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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,*,He is having an X-ray exam.,Whats the boy doing?,Why ?,When,?,How often?,He takes an X-ray when he is ill.,When he doesnt feel well.,He is badly ill.,He has pains in his chest,.,What a pity!,Health Problems,and How to Care,Unit 2,Seeing a doctor,Whats the matter?,Whats the matter?,(with you)?,(with your body?),Whats wrong with you?,Are you all right?,Do you feel well?,Are you feeling well?,Is there anything wrong?,How do you feel?,something,OK,with?,Whats the trouble?,head,hand,arm,finger,knee,foot,neck,shoulder,stomach,wrist,手腕,waist,腰,toe,脚趾,elbow,肘,leg,back,感冒:,have a cold,( catch a cold),牙痛:,have a toothache,头痛:,have a headache,发烧:,have a fever,(get a fever),2c.,Pairwork,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a toothache.,A: Maybe you,should,see a dentist,.,A: Thats a good idea.,B: I have a,toothache,.,A: Whats the matter?,B:,A: You should,see a doctor,.,B: Yes . I think so.,I have a,high fever,.,dialogue,B,:,I have a sore throat,.,A,: Whats the matter?,D,:,I have a toothache,.,C,: I have a headache.,F,:,I have a running nose.,E,:,I have a stomachache,.,A,:,You should drink hot tea with honey,.,A,: You should go to bed and have a rest,A,:,You should go to see a dentist.,A,:,You should lie down and rest,.,A,:,You should drink lots of water,and have some medicine.,cold,.,I hope you feel better soon.,2a. Listen .Match the problems with the advice,1.toothache a. lie down and rest,2.sore throat b. hot tea with honey,3.stomachache c. see a dentist,4.fever d. drink lots of water,2b. Listen again . Fill in the blanks.,I have a,1.sore throat,.,You should drink some,2.hot tea with honey,I have a,3.toothache.,You should,4.see a dentist.,I have a,5.stomachache.,You should,6.lie down and rest.,I have a,7.fever,You should,8.drink lots of water.,Translate the phrases,感冒: 牙痛:,背痛:,发烧:,躺下:,lie down,看医生:,have a cold,have a toothache,have a backache,have a fever,see a doctor,Whats the matter with them?,Whats the matter with him?,He has a cold.,He has a fever.,Whats the matter with him?,He has a,head,ache.,He has a,tooth,ache.,He has a,stomach,ache.,He has a,sore,back,He has a,sore,neck,.,She has a,sore,throat.,Whats the matter?,have a cold,have a fever,have a,head,ache,tooth,ache,stomach,ache,have a,sore,back,have a,sore,neck,have a,sore,throat,- Whats the matter with you?,- I have a cold.,Fill in the blanks,:,A: Whats the matter?,B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.,A: When did it start?,B: About _ago.,A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _.,B: Thank you .Thats _.,A: I hope you feel better soon.,cold,two days,have a rest,a good idea,tired eat an apple,hungry drink some water,thirsty go to bed early,stressed out listen to music,Section B,1b Match the advice with the problems,Illness,Should,Shouldnt,Gina,tired,Tony,Julie,Alan,go to bed early,go that party,tonight,stressed out,listen to music,and relax,study tonight,thirsty,have a drink,eat any more,dumplings,hungry,eat an apple,play soccer,before dinner,A: Whats the matter with Gina ?,B: Shes tired.,A: Well, she should go to bed early .,She shouldnt go to that party.,Yes or no,1. Doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang. ( ),If you are quiet and often tired, maybe you have,too much yin. ( ),3. If you have too much yang ,you should eat hot,yang foods, like beef,Dangshen,and,Huangqi,hurbs,. ( ),If you are stressed out and angry, maybe you,have too much yang. ( ),5. If you have too much yang, you should have,some yin foods like tofu . (,),N,Y,Y,N,Y,problem,should,yin,yang,quiet &,often tired,eat yang foods ,like,Dangshen,and,Huangqi,herbs,too stressed out &,angry,eat yin foods,like tofu,Its easy to,Its important to,Its nice to,Its interesting to,Its not right to,Its happy to,Its difficult to,Its very kind of you to,hear from a friend,keep healthy,do homework in time,learn Chinese,help me in my study,learn how to learn,watch cartoons often,get good grades,1. - How many f_ does a cat have?,-Four.,2. -Whats the matter with you ?,- I have a s_ throat.,3. The doctor give me a lot of a_.,4. -I m s_ out .,- You need a rest.,5. - _? ( ),- I have a sore back.,A. Whats the matter?,B. Whats wrong with you ?,C. Do you have a sore back?,D,. either,A or B,6. Billy had a _ fever, so he didnt go to school today. ( ),A. tall B. big C. high D. height,- Whats the matter _ you ,Lucy? ( ),-Nothing much.,A. on B with C. to D. of,eet,ore,dvice,D,C,B,tressed,8. - I have a bad cold. ( ),- You should _.,A. drink some coffee B. do some exercise,C. go to see a doctor D. stay up late,9. Hes tired. He should _ down. ( ),A. lie B. lay C. lying D. lied,10. Whats the matter?,- Im not feeling _. ( ),A. well B. good C. healthy D. health,11.- Youd better drink some hot tea. ( ),- That _ a good idea.,A. sounds B. sounds like C.sound like D. A and B,12. Match the answers with the questions,( ) A. Im ok. 1. Whats the matter?,( ) B,. Since,yesterday. 2. How often do I eat the medicine.?,( ) C. Dont,worry,.,Take some medicine,. 3.,How long have you been like this?,( ) D. I am not feeling very well. 4. Are you all right?,( ) E. Three times a day. 5. Is this,serious,?,13. Its important _ good health. ( ),A. have B having C. to have D. Has,C,A,A,D,4,3,5,1,2,C,1. I hope _. ( ),A. you better soon. B. you to be better soon.,C. you are better soon. D. You be better soon.,2. I feel tired.,- _. ( ),A. Why not go to bed? B. You d better go to bed.,C. Why dont you go to bed? D. All above.,3. What would you like ?,- _. ( ),A. Hot tea with honey. B. Hot tea in honey.,C. Honey of tea. D. Hot honey with tea.,4. I got a terrible _. ( ),A.,teethache,B. toothache C. toothaches,5. There are yin and yang _. ( ),A. food B. foods C. feed D. fed,6. Tofu and bean sprouts are kind of _ food. ( ),A. yin B. yang C. yin and yang D. yin or yang,7. eating,Dangshen,and,Huangqi,herbs _ also good _ this. ( ),A. is; for B. are ; for C. are ; to D. is;to,D,D,A,B,B,A,A,根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。,Have a fever ; doctor told me to stay in bed for two days,Cant go to school today ; tomorrow ; hope,Get well; very soon; thank you,Dear Miss Ding:,Im sorry to tell you that Im net feeling well today.,I have a fever . The doctor told me to,stay in bed,for two,days. So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope,I can get well very soon. Thank you!,Yours Tony,Read the following.,Then draw a line under the health problems.,A: Hey, Ken. How are you?,B: Oh, Im not so good, actually.,A: Why? Whats the matter?,B: Well, I have a headache and a backache.,A: Maybe you have the flu.,B: No, I think I just miss Japan,- I feel a little homesick.,A: Thats too bad. But I think I can help you. Lets,have lunch at that new Japanese restaurant.,B: Thats a great idea. Thanks, Brian. I feel better,already.,give get need believe stay,I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night.,A doctor can _ you medicine.,Dont _ stressed out. Its not healthy.,I have a toothache. I _ to see a dentist.,Eat a balanced diet to _ healthy.,believe,give,get,need,stay,


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