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She didnt like it.,I bought my sister a present,but,she didnt like it.,并列句,并列句,常用并列连词,:,平行,并列连词,:,转折,并列连词:,因果,并列连词,:,选择,并列连词,:,and, bothand, not only but also, neithernor,but, however, while, yet,or,eitheror,for, so,并列句 I turned on the TV.,复合句,:,主句,+,从句,名词,性从句,定语从句,状语从句,1.The boy,who is standing over there,is Tom,2.Because it is raining,we have to stay at home,定语从句,状语从句,3.I know,(that)he is from America,(,宾语从句),名词,性从句,-,复合句:主句+从句 名词性从句1.The boy,Noun Clauses,(,名词性从句,),Subject Clause,(,主语从句,),Appositive Clause,(同位语从句),Object Clause,(宾语从句),Predicative Clause,(表语从句),Noun ClausesSubject ClauseAppo,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,在复合句,中能担任,主语、宾语、表语、同位语,等。,主语,His job,is important,.,What he does,is important,.,表语,This is,his job.,This is,what he does every day,.,名词性从句在功能上相当于名词, 在复合句主语 His,宾语,I don,t like,his job,.,I don,t like,what he does every day,.,同位语,I don,t know about the man, Mr. White,.,I don,t know about the fact,that he is a teacher.,宾语I dont like his job.I dont,Who will win the match,is still unknown.,I want to know,what he has told you,.,The fact is,that we have lost the game,.,The news,that we won the game,is exciting.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,名词性从句,的作用相当于名词,因此主语从句、表语从句 、宾语从句和同位语从句分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。,同位语从句,Who will win the match is stil,宾语从句的定义,置于,动词、介词,等词性后面起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。,宾语从句的语序必须是,陈述语序,。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式,,v.-ing,形式后面都能带宾语从句。,有些形容词(,afraid,sure,glad,等)之后也可以带宾语从句。,宾语从句的定义,宾语从句中引导词的用法,在复合句中作主句的宾语,,引导词,有:,连词:,that (that,常可省略,),whether, if,代词:,who, whose, what ,which,副词:,when ,where, how, why,等。,宾语从句中引导词的用法,I know him .,2. I know who he is .,主语,谓语,宾语,(简单句),主语,谓语,宾 语 从 句,连词,从句主语,从句谓语,主 句,(复合句),I know him . 主语谓语宾语(简,宾语从句的概念:,宾语从句在复合句中作主句的,宾语,。,句子结构:,主句,+,连词(引导词),+,宾语从句,宾语从句的概念:句子结构:,1,)主句的谓语动词可以是,及物动词,:,2,)如果主句的谓语动词是一个带有介词的词组,那么后接的从句做,介词宾语从句,。,3,)有些,形容词后,也可以带有宾语从句。,Im afraid,(that),he wont pass the exam .,He,wondered,if,he,could,pass the exam .,They are talking,about,whether they can pass the exam .,注意:,动词,+,副词,形成的谓语动词词组后也可以带宾语从句。,1)主句的谓语动词可以是及物动词:Im afraid (t,一、从属连词,1.,当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定,句),连词由,that,引导,因为,that,在从句中,不作,任何成分,,也,没有任何具体意思,,因此在口语,或非正式文体中,常省略,Lin Tao knows (that) his own team is even better.,She says (that) she wont take part in the sports meeting,next Sunday.,Jim thought (that) the train was like a big moving party.,He said (that) he would like to see the headmaster.,引导词种类,一、从属连词Lin Tao knows (that) his,2.,当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词,whether,或,if,引导(口语中常用,if,),因为,if/whether,翻译成:“是否”,具有一定的意义,所以不能省略,Lily wanted to know,if /whether,her grandma liked the handbag .,Lets see,if /whether,we can find out some information about that city .,It all depends on,whether,she likes the boss or not.,引导词种类,2. 当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词whether或if引,二、连接代词,which, what, whose, who, whom, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever,;连接代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语。,I wonder,who,will teach us.,Mr. Wang asked,whose book,that was.,You can take,whatever,you like.,引导词种类,二、连接代词I wonder who will teach,三、连接副词,where, when, why, how,等连接副词在句中作状语。