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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Teenagers should be allowed,to choose their own clothes.,Section B,1a-1e&3a-3b,clean up your room,watch TV on weekends,do homework alone,How often do you do these things?,get up so late,Read the questions. How often do you do these things? Write “,A,” for always, “,U,” for usually, “,S,” for sometimes and “,N,” for never.,Do you ever,1. get to class late?,2. study with friends?,3. finish a test early?,4. worry about failing a test?,Do you ever ,get to class late? _,study with friends? _,finish a test early? _,worry about failing a test? _,Pair Work,1b,A: Do you ever get to class late?,B:Yes, I sometimes get to class late.,1c,Listen and circle the things in 1a that Peter talks about.,Do you ever,get to class late? _,study with friends? _,finish a test early? _,worry about failing a test? _,Listening,1. Peter is going to ,2. He isnt allowed to ,3. Peter wasnt allowed to ,4. He could ,5. He should be allowed to ,_ a. take the test.,_ b. pass the test.,_ c. fail a math test.,_ d. take the test later.,_ e. get to class late.,1d,Listen again. Match these sentence,parts.,d,b,a,e,c,_ the test,参加考试,_ the test,考试不及格,_ the test _,补考,_ the test,考试通过,test,n. & v.,测试;检验,Fill in the blanks.,later,pass,take,take,fail,I dont agree. He should talk to the teacher after school.,Yes. I think his teacher will understand.,Read the statements. Then discuss them with your group.,1e,I think Peter should be allowed to take the test later.,With a partner, discuss some rules at home that you agree or disagree with. Make some notes in the chart.,3a,Discussion,Rule,Why you agree or disagree with it,How you think the rule should be changed,cant play computer games,agree -,sitting in front of the computer for hours playing games isnt good,no need to be changed,Rule,Why you agree or disagree with it,How you think the rule should be changed,cant watch TV,should be allowed to watch TV programs that have educational value (such as documentaries); should be allowed to watch TV programs on weekends.,disagree ,not all TV programs are bad for students; need to relax sometimes, rather than spend all the time studying,Rule,Why you agree or disagree with it,How you think the rule should be changed,must be home for dinner every day,should be allowed to have dinner with friends as long as I dont stay out too late and it does not clash with any important family activity,disagree ,takes away opportunities to spend time with friends; makes life uninteresting,Use the following expressions to help you:,I do not agree with ,I think I should be allowed to ,I would like to ,I could if I ,3b Write a diary entry explaining which rules you do not agree with at home and how you think the rules should be changed.,范文欣赏,My parents are strict with me. There are many,rules,in my family. Let me tell you some of them.,I am not allowed to spend too much time watching TV or surfing the Internet on school, and I must go to bed before 23:00, because I have to do homework and get up early the next morning. I have to clean my room every morning. My parents think it is a very good habit to do so. But I dont agree with them, because my room is not always dirty.,Even I dont agree with some of the rules, I will obey them. I think my parents wont do anything that is bad for me.,Thank you,1. He,gets,first prize in the listening contest.,2. The police,got,the thief.,3. Ill,get,you something to eat.,4. Can you,get,the machine running?,5. Could you,get,me Hong Kong, please.,6. We can,get,18 channels on TV.,7. Dont,get,me wrong.,8. I,got,him to stay for the night.,9. We must,get,the ten oclock plane.,Let the word fly,get,learned,eat,buy,1) Where did you,get,that skirt?,2) Go and,get,your breakfast.,3) I,got,a lot from the story.,4),Get,John a drink.,请试着用英语解释划线的单词。,6) Li Ming doesnt study hard, so he often,gets,low marks in test.7) You should,get,your friends to help you. 8) Dad has gone to Hong Kong. He,got,there last night.,arrived,ask,bring,receives,get,用法小结,get,得到,获得; 带来; 受到; 接收到; 买; 达到; 患上; 与(某人)通电话;,处于; 使(某事)发生,使完成(某事);开始; 抵达; 接(电话),应(门);,抓住,捉住,逮住; 理解,明白,Gives as good as one,gets,.,2. The car will find its way round the hill,when it,gets,there.,Can you get the meaning of each sentence?,一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨抱怨),车到山前必有路。,3. Harm set, harm,get,.,4. He who makes constant complaint,gets,little compassion.,5. Its easier to,get,money than to keep it.,害人害己。,经常诉苦,没人同情。,挣钱容易攒钱难。,Do you ever get to class late?,Peter should be allowed to take the text later.,本课时重点回顾,从,II,栏中找出,I,栏各句的答语。,I,( ) 1. Whats the matter with Tom?,( ) 2. What rules are there in your family?,( ) 3. Do you think she should stop wearing jeans,?,( ) 4. How do you often study for math?,( ) 5. You werent allowed to take the test, were you?,II,My parents dont allow me to hang out with others on Sundays.,B. He missed the early bus this morning.,C. Thats right.,D. We are allowed to study in groups.,E. Yes. They look terrible.,B,A,E,D,C,Write rules for your English class.,Preview the new words and expressions,Homework,1d,1. Peter,is going to, _,a. take the test,2. He,isnt allowed to,_,b. pass the test,3. Peter,wasnt allowed,to, _,c. fail a math test,4. He,could, _,d. take the test later,5. He,should be allowed to,_,e. get to class late.,Listen again. Match these sentence parts.,d,b,a,e,c,


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