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Along the new asian-european(新亚欧大陆桥) to Europe (several mounth),.,The most reasonable routeBy tr,6,By plan (at least 15 hours),From putian to Madrid is undoubtedly a very difficult thing. As we know , China only have three direct European airports. They are Beijing Shanghai and Guangdong. so, we should go there first. This is the recent flight from China to spain,.,By plan (at least 15 hours)Fro,7,Travel to Spain,COST,!,This is a very serious question .,Coffee and a pastry or toast for breakfast is under 2,Total Food Budget Per Day: 15-40 (if you eat lunchfrom a supermarket you can eat even cheaper).,Plane ticket: A return plane ticket between China and Spain will cost you around 5000 yuan.,Taxi:A ten minute journey in Buses: Travel a taxi in Spain will usually cost within cities in about six or seven,hotels in Spain:5 star hotel prices for 200 to 300 euros, 4 star hotel price for 100-200 euros, 3 star hotel prices for 60-100 euros, 2 and 2 star-rated hotel hotel prices below 60 euros below,.,Travel to Spain COST !This i,8,Conditions and Custom,Territorial area of 505,000 square kilometers, population more than 45.2 million.,Spanish nightlife is very strong. bars and discos late at night do not close the door. It often closed at night until 3:00 or 4:00. cities such as Madrid or Barcelona, even in winter there are many places of entertainment closed until dawn.,The official language is Spanish, residents 94% Roman Cathotic.,A continental climate in the central highlands, northern and northwestern coastal areas for the temperate climate, south, southeast, northeast to subtropical Mediterranean climate, 250 days a year to ensure that there are more than the sun.,.,Conditions and CustomTerritori,9,.,.,10,What do you think about this?,.,What do you think about this?.,11,The festival in Spain,Tomato ooz,.,The festival in SpainTomato oo,12,About,Spanish,tomato festival,Spanish tomato festival began in 1945, the last year in August to Wednesday, the best known in the world. According to legend, one day, a small band from the city center of horn blowing through the streets, it is the speaker who led Alice to the sky. At this time, a group of young people to whim, throw tomatoes into a megaphone(,扩音器,) , and a competition with each other to see who can throw the tomatoes. This is the tomato battle of the origin.,.,About Spanish tomato festivalS,13,.,.,14,Bull capital of Madrid,The quintessence of the Spanish bullfight, bullfighting season is March to October, bullfighting season, each held every Thursday and two on Sunday,斗牛博物馆,.,Bull capital of MadridThe quin,15,.,.,16,The bullfighter and the cattle,.,The bullfighter and the cattle,17,Francesco,Mengo,Dance,.,Francesco Mengo Dance.,18,Flamenco is Bullfighting (Bull) famous folk art, like the status of the Chinese opera, is also no exaggeration to say that national essence. The origin of her complicated and confusing, according to legend is the Gypsies from India and Pakistan along the street to Andalucia (southern Spain), was there called gitanos. Later, the Arabs ruled Spain seven centuries, but also to the profound impact of the dance. A context of such development can not always get rid of the pain of displaced sad theres a clear sense of the impermanence of life, coupled with the bright red soil nourishes Andalucia region out of the enthusiasm and vigor, it seems that from the beginning to the pathos and passion bears two kinds of contradictions and struggle of the tone.,Flamenco是与Bullfighting(斗牛)齐名的民间艺术,地位好比中国的京剧,说是国粹也毫不夸张。她的起源扑朔迷离,相传是吉普赛人从印度巴基斯坦一带流浪到Andalucia(西班牙南部地区),被当地人称作gitanos。后来,阿拉伯人统治了西班牙七个世纪,也给这种舞蹈以深刻的影响。这样发展的一条脉络始终摆脱不了流离失所的哀怨伤痛还有对生命无常的清醒意识,加上Andalucia地区鲜红的土壤滋养出来的热情和活力,似乎从一开始,就烙下了悲怆和激情的两种矛盾而又纠缠的基调。,.,Flamenco is Bullfighting (Bull,19,Gathering of world heritage,Spain has one of the largest worlds cultural heritage. Currently a total of 42 historic sites listed by UNESCO as World Heritage list.,.,Gathering of world heritageSpa,20,Spain is known for its culturally diverse heritage, having been influenced by many nations and peoples throughout its history. Spanish culture has its origins in the Iberian, Celtiberian, Latin, Visigothic, Roman Catholic, and Islamic cultures. The definition of a national Spanish culture has been characterized by tension between the centralized state, dominated in recent centuries by Castile, and numerous regions and minority peoples. In addition, the history of the nation and its Mediterranean and Atlantic environment have played strong roles in shaping its culture. After Italy, Spain has the second highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with a total of 40.,.,Spain is known for its cultura,21,Oriental Palace,.,Oriental Palace.,22,布尔戈斯大教堂,Hercules Lighthouse,.,布尔戈斯大教堂Hercules Lighthouse .,23,The well-known people and their achievements,Antonio Gaudi,安东尼奥高迪,.,The well-known people and thei,24,Guell Park,.,Guell Park .,25,Picasso was 20, actually the most influential and most creative artists of Spain.,Cervantes of Spains greatest writers, Don Quixote after the advent of the 17th century, was translated and published around the world 1,000 times, to become the second most popular publication, The Bible world famous.,.,Picasso was 20, actually the m,26,Young Picasso,.,Young Picasso.,27,Goethe: I feel Cervantess novel, is really a delightful treasure trove of lessons learned by another man.? Byron: Don Quixote is a sad story, it is more amusing, the more people feel sad. The hero is justice, and to subdue bad guys is his only purpose. It is those values that make him mad. ? Heine: Cervantes, Shakespeare, Goethe became a three-rule in the narrative, drama, lyric writing in these three categories, respectively, the point of culmination.? Hugo: Cervantess creation is so clever, can be described as perfect; protagonist and Sancho, riding their animals, seamless, absurd and pathetic, extremely touching . .? Belinsky: all well-known in all European literature, the serious and funny, tragic and comic, trivial and vulgar life with such a great and beautiful example of harmony . . found only in such Cervantes Don Quixote. ,Imminent demise of the knight class epic“,(,行将灭亡的骑士阶级的史诗,),.,Goethe: I feel Cervantess no,28,Mass priests dress,.,Mass priests dress.,29,The famous wine,sherry,One of the three major wine producing countries:,Spain,About alcohol / 17% to 20% 。Shakespeare praise the Spanish sherry: Spanish in a bottle the sun.,.,The famous winesherryOne of th,30,Madrid with Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid and Getafe three teams,Real Madrid(皇家马德里),Whether in Europe or Spain, Real Madrid are well-deserved first. Real Madrid won the Champions League to keep the number of times (9 times), the number of entry and exit times, the number of victories, goals and a series of records. The Real Madrid in Spain won a total of 31 Spanish league titles and 17 Spanish King Cup。,.,Madrid with Real Madrid,31,Barcelona(巴萨罗纳),Barcelona is the worlds most famous clubs. 50s Kubala, Cruyff 70s, 80s Diego Maradona, 90 Ronaldo, Romario and Ronaldo, and now Di Mourinho, Lionel Messi and Deco are representative of various periods. Rama West teams youth academy is a great treasure house of the team, Lionel Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol and other players come from the teams youth academy.,.,.,32,.,.,33,Thank you,.,Thank you .,34,


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