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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Seizures,Prof. Jiang Li,Department of Neurology,Childrens Hospital of CHUMS,SeizuresProf. Jiang L,1,Definitions,Seizure,(发作),:,a sudden attack, spasm, or convulsion, as in epilepsy or another disorder,Epileptic seizure,(癫痫样发作),:,a transient episode of abnormal and excessive neuronal activity in the brain that is apparent either to the subject or an observer.,Epilepsy,(癫痫),:,a chronic disorder of the brain characterized by recurrent, unprovoked epileptic seizures.,DefinitionsSeizure (发作): a su,2,Features of epileptic seizures,The abnormal neuronal activity during an epileptic seizure may be manifested as a motor, sensory, autonomic, cognitive, or psychic disturbance. The neurophysiological basis is inferred on clinical grounds.,A convulsion is a subtype of seizure in which motor activity occurs.,Can be provoked in individuals who do not have epilepsy ( examples of provoking insults including fever,trauma, hypoglycaemia and hypoxia),There are many paroxysmal disturbances (funny turns) that mimic epileptic seizures.,Features of epileptic seizures,3,Different diagnosis of epileptic seizures,Breath-holding attacks:,provoked by temper or frustration;the screaming toddle holds their breath in expiration,goes blue, then limp, and then makes a rapid spontaneous recovery.,Reflex anoxic seizures:,provoked by pain or fear; the infant or toddler becomes pale and loses consciousness( reflecting syncope, secondary to vagal-induced bradycardia); The subsequent hypoxia may induced a tonic-clonic seizure.,Vasovagal syncope (simple faints):,usually occurs in teenagers; provoked by emotion, hot environment; preceded by nausea and dizziness; sudden loss of consciousness and posture; rapid recovery.,Rigors:,transient exaggerated shivering in association with high fever.,Different diagnosis of epilept,4,Classification of epileptic seizures,Generalized seizures:,the first clinical change indicates initial involvement of both cerebral hemispheres,Partial seizures:,there is initial activation of pare of one cerebral hemisphere,Classification of epileptic se,5,Generalized seizures,Absence seizure:,brief unawareness lasting a few seconds; no loss of posture; immediate recovery; may be very frequent; associated with automatisms.,Myoclonic seizures:,repaid, brief, usually isolated jerks of the limbs, neck or trunk.,Tonic seizures:,a generalised increase in tone,Tonic-clonic seizures:,tonic phase of rigidity with loss of posture followed by clonic movements of all four limbs; loss of consciousness; duration 2-20minutes; postictal drowsiness.,Atonic seizures:,a trainsient loss of muscle tone caused a sudden fall to the floor or drop of the head.,Generalized seizuresAbsence se,6,Partial seizures,Simple Partial seizures:,when the child will retain awareness with consciousness unpaired,Complex Partial seizures,:,when there is an altered conscious state or confusion due to the abnormal electrical discharge spreading from the originating site to become generalised,Partial seizures with secondary generalisation:,when there is a focal seizure manifest clinically or on an ictal EEG followed by a generalised tonic clonic seizure.,Partial seizuresSimple Partial,7,Causes of epileptic seizures,Febrile seizures,acute seizure associated with fever in the absence of intracranial infection or an identifiable neurological disorder,Epilepsy,chronic disorder of the brain charaterized by recurrent, unprovoked epileptic seizures,Causes of epileptic seizures,8,Febrile Seizure(FS),associated with a rapidly rising temperature,(usually develop when the core temperature reaches 39,0,C or greater ),occur with the diseases out side the CNS,age dependent: 6mon-3mon-6mon,( peak age of onset:14-18mo of age),With normal CNS structure and function,No no-febrile seizure history,Genetic predisposition,Febrile Seizure(FS)associated,9,Clinical Manifestation of Simple febrile Seizure(SFS),Occurs in the children:6mo to 5 yr of age,Typically generalized seizure (tonic-clonic),Duration: a few seconds to 10-min,Only has once or twice of seizures during a period of disease,Clinical Manifestation of Simp,10,Clinical Manifestation of Simple febrile Seizure(SFS),Age of seizure onset: 6yrs,Seizure persisting for more than 15 min,Repeated convulsions during a febrile period,A focal seizure.,An EEG is indicated for atypical febrile seizures or for the child at risk for developing epilepsy,Clinical Manifestation of Simp,11,Information for parents about ferible seizures,Will it happen again?,about one third children have recurrent febrile seizures;,recurrence is more likely more likely if the first seizure occurs under the age of 18 months or if there is a family history,Can I prevent further episodes?,during febrile illness, the child should be kept cool with antipyretics, removal of clothing, and tepid sponging,What should I do if a convulsion occurs?,place child in recovery position,to administer rectal diazepam if a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes,Is it epilepsy?,febrile seizures are not classified as epilepsy, about 3% of children with FS go on to develop afebrile recurrent seizures ( epilepsy),risk factors for epilepsy include: seizures that are focal, prolonged (15mins) or recur in the same illness; first-degree relative with epilepsy; neurological abnormality,Information for parents about,12,Classification of epilepsies,According to the seizure type,Generalized epilepsies and syndromes,Localization-related epilepsies and syndromes,According to aetiology,Idiopathic ( or primary) -in which there is no apparent cause except perhaps for genetic predisposition,Symptomatic-in which the cause is known or suspected,Classification of epilepsiesAc,13,Diagnosis of epilepsy,A careful and complete history: detailed description of the events before, during, and after a suspected seizure,EEG:routine interictal EEG;ambulatory EEG monitoring; Video EEG recording,Neuroimaging (CT, MRI),partial seizures,Intractable, difficult to control seizures,A focal neurological deficit,Evidence of a neurocutaneous syndrome or,neurodegeneration,Diagnosis of epilepsyA careful,14,Management of epilepsy,Educations:,about the condition, the prognosis, and the nature of the particular epilepsy or epilepsy syndrome.,Special precautions:,Swimming: a competent adult swimmer shoukd,be present to provide supervision,.,Domestic bathing: patients should be supervised,in the bath,Cycling: a helmet must be worn and traffic,avoided,Climbing: climbing trees and rocks is best,avoided,Management of epilepsyEducatio,15,Management of epilepsy,Use of anti-epilepsy drugs (AEDs),Not all the children require AEDs treatment,Choice of AEDs based on the type of seizure,first-line drugs for generalized epilepsy: Sodium valproate,first-line drugs for partial epilepsy; Carbamazepine,monitoring,the serum anticonvulsant levels,if toxicity is suspected,to check compliance,with multiple drug therapy,in children who are severely disabled, when toxicity is,difficult to recognise,Withdrawal of AEDS,after 2 years free of seizures, slowly, recurrence of seizure,Management of epilepsyUse of a,16,


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