,He didnt tell me,when,we should meet again.,Could you please tell me,how,you use the new panel?,None of us knows,where,these new parts can be bought.,引导词种类,三、连接副词He didnt tell me when w,带,how,的词组也都可以引导宾语从句,Could you tell us,how often,you go abroad for a holiday ?,Could you tell us,how long,the meeting will last ?,I dont know,how far,it is to the cinema .,Please tell us,how many,students there are in your school ?,Can you tell us,how old,his brother is ?,Please tell us,how soon,you will be ready .,Could you tell us,how much,it costs to fly to Hainan ?,带how的词组也都可以引导宾语从句Could you,二、时态,1.,如果主句是,现在的时态,(包括一般现在时 ,,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根,据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过,去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等),I know he,lives,here .,I know he,lived,here ten years ago .,I have heard that he,will come,tomorrow .,二、时态I know he lives here .,2.,如果主句是,过去的时态,(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态(包括,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时,),I knew who,lived,here.,I told me that she,was talking,with her mother at that time last week.,He asked whether his father,would come,back,the next day.,He said that he,had seen,it before.,2.如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么,3.,当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理,时用一般现在时。,The teacher said that the sun,travels,around the earth .,The teacher said that the world,is made up of,matter.,3.当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理The teacher,三、语序,宾语从句的语序用,陈述语序,:,连接词,+,主语,+,谓语,+,其他成分,三、语序,1. When will he go to the library?,His brother asks when,he will go to,the library .,His brother asks when,will he go to,the library .,2. What does he want to buy ?,I dont know what,he wants to,buy .,I dont know what,does he want to,buy .,3. Who are we going to meet ?,Can you tell me who,we are going to,meet ?,Can you tell me who,are we going to,meet ?,1. When will he go to the libr,4. Does he know French ?,We want to know if/whether,he knows,French .,We want to know if/whether,does he know,French.,5. Will they go to Canada in summer ?,They re not sure if /whether,they will go to,Canada in summer .,They re not sure if /whether,will they go to,Canada in summer .,4. Does he know French ?5. Wil,1,could / would,是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此宾语从句的时态根据实际情况用不同时态。,注意事项,Could you please tell me,where we show our,tickets,?,Could you tell us,which gate we have to go to,?,Would you like to know,when he will come back,?,1could / would是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此,2.,如果主句的谓语动词是,ask,时,连词不可能是,that,;如果主句的谓语动词是,say,时,连词用,that,She says (that) she will leave a message on,his desk .,He said (that) he was going to take care of,the child .,He asks if I like playing the piano .,You may ask the man over there how you,can get to the bus station .,2. 如果主句的谓语动词是ask时,连词不可能是that;如,3.,当,doubt, doubtful,用于,肯定句,时,后面的名词性从句连接词常用,whether,或,if,;,当,doubt, doubtful,用于,否定句,时,后面的名词性从句的连接词用,that,。,I doubt,if/ whether,he is at home.,We dont doubt,that,they can complete the task ahead of time.,3. 当doubt, doubtful用于肯定句时,后面的名,4.,当,be sure,引导主句是,肯定句,时,后面的名词性从句的连接词常用,that,;,当,be sure,引导的主句是,否定句,时,后面的名词性从句的连接词常用,whether,或,if,。,We are sure,that,he will be successful soon.,The old man didnt seem to be sure,whether / if,he had met me.,4. 当be sure引导主句是肯定句时,后面的名词性从句的,5.,介词后宾语从句的注意事项:,一般情况下介词后只能用,wh-,类连接词引导的宾语从句。,I am surprised at,what,he said.,介词后如果接,that,从句,要先加上,it,再加,that,从句,即,“,介词,+it+that,”,结构。,You may depend on,it,that they will support you.,(that,不能省略,),介词,except, but, besides,及,in,后可接,that,从句。,I know nothing about him except,that,he lives here. (that,不能省略,),5. 介词后宾语从句的注意事项:一般情况下介词后只能用wh,7.,只能使用,whether,而不能使用,if,的几种情况:,介词,后宾语从句用,whether,不用,if., whether,引导表语从句和同位语从句,而,if,则不能。