieve contract administrators of other duties or create dedicated Contract Administrator positions,减轻合同管理员的其它责任或指派专职的合同管理员。,Improve process to solicit help from other businesses,改进过程,从其它业务单位寻求帮助,Adopt BMP practices from other AES businesses,采纳 其它爱依斯业务单位的,BMP,做法,Review Contract Administrator roles and responsibilities with Contract Administrators annually,每年与合同管理员一起审核一次合同管理员的角色和职责。,Will these solve the issue?,APEX Project Contractor Safety Management Solution Ideas Do you agree?,APEX,项目承包商安全管理,解决方案,你是否同意?,


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