,whether,后可以加,or not,但是,if,不可以,.,在不定式前只能用,whether.,(如:,I can,t decide,whether to stay,.,我不能决定是否留下。),discuss,后宾语从句用,whether,不用,if,。,7. 只能使用whether而不能使用if的几种情况: 介,6.,在,suggest, demand, order, insist,等动词之后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气,即,“(should+),动词原形”。,He,suggested,that we,(should),set about doing the work at once.,I,insist,that she,(should),do her work alone.,The leader,ordered,that the army,(should),set off at once.,6. 在suggest, demand, order, in,主句,从句,一般将来时态,一般现在时态,祈使句,含有情态动词,Do you know if _back next week ? If he _ back , please let me know .,A. he comes , will come B. will he come , comes,C. he will come , comes D. he will come , will come,7.,连词,if,和,when,在不同从句中的区别:,I dont know when he _ (come) . I cant wait here any more . When he _ (come) , would you please ask him to call me ?,will come,comes,主句从句一般将来时态祈使句含有情态动词Do you kno,8.,连词,+,宾语从句 连词,+to do,I dont know what I shall do next .,I dont know,what to do next,.,She didnt decide which one she would choose .,She didnt decide,which one to choose,.,Please tell me whom youll give the letter to .,Please tell me,whom to give the letter to,.,8. 连词+宾语从句 连词+to doI don,9.,有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语从句前加,it,这类动词主要有,:like, hate, take , owe, have, see to.,I hate,it,when they with their mouths full of food.,我讨厌他们满嘴食物时说话,.,He will have,it,that our plan is really practical.,他会认为我们的计划确实可行,.,We take,it,that you will agree with us.,我们认为你会同意我们的,.,When you start the engine, you must see to,it,that car is in neutral.,开启发动机时,一定要使汽车的离合器处于空挡位置,.,9.有些动词带宾语从句时需要在宾语从句前加itI hate,10.,宾语从句的,否定转移,主句的谓语动词是,think, believe, imagine, suppose, consider, expect, fancy, guess,等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致,.,I,dont,think he will come to my party.,I,dont,believe that man is killed by Jim,is he,?,10.宾语从句的否定转移I dont think he w,11.,宾语从句,不可以省略引导词,that,的情况,当一个动词带有两个或两个以上宾语从句时,此时第一个,that,可以省略,第二个,that,不可以省略。,except,(介词)后面宾语从句中,that,不可以省略。,宾语从句紧接在间接宾语后时,从句中的,that,不可以省略。,it,作形式宾语,宾补后宾语从句中的,that,不省略。,I believe,(that),youve done your best and,that,things will improve.,The teacher advised,us,that,we should pay more attention to reading and writing.,We all believed,it,true,that,Mr. Smith wasnt a thief.,11.宾语从句不可以省略引导词that的情况I believ,1. The shocking news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face.,A. what B. how C. that D. why,2. Our teachers always tell us to believe in _ we do and who we are if we want to succeed.,A. why B. how C. what D. which,宾语从句专项练习题,1. The shocking news made me r,3. Weve offered her the job, but I dont know _ shell accept it.,A. where B. what C. whether D. which,4. Before the sales start, I make a list of _ my kids will need for the coming season.,A. why B. what C. how D. which,宾语从句专项练习题,3. Weve offered her the job,5. - I wonder _ youll water this kind of flower.,- Every other day.,A. how often B. how long,C. how soon D. how much,6. Men usually go straight to _ they want and leave quickly when shopping.,A. what B. which C. where D. that,宾语从句专项练习题,5. - I wonder _ youll wa,7. We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.,A. that B. which C. what D. where,8. I want to be liked and loved for _ I am inside.,A. who B. where C. what D. how,宾语从句专项练习题,7. We havent discussed yet _,9. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew _ she was so angry.,A. where B. whether C. that D. why,10. How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on _ he goes with, whether his friends or relatives.,A. what B. who C. how D. why,宾语从句专项练习题,9. Cindy shut the door heavily,


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